Chapter 01 – A new world
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As Alexandro laid on the street, his short dark hair covering his face and bruises darkening his light brown skin on his arms, a voice echoed to him. "Mom, is that you?" He thought with hope, but quickly realized it couldn't be her. "No, I'm a talking cased button called B," came the unexpected reply. "Welcome to Aldoria." Alex's eyes widened in disbelief as he took in his surroundings. This was definitely not reality. Various menus and options appeared before him, including Quest logs, a worldmap, and even stats and inventory. "Is this a dream?" He asked, still trying to make sense of it all.

"No," B replied matter-of-fact. "This is a realm virtualised by the oversouls of this world. Look up at that large moon-like sphere in the sky - that's the imbelions."

Alex followed B's instructions and gazed up in awe at the massive object above them. It had a purplish haze surrounding it and the sun seemed to be positioned next to it. "I am definitely not on Earth," Alex murmured.

"Why am I here?" He questioned B, his memories slowly returning. "I remember being beaten up and left on the street by some thugs, and now I wake up here."

B explained calmly, "The Imbelions chose you, Alex. You are now under their guidance as a natural of this world."

Realizing there was no use in arguing or questioning further, Alex focused on his gear in his inventory. He had a rusted dagger which he equipped as they prepared to venture out into this unfamiliar land.

"Alright, let's go," he said determinedly to B.

"Be careful, danger lurks in these parts. Trust your instincts," then they set off down the path that lay ahead.


As he walked, B reminded him to access his menu again, There were six pathways to choose from:


Warrior for mastering fighting

Sorcerer for conjuring magic

Rogue for elite range skills

Hybrid paths

Templar (combining fighter and magic abilities)

Shadow (magic and range)

Druid (mastering all three).



B suggested that Alex's natural inclination seemed to be towards the warrior path, but could still be a chance for him to change classes. The menu also included a Talent tree, skill abilities and stats such as

Stats Points
Strength 5
Intelligence 3
Agility 4
Endurance 4
Luck 5

He also noticed a text saying unique stat luck

that's a rare ability in Aldoria Alex.Oh and In this world we are called io or imbelion originals. The imbelions had remade this world to give us a fighting chance against the destroyer who had been defeated by the first, but that's a story for another time.

As they walked, Alex and B came across a rat blocking their path. Its beady eyes glinted in the dim light, and its whiskers twitched as it let out a low growl. "Huh, it's just a rat," Alex scoffed. "I can easily take it out." But B suddenly began to glow, a sign that he was activating his powers. "Alex, by pressing the button, you will receive double experience points and a high chance of rare rewards. However, the rat will transform into a stronger version. It is your choice," B explained. "Heh, I've spent most of my time defending myself against people, even groups.

I'll take the risk," Alex declared confidently as he pressed the button. The rat instantly grew in size, now standing as tall as a dog and its fur bristling with aggression. Alex tried to run past it, but the rat had locked onto him and began chasing after him. "Alex, why are you running?" B shouted as he tried to keep up. "I changed my mind! Can I change my decision?" Alex yelled back as he ran in circles, trying to distract the now aggressive rat as its named which was Yellow from White. But B told him that once he pressed the button, there is no turning back. As Alex continued to run away from the rat, B encouraged him to use his skills. Despite his attempt to escape,

Alex slipped and fell on his back. As the rat leaped towards him, he quickly pointed his dagger at its body and managed to land a critical strike as it pierced the rodent's heart and severely wounded it. "Huh, not so tough now," Alex huffed apologetically as he stabbed the rat again until it lay lifeless on the ground. B noted that Alex's luck skill must have helped with the hit. Feeling triumphant, Alex gained experience points and leveled up to 2. "I have 4 stat points," he announced. "Since I am a warrior,

I will put some on strength and luck." He allocated 2 points to each skill, making his strength and luck 7 eager to see how it would affect his abilities. "Look, the talent tree has updated!" Alex exclaimed as he scrolled through the options on his screen. "I need to use my talents to level them up. Cooking, smithing there's a-lot... hey looks like my sword talent has leveled up too. I now have increased attack damage with swords, and even a gambling talent!" "Yes, Alex. When you accept the button, your gambling talent automatically increases.

It's a valuable skill to have if you want to make money or when you gamble for gear. Combine it with luck, and you'll be a master at obtaining rare loot, money, maybe even a legendary item," B explained. As they continued their journey, Alex also found a repair hammer among the rat's remains. "I'm not a blacksmith though," he muttered disappointedly. "Oh well, it might come in handy for when I do become one." Eager to keep making progress, Alex suggested that they keep moving forward towards the town. "How far is it?" he asked B. "Just a bit further ahead, Alex. We should reach it before dawn," B replied confidently.


Before I arrived here, I often thought to myself that living in the real world was a constant struggle. Being a good person only seemed to bring mistreatment and there was no sense of adventure outside of video games. Despite my yearning for something more, I was stuck in this place without family and with people who delighted in making my life miserable. But then, something incredible happened.

As I opened my eyes, I found myself in a fantastical world, filled with lush greenery and vibrant flowers unlike anything I had ever seen before. Confusion and awe overwhelmed me as I realized I had been chosen for a great purpose. Thankfully, I am well-equipped to handle myself thanks to my experience playing fantasy RPG games. However, what truly surprised me was meeting b, a talking cased button who served as my traveling guide. As it turns out, b is actually an imbelion tech searching for their other half known as Apex. Both have similar abilities but while b favors the imbelions, Apex has become corrupted and does not share their loyalties. As I became more familiar with this world, I began to uncover the truth behind my summoning and why I was chosen for this adventure.