***Chapter 7: Coffee Beans & Money Leafs***
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“The extreme summer weather has caused droughts in the south. Meanwhile, Kelido has been hit by record-high rainfall. The government has gone out with warnings of more extreme weather to come. Residents should plan accordingly and follow emergency guidelines as the torrential rains the past week have upended the lives of hundreds living on the outskirts of Kaleido.”

“Flash floods and landslides have destroyed infrastructure. Many have been forced out of their homes and lost power and clean water sources. Humanitarian aid organizations were quick to get on sight. So far no casualties or major damages have been reported inside Kaleido City, but, as with the refugee crisis, the inaction of the government has been heavily criticized by the UN. Turning to our reporter on the scene… tshzzz- “ The reporter's monotonous voice turned to buzzing white noise.

“Turn that godawful thing off.” Vigo groaned through his bandages.

Tobi gave the old radio a few smacks and fiddled with the antenna. “Piece of trash,” he muttered to himself and turned it off. He leaned back on his scratched-up sofa, irritatedly smoking his cigarette and tapping his feet. It was silent except for the light smattering of rain on the metal roof and Vigo’s strained breathing.

Belaphorde sat on a chair next to Vigo with a bowl of soup. Vigo had survived the encounter with the Mask, but his body and mind had suffered. His body was covered in zigzag burn marks and bandages. His hands were completely wrapped up and got his leg in a high resting position. He had lost teeth and his jaw was as wonky as his punched-in nose.

Belaphorde held up a little wooden spoon and with utmost care held it up to Vigo's lips.

"Tastes like horseshit." He complained but didn't resist the second spoonful.

"Well yeah, it's what I got. I don't particularly like being your nurse, you know. Wouldn't be doing this if your guild was not the most sane workplace I've been at. That and Belaphorde pays me well." Tobi said with a wink which the young Guide ignored.

It had been a difficult couple of days. After the battle, Belaphorde had been desperate to get Vigo medical attention. He had gotten up on the plateau where he was met by crowds of desperate people. When morning came around and things had calmed down a bit Belaphorde had found a contact he knew from a smaller drug-cooking gang that Tobi was part of.

He got directed to their base of operations where Tobi was staying, a two-story house with a basement right next to the city walls. Except for the shady basement, the house was good enough to stay in. So with a lot of coaxing and money Belaphorde had gotten Tobi to share his attic room and treat Vigo as best he could. Though the Skulls had burned down their guild’s headquarters Vigo had always kept cash stored in a secret box out in the woods, all of which was being used to pay the ridiculous rent and medical bill.

“Hey, pal. Cheer up. I’ll get us some coffee brewing downstairs.” Tobi rubbed Belaphorde’s shoulder and he offered a weak smile in return.

“I’d like that, thank you.”

The medic blushed and left the room promptly.

“Finally, he’s gone.” Vigo snarled. “I don’t like that boy. An adult teenage boy with too many addictions.”

“Tobi is helping us when no one else is. I know you don’t like it, but please be civil with him, sir.”

“He’s bleeding us dry for all we are worth. Tell me, how are you going to keep up with payments?”

“We got enough for another week. I know of a few guilds that would allow me to join in on hunts. I’m sure there are other odd jobs I could take up.”

“Just don’t get into Tobi’s cartel business. We are honest people. I don’t want you in that kind of crowd. Speaking of bad crowds, don’t forget the Skulls want our heads.”

“I am aware.”

They both went silent as Belaphorde offered more soup.


“Yes, sir?”

“I want you to promise me something. Promise me you won’t ever try to leave again. Being alone won’t solve anything, you got that?”

“Sir… “

Belaphorde wanted to say this whole situation was his fault, that he should have worked harder to get Vigo somewhere safe a long time ago. He hung his head low and swallowed his words.

Vigo stared at him with a fiery intensity. “Promise. I’ll promise I’ll get up and better than ever in - “ He coughed and breathed in and out violently.

Belaphorde could see the energy drain from his face. He offered Vigo a paper bag like he had seen Tobi do before when Vigo would have a fit. His heart had taken damage during the fight leading to episodes of irregular pulse.

“Ah, shit. Let me handle it.” Tobi stepped into the room, and put down two paper cups of coffee on a small table by the radio.

Belaphorde moved out of the way and looked on with worry as Tobi did what little could be done. Luckily Vigo calmed down on his own, wheezing and wincing in pain. He was so very frail.

“Yeesh. You really need to see a real doctor. You need to be scanned, get a pacemaker, and probably a whole lot else I can’t think of. Bandages, painkillers, and soup will only get you so far.”

“I am well aware. Thank you for all your hard work, Tobi.” Belaphorde answered in a neutral tone. He was so scared of the future but did his best to steel his mind.

Tobi slid over to sit by the table, sighed, and took a sip of coffee. “Ouch, still too hot.” The medic held out his burnt tongue and dabbed in with his fingers.

“Idiot.” Vigo managed to cough out.

“Not so dying after all. You are managing just great on your own there, Vigo!” Tobi retorted while still holding his tongue.

Belaphorde could not help but chuckle to which both other men went quiet and looked at him.

“Apologies.” He said into his mug. The coffee was watery and went down easy. It felt like getting a warm hug.

“Wait, what time is it?” Tobi fished up his flip phone. “Announcements to the public are starting in a minute. Let me see if I can get this trash-can working.” He began fiddling with the radio, holding it out with one hand towards the window the news station got through the static.

Since the flooding catastrophe became a reality and with more issues on the horizon the public radio channel designated timeslots for important information aimed at those in the Outskirts. Information about where to get water, how to find and interact with help organizations, and emergency warnings for landslides or collapsing structures, etc, etc. There was no end to it.

“Three Rifts have been spotted inside populated areas on the Outskirts. They are still in a dormant stage but we warn anyone in the areas around Old Town Station, South Wall, and The Hills to look out for monsters in the coming hours. We do not know what has caused them to spawn. Kaledian guilds are sending out Espers to deal with… “

Tobi threw up his free hand. “Oh great, just great. That’s what we needed right now. Rifts! Fantastic!”

“Quit your whining I’m trying to listen! And stand still!”

Tobi was about to retort when the radio let out a complaining screech and he immediately got back into position.

“This just in! Kaledian guild Guardian in unison with the city government has announced that any Espers and Guides can partake in raiding the Rifts. Those who perform well have a chance to be drafted into the guild and receive citizenship. This is a once-in-a-lifetime offer. I repeat-”

“What is this crap? Is this the help package from the government? A fucking show-off tournament?” Tobi was fuming but they listened on.

Indeed it was a free for all event where apparently anyone could just show up and be spotted by an official Guardian agent. Belaphorde did not know if the situation was just that desperate that they needed an excuse to get any help they could or if they actually intended to take in new agents from the Outskirts. No matter, the Outskirt guilds would jump at a chance to raid Rifts and they sure could need the services of a Guide like Belaphorde. He just needed to find a group that could shield him in case the Skulls tried anything.

Hope was alight in his chest as he thought of how to utilize the situation.

“Tobi, please look after Uncle Vigo while I’m gone. I promise any winnings I get out of this will go directly to get us all in a better position.”

“Belaphorde, don’t promise this weasel any such thing. The boy is no Esper, no Guide, and certainly not family!

“Way to speak to your doctor-”

“He’s a doctor that we pay for healthcare. Moneygrubber.” Vigo continued before having another coughing fit.

“That’s enough. And Tobi, thank you for the coffee. Would you like some, Vigo?”

Vigo shook his head and after a bit more pointless bickering they began strategizing. Belaphorde had some soup and checked the weather, humid and hot as hell.

“So that’s it. You will go out, locate some of our old friends, and get paid.” Vigo muttered, clearly unhappy with letting Belaphorde go out on such a dangerous mission while he could do nothing to help.

“Right.” The young Guide sat by the bedside and laced his boots. “But one more thing before I leave.”

He put his hand on Vigo's forearm and began guiding. Since Vigo had no ichor in him it did nothing but give them both some warmth. Belaphorde was looking for words, but it felt too embarrassing and unnatural to say something cheesy like a promise.

“I know.” Vigo smiled and tapped a bandaged hand on Belaphorde’s heart. “Go.”

“Vigo. Right, sir.”

He stood up and promptly left their little attic apartment. Down by the stairs stood Tobi, his thumbs moving swiftly on his phone.

“Heading out now? Time is of the license and all that. Still, can’t believe we normies without powers get no chance at all.” He put some chewing tobacco in his mouth. “Can I get a kiss before you leave?” Tobi smiled with a big smear of black on his upper inner lip.

“No, but I appreciate the gesture. Take care of yourself and everyone. These are hard times. And again, thank you for your hospitality.”

“How you keep up your manners is a mystery to me. Go on then, can’t stand around here forever looking gloomy.”

Belaphorde gave a nod and headed out the door.