Chapter 11 – Time and Again
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Scott woke up in the motel room bed, naked under his sheets. He had a wet dream and had stained the sheets the night before. 

"Where..where am I?" he asked himself, confused and disoriented. 

"The motel! I've revived on the same day!" he said, noting the room he was in.

Quickly getting out of bed, he got dressed and immediately drove towards Area 51.

On the way, he kept planning, thinking what he should do. 

He was angry with himself as he was so absorbed in the vision of Clara and the Giant skeleton that he didn't take note of when that happened. If it happened today, he might still have a chance of rescuing her. If it was before that, he was out of luck, and like Lisa, he had to find another way to rescue her. 

Summoning every bit of courage he had, he decided the best way was the fastest and most direct way. If he gets an adrenaline high, he may very well stop time and could just waltz right into the base. 

He approached Area 51 and didn't slow down his car at all. Instead he gunned the gas and headed right for the main gate. 

From afar, the military guards aimed their automatic weapons at him and prepared to fire, realizing that he was about to ram them. 

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuucckkk!" he yelled, as he accelerated at the gate even more. 

Just then, he heard the M16s firing multiple rounds at him and he closed his eyes, preparing for a violent death. 

"What a stupid idea" he thought, thinking he would die in moments. 

However, the pain and death didn't come as he expected. He opened his eyes to see that several bullets had actually penetrated his glass and car but the bullets were frozen in time!

"Success!" he said, looking around in amazement. 

There was at least 5 bullets that had just penetrated the windscreen and the glass was suspended in mid air as it splattered everywhere several inches away from his face!

A bullet had pierced through his engine and exited under his steering wheel, and was about half an inch from hitting him in the balls. 

He looked at the multiple guards and even the gun flash was frozen in time as bullet after bullet moved towards him in a line.

He opened the door and got out of the car and immediately ran towards the building he had been in. 

Closing the door, everything was silent. He ran to the room where the giant skeleton was in and it was blocking the door, its back facing him as it entered the room. 

Looking through it's bones, he could see Clara being frightened by the giant and was half scrambling to the other side of the room. 

Scott tried to push his way through the giant, but found that it was futile. Normally he could move object while frozen in time, but this giant skeleton was immovable.  

He crawled under it's legs and rushed to Clara. 

"Clara! Oh thank God!" he said hugging her frozen body. 

Just then, he heard Clara screaming into his ear. 

"Shit!" he thought. Hugging Clara and finding that she was still alive made him calm down and deactivated the time freeze. 

"Scott?" Clara suddenly recognized the person hugging her that appeared out of nowhere. 

But the skeleton didn't hesitate and fired it's purple rays from its eyes at Scott. 

Scott suddenly couldn't move as he fell to the floor. He felt his body feel floppy as he watched a purple flash surround Clara and the next moment, she was on the floor next to him. 

Simon felt his clothes being ripped off as Clara stared in horror at him.

Something enormous entered his ass as he felt an impossible amount of pain as meter after meter of his intestines was pulled out of him. 

He screamed but he couldn't even control his mouth to say anything. Step by step, Scott felt each organ being painfully extracted from his body while surprisingly he was still conscious and alive, feeling everything.

His skin was ripped off and he lay on the floor painfully as he watched the monster do the same to Clara. 

They looked at each other's skinless body as the monster plucked out Scott's brains. 

He was surprised he still could see through the eyes that was only connected to the brain, tongue and spinal cord. 

Then he lost consciousness. 


Scott woke up in a start, and realized he was in the motel room bed again. 

Again, he had cum in his sleep. 

This time, he drove even faster, arriving several minutes before he did the last time. 

He gunned the accelerator and again, he stopped time just as the bullets entered his car. 

He ran straight to the same building and this time, he rushed to Clara's room, unlocking it from the outside and rushing in.

He saw her halfway banging on the one way mirror and instead of hugging her, he immediately carried her out and rushed out of the base. 

Outside, he still saw his car about to be riddled with bullets and ran another direction.

He entered a military car and found the keys in the sunshade.

He tried starting the car but nothing hsppened. It was dead

"Fuck! Machines don't work when time is frozen" he reminded himself.

"Calm down. Calm down" Scott said to himself as he started breathing deep slow breaths. 

Just as his heartbeat calmed down a bit, suddenly there was a loud explosion sounding as his earlier car exploded into flames.

"Wait... what? Scott?" Clara looked at Scott right besides her in a military vehicle. 

"This is a rescue!" Scott said as he immediately started the engine and zoomed off. 

Just as he moved, they were suddenly discovered. 

"Scott!" Clara yelled as gunfire was fired at them. 

Scott watched himself and Clara get perforated by a large number of bullets and the car crashed into a wall. 

Still semi-conscious, his body wrecked in pain, he reached for the body of Clara, who was not moving. 

Then he saw flames engulf them as the car exploded.