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Opening her eyes, Ash looked around, her body no longer feeling like it was tearing itself apart. She found herself at a crossroads, her normal school uniform replaced by a blue kimono, and her normally brown hair had become as white as bone. Her head had two horns adorning it, with small wisps of blue fire surrounding her body, but she realized that she was dead as soon as she saw this.

About 5 years ago before the incident that caused her death, Urban Legends began to manifest in reality, with one forming in front of her eyes when it happened, this had given her an obsession with the occult and her death was caused by this obsession.

Ding! You have awakened as a Urban Legend.

Urban Legend Growth System activated

Your Legend is: A Girl who was burned alive will set your target ablaze if you call out her name at a crossroads in Tokyo, but do not call her name more than three or you will suffer her fate.

Name: Ash Hitomi Level: 1
Fire Spirit Crossroad Killer
Dealmaker Cruel Fate

She stared at the system message with surprise but relief, she had made friends with an Urban Legend and she had told Ash that all urban legends get a system to help them grow in notoriety, and that the four words under the name and level described the type of legend she was.

"Let Ash hear my call!"

Suddenly she heard the call of a human and was teleported to a crossroads near a set of small homes on the edge of Tokyo, a girl with tears in her eyes staring at Ash, her intentions clear. Gently and without any hostility in her voice, Ash began to fulfill her new role as an urban legend, as they require people to believe in them to live.

"Girl, what do request from me?"

"Please, Kill the man who killed my mother!"

Hearing the request, Ash's mind revealed who killed the girl's mother to her, a man by the name of Red Snake, a gangster and murderer who deserved to die. Teleporting in a plume of fire to the man's location, she set him ablaze with blue fire, her anger at the man's crimes enough to fuel them for an eternity.

"Ah! Fuck what the!?!"

The man tried to put out the flames, only for them to burn brighter as Ash's anger rose at the action, she was an Urban Legend, being unshackled from common sense, some simple human dared to defy their fate?

"Let you burn for your crimes and for your sins against my client."

As the man turned to ash, even his bones burned to a crisp, Ash felt her mission was complete, and teleported back to the girl at the crossroads to inform her of the completion of the goal. As she appeared in a plume of fire the girl looked at Ash fearful, her face frozen in shock.

"I have completed your task. I shall now leave."

Teleporting back to the original crossroads where she awoke, she realized this wasn't her place of death, no this was a different world entirely. Wandering far from her spot of awakening, she found urban legends walking around, her presence not a problem to them, And as if  by routine, a girl with her head missing walked up to Ash and introduced herself.

"Hello, you must have just awoken, I'm Shiro, let me show you around the City."

"Um... Okay."