Chapter 6: Battle of Creations
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Roselle’s successful attack surprised not only Risebelle but also Dr. Kintovar. It was a clear sign of Roselle’s progress and adaptability in the heat of battle.

Roselle’s successful hit seemed to have rattled Risebelle. The usually composed and stoic older sister now displayed clear signs of frustration and anger. Her clenched fists and visible gestures spoke volumes about her displeasure at taking damage.

Dr. Kintovar observed the shift in Risebelle’s demeanor with a hint of satisfaction.

Risebelle began to channel her magic, and the air around her seemed to shift. Dark clouds materialized above her, swirling ominously. Drops of a corrosive, blue liquid formed within the clouds upon the entire room

Roselle’s mind raced as she witnessed Risebelle conjuring the dark clouds and corrosive blue liquid. It was a technique she had encountered before during her battle with Thalindra. She remembers asking the question ‘But if it wasn’t me, then who was it?’ in her mind during that time; however, the answered evaded her; however, she turned her gaze toward Risebelle, who was controlling the ominous clouds with ease.

‘Could Risebelle have been there during that battle?’ The question lingered in Roselle’s thoughts.

Dr. Kintovar had taken precautions, holding up a makeshift umbrella to shield herself from the corrosive rain. She spoke confidently, her voice rising above the sound of the downpour.

“This technique is known as ‘Acid Rain.’ It’s a specialty I designed for each of you to have as a counteractive measure against formidable foes with high regenerative abilities, like the Forest Guardian Thalindra.”

She glanced at both Roselle and Risebelle before continuing, “It’s one of your shared special abilities, but Roselle, you haven’t learned how to use it yet. Risebelle, you seem quite proficient with it.”

Kintovar’s words confirmed Roselle’s suspicions. Risebelle had indeed been present during the battle with Thalindra, and she had been the one using the ‘Acid Rain’ technique. The pieces of the puzzle were falling into place.

Dr. Kintovar nodded as she spoke to Risebelle, her tone serious. “It’s important to know that ‘Acid Rain’ isn’t effective against my own creations. In fact, it has the opposite effect; it boosts their abilities.”

She then turned her attention to Roselle, explaining further. “As for you, Roselle, while you may not have this technique yet, it’s crucial for you to learn. It might give you an edge in future battles, especially against enemies with regenerative abilities such as Thalindra.”

Risebelle’s voice remained calm as she explained her strategy. “My affinity for water allows me to manipulate the corrosive rain from ‘Acid Rain’ to enhance my abilities.”

With a focused thought, Risebelle summoned her power, and the room began to change. The corrosive raindrops twisted and merged with her control over water, forming a powerful whirlwind of swirling liquid and magic.

The whirlwind surrounded Roselle, its razor-sharp water blades making it a formidable obstacle. Risebelle’s actions were calculated, creating a challenging environment for her younger sister.

With a slight gesture, Risebelle sent the whirlwind spinning towards Roselle, making it difficult for her to maintain her footing and forcing her to focus on avoiding the sharp blades of water within the storm.

The whirlwind of water and magic she conjured swirled around them, its razor-sharp water blades posing a significant threat. Roselle found herself in a challenging situation, struggling to maintain her footing as the turbulent elements raged around her.

Risebelle’s voice carried a note of challenge as she spoke, “Let’s see how you handle this, Roselle.”

The young Project Mage knew she needed to think fast and adapt to this new obstacle if she had any hope of emerging victorious in this battle.

As Roselle struggled to navigate the treacherous whirlwind created by Risebelle, her mind raced with thoughts. She couldn’t help but reflect on Risebelle’s earlier words about the importance of more than just firepower.

‘Is this what Risebelle meant?’ she thought, ‘I can’t rely solely on my cannon in every situation. ..’

Roselle continued to battle against the whirlwind of water and magic conjured by Risebelle, she attempted to delve deeper into her own magical affinity. Her thoughts centered on the color that represented her powers: yellow.

‘Yellow… What could it mean?’ she pondered, ‘Is it lightning? Or something else entirely?’

Suddenly, a surge of electrical energy crackled around her, forming an electric aura that enveloped her body. It was as if the very essence of lightning had come to life within her.

The System responded to her unspoken question:

Affinity Unlocked: Lightning Magic

Roselle could feel the power coursing through her, a newfound connection to the element of lightning. Roselle’s eyes widened as she felt the surge of power within her, the lightning around her body intensifying and changing from yellow to a brilliant red. It was as if her affinity for lightning had been supercharged.

But as the energy turned from yellow to a deep, ominous red, panic set in. She knew she had tapped into something far beyond her control. Her magic had skyrocketed to using 200% of it, and she was struggling to contain it.

In her mind, she desperately tried to rein in the surging power. ‘ Urghhh! Oh no! This is too much! I can’t…control it it!’

Then, with a blinding flash, the uncontrolled magic erupted outward, a violent explosion that extended far beyond her intended target. It coursed through the acidic rain and into the swirling water and magic vortex Risebelle had created.

Roselle gasped as the shockwave hit her, her own attack turning against her. Her body convulsed with the immense strain, and she felt a searing pain as her magic backfired, causing damage to herself.

Amidst the chaos, Risebelle was caught off guard by the unexpected explosion of power. The vortex she had created began to dissipate, and she staggered, the corrosive rain splattering against her aqua robe.

Dr. Kintovar watched in shock as the battle took an unexpected turn, her makeshift umbrella barely protecting her from the aftermath of the explosion.

System Message:

Risebelle: 26% Lifeforce Remaining

Roselle: 15% Lifeforce Remaining

Risebelle’s aqua eyes widened in surprise as she felt a protective blue substance surrounding her body. Her initial anger at Roselle’s uncontrolled outburst shifted to a grudging respect for her younger sister’s power.

“You... you actually have this much output,” Risebelle muttered with frustration and surprise evident on her face.

Roselle lays on the ground, her body still tingling from the uncontrolled surge of power she had unleashed. She struggled to push herself up, her strength drained from the intense battle. Every movement was a struggle, but she refused to give up.

Dr. Kintovar stepped forward with her hands on her sides. “Both of you have displayed incredible power today,” she remarked, her gaze shifting between Roselle and Risebelle. “I had a feeling there would be more to you than meets the eyes… you still have a long way to go, but you managed to Damage Risebelle so much… Marvelous!”

Risebelle lowered her eyes and gave a slight nod, a faint hint of a smile playing on her lips. “You did mention not breaking her, Dr. Kintovar. I suppose I held back just enough.”

Dr. Kintovar chuckled at Risebelle’s remark and twirled around theatrically, her pink headphones and shades moved with her as she points one finger towards Risebelle

“Ah, you’ve got me there, Risebelle! You certainly showed restraint today. And Roselle, my dear Project Mage, you surprised us all with that display of power!”

Roselle panted heavily, her eyes fixed on Risebelle. Roselle managed a weak smile, her exhaustion still evident but her spirits lifted slightly by Kintovar’s movements. “I... I think I’m starting to understand what it means to be Project Mage”

Risebelle spoke, her voice still calm but her eyes glaring. “You have potential, Roselle. Don’t waste it by getting yourself killed by any Human, got that?”

Dr. Kintovar nodded in agreement with that statement. “Indeed. Roselle, you’re beginning to grasp the essence of Project Mage. And Risebelle, your help today was invaluable. Both of you have great potential, but it’s essential to remember that you’re our creations, and your purpose is to fulfill our goals. This has been quite the enlightening exercise. Off to your tanks, my creations, it’s time to rejuvenate.”

Roselle and Risebelle went to the second floor of the lab. Risebelle felt the gaze of Roselle as she steps close to her own tank and turns her head to look at her before turning around completely. Roselle felt nervous as she approached Risebelle before stepping into their respective tanks.

“Risebelle,” Roselle said with a light smile forming, “I... I just wanted to say thank you for the training and the battle. I know we’re different, but we’re family now, right?”

Risebelle remained silent, her eyes fixed on Roselle.

Roselle continued, her voice trembling slightly, “I..don’t know what happened in your past, but I hope we can work together and make a strong team for Dr. Kintovar.”

Still, Risebelle didn’t respond verbally. Her silence hung heavy in the air, and her glare seemed to intensify.

Feeling disappointed, Roselle eventually nodded and stepped into her tank. The green substance enveloped her, and her vision blurred as she began the process of rejuvenation.

Dr. Kintovar watched over her creations with a sense of pride and anticipation. The trio of tanks, each holding a unique project, represented her life’s work and the culmination of her scientific and magical endeavors.

With a smile, she looked at Roselle, Risebelle, and the third project, each peacefully submerged in their tanks. Her vision for a world-changing future was one step closer to realization.

The Next Day

Roselle slowly opened her eyes, the greenish glow of the tank’s interior illuminating her surroundings. As her vision cleared, she realized she was no longer alone. Risebelle’s tank, which had been beside hers, was now empty.

She felt curious. Risebelle had been there when she had gone to sleep, so where could she have gone so early?

With her body feeling fully rested, Roselle carefully opened her tank, the green substance within receding to allow her exit. She took a moment to stretch her limbs before deciding to investigate where Risebelle might have gone.

Dr. Kintovar turned her attention to Roselle, her shades gleaming as she spoke. “Ah, Roselle, I’m glad you’re awake. As for Risebelle, she’s already been dispatched on your second mission. Your task is to join her and scout the Mystic Forest. We’ve conducted numerous experiments there, and we need to ensure the area remains secure and free of any remaining humans.”

Roselle listened attentively to Kintovar’s explanation, nodding as she processed the information. “I understand, Dr. Kintovar. Can you provide me with the coordinates or directions to where I should meet Risebelle?”

Kintovar nodded and projected a holographic map, highlighting the location where Roselle needed to meet Risebelle. “Certainly, Roselle. You’ll find Risebelle in this area. Be cautious and thorough in your mission. Ensure that no humans remain on the island. Once the task is complete, return to the lab.”

Roselle nodded. “I’ll do my best, Dr. Kintovar. I won’t let you down!”

With her instructions in mind, Roselle headed toward the designated meeting point, ready to carry out her mission alongside Risebelle.

Roselle met Risebelle near the edge of the Mystic Forest, their location offering a glimpse of the ocean in the distance. Risebelle’s aqua hair fluttered slightly in the breeze as she turned her attention to Roselle.

“We’re close to the forest’s edge,” Risebelle began, her tone serious. “Our mission is to ensure that no humans remain on this island. We’ve already eliminated most of them, but we can’t afford to overlook any survivors. We should start by thoroughly searching the forest and its outskirts,” Risebelle continued. “Keep an eye out for any signs of human presence, and report back to me if you find anything suspicious.”

Roselle nodded her head once more. “Understood. Let’s do this, Risebelle. We won’t leave any stone unturned.”

Risebelle carefully roamed through the outskirts of the Mystic Forest, her aqua eyes scanning for any signs of human presence. As she ventured deeper into the forest, something caught her attention—a small building nestled close to the ocean, partially hidden by the trees. A weathered sign by the entrance read, “Academy of Magic.”