Chapter 0 -Prologue
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-0. Prologue-


   "The continent of Aferon comprises of Four major kingdoms: The The Mystical Kingdom of Lerasea down in the south, The Kingdom of Orielion, located on the Eastern border of the continent, The Kingdom of Eliond, located on the western side of the continent, and lastly The Kingdom of Londorwin, located up north of the continent. Each of these kingdoms have dungeons for adventurers can go inside, eliminate monsters and get materials for their equipment or sell what they got and get currency from it......"

   "...The Kingdom of Eliond is the Homeland of the Half breed race, located on the mountains where there are dangerous creatures that prevent anyone aside from half-breeds, which they can easily navigate there..."

"...The Kingdom of Orielion, where the Dwarven race reside. In the kingdom is where all the underground passages and huge caves that can go up to several kilometers."

"... The Kingdom Lerasea, the birthplace of the elven race, located deep in the Forest of Jura where the mist is thick to naturally form deterring of all beings aside from elves, who, with their sharp senses, can course freely..."

"...The Kingdom of Londorwin is known for being the largest and populated region in comparison to the other three Kingdoms. As this Kingdom was essentially composed of humans, there are also many merchants from the other kingdoms (aside from the elves) and other trading commodities of many..."

"...While the dungeons almost in the outskirts of the kingdoms contain some unknown monsters, there are some that also could leave the dungeons and stay hidden outside from it. There are treasures that have been long forgotten as time passed, obtainable by those who seek them. There's data written by adventurers and mercenaries, about dungeons and lairs of powerful structures that can even make even the nicest person into an impatient one..." 



"...Between the Forest of Jura and the kingdom of Eliond lies the Grand Mountain which ranges across roughly 80% of the continent, separating each of the Kingdoms..."

"While the Kingdom of Orielion and Londorwin has a symbiotic relationship for resources, the Elves isolate themselves and act aggressively towards each other just like the Half-Lings, but not all are like that..."


Closing the old book of what seemed to be filled with information about the kingdoms, Alter looked around to notice that it was already night time, he let out a sigh that only seemed appropriate after realizing he had to look for a place to sleep since all the inns were closed...


"You’ve got to be kidding me… "