Interlude: A Trap of an Inn Keeper
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Inside a large Inn there is a short Elf with long green hair and bright blue eyes. They are rather feminine looking as they lay on their bed reading a book.

'My name if Kirlen, I'm an elf that owns the Sleeping Dragon Inn. Even though it may not look like it, I am indeed a boy, I just like feeling and looking cute.'

Kirlen sets his book to the side and stretches, letting out a little high pitched moan. He then sweeps some of his hair behind his head.

'I only have two other employees here, Felin and Talin. They're both goblins and are happily married and have a kid.'

Kirlen gets up and smooths down his white shirt and trousers. He heads out of his room and into the main part of the Inn, to see many travelers sitting around talking and eating.

Kirlen smiles as he heads behind the counter and stands there, looking around.

'It has been rather quiet since Miss Paimon left for a couple days, she usually has all her meals here and spends a great deal of time here.'

Kirlen sighs.

'I just hope Miss Paimon is alright, I heard she's going after Feral Goblins... They're kinda scary.'

Kirlen shivers.

"Hey Kirlen!" Someone calls out. "Can I get another one of these and the special?" He holds up a mug.

"On it~" Kirlen skips into the kitchen and starts to cook some food. 'I love staying working here, these adventurers do a lot of work here, and they all work together to keep this town running.'

Kirlen smiles as he starts cooking some food.

'I remember when this town was first made nearly 150 years ago. Aunty Lillian asked me to come here and help set up the town, now look at how it turned out!  We have a little over a hundred people living here!'

Kirlen puts the food he made onto a plate. 

'I know it's a very remote town with the nearest town about four days carriage ride away. The reason we're able to really stay together as a town, is because of Mr. Kedrern, he keeps supplies coming into town with how well known he is. I pretty sure nearly everyone on this continent knows him. Not just because of how good of a merchant he is, but of his time before he was a merchant, but as a powerful Adventurer.'

Kirlen walks out of the kitchen and brings a plate of food and a full mug of alcohol to the patron that asked for it.

"Thanks Kirlen!" The patron slams some silver coins into the elfs hand. "Here's a tip."

Kirlen smiles and bows to the patron. "Thank you." He gives him a warm smile, making him shine.

The patron lightly blushes and looks away. Kirlen chuckles and walks back to the counter.

'Though, it really is quiet without Paimon here. She's only been here for nearly two weeks, but she's really livened up the town... I also feel really lucky to have met a Fae. People don't seem to understand that elves idolize the Fae. Because of how well connected to nature they are, and how Nature can bend to their will. And some don't understand that Fae are really powerful, I now of a small faerie that toppled an entire Empire.'

Kirlen greets some travelers that enter his Inn.

'The Fae are like the gods of nature, without actually being gods. They were some of the first species to roam this realm, and I do believe they will be the last. In Elf culture all life came from Fae who were created by Seldarine, the Elven Goddess.'

More patrons ask for food and Kirlen heads into the kitchen.

'But many believe all life came from Wenir, the god of Life & Death. For me, I don't really care where Life came from, I just want everyone to live long and happy lives... Even though I know that'll never happen, but an Elf can dream.'

Kirlen brings out several trays of food and drops them off.

'War is coming... and I'm scared that the Vophate might not be able to stay neutral for long, we have many allies, but we also have two hostile Kingdoms surrounding us. Elhe Balanore is to our south, our great allies. But Yanna is to our west, a barren waste land is to the east. But in the north, where out Capital is, lies the Penamin Empire.

The Penamin Empire are not a peaceful nation, they try to instigate war with other nations all the time, but they have been silent the last ten years. Which really worries me. They must be planning something, and as Vophate their closest neighbors, we may be in danger.'

Kirlen brings a hand to his chest and clenches it.

'I fear for all the people in the Vophate Dynasty. We've been nothing but peaceful for nearly 500 years.'

Kirlen looks out a nearby window and spots Paimon walking with five other people. He grows a large smile. 'Miss Paimon's back... What's that creature floating next to her?'

