Chapter 14 – Heat of Battle
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The Lost Super-Hero

Chapter 14 - Heat of Battle

"All right, so what is the plan?"

"My tribe is currently camping in a small valley on the outskirts of the Burning Lands. We can go there after I hunt my prey and decide what to do next. I think it's best to head straight for now."

Nolen nodded.

"Then let's do that then."

They got ready and set out. Nolen decided to walk beside her. He then asked Romy to send crystal drones to scout ahead.

They walked for about a few hours. Nolen and Draga were silent; Nolen seemed to have something on his mind, while Draga seemed lost in thought.

"It's time to rest now," Draga said.

So, they pitched the Yurt once again.

After just a couple of hours, it was getting darker.

Nolen looked up.

"It's night," he said, but even with his excellent vision, it was hard to tell because smoke covered the sky from all the volcanos around the area. Even now, Nolen could see red peeks over the horizon.

They looked around. The lack of light made it hard to see, but they seemed safe now.

"We'll sleep for tonight," Draga said.

After the meal, they went to sleep.

Romy set up a perimeter watch in case anything got close to camp when Nolen and Draga slept. Draga was now more comfortable around Nolen. She noticed that he would sleep without care and then noticed that Nolen would get up as soon as something dangerous came by, as if he had eyes around them. So, she did the same.

Nolen woke up the next day and saw that Draga was already up and training.

"You are already awake; good morning," Draga said.

"Morning, you seemed restless last night. Did you have any nightmares?"

Nolen woke up to check on Draga several times last night due to her tossing and turning. Which concerned him

"Yes, I had one nightmare about my father and some others from my tribe. It's nothing."

Nolen nodded and replied.

"Okay, I understand then let's do this. We need to leave now, and hopefully, we can find the Bloodfang creature during today's hunt," Nolen said.

"We can rest more; we don't need to go now."

"No, we should get going now. I don't know what else to do here. You are right about Bloodfang being hard to find. We will have to try and find it while we're out there." Nolen responded.

"You're right, and I hope we find it soon," she said as they got up and prepared for another long journey.

After a few hours, they were already in a barren area with rocks and dried-out plants, and the temperature had also gotten colder.

"It's cold, and the air is dry."

Draga nodded and responded.

"The weather is unpredictable, and we could be attacked anytime. What a paradise."

Nolen nodded in agreement. He then asked Romy to come from his body and onto his hand.

Romy started to scan their surroundings.

"We have many enemies nearby, so be careful."

"Okay, we have to be careful," Nolen said, and they got ready to fight.

It was a pack of 100-plus Red Lizards, and Bloodfangs were in luck. In the middle was a vast Bloodfang 3 times bigger than the normal Bloodfang.

"Bloodfang King!" Draga exclaimed.

Nolen nodded and noticed that it seemed to be the leader.

"So, what should we do?" Nolen asked.

They got ready, and they got into battle positions.

"I'll deal with the Bloodfang King; you take care of the rest. We have to defeat them as quickly as we can. Once the fight starts to disadvantage them, the king will try to flee from us," Draga exclaimed.

She trusted Nolen since she had seen him fight several times during their journey. She knew how strong he was and that she could trust him with her back. For some reason, Draga grew close to Nolen in the past few days. Maybe it was because they bonded when she was injured or because Nolen saved her life. Whatever the reason, Draga felt closer to Nolen than before. It was like they became closer as they went on this journey.

"All right, I'll take care of them," Nolen said as he looked at the Bloodfangs and Red Lizards.

The Bloodfang King opened his mouth to show his fangs and let out a terrifying roar. Nolen saw a flash of red light, and a huge fireball came out of his mouth. Nolen used his superior speed and jumped out of the way as Draga rolled out.

The fireball exploded in their area. Nolen leaped in the middle of the large pack to counterattack.

As he landed, Nolen's impact caused a massive explosion, sending some lizards flying and disorienting the pack.

He then used his super strength and agility to deal with the lizards by moving quickly and cutting their heads off.

The Bloodfang King let out another roar as it lunged at Nolen, but Nolen used his superior speed again to escape the attack.

Draga then came to fight the Bloodfang King as Nolen moved away to care for the rest of the pack, leaving Draga to face the Bloodfang King.

It looked like a big fight. The king was swinging at Draga like she was an insect that needed swatting. But each time he did, she would move out of the way or use her shield to block the attacks.

Draga rapidly assessed the Bloodfang King's size, strength, and abilities while noting its weaknesses and attack patterns. As a skilled orc warrior, she deeply understood her opponent's nature, which was second nature to her race. With this knowledge, she could anticipate the king's movements and successfully evade every blow and attack.

"Draga is strong!" Draga exclaimed, accompanied by a roar. It was a declaration of her resolve.

She blocked the attack by putting her shield between her and the Bloodfang King's claw. It happened so quickly that the king could not block it, and his claw broke Draga's shield and cut Draga's armor.

"Damn!" she exclaimed.

The Bloodfang King moved around to attack, but Draga quickly got up.

It lunged forward with incredible speed, its sharp claws slashing through the air in an attempt to grab Draga. However, she was quick on her feet and managed to sidestep the attack, narrowly avoiding the creature's deadly claws. Draga then quickly retaliated with a precise strike using her axe, aiming for the monster's head. But Bloodfang's tough scales proved to be a formidable defense, absorbing the impact of her blow.

A roar filled the air as the king of the Bloodfangs was angered by the blow. It then clawed hand sliced through the air. Draga dodged to the side, barely avoiding being disemboweled by the creature.

The battle intensified, and Draga relied on her agility to dodge the creature's powerful tail sweeps and evade the fiery bursts of its breath. With every missed strike, the Red Lizard King grew more relentless, its roars echoing through the jungle.

After several seconds of dogging and blocking, Draga found a chance to strike, but as she dodged another powerful blow, she failed to evade her opponent's tail, which struck her and flung her away, shattering her shield.

The tail strike beat and bruised Draga. She roared again at Bloodfang while activating her Battle Cry and Berserker Fury skills.

The rage-inducing skills, which are racial skills, also took effect, further increasing Draga's strength, speed, and durability. She charged at the king again, this time attacking with reckless abandon and swinging her axe with fury.

The axe struck Bloodfang's sturdy skin, which broke due to the force and the strength of the object it struck—sending the axe head flying and just missing Draga by inches, grazing her cheeks.

See the opportunity the Bloodfang King attacked Draga once again. This time, Draga was defenseless without her shield or axe, waiting for the blow and bracing herself.

Just as she felt she was about to be struck, nothing happened. A shadow stood in front of her. She looked at the shadow. A figure was in front of her, blocking the blow with his back towards her. It was Nolen.

Nolen had taken a defensive stance and blocked the Bloodfang King's attack. He could hold his ground against him as if it were nothing.

Nolen felt the full force of Bloodfang's attack, but he could take it and endure.

He had already taken care of the rest of the pack and came to Draga's aid as soon as he was done.

He used his speed to reach Draga in time, and now he charges the Bloodfang King and attacks him in a full-frontal assault.

With a decisive blow, he struck the Red Lizard King right on its shoulder with his great sword, knocking it down in one swing.

He then threw his axe to Draga so she could finish it off.

Draga quickly picked up her axe and sliced Bloodfang's head off with one strike.

With one clean swipe from Draga, the Bloodfang king died. She roared in excitement as her blood boiled. The excitement of the fight and the feeling of being on the edge of life and death filled her up.

She looked around for more enemies to fight but saw only the lizards' bodies everywhere. She was in awe of the devastation around her but could not see anyone fighting. She grew restless until she saw Nolen walking towards her. For some reason, this excited her.

She rushed Nolen like a wild beast.

Nolen stopped walking as he felt Draga's wave of excitement. Had she swung her broken axe at him with all her might, which was now just a stick?

What remained of the axe hit Nolen right in the chest, but it did not do any damage because he had already recovered part of his power.

"What are you doing?" Nolen asked with a serious face.

He did not understand what had just happened as he was trying to get hold of his breathing and grabbing the broken axe like it was nothing and throwing it to the ground.

Draga seemed crazed and felt like her body was on fire. She did not care that the fight was over.

Nolen stared at her as she stared at him with lust in her eyes. She was breathing heavily.

Seeing her weapon on the ground excited her as she pushed Nolen to the ground.

Nolen allowed himself to be pushed to the ground. He saw Draga look at him with wild eyes, and not knowing what to do at first due to the shock at what was happening, he just lay there.

Draga then mounted him like an animal in heat and removed her armor, followed by his.

She then kissed him while rubbing her body against him. Nolen allowed himself to be dominated as he was unsure what to do. She was in a state of heat, and Nolen did not want to reject her either.

Seeing Draga this way made him unable to control himself as well and allowed his lust to take over him.

Draga quickly undid Nolen's lower armor, removed her remaining armor, and got naked in front of him on top of him. She started to pleasure herself while on top of him.

"I'm going to eat you up," Draga said with lust in her voice as she stared into Nolen's eyes.

Nolen was aroused and allowed Draga to do what she wanted with him. He felt Draga's vaginal muscles contracted around his dick when she placed it in her then she started to thrust her hips faster. She then squeezed his dick with her vaginal muscles and began to thrust her hips faster.

"Fuck me."

Draga's muscles spasmed as she orgasmed. After her orgasm was over, Nolen felt his body heat up. He then felt a release from his dick and the inside of Draga's body.

"I'm going to cum," Draga said while she was riding Nolen's dick.

They came simultaneously, and Draga rolled off him onto the ground.

Even after coming, Nolen did not feel satisfied yet. Draga also awakened an animalistic urge to mate within her now, and she was going to pay the price for exciting him.

Nolen then got on top of her. Draga was surprised as she thought Nolen would be done with her now, but he had not finished. He then grabbed Draga's hips and flipped her onto all fours like an animal in heat.

Draga allowed him to do what he wanted, and she raised her butt toward Nolen's face. Nolen saw a juicy pussy in front of him and went crazy. He began to thrust himself inside her until Draga's legs gave out.

He then flipped her over and grabbed her thighs with both hands and put them on his shoulders.

Draga moaned loudly as she felt the pleasure of Nolen's tongue.

She lost herself and allowed her lust to take over her. She did not care about anything else at that moment. All she wanted was to him and the sensation she was now in.

Not knowing how long it had been, she noticed she had been put down. She then felt Nolen's dick enter her once more. He started to thrust with all his might. She looked into Nolen's eyes as he stared back at her. He was on top of her. Even with Nolen's well-built physic, he still looked more petite than her, but his massive dick filled her up and left no room.

They came once more, not knowing how many times they had already climaxed. After they finished, Nolen lay on top of her, still inside her. She put her hand behind his head. They stayed in this position for a little while. Nolen was enjoying the feeling of her, and Draga was enjoying the feeling of having him inside her.

He then lifted himself off her. He did not say anything and got up. She did not say anything either.

Draga looked around. She looked like she was still in a daze, but Nolen did not care.

As great as that felt, they were still surrounded by dead lizards in the middle of nowhere. Furthermore, the dead Bloodfang king was right behind them. They were lucky nothing attacked them during their little battle, but it also added to their excitement.

She got up and began to put on her clothes and armor. After putting on all her armor, she said.

"That was amazing. I felt so great."

"It was amazing, but we're still in a situation. The fight has caused a lot of attention, and something might come. We must get ready to camp before nightfall," Nolen said with a smile.

She was surprised that Nolen did not react too much and said nothing about what happened but stood there looking at the dead king. She understood why, as they needed to finish what they started. She grabbed Nolen, turned him to face her, and then kissed him on the lips. He did not respond, but he did not resist either.

"We need to move quickly, but I feel better after this. Let's get to work then," Draga said with a smirk.

Nolen did not say anything but nodded.