Chapter 25 Relics of the Doctor
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 More than a hundred heavily armed guards with live ammunition finally surrounded Dr. Jack, who was dragging his injured leg at the intersection of the elevated highway.


      To say they help bad guys is only half true.


        Except for a small number of people who really like Ethan, most people who regard Ethan as a gang boss are people who surrender or are afraid of Ethan's strength, so that they only dare to behave obediently. At this moment, I couldn't bear to look at a middle-aged man with a broken leg who had no grudges and no grudges. He glanced at them holding guns with chilling eyes that regarded death as nothing...


       Ethan walked slowly out of the sea of ​​guards and taunted coldly:


      "Doctor, you still want to run away? Can't you? Hand over the suitcase quickly...I'll let you go"


       While Ethan said this, Allen and Bud finally arrived. They witnessed all this from a distance in an abandoned building behind the guard.


       "Damn it! It’s too late, how can I help the doctor!?”


         Allen was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, but he couldn't think of any way to help.


         At this time, the sharp-eyed doctor discovered Allen's existence, looked at Allen from a distance, and signaled him with his eyes, "Don't come over."


       Allen was stunned, because this meant that the doctor was mentally prepared for the worst...


     "Ethan came over and took away the black suitcase from Jack's hand and opened it. It turns out that this suitcase contains a seemingly ordinary document, but it contains a lot of secrets."


        Then the doctor faced Ethan's expressionless ridicule and returned:


       " I see that so many of your men are holding guns but you are like a child who is afraid of doing something wrong. Even if you have more power...can you really convince people? Let me forget it!...Get the things and leave quickly!"


         After Ethan flipped through the notes, he looked back at Dr. Jack and sighed:


    "I really want to let you go, Doctor... But I still need you to prepare the serum according to the method in the document before I can let you go... I'm sorry."


      Dr. Jack seemed to have expected Ethan's renegade and snorted disdainfully.


       At some point, Dr. Jack stood on the broken edge of the elevated highway, looked at Ethan and said firmly:


    "I would rather die than help you prepare the serum!"


      Dr. Jack moved his eyes slightly, looked at Allen on the tall building in front of him and said to Ethan:


  "  Even if you get that power, you won't rise to become a king in this apocalyptic world... because there will always be a kind person who is stronger and more worthy of others' trust than you, who can overturn this apocalyptic world and create a new world!"

       Although Allen couldn't hear what Dr. Jack said, he knew that his eyes were saying goodbye to him, and he whispered "Doctor, no!"


       As soon as Dr. Jack finished speaking, he immediately fell back and fell down. Even though Ethan was very fast, he couldn't catch the doctor at all. He could only watch him fall under the 15-meter elevated highway.


      As a result, the doctor died on the ground like this.


       Allen witnessed this scene from a distance and wanted to go over excitedly and angrily, but Bud stopped him and kept reminding him, 


        "No! Allen, don't go!"


       Poor Allen collapsed and sat on the ground holding his head, asking himself repeatedly:


    " Why did you jump?! Damn it!..Ethan, how many people are you going to kill!?"


        Thinking of how many people had been killed by a madman like Ethan, he thumped the ground unwillingly.



       As someone who witnessed the tragic death of Dr. Jack at close range, Ethan no longer had any feelings or guilt for causing the death. He just squatted down coldly and looked at the death of Dr. Jack below, and sighed mockingly.


       "Oh... Doctor, doctor, why are you so stubborn?... What the world needs is a strong and ruthless person, otherwise how can we survive in this harsh environment... It doesn't matter, I still know the north without you. Experts from the city... can still be found to help me make the serum."


       Ethan casually told a few people to bury Ethan and then proudly led the team away with his black suitcase. Only Allen, who was still in the abandoned building not far away, stood up frustrated and said coldly to Bud. :


    " Bud, please go back, I want to be alone..."


     Bud understood that it was useless to say anything now. What Allen needed was space to heal the pain, so he patted Allen on the back and left.

      Alan returned home later and told his mother Kelly and Emma the bad news. The three hugged each other to bear the sadness. Although they only knew Dr. Jack for a short time, fortunately, he brought some laughter and humor. He even gave his precious invention to Allen without keeping it secret, making him unable to accept this age difference between his friend and teacher...


      Allen walked to the bed where Dr. Jack usually slept, and sat there frustrated, thinking:


     "Is there any way to defeat the madman now?..."


      Thinking of the most painful and resentful place, he couldn't help but beat the bed hard to vent his anger.


    “ Damn it!"


      Suddenly, Allen found that the hand he was beating felt strange, and he suddenly turned around and realized...


      Where he put his hand down there was a letter signed "Alan".


      Allen didn't expect that Dr. Jack actually wrote this letter before leaving, so he put aside his anger for the time being, and instead opened the letter curiously and read it slowly...




                 There's a chance that I'll be caught by Ethan or dead by the time you read this, so I'm writing this just in case.

        It's a pity that we grew up in this troubled world where zombies and bad guys are rampant. It's also a pity that you encountered such a cruel encounter when you came to this city. Sometimes I think that maybe there is no hope in this world, and mankind will eventually perish... But until I met you and saw that you are a special young man, I wanted to take a gamble and give you a chance, the ability to turn the world around.

        Remember the big secret I said, I will tell you now that I hide my secret in the following places…”


       The follow”ng content shocked Allen to the point that he stopped reading it. Instead, he stood up in disbelief, as if he had discovered a new world.


      "Is this real?"


       With a head full of doubts and expectations, Allen began to pack his backpack, including the mechanical ladybug "Kirby" that had just been recharged, and waited for the arrival of night...



       In the middle of the night, Allen sneaked through the bustling area of ​​the city to the southernmost tip of Atlanta's inner city, which is a sparsely populated no-care zone. Because there is only one city wall here, you can clearly hear the terrifying howls of zombies outside the wall at night. Residents are afraid that the zombies will break through here one day, so they have moved away. Even the guards are reluctant to patrol here.


      "This is it..."


       What Allen saw in front of him at this time was an inconspicuous small abandoned factory located next to a high-rise building. He used a flashlight to carefully pry open the iron door and enter inside.


       After groping, Allen found the power switch and turned on several broken and flickering fluorescent lamps.


     Under the light, he found that the place was dilapidated and littered with barbed wire, but there was actually a van parked inside.


       This van is like traveling through time and space. It is new and out of place in sharp contrast with its surroundings. What is even more curious is its cute Hello Kitty paint job.


        Allen cautiously stepped forward, took out Dr. Jack's letter, and suspiciously recited a customs clearance instruction that seemed like a spell:


      "Philip is the best"


       An incredible thing happened. The van made a series of interlocking sounds as if it was controlled by voice, and then began to deform and expand without warning, until it turned into a workstation several square feet in size and fully equipped with all the internal organs, turning the small factory into a complete one. occupied.


        Allen was stunned and exclaimed. He walked in and looked around. It was like a high-tech camper with a lot of functions, except that each of its equipment was small but powerful, such as digital consoles, small laboratories, analyzers, and more. There is a lot of high-tech equipment to be explored...


        While Allen was still admiring the equipment of this workstation, a conference table and several seats suddenly rose from the center, and a black suitcase was placed squarely on the table.


       "This suitcase... seems to be the same as the one Dr. Jack holds..."


         Allen carefully opened the suitcase, and sure enough, there was also a document inside, but the difference was that there was an additional figure 8 ring with a full sense of technology and machinery...


         Allen sat down and continued reading the doctor's letter:


       "Kid, when you see this, you must have followed my instructions, found my precious car "Philip", and opened the suitcase to see the contents inside, right? That is the secret and content I want to give you. Gift.

      Did I tell you that before I came to Atlanta, I was doing research in a super-large conglomerate and then escaped, right? Let me tell you the real reason...

        When the emergence of zombies destroyed the human world and plunged most people into despair. The huge zombies made it almost impossible for humans to fight against them. A few scientists finally tried their best to think of a possibility, that is, "superhuman beings". ability".

        If there was only one way to fight zombies, it would be superpowers.

        So the laboratory I was working in, which was affiliated to a large conglomerate, paid off and finally developed the world's first product that can give people super powers - super serum.

        But people are always greedy. It turned out that the consortium was going to use the serum to do a lot of bad things, so I took the risk and stole the serum manufacturing report...

       I know how powerful Ethan is, and the chance of being caught by him is very high. I may not be able to come back and give you this secret gift, so I plan to make a fake report to deceive Ethan and buy you some time. Make the serum first.

        I also know that even this cannot prevent others from developing the serum, but if the world finally reaches the era of superpowers, I hope you can become the strongest one.

       Because in troubled times, good people are always stronger than bad people, and this world can be saved. Maintain your precious kindness and make the most of this gift. "


       After reading the letter, Alan finally understood that Dr. Jack would rather commit suicide than cooperate with Ethan's hard work. He couldn't help himself for a long time...


       He made a decision.



     the next day...


     In the bustling Guard Headquarters Square, the freshmen were busy registering on the big blackboard the detachments and departments they wanted to join.


       I saw a man who was out of place and slowly approached the big blackboard. He raised his hand and erased his name without hesitation. He was none other than Allen.


      "Isn't this Allen? Are you crazy? You want to erase your name!"


       Spencer, who had been severely beaten by Allen with Kirby, still dislikes Allen until now. When he first saw Allen erase the name he had written, he jumped out and ridiculed him.


       However, Allen didn't want to pay attention to him. He just erased his name from the team he originally wanted to join, and said lightly:


       "I'm not crazy... I just decided to quit this ridiculous guard..."


      As soon as these words came out, the people around him turned to look at him and started talking about him.


       Even several training officers came over and were concerned about why Allen said this.


      "Eren, you have to think will be difficult to gain a foothold in Atlanta if you don't join the Guard..."


      Allen didn't want to say anything more and turned to leave, saying loudly:


      "Can you still stand on your own with Ethan here? Wake up!"


       Allen decisively left the Guard, which meant that he had thought clearly. With people like Ethan existing, the Guard was not worth joining at all, and he had to go his own way.