Chapter 13: Roselle the Teacher?
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“I have to teach Magic?” Roselle repeated. She knew well the importance of their mission and the need to prepare Runebelle, but ....

“You realize I’m still learning myself too, right Dr. Kintovar?”

Dr. Kintovar placed a reassuring hand on Roselle’s shoulder. “I have faith in you, Roselle. You’ve come a long way already, and I believe you’re more than capable of guiding Runebelle in her training.”

Roselle nodded. It was her first time ever teaching someone. ‘I have to get this right on my first try... ’ she thought.

“Don’t worry, Runebelle,” Roselle said while wearing a smile. “I’ll do my best to teach you what I know, and we’ll figure this out together. We’re sisters, after all.”

Roselle led Runebelle to the specially designed training area within the lab. It was a vast, open space on the first floor, devoid of any fragile equipment that could be damaged during their magical training.

Once entered the training area, Roselle turned to Runebelle. “Okay, Runebelle, this is where we’ll begin your magical training. It’s important to understand your powers and how to control them. Magic can be unpredictable, so the first step is to establish a strong foundation.”

Roselle demonstrated by raising her hand, palm up, and focusing her energy. A gentle swirling of lightning-type energy formed above her hand, shimmering and glistening in the soft light of the lab. It was a controlled display of her water manipulation abilities.

“Now, Runebelle,” Roselle continued, “try to focus your energy, just like this, and imagine a small spark of magic within you. See if you can make it appear in your hand.”

Runebelle’s hand trembled slightly as she opened her palm, her face still painted with sadness. To her surprise, a greenish-colored energy materialized in her hand, shimmering faintly in the light. It was a small but unmistakable spark of magic, exactly as Roselle had instructed.

Roselle, who had expected a more challenging process for Runebelle, was momentarily dumbfounded by how effortlessly Runebelle had conjured the energy. She blinked in surprise but quickly regained her composure, offering a reassuring smile.

“You... you did it, Runebelle,” Roselle replied with amazement. “That was really good. It usually takes much longer to achieve such control.”

Runebelle looked at her creation with sadness. “I... I didn’t even really have to think about it. It just…..happened.”

Roselle’s curiosity was piqued as she contemplated Runebelle’s unique abilities. She knew there was much they had yet to uncover about their new sister and her potential.

“Runebelle,” Roselle began, “I’ve noticed that your energy has a unique green color. That’s not a common energy affinity among our kind. Each of us has our own affinity, which determines the type of magic we can use most effectively. Green energy is quite rare.”

Runebelle looked at Roselle, her curiosity piqued. “What do you mean by energy affinity? Is it related to the type of magic we can use?”

Roselle explained, “Think of it as a special connection you have with a certain type of magic. For example, my energy affinity is lightning, which is why I can manipulate lightning. Risebelle’s is water, so she can control it effortlessly. And now, it seems your affinity is this green energy.”

Runebelle’s eyes widened with realization. “So, because of my affinity, I can control this green energy more easily?”

Roselle nodded with a reassuring smile. “Exactly. Your affinity makes it easier for you to manipulate and control your magic. It’s a unique trait that sets you apart. With time and practice, you can become even more skilled in using it.”

As Roselle was about to provide more details to Runebelle about energy affinities, Dr. Kintovar entered the training area, her presence commanding attention. She glanced at Roselle and Runebelle.

“Roselle,” Dr. Kintovar interjected, “that’s enough explanation for now. We need to begin the test battle to assess Runebelle’s combat abilities.”

Roselle nodded in acknowledgment, understanding the urgency of the situation. “Of course, Dr. Kintovar. We’re ready to begin.”

Dr. Kintovar gestured for both Roselle and Runebelle to take their positions. They stood facing each other, a sense of anticipation filling the air.

“The objective of this test battle is to gauge your combat skills and the extent of your magical abilities. The battle will end when one of you reaches 25% Lifeforce or lower. Remember, it’s a training exercise, so there’s no need to hold back, but Roselle, Promise me you won’t break her on her first fight.”

Roselle nodded solemnly, her eyes fixed on Runebelle “I promise, Dr. Kintovar. ”

Runebelle watched as Roselle summoned her impressive cannon-like weapon, her eyes widening with both awe and apprehension. She took a deep breath, then followed Roselle’s instructions.

“Weapon,” Runebelle said softly, almost hesitantly.

She formed a small, but no less impressive, cannon-like weapon. Its design matched the unique green energy affinity that Runebelle possessed, giving it a distinct appearance.

Roselle nodded in approval, a hint of excitement in her eyes as she observed Runebelle’s successful summoning. “Great job, Runebelle! You’ve summoned your weapon. Now, let’s see what you can do with it.”

Roselle unleashed a powerful shot from her cannon. Runebelle’s response to her attack was swift as she expertly evaded the incoming attack with agility and grace.

With incredible speed, Runebelle aimed her cannon and fired a barrage of green energy balls in rapid succession. They shot forth like a hail of projectiles, creating a mesmerizing display of power. Roselle had a hard time evading, and when one of them caught her, it created a small but impactful explosions upon her Body.

Roselle staggered back from the impact of Runebelle’s attack, her surprise was evident in her wide eyes and slightly agape mouth. She hadn’t expected Runebelle to display such control and precision in her first training battle.

Inside her mind, Roselle’s thoughts raced. ‘She’s so much more skilled than I anticipated. Her control over that green energy is incredible. But I can’t let her overwhelm me. Dr. Kintovar asked me to provide a challenge, not to be defeated quickly.’

Roselle regained her composure and refocused her energy. She aimed her cannon once more, this time with even greater intensity, and fired a powerful blast of lightning energy toward Runebelle.

Runebelle gracefully evaded Roselle’s lightning shots with a sense of ease, her face remained etched with sadness. Roselle fired off shots as quickly as she could, trying to catch Runebelle off guard, but Runebelle moved around the battlefield with a fluidity that suggested a natural familiarity with combat.

Roselle’s surprise grew with each passing moment. She had expected to provide a challenge to Runebelle, but it seemed that Runebelle had the upper hand. Her rapid shots forced Roselle to keep evading, and she struggled to maintain her composure.

Internally, Roselle couldn’t help but wonder, ‘How is she doing this? It’s like she was born for combat, and yet, her sadness never leaves her face...’

Roselle tapped into her newfound ability. She focused her energy, summoning a powerful burst of lightning that arced outward from her, forming a rapidly spinning fan of crackling electricity. This fan homed in on its target with deadly precision.

" Alright Runebelle, watch how I control my Elemental power....Thunderclap, Surge!” Roselle called out.

The fan of electricity burst forth, its tendrils of lightning striking Runebelle with pinpoint accuracy. Each strike delivered jolts of electricity upon impact, leaving a trail of burning heat and scorched marks on Runebelle’s body.

Runebelle staggered under the assault, her face still marked by sadness but now with pain. It was a powerful attack, and Roselle hoped that it would give her an edge in the battle.

As Runebelle endured the relentless onslaught of Roselle’s Thunderclap Surge, something within her began to shift. She could feel the unique green energy affinity within her responding to the challenge, as if it was awakening from a long slumber. Her sadness still weighed heavily on her, but something seemed to sparked with the way she moved.

‘I may not fully grasp it yet,’ Runebelle thought to herself, ‘but I can feel the energy within me, the green energy that’s part of who I am. I can use it to defend myself, to fight back.’

As Roselle’s Thunderclap Surge assaulted her, Runebelle concentrated on the swirling green energy within her, drawing it out with a newfound understanding. With a burst of magic, she channeled her energy into a powerful spell, calling upon the magic of this world.

“Fury Pillars!”

Three towering pillars, each infused with a different elemental power, manifested around her. One was made of fire, another of ice, and the third of earth. They stood as both a barrier and a symbol of Runebelle’s newfound control over the elements.

Roselle, who had been preparing for her next attack, halted in surprise as she witnessed Runebelle’s impressive display of magic. The elemental pillars created a formidable presence on the battlefield, and Runebelle couldn’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment and newfound confidence in her abilities.

“Whoa,” Roselle muttered in awe. “That’s incredible, Runebelle!”

Runebelle’s nodded in response.

Runebelle focused her newfound power, she chose the earth pillar from her trio of Fury Pillars and directed it toward Roselle. The massive pillar of earth rumbled as it lifted from the ground and hurled itself at Roselle with impressive speed.

Roselle’s eyes widened in surprise as the earth pillar approached. She had expected Runebelle to use her newfound abilities defensively, not as an attack. Despite her surprise, Roselle quickly adapted, realizing that she had to counter this incoming threat.

With a burst of yellow static energy surrounding her, Roselle began to form a ball of crackling energy around herself.

“Hey Runebelle, Watch this now!”

The ball of energy grew larger and more intense, its electric arcs sizzling and crackling with power. Roselle dashed forward, leaving her massive cannon behind, and moved to meet the oncoming earth pillar head-on.

The collision between Roselle’s electric energy sphere and the earth pillar sent shockwaves through the training area. The resulting explosion created a dazzling display of light and power, shaking the ground beneath them.

As the dust settled, Roselle and the earth pillar were nowhere to be seen, leaving Runebelle standing alone in the aftermath of their clash.

Runebelle’s sharp gaze scanned the training area, searching for any sign of Roselle after their explosive clash. She couldn’t see her anywhere, and that puzzled her. Before she could react, a sudden force struck her from behind, catching her off guard.

Roselle’s fist connected with Runebelle’s face, delivering a powerful punch. However, to Roselle’s surprise, Runebelle didn’t go flying or lose her balance. She staggered slightly but managed to maintain her footing.

Runebelle turned around to face Roselle, her face still showed sadness but it felt different. It was as if she has more confidence.

With focus, she manipulated the ice and fire pillars she had summoned earlier.

The elemental pillars moved with precision, their movements coordinated as if they were extensions of Runebelle herself. In a swift and calculated maneuver, the ice and fire pillars converged, trapping Roselle within their elemental embrace.

Roselle struggled to break free, but the icy chill and scorching heat of the pillars held her captive. She could feel her energy being drained as the elements pressed in on her.

Runebelle stood her ground. Trapped within the confines of the elemental pillars, Roselle’s mind raced with questions and uncertainties. The surprising strength and control that Runebelle had displayed left her baffled.

‘Why are Runebelle’s abilities so strong?’ Roselle pondered, her thoughts racing as she tried to make sense of the situation. ‘I’ve had to train and hone my powers since I was created and activated, and yet she seems to have a natural affinity and control that I can’t explain.’

As Roselle struggled against the elemental prison, her curiosity mingled with a sense of urgency. She knew she needed to find a way to break free, but now, she was faced with the possibility of defeat.

‘I was not expecting to be losing here…’