The Deal
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"Wake up Joshua! Ethan! Get ready for church."

I groggily got out of my bed. I hate that name. I hate church. I'm not even religious. My parents still force us to go every Sunday. I opened my closet. I quickly took a pair of black trousers and a white polo shirt. Why did I have to dress like this? I wish I could wear my oversized hoodie and sweatpants like I do every other day. 

I exited my room to brush my teeth. I instantly ducked my head to avoid the mirror; I was used to it, but I just can't understand people's fascination with looking at themselves. I brushed my teeth and went downstairs. I passed the hall of family portraits. Each a snapshot of Ethan and I growing up, always in the same drab colors. I stared straight at the carpet to avoid my gaze. I reached the kitchen, Ethan was already at the door. We silently walked to the car and sat in the back. Our mom and dad were already in. She was watching conspiracy videos on YouTube about queer people. The drive to church was silent. Ethan and I had spent most of our lives together, but we never really hung out, or even talked. He stared at his shoes and tapped them.

When we arrived we entered the church. It was just as plain as our outfits; the same shade of white with the only accent color being the beige carpet. We sat in the uncomfortable wooden pews. Soon after, the music started playing. It was a recording played through cheap speakers. I pretended to pray. The pastor walked down the aisle and stepped up to the pulpit. I'm going to be honest; I didn't listen to a word he said. I was lost in thought. I wanted to run away; I hated everything about life here. I just wanted to restart. I fantasized about all the things I could do. Each thought undoubtedly ended in a pang of disgust when I remembered how ugly I was. No one ever called me ugly, and often told me I looked handsome. Everything looked wrong. It sucked.

Eventually there was a period of rest. I decided to head downstairs into the bathroom. I got up; at the same time, Ethan also got up. We both headed to the bathroom. We turned and walked down the steps. At the very base of the steps I paused. It felt cold and oppressive; more so than usual. The hairs on my neck began to stand up. I heard the floor creaking. dust began to fall from the ceiling. I guess we were having an earthquake. I looked for shelter, but before I could react a rift opened in the floor; heat billowed out of it. I stepped back. Then an unfamiliar voice said, "Come closer."

I didn't budge, but Ethan stepped toward the hole. A dark mass swooped up and exited. Before me was a demon… A really hot demon; She had purple skin, almost the color of the sky past sunset. Her black coily hair reached down to her mid back. From her head, 2 large twisting black horns projected out of her skull. She wore a black sparkling dress with a boob window that left little to the imagination. Her dress stopped at her upper thigh, clinging tight to her tall, muscular, femme frame. A long tail with a diamond-shaped tip coiled around her and danced in anticipation. 2 large bat-like wings stretched out on either side.

"Who are you?" Ethan replied.

"You may call me Kypione. I have a deal to make with you two."

On one hand, all we have ever been told was not to make deals with demons; on the other hand, the church is worse.

I asked, "What’s the deal?"

"I've been bored as of late! There is only so much fun you can have where I am from. So, in exchange for me being able to entertain myself. You both get the boons of being associated with me; a pathway to what your hearts truly desire. All your misery will be stripped away and you will be free. If you ever need anything specific from me, I'll be there to give it to you."

That sounded really good, almost too good.

"What's the catch?"

"Oh there isn't one! Nothing I do will hurt or damage you in any way. You may get horns like mine, and your parents will probably hate you for it. That is all I can say.

"So, nothing will change? They already hate us" Ethan replied.

"Well, the form that hate manifests will be different at the very least. Do we have a deal?"

Both Ethan and I looked at each other. We could both see the same quiet desperation in each other's eyes. We turned back to Kypione and outstretched our hands.

"We accept your deal." Ethan said

"Whatever is in store for us is better than this." I added.

Kypione delicately grabbed our hands. Her long black fingernails rested on our skin. Repeat after me, "change me patron, let my old form wither away, make me in your love, time for the real me to see the light of day."

"Doesn’t it have to be in Latin or something?"

"Oh of course not, it's the intent. Also Latin is soooo cliché."

We repeated these lines in unison. With each word I felt lighter, like a weight was off my shoulders. The background started to wash away, replaced with white. As we both said ‘day,’ it went black.