Chapter 5: Refuge for Lost Souls
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Suraken Kamau


A world where six continents share the earth - Novea, Kibara, Kiyo, Zafar, Orenda and Maona - each land has known its golden age, a period of prosperity and grandeur that has left an indelible mark on history.


Novea, the continent of warriors, where strength and courage are more precious than gold. Kibara, the continent of sorcery, where magic and the mysteries of the occult are woven into the very fabric of society. Kiyo, the continent of technology, where revolutionary machines and inventions have transformed daily life. Zafar, the continent of spirituality, where wisdom and knowledge of the soul are fervently sought. Orenda, the continent of nature, where life flourishes in perfect harmony with the environment. And finally, Maona, the continent of water, where oceans and rivers are revered as sources of life and wisdom.


These continents, once flourishing and prosperous, were ravaged by a devastating war that lasted fifty years. This war, known as the "Half Century of Carnage", left deep and lasting scars on the land and its inhabitants.


It was against this backdrop that my parents met.


My father, Kamau, came from the continent of Kibara. With his imposing stature, his ebony skin glistening under the sun. His deep black eyes reflected the determination and strength of a warrior. His hair, cut short, was jet-black, and his well-trimmed beard framed his square face. He had the body of a warrior, muscular and powerful, forged by years of combat and training. A man of few words, he let his actions speak for him.


Renowned for his bravery on the battlefield and his devotion to his people, he was a born leader, respected and admired by all who knew him.


Originally from the land of Kenara, known for its vast savannahs and rich culture, Kamau had lost his parents during the war when he was just a baby.


Raised by his maternal grandfather to become one of Kenara's greatest warriors, he embraced this destiny to protect his grandfather.


As he grew older, however, Kamau felt increasingly dissatisfied with this path. He wondered about the meaning of his life and his role in the conflict. In search of answers, he decided to join the battlefield, seeking a deeper purpose in life.


My mother, Lien, came from the continent of Kiyo. A woman of exotic beauty, her small stature was offset by her quick wit and determination. Her ivory skin and green eyes reflected her intelligence and insight.


Her long black hair was always pulled back in a neat bun, reflecting her orderly, methodical character. A woman of principle, she was respected and feared by her subordinates for her mastery of technological weapons and her impeccable military strategy.


Originally from the land of Vienara, known for its lush landscapes and rich history, Lien was born into the most renowned and respected family of blacksmiths. However, as a woman, she was not expected to follow in her family's footsteps. Her parents had planned to marry her off to a wealthy family so that they could teach the art to their son-in-law, but my mother had other plans.


With a passion for forging stronger than the fires she used to forge steel, Lien worked hard to prove that she was worthy of the art. Her determination was eventually rewarded, and she was allowed to learn the art. She didn't stop there and joined the battlefield, determined to use her skills to make a difference. Climbing the ranks, she eventually became a respected general on the battlefield.


However, my mother was on the battlefield not only to protect her people, but also to prove that even a woman could make a difference in a male-dominated world. She questioned the place of gender in the butchery that was the battlefield.


They met on the battlefield, two generals from opposing camps, their fates inextricably linked by the threads of war.


While they fought repeatedly, never a word was exchanged, only the depth of their hearts through their eyes. Deep down, they didn't feel they were fighting an enemy, just a person like themselves.


It was at the battle of Kilimara, in the mountainous region of the same name, that they fought each other for the last time. As their battle raged on, a landslide swept them both into a cave. In a desperate move, my father pushed my mother inside to save her.


When my mother regained consciousness, she found my father, Kamau, immobilized by a massive rock that had trapped his left arm. Her first reaction was to eliminate it, to end the life of the enemy at her mercy.


However, before committing the deed, she asked him a question: why had he saved her?


Despite his pain and exhaustion, Kamau answered with a sincerity that piqued her curiosity. He said he didn't want her to die, not this way, not in this dark, cold cave. But that wasn't all. He added: "We're both pawns in this war, Lien. We've been trained to fight, to kill, but is it really what we want? Is it really what you want?"


Kamau's answer puzzled Lien. She had dedicated her life to fighting for her people, for her homeland, but also to proving that women had their place on the battlefield. But at that moment, she realized she wasn't as passionate about it as she'd thought. She began to wonder if her quest to prove the value of women on the battlefield was just another form of conformity to a society that values combat and war more than life and peace.


Exhausted, weakened by the fight and the fall, she didn't have the strength to leave the cave. So she struck up a conversation with Kamau. They shared their lives, their hopes, their fears, and something began to evolve between them.


One day, while they were deep in conversation, a leopard burst from the depths of the cave. Fierce and territorial, it attacked Lien. Kamau, in an act of desperation, used a sharp piece of rock to free himself from his trapped arm and stand between the leopard and Lien. He struggled against the beast, his already wounded arm tearing further to protect Lien. In the end, he managed to defeat the leopard, but was badly wounded in the process.


Lien nursed his wounds as best she could, and meanwhile they confessed their love for each other. They realized that they didn't want to go back to war, that they didn't want to continue fighting. So, once Kamau had recovered sufficiently, they decided to escape. Despite his injury, Kamau managed to clear a path through the rocks blocking the entrance to the cave, and they disappeared into the wilderness, leaving war and death behind them.


They decided to settle in Mopodi, on the continent of Kibara, a country that had refused to take part in the war. There, they lived a peaceful life, far from violence and bloodshed. Their journey to Mopodi was full of challenges and obstacles, but their love and determination guided them. They built a house, cultivated the land, and found the peace they so longed for. Their days were filled with laughter and happiness, a sanctuary where their love could blossom.


But even in the heart of this beloved home, misfortune finds its way.