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Anna closed the door behind her as she entered her apartment after her daily ritual of going to visit the local bar for breakfast every morning. Life had finally gained some semblance of normalcy and routine once the whole affair of the Bounty Hunter was over. She thought that whole episode to be over as she had finally found closure.

Of course, the Bounty Hunter knew her real name but she didn’t think he would bother with her. From what she had heard on the forums, he had his own share of problems to deal with now. Like being wanted for a huge bounty by one of the topmost guilds in the region.

Anna went to her kitchen to put down some supplies she had bought before she had to head out again. She had recently joined another guild and even went on the occasional dungeon runs with her preferred group. She might not like that new aspect of her new life, sure, but a lady had to eat to survive.

Anna had just taken a gulp of water from the bottle on the counter when a voice scared the life out of her.

“Hello, Anna.”

Anna could only sputter and cough as the water went down the wrong pipe and she struggled to catch her breath. When she managed to gain control of her faculties, she asked the voice in a fearful tone, “Who are you? And how did you enter my apartment?”

The voice was quick to reply, dripping with mock sadness, “That question hurts me, Anna, it really does. Why do people keep asking who I am even after having met me? Do I make that less of an impression? I must admit, I had always thought that I was a remarkable man, you know, hard to forget and all.”

Anna felt her breath leaving her as she said, her voice wavering, “The Bounty Hunter!”

The now identified Bounty Hunter released a gleeful laugh. “Indeed. I am glad you didn’t forget me, Anna. That would not have been good news for what looks to be a long-lasting relationship.”

Anna was perplexed and frightened for her life. “What do you want? I thought that our business was finished. Don’t take this the wrong way but I really don’t want anything to do with you. Please leave.”

And that’s when she caught her first glimpse of the man. The enigma that the whole world was seemingly looking for.

“I don’t want to brag, Anna, but congratulations are in order. You are the only person in the world who knows what I look like. You should be proud of yourself.”

Despite the situation, Anna couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Forgive me but I am too busy feeling terrified for any feelings of pride to well up within me.”

“Sorry if I make you feel that way.”

“What do you want? You have a got a large price tag on your head, you know. What’s stopping me from collecting?”

The Bounty Hunter let out a chuckle at that as if he found the absurdity of that threat amusing. “You could. But you won’t. And the fact of the matter is, you simply can’t.”

“As for what I want. This whole situation has made me realize that I need to recruit some people to work for me. You are my first port of call.”

Anna could only shake her head in vehemence as she said, “No, I won’t join you. I don’t care what you do. I won’t be complicit in any murder.”

All she received in response was an unnerving stare before he replied, “Ah, but you don’t really have a choice here, do you, dear Anna? Don’t forget what happens when another knows your name.”

Anna felt herself slump in defeat as she murmured, “So that’s it then. You will force me to be in your servitude. In the end, you are just the same as the guys I tasked you to kill.”

The Bounty Hunter replied with a stern note, “Forced servitude? I am afraid that you haven’t quite got the measure of me yet, Anna. With time, it will come, I am sure. No, I prefer to operate with finesse.”

“What I am offering you is an incentive. While my knowing your name will make you loyal to me first and foremost, you will want to work for me of your own volition. Don’t worry, any work you do for me, I will be the one taking responsibility.”

Anna shook her head once again as she said, “There’s nothing that will make me work for you voluntarily.”

“Again you underestimate me. Who said anything about something from this world? Think bigger, Anna. I will get you the thing you want most. The one person who you still can’t get over.”

The implications of those words shook Anna to her very core. “What are you talking about?”

The Bounty Hunter leaned in as he replied, “Your fiancé. I am giving you a chance to get your old life back, which was so cruelly snatched away from you by the machinations of the system.”

Anna couldn’t believe what she heard was correct. “You are lying. He…..he is dead.” Those words had opened up old wounds and Anna found her eyes watering once again as she thought about her dead lover.

The Bounty Hunter didn’t stop just because his audience was crying. He needed to get his message across after all.

“Yes, you are quite correct. He is dead. For now. Believe me when I say this. The state of death of any individual in this system is not as permanent as we would like. Think about everything we have already witnessed since the dawn of the new order. Do you really think resurrection is such a tall order?”

“No, that’s not possible. Death is the natural order of things. No one can interfere with it, not even this system we live in. And you. Your words are only for enticing me to do your bidding. I don’t believe you. These are just like the words of the devil. Tempting but false.”

“How naïve. Let’s get one thing straight, for I don’t like misunderstandings to fester between co-workers.”, he ignored the squawk of protest from Anna as he continued, “My words aren’t of the devil. I am the devil! And I deliver on my promises.”

“And I promise you, by the end of this conversation, you will be a participant in my team. So should I force you or shall you join of your own free will?”

Anna could only release a despondent sigh as she said, “You make it sound as if I have a genuine choice. When there is no other path for me but to join you. Pity though, I was enjoying myself at my current guild.”

“Well Anna, you don’t have to revoke your membership to your current guild. Consider yourself a freelancer when you are working for me. At least, for the time being. I am not forming my own guild after all. Too much hassle, you know.”

“Now that you have agreed to join me, our first adventure awaits us.”

“Wait, what adventure?”

“Anna, do keep up. I have signed us up to join a team for a dungeon run.”

Anna was perplexed. “I didn’t sign up for anything.”

All she got in response was a wave. “Don’t worry. I did that part for both of us. After all, I was quite confident in my ability to get you to join me.”

Anna could only roll her eyes at that before receiving the shock of her life as the young boy in front of her turned into a pre-pubescent kid right before her eyes. And just like that, she was reminded that this man was beyond her plane of ability and strength in all ways possible.

“Whaaa… what is that? How did you do that?”

All she was an impish grin from the child in front of her as he said, voice full of childish innocence, “Well, you haven’t seen anything yet. Hang around with me enough and you will witness things that others might just consider a figment of someone’s imagination.”

“You know, like resurrecting the dead.” The boy in front of her broke into laughter after that. Laughter that just didn’t fit with the innocent face in front of her. Once more, Anna failed to fathom what she had gotten mixed up in.




“Big Sister, are we going to be safe? I am suddenly feeling afraid in this dungeon.”

Anna couldn’t help but cringe as she heard the Bounty Hunter speak to her in such a manner while being in the avatar of a small child. She still couldn’t get over how he had just shapeshifted to take on another form. No wonder no one had been able to find him.

Just then, a boy of about her age put a hand on the supposed child’s shoulder and said, “Don’t worry. Big brother is going to take care of you.” All of this was said with a bright smile on the boy’s face. Anna wondered if the boy would appreciate the irony of assuring the most dangerous individual in the dungeon, monsters included.

After reassuring the child, the boy looked upon her with another smile, hoping to gain some brownie points for his behavior with her apparent brother.

Anna hadn’t bothered to remember the boy’s name as she didn’t expect to need it much after this dungeon run, one way or another. She was projecting a cool and unfriendly demeanor for much of their time together but that hadn’t stopped the others from trying to strike up conversations with her. She couldn’t help but get irritated whenever she spotted an amused smirk on the Bounty Hunter’s face when she was busy rejecting the advances of the other members of the group.

The group found themselves exploring a level eighteen dungeon. A dungeon that was frankly beyond Anna’s strength at the moment. Only the quiet reassurance that she was being accompanied by one of the strongest individuals in the region was able to make her even dare to venture into this dungeon.

Unfortunately for her, said companion seemed to be enjoying his act a little too much.

“You must be really strong then, big brother?” The fact that such a childish expression could adore the face of the most notorious killer at the time just didn’t sit right with Anna.

“I wouldn’t say so. I am only just strong enough to conquer this dungeon without much difficulty. With my companions, I am certain that we can finish the boss of this dungeon without much difficulty.”

Again, Anna could sense that the man was trying to be as humble as he possibly could, not for the child’s sake but for her sake. Beside him, his companions preened at the praise from their supposed leader. The three boys seemed the type to be followers of their leader, self-assured of their place in the grand order. She couldn’t help but wonder if they would become more knowledgeable of their place in this world by the end of this adventure. After all, sheep walking with a wolf in sheep’s skin never met glorious fates.

To their credit though, the leader wasn’t exaggerating when he spoke of his team’s ability. They easily ran through the dungeon filled with ogres before they arrived at their destination. The Boss room!

To their collective disappointment, the boss ogre turned out to be a mindless berserker, with no idea of tactics. It just charged at their group with thought or planning and was promptly met with a swift end by their group’s hand. Anna finally understood why this dungeon had one of the success rates and lowest difficulties in the forums despite the recommended level of the dungeon.

It seemed like luck was shining on them though when they got the rare drop of this dungeon, in addition to the coins which were to be shared equally among them.

Anna checked to see the properties of the rare drop which wasn’t the usual equipment or weapon.

“Heracles’ Blood: A drop of blood from the legendary adventurer, Heracles. It contains the strength and the divinity of Hercules the great.

Immediately increases the level of the drinker by 1. Can be used by a person only once.”

The atmosphere within the dungeon became chilly within the blink of an eye. No one had assumed that such a potent resource would come into their hands. This wasn’t a rare drop after all. It was an accursed legendary drop.

Anna couldn’t help but groan at her misfortune. She could guess the inevitable outcome of this scenario. The tense air between them was broken by her partner’s childish voice cutting through the air.

“Big brother, can my sister have this? I want my sister to grow strong so that she can protect the both of us!”

All he received in return was a strained smile from the leader of the other group as he replied, “I am afraid that that’s not possible, kid. I need this more than your sister.” As soon as he finished saying that, he along with his companions took out their weapons, preparing for any sort of resistance from us.

During all of this, the Bounty Hunter had gained an impassive look on his childish face. “That’s too bad. I guess we are out of options then.”

Before anyone could comprehend what was happening, he was behind the leader with unfathomable speed. Without giving them the time to react, he twisted the neck of one of the lackeys, resulting in him dropping dead to the ground in a dull thud.

The other two lackeys rushed him and swung their swords at him in a coordinated fashion, making Anna fear for her companion for once. As this was happening, the leader had managed to gather his bearings and rushed towards her companion with a sword of his own.

Due to all this, Anna found herself rushing towards the leader with her own short knife out. Sooner than the leader could reach the Bounty Hunter, Anna had stabbed him the back. The leader fell to the floor before her as Anna twisted the knife for good measure before looking towards the direction where her companion was fighting.

Only to notice that two more corpses had been added to the pile and the Bounty Hunter was nowhere to be found. Before she could look around to search for him, she heard his voice behind him, startling her out of her skin.

“So, did you enjoy it? Taking his life from him? I especially enjoyed the unnecessary twist at the end, just to ensure that the job was done.”

And that’s when Anna realised it. “You left him for the last on purpose, didn’t you? You wanted me to kill him.”

All she received in response was a laugh, a curious mix of amused and understanding.

“You are broken, Anna. Just like me. I didn’t just recruit you because I knew your name, after all.”

“It takes a special kind of person to work with me, after all.”

And as the Bounty Hunter handed her the vial containing the blood of Heracles, she couldn’t quite figure out whether to take his words as a compliment or an insult.

She was broken out of her reverie soon enough though, when her companion said, “Come now, Anna. There’s much scheming to be done, after all. I have got a guild to take on, after all.”

“Oh, it’s gonna be so exciting!”