The Atlantis Secret
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Chapter 1

The deafening groan of metal echoed through the crowded Athens subway station. Dr. Cassie Ward paused at the foot of the escalator, scanning the dilapidated signs hanging overhead. She felt a tap on her shoulder.

"Dr. Ward?"

She turned to see a handsome, dark-haired man grinning behind her.

"Nikos Petrakis." She smiled back. "It's good to see you again."

Nikos guided her away from the escalator. "Have you told anyone else about the coordinates?"

Cassie shook her head. "No, I came straight to you after translating that passage in the ruins. Do you really think it could lead to Atlantis?"

"If your theory's correct, you may have discovered the lost city's location after centuries of searching." Nikos' eyes glinted with excitement. "We have to move fast. Your revelation won't stay secret long."

Suddenly, the ground shook. Cassie flung out her arms as the subway tunnel exploded. Chunks of concrete crashed down, enveloping them in a cloud of smoke and dust. Ears ringing, Cassie stumbled to her feet beside Nikos. Through the haze, she could make out figures rushing toward them.

"We need to go. Now!" Nikos took her hand and they fled.

Racing up the subway steps, Cassie glanced back. Three men in dark suits pursued them, indifferent to the panic erupting around them. She looked anxiously at Nikos.

"Friends of yours?"

"No time to explain," he panted. "We need to get you off the grid."

They burst onto the bustling Athens street. A black van screeched to a halt in front of them. The side door slid open. Cassie and Nikos scrambled inside. As they sped away, Cassie knew this was only the beginning of something far bigger than she imagined. The Secret of Atlantis would not stay buried for long.