Chapter 9 A Senior Threat
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The boy with the Hanafuda earrings glanced at Sasori, a mixture of gratitude and determination evident in his eyes. "Thank you for your help," he said, his voice sincere.

Sasori nodded in acknowledgment, his expression softening slightly. Despite his initial confusion about the boy's connection to the demon, he couldn't ignore the earnestness in his words.

"It's our job to kill demons after all." Sasori's gaze lingered on the boy and the demon girl, a sense of conflict swirling within him. While his mission was to eradicate demons, there was something about the boy's unwavering defense of the demon girl that gave him pause.

The boy's eyes flashed with defiance, his determination unshaken. "Nezuko is different," he insisted, his voice tinged with conviction.

Sasori observed the boy's unwavering resolve, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts.

"Your sentimentality may prove to be your downfall," Sasori remarked, his voice low and measured.

 "She's not like other demons. She fights against her own kind, protecting humans instead of preying on them." the boy said trying to persuade him.

"Regardless, my duty remains unchanged," Sasori stated firmly, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his sword. "If you stand in my way, I will not hesitate to eliminate both of you."

The tension in the air was palpable as Sasori and the boy locked eyes, each refusing to back down from their beliefs. At that moment, the path forward seemed uncertain.

"Sasori!" a voice called out, making everyone except Sasori turn their heads to the one who called out.

"A Kasugai crow?" The boy said, confused. "I thought you 'don't really help in this kind of thing'," Sasori said, giving Aki a skeptical look as she landed on his shoulder. Aki was looking at the girl, ignoring Sasori's comment.

"Ignore them," Aki said, making the boy and Sasori confused. "And why is that?" Sasori asked. "She is off-limits," Aki simply said. "What do you mean she is off-limits?" Sasori asked, genuinely confused.

"She just is. Now, let's get moving!" Aki said, grabbing Sasori's cloak with her claws, not ripping it, and began to pull him using her wings.

Sasori gave a last glance at the two before he walked off, and Aki stopped pulling him, beginning to fly a few feet in front of him, looking back constantly to make sure Sasori was following. 'Who are you, Aki?' Sasori thought to himself.

As they moved forward, Sasori couldn't shake off the unease that lingered within him. The encounter with the boy and the demon girl had stirred something in him, a nagging doubt that tugged at the edges of his resolve.

"Aki," Sasori called out, breaking the silence as they traveled through the dense forest. "Why did you intervene back there? And why is she off-limits?"

Aki glanced back at Sasori, her expression unreadable. "There are things you don't understand, Sasori," she replied cryptically. 

Sasori furrowed his brow, frustration bubbling beneath the surface. He hated being kept in the dark, especially when it involved matters as important as this.

"But why?" Sasori pressed, his tone insistent. "What makes her so different?"

Aki sighed, her gaze turning forward once again as they continued their journey. "Maby wan the time is right Sasori. I will tell you." 

Sasori sighed 'I hate being left in the dark like this,' he thought to himself, feeling a mixture of frustration and curiosity gnawing at him.

Despite the uncertainty that loomed ahead, Sasori knew one thing for certain: he wouldn't rest until he unraveled the mystery surrounding the boy, the demon girl, and Aki herself. As they pressed on, each step forward brought them closer to the truth, whatever it may be. And Sasori was determined to uncover it, no matter the cost.

-Hahira meeting-

"You took your sweet time, didn't you?" Iguro grumbled, clearly irritated.

"My apologies he was annoying to get a hold of," Shinobu said.

"Now that we're all present, shall we begin the meeting?" Kagaya suggested, settling into his seat with the assistance of his children.

"Where's Sanemi?" Giyu inquired, noticing Mitsuri's subtle expression of annoyance. "Let's focus on the meeting for now; we can worry about him later," he suggested, mindful of Mitsuri's feelings. After all, she was one of the more understanding Hashiras, and he didn't want any tension between them over Sanemi's actions whatever it was.

"Well, who would like to begin?" Kagaya inquired, prompting a brief silence.

"As the flashiest investigator here, I'll go first," Uzui declared with a flourish, striking a dramatic pose. "Very well, begin, Uzui," Kagaya nodded, gesturing for him to proceed.

"My suspect is too much of a wuss to kill anyone," Uzui began bluntly, earning puzzled looks from the others.

"That's it?" Shinobu interjected, her confusion evident. "He also reacted with shock and disgust when I informed him of the crime," Uzui elaborated.

"So, you're sure he's clean?" Mitsuri questioned, seeking clarification. "Most definitely," Uzui affirmed confidently.

"If none of you mind, I'd like to go next," Gyomei requested politely, as was his usual manner.

No one objected as Gyomei cleared his throat and began to speak. "Young Genya is troubled, but I firmly believe he is innocent," he asserted, receiving nods of agreement from the others.

"Would you like to go next, Giyu?" Shinobu asked, aware that Giyu often remained silent unless directly addressed.

Giyu nodded in response. "Tanjiro. He's too kind to kill another participant," he stated matter-of-factly. "What makes you say that?" Uzui inquired, prompting Giyu to elaborate.

"When I asked him about his experiences in the final selection, he told me everything. One part of his story stood out," Giyu explained. "Oh, really? What was it?" Shinobu asked, her interest piqued.

"Have you heard of the Hand Demon?" Giyu asked, and Shinobu nodded, recalling the demon. "Yes, I remember it. What about it?" she replied.

"Tanjiro managed to kill it," Giyu revealed, his lips curling into a slight smile, surprising everyone. "I didn't know he could smile. Well, whoever this Hand Demon was, it must have done something to provoke him," Iguro remarked, pondering the situation.

"The decorative object can smile?" Muichiro murmured, expressing his surprise at the revelation.

"When he killed it, he grabbed the demon's hand and prayed for it," Giyu explained, causing a ripple of astonishment among the group.

"He prayed for the demon?" Rengoku asked, incredulous. "Yes, and are any of you telling me someone like him would kill another human?" Giyu challenged his tone firm. No one objected; for all of Giyu's introverted demeanor, he was surprisingly adept at extracting information from people.

"Should we even bother asking Muichiro about his interrogation?" Uzui interjected, glancing at the youngest Hashira who seemed lost in thought, staring at a rock.

"Huh?" Muichiro looked up, appearing slightly dazed. "I already sent a Kakushi to question her," Kagaya informed them as a Kakushi entered the clearing.

Standing before the assembled Hashira, the Kakushi took a breath and calmly stated, "I got nothing," shrugging in resignation. "What do you mean you got nothing?!" Iguro exclaimed, shock evident in his voice.

"She didn't interact with any of the participants," the Kakushi responded. "Sometimes she is more introverted than Giyu," Shinobu remarked, giving a light chuckle.

"Well, Shinobu, you're the last one," Mitsuri said, a hint of impatience in her voice. Shinobu shrugged, appearing somewhat resigned. "He has an alibi; it can't be him," she concluded.

Shinobu's words hung in the air, a sense of uncertainty creeping into the group. Despite her conviction, there was still a lingering doubt that gnawed at the edges of their thoughts.

"But can we really trust his alibi?" Mitsuri asked, her voice tinged with skepticism. "After all, anyone could fabricate a story to cover their tracks."

"It's not a fabricated alibi; my suspect vouched for him. They were together at the presumed time of death," Uzui stated firmly, adding weight to the discussion  Mitsuri's steal looked concerned.

Shinobu sighed, recognizing the gravity of Mitsuri's concerns. "I understand your apprehension, Mitsuri," she replied, her tone steady. "But based on the information available, Sasori seems to have a solid alibi. We shouldn't rush to conclusions without concrete evidence."

Giyu nodded thoughtfully in agreement. "She's right. We must focus on gathering more information before making any assumptions."

Gyomei interjected, "Indeed. Let's not lose sight of our primary objective: uncovering the truth behind these crimes and ensuring justice is served."

"We just agreed not to assume, but what if the killer didn't leave the forest?" Shinobu posed, causing everyone to turn their attention to her. "What do you mean by that?" Rengoku inquired. "What if the killer died before they could escape?" Silence fell over the group, each contemplating the possibility.

Shinobu's suggestion hung in the air, casting a shadow of uncertainty over the group. The possibility that the killer may have met their demise within the confines of the forest raised new questions and challenges for their investigation.

"But how would we confirm if the killer is indeed dead?" Giyu questioned, breaking the silence that enveloped them.

"We want but from the information we have right now that is the most likely to have happened," Gyomei said 

Giyu nodded in agreement, acknowledging the validity of Gyomei's assessment. "True," he conceded, his expression grave. "Given the circumstances, it's a plausible scenario."

The group exchanged somber glances, each grappling with the grim reality of their situation. The possibility that the killer had met their demise within the forest added a layer of complexity to their investigation, one that they couldn't afford to ignore.

"Me Igoru and Mitsure's search of the forest ended in a dead end," Rangok said for most of the Hasira this was the first moment Rangok's voice sounded sad.

"We even interrogated some demons but we couldn't even find anything from them," Iguro added.

The news weighed heavily on the group, casting a pall of frustration over their already somber mood. Despite their best efforts, it seemed that every lead they pursued ended in disappointment.

"We've scoured every inch of this forest," Mitsuri lamented, her voice tinged with despair. "But it's like the killer vanished into thin air." She said as she kicked a rock.

Rangoku's shoulders slumped, a rare display of defeat from the typically optimistic Hashira. "I thought for sure we'd find something," he confessed, his tone heavy with disappointment.

Giyu clenched his fists in frustration, his jaw set in determination. "We can't give up," he insisted, his voice firm. "There has to be something we're missing, some clue we haven't uncovered yet."

Shinobu nodded in agreement, her gaze scanning the faces of her fellow Hashira. "We need to keep searching," she urged, her voice steady despite the frustration evident in her eyes. "We owe it to Hajime to bring their killer to justice."

"My children," Kagaya's voice rang out with a tone of disappointment, echoing through the clearing. "Due to the lack of evidence indicating that the killer is still among the living, I must close this case."

Several objections arose from the Hashira, but Kagaya silenced them with a raise of his hand. "As Hashira, I cannot responsibly allow you to continue searching for someone who may no longer be alive."

"But-" Mitsuri's objections were swiftly dismissed. "As Hashira, you must fulfill your duties," Kagaya stated firmly. None of the Hashira liked the decision, but they couldn't argue with their master. And just like that, the meeting came to a somber conclusion.

As the others dispersed, Uzui sauntered over to Shinobu, a curious glint in his eye. "Hey there, mind if we have a quick chat?" he asked, a playful smirk on his face.

Shinobu raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Sure, what's on your mind?" she replied, her tone laced with curiosity.

Uzui leaned in slightly, his expression serious. "It's about your suspect," he said, his voice low and confidential.

-Three days later in a restaurant in the middle of the forest-

"You're really good at this!" Aki exclaimed, her mouth full of pumpkin pie as she marveled at Sasori's prowess. "It's only been three days, and you've already killed 28 demons."

"Is it really that uncommon to kill that many?" Sasori inquired as he reloaded the ammo on his arm.

"Absolutely," Aki replied, her tone serious despite the casual setting. "Most demon slayers face incredibly tough odds, and surviving long enough to kill 28 demons in just three days is quite an achievement. Actually, I think you've set a record for killing the most demons in your first week. At this rate, you'll be a Hashira in no time," she added, pride evident in her voice.

"How many demons do I need to kill to become a Hashira?" Sasori asked, rising from his seat.

"You'll need to kill at least 50 demons or slay a member of the Twelve Kizuki," Aki answered. "The Twelve Kizuki? What is that?" Sasori inquired.

"They're the twelve strongest demons, not including the Demon King," Aki explained, finishing her pie.

"I see. Well, let's get going," Sasori said as he began to leave.

"Wait! You need to rest. You've been killing demons for three whole days! You haven't even eaten anything!" Aki exclaimed, sounding worried.

"Aki, I'm above those mortal needs," Sasori responded. "Now, where is the next demon?"

-At a wooded forest-

Sanemi's frustration boiled over as he unleashed a powerful blow against a nearby tree, causing it to shudder under the force of his anger. "FOR FUCK'S SAKE, I'VE BEEN TRYING TO FIND THIS DEMON FOR MORE THAN A WEEK!" he roared, his voice reverberating through the forest.

His crow companion looked on with its usual stoic expression, seemingly unfazed by Sanemi's outburst. "I thought you would relish these types of missions," it remarked calmly.

"What the FUCK made you think that?" Sanemi snapped, his anger still palpable. "You know well enough that I only find satisfaction in missions where the demon puts up a real fight."

"Still, this is ridiculous!" Sanemi bellowed, frustration evident in every fiber of his being. As if in response to his fury, a sinister presence loomed above him, a dark figure with eyes that glinted with malice. "Maybe it's time I got rid of this pathetic human. It was amusing to toy with him, but now he's just annoying," the creature muttered to itself as it unfurled its massive wings, feathers shooting out like deadly projectiles.

Sanemi's instincts kicked in as he heard the telltale sound of something hurtling toward him. With lightning reflexes, he dodged the attack, his crow companion taking flight in alarm. As the creature descended upon him, its eyes met Sanemi's, and he saw the chilling inscription within them: "Lower Moon 2."

"Oh, fuck. Was not expecting that," Sanemi muttered, taken aback by the demon's rank. "I was, in fact, not expecting you to dodge my attacks," the demon spoke, its voice echoing with a sinister tone as it rose to an intimidating height of nine feet, illuminated by the moonlight to reveal its owl-like features.

"This is gonna be annoying," Sanemi grumbled as he drew his sword from its hilt and charged at the demon.

Sixth Form: Black Wind Mountain Mist, Sanemi rotates his body in an uppercut movement, creating an arcing slash. But the demon effortlessly dodged with preternatural speed. "It has fast reaction speed," Sanemi noted, his eyes narrowing in determination as he launched another attack, aiming for the demon's head, only to be evaded once more.

The demon ascended into the sky, and Sanemi's heart sank as he saw several feathers hurtling towards him. "Shit, I can't block or dodge that!" he realized too late, his body impaled by the razor-sharp feathers, blood spilling from his wounds. "That doesn't mean it's a bad thing," Sanemi smirked through the pain as he observed the demon beginning to shake and wobble, its control faltering as it descended back to the ground.

Sanemi's smile transformed into a full-on grimace as the demon began to drool, its intentions clear. "You can't wait to take a taste of my blood, don't you, filthy demon!" Sanemi's voice reverberated with rage as the demon charged at him. "Got you."

Fourth Form: Rising Dust Storm, Sanemi unleashed a barrage of slashes, that cut a bit of the demon's face but the demon managed to dodge most of the damage. "Goddammit, how does it keep dodging my attacks? It's almost like it knows my next move—" Sanemi's eyes widened in realization. "I get it now!"

"You know what my next move is, don't you?! You can see the future!" Sanemi exclaimed, 

The demon looked at Sanemi with a hint of a smile creaking on its face "You think you've outsmarted me, little human?" The owl demon's voice echoed with a bone-chilling resonance, sending shivers down Sanemi's spine as the injury it got healed in an instant. Its eyes, glowing with an otherworldly intensity, bore into Sanemi's soul.

With a slow, deliberate movement, the demon unfurled its massive wings, each feather glinting malevolently in the moonlight. Its beak, sharp and jagged like the edge of a blade, curved into a twisted grin that seemed to stretch impossibly wide, revealing rows of razor-sharp teeth stained with the blood of its victims.

Sanemi felt a cold sweat break out across his skin as he stared into the abyss of those soulless eyes. This was no ordinary demon; it was a creature of pure nightmare.

As the demon's grin widened, Sanemi could feel the tendrils of terror wrapping around him, threatening to suffocate him in their icy grip. Every instinct screamed at him to flee, to escape the clutches of this monstrous entity before it was too late.

But even as fear threatened to consume him, Sanemi stood his ground, his sword held aloft in a trembling hand. He knew that he had to face this demon, no matter the cost. For if he didn't, the darkness would consume them all, leaving nothing but despair and death in its wake.

"You're the first to somewhat guess what my demon art was, but the other slayers were too scared to realize," the demon spoke, maintaining its grin as it spread its wings and began to flap them ominously.

"Now, it's time for you to die!" It declared, soaring into the sky with the intention of launching several feathers at Sanemi. However, its attack was interrupted as it was kicked down, crashing into several trees.

Sanemi blinked several times, processing the unexpected turn of events. Standing before him was a red-haired boy clad in a cloak adorned with red clouds, a new challenger entering the battlefield.

-Several moments before-

"Sasori, are you sure this demon is really annoying to track down?" Aki asked Sasori again, her concern evident in her voice.

"Aki, I've told you before, I'm really good at tracking," Sasori reassured her. "You've proven it to me several times, but this demon could be stronger than any other demon you've faced. It could even be a lower moon!" Aki's worry persisted.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine—" Sasori's sentence was abruptly cut off by a sudden gust of wind, disturbing their conversation. "Looks like someone found it before me," Sasori remarked as he began to leap across the trees. Upon reaching a clearing, he spotted a man pierced by several feathers and a large owl flying several feet above the ground, seemingly ready to attack. "What are you waiting for? Go kill it before it kills him!" Aki urged, her voice filled with concern.

Sasori channeled chakra into his legs as he jumped, kicking the demon and sending it crashing through several trees. He landed gracefully in front of the wounded man.

Sanemi snapped out of his trance. "Oi, brat, that demon can see into the future! It's the only way that demon can keep dodging my attacks," he warned Sasori. "A dangerous ability, but it's useless if it can't react fast enough to dodge it," Sasori replied as he unsheathed his sword.

Sanemi grinned. "I like your spunk, kid," he said as several feathers launched at them. Sanemi easily blocked the attack.

Sasori dodged a feather, jumping into the air as another feather launched at him. He easily cut the feather, but several others attacked him from behind and above. Sasori used a wind jutsu to evade the attack. "That's odd. If it could see the future, it would have known that the move would be missed. The only thing I can tell the demon knew of that attack was the fact I cut its feather.." Sasori came to a realization.

The demon emerged from the broken trees, looking annoyed at Sasori. "I think I just figured out your ability," Sasori stated, causing Sanemi to look confused. "What are you talking about? I just told you what it was," Sanemi asked.

"You only figured out a part of its ability," Sasori explained. The demon looked shocked as Sasori continued, "You can only see the future if it affects you only. You can see any attack that threatens your life. That's how you keep dodging his attacks." Sanemi eyes widen "And the feathers are a part of your body. If we cut it, you will see the future. That's how you knew where to attack me!" Sanemi exclaimed, finally understanding.

"So if we keep dogging it

"So, if we keep dodging its attacks, it won't know where to strike next," Sanemi remarked, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

"You brats! I have been alive for over 500 years, and you dare to challenge me, you mortal rats!" The demon exclaimed as it launched its feathers at them.

"Didn't think I'd be fighting a Senior Citizen today," Sanemi said while dodging the feathers, but Sasori got hit. "Shit," Sanemi muttered, his worry quickly turned to shock as the red-haired boy transformed into a rock.

"What the-" The demon began to speak, but its words were cut off as it was struck to the ground by a long metal chain. "I've been waiting to test out my new puppets," Sasori declared, a smile spreading across his face. He controlled the puppet with the chained blade, fashioning it into a menacing tail. Additionally, its arms were equipped with claws that Sasori had discovered in one of his scrolls. Though the claws couldn't kill demons, they were perfect for grappling with enemies.

The demon stood up, snarling at Sasori. "I know when to cut my losses," it growled, attempting to fly off. However, it was captured by the metal chain wrapped around its leg and yanked back to the ground, where the puppet pounced at it, digging its claws into the demon's wings, rendering it unable to fly.

Seizing the opportunity, Sanemi struck with Seventh Form: Gale, Sudden Gusts. He leaped into the air, swinging his blade, which generated a gale-force of winds directed at the demon's head, the powerful winds tore through the demon's neck, severing its head from its body in a gruesome display of force.

With a sickening thud, the demon's headless body collapsed to the ground, twitching briefly before it began to dust. Sanemi landed gracefully, his expression stoic as he surveyed the aftermath of the battle. The forest fell silent, save for the rustling of leaves in the wind and the distant calls of nocturnal creatures.

"Well, that's one less demon to worry about," Sanemi remarked, wiping blood from his blade with a cloth. He glanced at Sasori, a nod of acknowledgment passing between them.

Sasori retracted his puppet, the metal chain winding back into his hand. "Indeed. It seems our teamwork proved effective," he said, a hint of satisfaction in his voice.

"Sasori, are you okay?" Aki called out as she descended from atop a tree, fluttering around Sasori in concern, her eyes scanning him for any signs of injury. "I'm fine, Aki. Are you?" Sasori reassured her, his voice steady despite the chaos of the recent battle.

"Are you sure?" Aki persisted, her worry evident in her tone. Sasori's response, however, caught her off guard. "Actually, I'm a bit hurt that you would assume a pathetic creature like that could have hurt me," he remarked casually, causing Aki to squint in disbelief. "Sasori, did you not realize the gravity of this situation?" she questioned, her expression serious.

"You saw the demon's eyes, right?" Aki pressed on, her voice tinged with urgency. Sasori shook his head. "No, I learned not to make eye contact with the enemy in combat," he explained matter-of-factly, earning a perplexed glance from both Aki and Sanemi.

"Well, that demon was Lower Moon 2," Aki revealed, her words carrying a weight that seemed to not sink into Sasori's comprehension. "One of the Twelve Kizuki," she elaborated, making Sasori raise an eyebrow" So?". 

"Sasori, you dropkicked one of the strongest demons in the world," Aki emphasized, her tone filled with a mixture of awe and concern.

"That demon was one of the strongest demons in the world?" Sasori repeated, his disbelief evident in his voice.

"Yes!" Aki exclaimed, her eyes wide with surprise. "Why are you shocked at how strong the demon is?" she inquired, puzzled by Sasori's reaction.

"I'm just stunned that such a pathetic creature could be the second-strongest demon in the world," Sasori explained, his disbelief evident in his voice.

 Sanemi chimed in, adding further context to the gravity of the situation. "Not the second strongest, but the eighth strongest," he clarified, prompting Sasori to direct his attention towards him.

"The Twelve Kizuki are divided into two groups," Sanemi explained, his tone authoritative. "The six Upper Ranks numbered one through six, and the six Lower Ranks, also numbered one through six. The number signifies their ranking among the Twelve Kizuki, determined by each member's level of strength. Upper Rank One is the strongest, and Lower Rank Six is the weakest."

"Okay, that makes more sense," Sasori said, nodding in understanding. "Wait, does that mean I'm a Hashira now?" he asked.

"I'm not sure. I think you have to land the killing blow to become a Hashira," Sanemi explained. "But I'll make sure to give a good word about you. We need more kids with spunk like you," he added, offering Sasori a rare compliment before turning to leave.

"Oh, thanks, I guess," Sasori replied, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"Sasori, you just got praise from a Hashira," Aki pointed out.

"So?" Sasori asked, still uncertain of what to make of the situation. Aki sighed, realizing that Sasori's nonchalant attitude might not fully grasp the significance of the moment.

-Author's Notes-

As you can read the Lower moons have been changed as we didn't get anything on the lower moon in the anime or manga except for offcore Rui and Enma so I decided to add new lower moons Rui and Enma are still lower moon but I changed the rest of the lower moon.