Chapter 13 Dark Secret Revealed
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All were now standing outside of the Temple of the Sky that sat below the large purple mountain.   The General had said nothing since he turned off the hologram.  After a long moment of sitting in silence, he exited the large dining hall and went outside to stand and stare at the incredible view.  Everyone followed and none asked him any questions because they were all in shock at what they had just heard.  Billions were gone and all felt they were gone forever, never to be seen again.  An unbearable pain that these nine knew well after they lost their families and home worlds.

A dense fog had accumulated around the barrier of the large civilization.  Light from the two suns broke through the fog as if trying to escape from within creating views that only this planet could provide.  A cool breeze blew across the landscape that lightly caressed the towering trees and flowing valleys of brilliantly colorful blossoms and other extraordinary plant life.  Sounds of powerful waterfalls and great rivers echoed in the distance that seemed to bring peace to anyone that listened. For a long moment, the General breathed in the surrounding views and sounds in attempt to heal and calm the pain that he was suffering in reliving these harsh memories. 

He then turned and saw all staring at him, and he knew it was time to continue the story.  “After the new King’s coronation, he immediately called the leaders of the lower world to join him in a huge gathering on Mount Olympus.  He spoke of a want to come together, to end all evil, and to have enduring peace.  He was so elegant in how he presented it.  He called it the forming of a New World.  A New World that will never die and will continually give all of its citizens everything that they need to live, prosper and learn.”  He paused and looked out across the landscape again. Anguish still appeared on his pale skin face. He knew of the dark secrets still to come that he did not want to reveal.  “We all believed him.  We all thought this was finally the answer we were waiting for, peace and happiness for all.”  He again paused, looking down, pondering on the past.  He turned to face the group again and said with great power, “Then he showed them the technology that he had created!  Their eyes were shocked, just as you were, at what they saw!  This is what made them love him!  He wanted to share that power with them so that they all could live like him!  Like us!”  He then paused and sighed heavily.  He then continued but with less passion, “It truly was incredible.  If you all could have been there you would understand why it was such a powerful moment.”  He looked at Rose, who nodded her approval. 

The General then walked up the path to the Temple and all followed but instead of going through the entrance he followed the path to the side of the building and stopped at the first pillar.  “The leaders of the lower world entered into a treaty with those that lived on Mount Olympus, and they began what they hoped for as being a New World of peace and happiness to everyone.  The first step was to create a new government.  What they decided on was to elect twelve judges or a council.  These twelve would be the deciding factor in how laws are interpreted and how they should be followed.  There also were elected lower judges that could give their interpretation, but these twelve would have the final word.  What was so peculiar about these twelve is that they would also be the literal protectors of our World.  They were given incredible powers so that they could defend us from our enemies.”  The General then pointed at the first pillar and began to walk down the path towards the other side of the building, pointing at each pillar.  At the same time, he spoke to the group, “Meet your twelve judges and protectors of Olympus.  Each pillar gives you a face of their perfect likeness.”

Igetis immediately looked at Rose because he saw that one looked identical to her.  He gestured to the face on the pillar that she resembled, and she immediately looked away and gave a heavy sigh.

The General continued, “All twelve came from Mount Olympus, the lower judges came from the lower worlds.  The reason for this was because the King of Mount Olympus persuaded the lower world to allow this so they would be able to better protect everyone from our enemies.  It was thought of as a good gesture on his part as all of us trusted his judgment.  These twelve would also be the ones to first enter the device and demonstrate the powers they develop, showing the true power of Olympus.  The ceremonies for these events were truly spiritual.  Millions watched as each one stepped into the device and was filled with incredible power.  They did not only come to witness their transformation but to worship them.  Everyone looked on them as not only judges and protectors but as gods.” The General then rubbed his chin and looked at Rose.  She knew what he was going to say next.  “Rose was one of the first that experienced that ever-changing event.” All nine looked upon Rose. She saw the look in their eyes change to what she remembered seeing every day when she lived with the billions of species in this galaxy. A look of hope and awe.  “I as well have stepped into the device, but I was not one of the twelve.”

“How many have received this power or as you say, ‘stepped into the device’?”  asked Igetis. His large frog-like eyes showing his excitement, but also his concern.

“There were fifteen overall,” answered the General.  “Each of us found that we could do incredible things.  We became more powerful than we ever thought possible.” All nine looked at each other with shocked faces, wondering if this story was real. “Some of us stronger than others, but all were given great gifts.”  He then paused and looked at the group and could see what they were thinking.  “We did want those of the lower world to be gifted with this power, but the King felt it best to wait to see that there were no harsh effects.  I must admit that the effects of the device are quite overpowering.  We still do not know how it would affect someone that has never felt the effects of Mount Olympus.  But looking back on everything that has occurred, I believe it was a ploy to make sure it was only his followers had such incredible power.”

“So, the treaty was a lie?”  asked Dyamion with concern on his face.

“Not all of it,” he answered as he sat himself down on the step leading up towards the entrance.  “At the beginning, it was truly remarkable.  Once the government was established, the leaders from the lower world and Mount Olympus met to design the New World.  They designed great cities, farming areas, roads, forests, rivers, lakes, oceans, you name it they designed it.  Everyone had a say on what was designed, and it was unlimited on what could be built.”

“Where did the resources come from to build so many planets?”  asked Tharros.

“Very smart question,” answered the General.  “At first, the plans were to only update the current planet they lived on. Landscape the land, change the rivers, build mountains here and there, build large cities giving everyone a place to settle.  But then the King inspired everyone to build a brand-New World.  One that would be a beacon to everyone so that all species would flow to it and give everyone looking for hope, a new home.”

“That sounds amazing!” yelled Makarios. All eight eyes focused on the General.  “What could go wrong with that?”

“Nothing,” answered the General, with a hint of sarcasm. “So, we thought.  We used our current planet as material to build the New World.  The galaxy where the current planet was located had planets that were unable to hold life.  We used them as well in building our New World.  We searched close-by galaxies where life was uninhabited.  Found more planets and use them as resources.  We were literally turning lifeless rocks into a living breathing planet for millions.”

“Weren’t you afraid of destroying galaxies when you removed planets from orbits?” asked Igetis in a tone that showed his concern.  “The change in gravitation would move planets away or closer to the Sun they are orbiting.  That could affect other galaxies billions of miles away.”

“We researched and analyzed every galaxy that we manipulated,” answered Rose with an irritated tone.  “No harm was done to any lifeform or close by galaxies in our removal of any planets.”

“How can you be certain?”  asked Igetis, wanting to push his point. Rose gave a heavy sigh showing her frustration. “You are dealing with galaxies that took millions even billions of years to form and you are changing them within minutes.  Sounds like you were playing god.”

The General smiled at the response and said, “Some think that we are.”  Igetis face did not change showing he did not like the answer. The General’s face turned serious, “You have to understand, Igetis, that our people have been around for hundreds of thousands of years.  We understand how galaxies are created and how they are destroyed.  You have seen our technology and we can analyze and see what changes would occur when we make any manipulation to any planet, Sun, or galaxy.”

“This technology can destroy millions of lives in minutes,” answered Igetis pointing his long finger at the General. His tone was elevated.  “It seems to me that you thought you could take whatever you deemed as useful as long as it helped your cause.  What gave you the right?”

“We were trying to improve the lives of millions, even billions!” yelled Rose.  “You were not there!  You do not know what we were trying to do!  We were giving billions hope!”

“And where are those billions!” shouted Igetis, shocking everyone.  Rose lowered her head.  “We all can see what has happened!  You became too obsessed with this power and wanted more!  As the General stated, ‘You were trying to be a god!’

Rose was about to argue more with Igetis, but the General stood and yelled, “Rose!”  She immediately looked at the General and he said calmly, “He’s right.”  He then looked at Igetis.  “We only had the best intentions. I promise you, we thought we were making a New World for everyone to embrace.  For all to share and live in what can only be called paradise.” He held out his arms wide to gesture to everything around them.

“Then what happened?” Igetis asked with a look of scrutiny.

The General’s face showed anguish, but he felt he needed to continue the story.  “After this World was completed, there were many species that came to make this place home.  Communications were sent out to all surrounding galaxies, and they came by the billions.  Soon we found other planets had to be formed because of the billions that came so we made new agreements with other species and used their planets as resources to build New Worlds.” The General sat again on the step and began rubbing his eyes.  Everyone could see that telling this story was very rough on him.  “Then we found that we needed to enhance our Sun and then most likely we needed a second Sun so we can build new planets for the billions of species that came.”

“Not enough resources, I take it,” said Tharros.

“We had the resources to build, but he wanted it to be extraordinary,” explained the General.  “He wanted a Kingdom that no one has ever beheld.  More powerful than any other.”  Igetis could sense the sadness coming from the General.  “It was all for him to become more powerful than any other being.”

“Why did you not stop him?” asked Igetis.

Rose lightly laughed which surprised everyone.  “Stop him.  Stop the King of Olympus.” Her tone showed clear sarcasm. “With all his followers and believers.  They worshipped him.  They thought he was the supreme being.  The hope of everyone.  They praised him wherever he went and wrote down every word he spoke.  They thought he could do no wrong.”

 “He…” the General hesitated but then continued, “He made us do awful things.”

No one spoke for a moment because they were confused at what that meant. Rose turned away not wanting anyone to see her face. Then Igetis said, “Please, continue.”

The General stood and turned and faced the other direction so as not to see their faces.  “There were many incredible Worlds.  Breathtaking to look at.  Filled with incredible species of all types.  When they would not give up their Worlds, he took their homes from them.”

Everyone’s thoughts turned to the same experience of when they lost their homes.  Memories they did not want to remember.

“He made you kill anyone that would not…join you?” asked Igetis. His face showing astonishment along with everyone else.

The General gave a heavy sigh. He said in an almost whisper, “He made evil creatures, monsters, horrible villains that would do his bidding.  He would unleash them on anyone that dare oppose him.  They destroyed countless cities, worlds, species…, anything that he thought would make him more powerful. Our job was to release these creatures on anyone that would not bow to him.”

Igetis face showed total shock at what he just heard.  He looked at the others and some stood to help him.  He stumbled backward and Filos and Dyamion helped him to sit on the ground because he lacked strength.  He finally looked at the General and the General continued to look the other way, but he knew what Igetis was thinking.  The General closed his eyes, waiting for the question to come.  Igetis whispered, “The Kraken?”  The General did not answer but could only nod slowly.

“Igetis!”  shouted Rose.  “I promise you we would have stopped him if we could!”

“You unleashed these horrible creatures on us!”  yelled Tharros, taking a few steps towards Rose. Her wings fully extended.  “No one knew of where they came from or how they became so powerful, but now we know it was you because you wanted to satisfy your thirst for power!”  She looked at the General and anger was in her eyes.  “You are the reason why we have no homes!  You are the reason why we have nowhere to go now!  You are the reason…” she had a difficult time saying anymore because of her emotions, but she finally shouted,” that I watched my family die right before my eyes and there was nothing I could do!”  She sat down on the ground and placed her head in her hands.  She began to cry hard, her body shaking.  Gennai lightly placed his hand on her back to comfort her. Everyone else was in shock.  No one could say a word.  After all this time of wondering where they came from, the answer was finally revealed.  No one could have guessed that they were a designed species built by a King, that many assumed was a god, thirsting for absolute power.

The General turned and looked at the entire group.  “You are right,” he said calmly.  “Now you know why we had to imprison our King.”