Idea 6: A terrible curse… or is it?
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"Welcome champion!"

Blinking rapidly, I could only stare at the tiny little... Kitsune in front of me. I was beyond confused, which was understandable as I was only moments ago about to sit down and play some games. But instead I suddenly found myself standing in front of a small, beyond adorable kitsune girl.

She beamed at me and said, "Thanks! I try very hard to keep myself presentable for my sisters!"

I chuckled and said, "Of course you can read my mind. But besides that, where am I? I didn't die, did I? But even more importantly, you are very adorable and your tails look super ultra soft..."

Her smile widened and she said, "Thanks! Sister Artoria and Hecate help me take care of them! But on to business! To answer your questions in order: You are in my pantheons realm; specifically my and Artoria's forest. Secondly, you did indeed die."

Tilting my head I asked, "How did I die? I was just about to sit down in my home. Surely I didn't die because I sat down to hard or some shit..."

The little Goddess giggled and answered, "No silly! Your entire planet was destroyed!"

My eyes almost bugged out of my skull in surprise. Thankfully she continued her explanation, "Your actual universe was collateral from my two sisters fighting. They got a little too rowdy and caused the collapse of your galaxy. Which set off a chain, somehow, and then your universe went pop! It was a very pretty explosion!"

All I could do was smile wryly at that. The little Goddess giggled into her hand before saying, "It's fine though. I am sorting it all out. You're among the last ones actually. So, as you died because of my awesome sisters playing around I am permitted to give you a few options for rebirth! Oh! Right! My name is Tearwyn by the way~."

Nodding my head I said, "Well, thank you for taking responsibility for your sisters and sorting us mortals out. Very much appreciated. So, what are my options Wishes?"

Tearwyn smiled brightly and said, "Yes and no! You have two options. One is a soul wipe, and then be reborn on a new world. Aka, the normal thing. And when I say new world, I mean that quite literally. I made it myself!"

She was beaming with so much pride, and looked so adorable I just had to clap for her. Which netted me a reward of another bright toothy smile.

Continuing she said, "Thanks! I've set up the new world to close to your old one. It's not a 1:1 though, as that would be BORING. Planets with out mana are boring, so I added that! And to push the world into a more technological direction, I left "ruins" of your old world for the people to discover. So your new (old) world is now a magi-tech world!"

I clapped again as I said, "Very nice! And I agree, magicless world are boring. And my other option, Goddess Tearwyn?"

She nodded and said, "The other option is you spin the random powers/world/body wheels! Sister Hecate likes... ummm... Gacha, that's what she said it was! But there is a twist option as well. You can upgrade your power wheel to have better chances at a more powerful ability if you also spin the debuff wheel. This idea is from Big Sister Lilith. Hehe, she likes to give what you mortals call a 'kiss-curse.'"

I hummed in thought for a bit before I asked, "And what exactly on the power wheel?"

She waved her arms around as she said, "A LOT of things! Stuff as powerful as minor reality bending, to tiny things like being able to clean yourself instantly."

I hummed in acknowledgement before sinking into thought. By the time I was done, I had noticed that Tearwyn was now eating a comically large portion of cotton candy... 

Noticing I was done, she made the candy vanish in a puff of sakura petals before motioning me to talk, "I've decided to go with the wheels and also with the debuff wheel."

She smiled with the force of a sun as she clapped her hands, "Excellent!! I love it when you take chances at power! It can be so fun watching you all get up to shenanigans!"

I could only chuckle and was not at all surprise she watched the people she sent to other worlds with powers. I would as well, it's free real estate! I mean entertainment~.

With a snap of her small fingers, four truly colossal wheels poofed into existence to our right. She then waved at them and said, "You may roll each wheel in any order! When ever you are ready!"

Giving her a nod, I walked over to the world wheel first. As soon as I touched the thing, it started to spin at a mind boggling speed. A few moments after my hand had left it, the wheel started to slow down and I was able to see worlds flying by soon enough.

I saw plenty of worlds I new, and even more that I did not. I was glad to see "fantasy" worlds in the mix, though I really shouldn't have been surprised that actually existed. Eventually the wheel stopped on a world I knew about, but not truly: DanMachi. I knew the general premise, but I never actually watched the thing.

As I was trying to think of what I remembered I suddenly heard a new voice behind me, "Hey, Tearwyn~. Nearly done with our mess I see. Thank you for taking care of it."

Turning around, I saw a much older Kitsune with multicolored fur and hair talking to Tearwyn, "It's fine Sister Hecate! I needed the practice, and this has been surprisingly fun! But... I think it is better if you don't let Artoria know. She might scold the both of you..."

The, now named, mature Kitsune let out a nervous sounding chuckle before saying, "Yeah... She'd reem us for sure." Then she turned her attention to me and added, "Ah, finally found a soul willing to try out the debuff wheel? Nice!"

All I could do was give her a tiny wave, as I was very much trying my utmost to not ask her to step on me. Her sudden smug smirk let me know that she too could read my mind though...

With a blush, I powered through and turned around and touched the wheel labeled "Body." Like before it spun at great speeds and slowed down when I released my touch. It eventually settled on "Monster girl: Godzilla." And then a body replaced the wheel, my new body. She towered over me and I was already a 5'11 tall woman. She must have at least 2 feet on me, or more!


As I was admiring my new body, a low whistle came from behind me as Hecate said, "Smash. Totally smash. Nice luck you got there!"

Blushing up a storm, and smiling, I quickly moved over to the power wheel and placed my hand over it. Another song and dance, and it eventually settled on "Elden Ring style Growth system: Level cap removed."

This time, there were two whistles from the Goddess behind me, while Tearwyn excitedly yelled, "WOW!!! Very lucky!!!! You'll be the very first growth system I've ever given!! But, do note that is ALL it is. The system Elden Ring used for players to gain stats and power. You will have nothing else. No quests, no shop, nothing. Just that."

I nodded my head and said, "That's fine. But dang, now I am super glad I took up the debuff wheel option. Unlimited growth in a world with a dungeon that has infinite spawns? Hell yeah!"

Hecate smiled at me and said, "Yeah, make sure you keep that drive and you'll do fine~."

Nodding my head, I walked over to the last wheel and touched it. When it stopped, my mouth dropped open at the curse I ended up with: "All Natural: May never use any type of clothes, armour, jewelry, or have any foreign additions to your body after reincarnation/transmigration. Ex: Tattoo's or Blessings from other beings and the like. What you get is what you got from now on."

Howls of laughter roared behind me from the two Goddesses. I could only stare at the wheel in disbelief at what I had "won." I had to be... naked. All the time. Forever. I could never use any items to enhance myself... no special armour. No powerful swords... nothing. I fell down to my knees and almost felt like crying. Don't even mention the fact that I will be a nudist now!

Before I could break down though, I felt gentle pat on my head, and as I turned to look I saw Hecate smiling wryly at me. She wiped a tear away before saying, "Sorry, sorry. It's funny, but at the same time it kind of offends me on a conceptual level. One of my Authorities is Drip after all! So, I'll do you a solid. I can't over turn this wheel, but I can... mod it a bit. So, I'll do just that!"

With a snap of her fingers, the words on the wheel changed slightly. There was a new section that read, "However, if the clothes or weapons have special properties you will be able to absorbed and added it to your personal power. Ex: Absorb a suit of armour that would increase your defense, you now get that increase in defense. Absorb a sword that has a flame attack, your attacks can now have flames. This ability, and the ones you absorb only cost stamina to use."

I felt relief flood my system at the change. It wasn't pure doom anymore! I looked over to Hecate and hugged her legs and whimpered, "Thank you! Thank you!"

She pat my head again and said, "It's fine~. Tearwyn, if you would?"

Looking over to the little Goddess, I saw her snap her fingers and then my world started to go dark. As I was loosing consciousness I suddenly heard a yell, "What do you mean Tearwyn is cleaning up their mess?!?!"

The last thing I heard was Hecate say, "Shit!! See you later, Tearwyn! Gotta run! Literally!"


This one might actually get another chapter. This was fun to write, and the idea screams at me for some reason lol