Paimon Meets a Divine Being
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The party is getting ready for bed as moonlight shines in their inn room. Paimon gets her large night shirt on, as Nemuri yawns and sits on Paimon's bed.

"Well, we got one more day before we head off to the Capital." Rein sits on his bed as he starts taking off his boots. "We should see the city sights tomorrow, actually get some rest for once."

Demai takes off her cloak as she stretches. "I agree with that. I think we could use a good rest."

"I agree with that, I heard they have a theater in town." Julian starts as he leans on the wall next to his bed. "I heard the actors are really good."

"Paimon thinks a play sounds good." Paimon floats over to the window and looks out it.

"I wouldn't mind seeing a play." Teina takes her bow and quiver off her back.

Albuis nods and gives a thumbs up.

Paimon looks at the empty streets of Greendale, but something catches her eye. Coming out of an alleyway is Duke Malird Numbred, he's looking up and down the empty street.

"That's odd..." Paimon mutters.

"What is?" Julian looks over to the Fae.

"The Duke's acting kinda suspicious."

"What?" Everyone questions.

Julian walks over to Paimon and she points down to the Duke. "What's he doing in town this late at night. Especially without some guards."

The Duke leaves the alleyway trying to sneak down the street. Varhmiel walks out of the alleyway behind the Duke and calmly follows him.

"I don't like the look of this." Julian mutters as he walks over to his bed and grabs both his swords.

Rein sighs. "We can never catch a break." He tightens the straps on his boots.

Everyone grabs their gear and Paimon puts on her regular clothes.

"If something happens, we'll intervene, until then we need to stay quiet." Julian orders his Party.

"Right." Everyone agrees.

Paimon glances over to Nemuri. "Protect out stuff, just in case."

Nemuri salutes and gives a affirmative cry.

The party swiftly leaves the inn and into the dark and quiet night. They quickly find the Duke and Varhmiel leaving the city through the main gate. The party exits the gate and finds the two guards watching over it, on the ground.

Demai swiftly moves over to the two and puts her fingers on their necks, she sighs in relief. "They're just knocked out."

"Why would the Duke have his guards knocked out?" Julian questions.

"Whatever it is, it has to do with that white haired man." Teina states.

"Be ready for a fight." Julian orders and everyone nods.

They quietly follow after the Duke and Varhmiel. Paimon looks at Albuis in surprise at how quiet someone so big can be. The six follow the two far into the forest and to the bottom of a large cliff.

The Duke and Varhmiel look over the blank cliff.

"Are you sure it's here?" Malrid turns to Varhmiel.

Varhmiel hums in though. "It has to be, this is the only spot that left. Hmmm, maybe..."

Varhmiel holds his hand out to the cliff and a large golden light shoots out from his hand, and into the cliff. A large hole get blown into the cliff and the smoke clears to reveal a cave entrance.

"That sneaky bitch..." Varhmiel smirks, and he turns to the Duke. "Follow, we're going in."

The Duke sweats and follows Varhmiel into the cave.

"What kind of magic was that?" Demai mutters as she and everyone else watches from behind some trees.

"It was chantless magic, he must be powerful." Julian puts a hand on his short sword.

"Paimon doesn't like this." She mutters.

"Neither do I." Rein agrees with Paimon.

Julian takes the lead and they stop right outside the cave entrance. "It's very dark..."

Teina steps forward. "I'll lead us. Foresight."

"Doesn't that allow you to see into far distances?" Rein asks.

Teina nods. "But it also gives the user Nightvision."


Teina leads the party through the dark cave until the come to a open walkway that leads down into a massive open area.

"Woah..." The party mutters.

Moonlight shines onto a large run downed cathedral. The stained glass windows are all destroyed, the statues next to the entrance are all eroded. The door itself is rundown but the gold adorning it still shines, unblemished. 

"Wow long has this been here?" Julian asks in amazement.

"No less than several hundred years." Demai cat ears flicker.

"There!" Rein points down to the entrance.

Everyone looks down to spot the Duke and Varhmiel enter the Cathedral through the front doors.  

"Let's hurry!" Paimon says as everyone swiftly moves down the eroded stone stairs and to the entrance of the cathedral.

The party looks inside and see the Duke and Varhmiel walking towards the alter with a basin of water on top of it.

Varhmiel looks around. "I must say, she did have an eye for detail."

"Mr. Varhmiel?" Malrid questions as he wipes some sweat from his head.

"Ahh, don't worry about me." Varhmiel waves a hand. "Just thinking about some really old memories."

Varhmiel looks around and sees some old organs up on the second floor. He then turns to look past the alter and sees a large statue. 

The statue is of a woman with a tall, slender body. She has long, free-flowing hair, that floats behind her. The statue's face is broken apart. Above her is three, four-pointed stars with the middle being the largest.

Varhmiel sneers as he looks up at the statue, before moving up to the altar. The water in the basin is clear and clean, despite being there mostly likely a long time.

"Duke." Varhmiel motions to the basin.

Malrid gulps as he tugs on his collar. He walks forward and takes off the glove on his right hand and sets it on the edge of the altar. He then pulls out a knife from his waist, then cuts his palm. 

The Duke hisses in pain and blood drops into the basin. The blood mixes with the water and after a few seconds the cathedral shakes and rumbles, as the floor splits apart in front of the altar.

A set of stairs are revealed leading far down below the cathedral, and the building stops shaking and several pieces of ruble fall from the ceiling. The rubble falls onto a few pews, smashing them into pieces.

The Duke jumps and panics, while Varhmiel only smirks in delight. The Duke puts his knife away and starts wrapping his wounded hand with a cloth. He then grabs his glove and shoves it into a pocket.

"Come, let's hurry." Varhmiel unnerving smile forms as he head down the stairs.

The Duke nods and wipes his sweat off his head.

The party silently heads in and looks around.

"What the hell just happened?" Rein whispers.

"Can't be good." Julian whispers.

Teina looks ahead and clutches onto something under her cloak.

The party moves forward and quietly moves down the stairs. They find a long dark hallway with a light at the end of it. Julian turns to his party and nods to them as he takes out the sword off his back.

Everyone readies their weapons as they silently move down the hall and stick to the shadows of the entrance to the room, lit up by many torches. They all gasp as their eyes widen at the sight in front of them.

There's a large room with pillars.The room is lots of shiny gold, jewels and chests, on the edges of the room. But at the end of the room is a statue, missing their features, holding onto a sheathed sword.

The scabbard is pure white with gold embroidered into it. The handle of the sword is wrapped in golden cloth and the guard is pure shiny silver. A golden gem is embedded into the pommel.

There's a large painting above the statue holding the sword. In the painting there's a dark figure, with amber eyes with a small line going horizontally across her pupils, that is similar to the large statue in the cathedral. But in front of the dark figure is a woman kneeling in the ground. 

The woman is wearing a white robe with green hair and white badges around her eyes. She wears a motherly smile on her face. But this time, there's  8 pure white feathered wings behind the female.

The party notices the Duke and Varhmiel walking towards the statue and the painting. Varhmiel unnerving smile grows and grows as he walks towards the statue.

Varhmiel and the Duke reach the statue. Varhmiel's hands rub along the scabbard of the sword, he shivers in delight. He grabs the sword, which makes the duke slightly panic.

Varhmiel holds the scabbard in his hands as his golden eyes glow as he chuckles. "I've finally done it."

Varhmiel grabs the handle and slowly pulls the sword out of the scabbard. The large wind blows around the room, nearly knocking over the Duke and the party at the opposite end of the room.

After a few seconds the wind dies and everyone looks at Varhmiel and the sword. The sword shines brightly in the torch light as a golden aura flows off it for a few seconds before dying down. 

The sword blade is pure white silver with a golden triquetra and stars adorn the blade. Varhmiel turns the sword lightly and his golden eyes shine in the reflection of the blade.

"Well, I helped you, now hold up y-your end of the deal." The Duke stammers.

Varhmiel glances back at the Duke and smirks. He attaches the scabbard to his waist. He pushes his hands on the wall next to the statue. A part of the wall opens up an a large bottle of golden liquid is revealed.

Varhmiel grabs the bottle and swishes the golden liquid inside. The Duke looks at the bottle, mesmerized. 

"Wh... What is that?" The Duke asks.

Varhmiel smirks. "An elixir, created with the blood of a goddess. Said to be able to cure any disease and heal any wounds, even regrow limbs, while also giving the one who drinks it a great power boost."

"So... So that can save my daughter?" The Duke asks in hope.

"Yep..." Varhmiel then smirks evilly. "This seems more useful to me."

"What?" The Duke asks in horror.

Varhmiel swings his sword at the Duke, expecting to cut the man in half, only to see his sword cut through air. "Huh?"

Varhmiel looks to the side and spots Demai and the Duke a few meters away on the ground.

"What the hell?!" Varhmiel shouts.

Demai looks down at the Duke. "You okay, Duke Numbred?" The Duke quickly nods. "Good, you might want to get back."

The Duke swiftly gets up and runs off as the rest of the party enters the room. 

Varhmiel looks over the party with a raised eyebrow. "Well, I guess I can test this Divine Artifact on you all." he goes to unpop the cork on the elixir. 

But Demai throws her hand out towards Varhmiel. "Steal!" Her hand glows blue and the elixir appears in her hand, she sighs in relief.

"You filthy cat!" Varhmiel charges towards Demai, his sword at the ready.

"Demai!" Julian runs forward.

"Catch!" Demai shouts and she throws the elixir towards her leader, as she gets sent into a wall by Varhmiel's sword. 

Blood flies out of Demai's mouth and she slides down the wall. Julian panics and catches the elixir, nearly dropping it after he does. He looks up and sees Varhmiel charging towards him.

"H-Here!" Julian throws the elixir backwards as he gets beaten into the ground.

"I got it!" Rein runs forward and grabs the elixir, only to scream as Varhmiel appears in front of him. "Scary man!"

Rein throws the elixir to the side as he gets kicked into a pillar, he grunts in pain as his chest plate as a large dent.

Teina lunges forward and lands on the ground as she catches the elixir before it hits the ground. Varhmiel runs over towards her and brings his foot up.

"On your way!" Teina throws the potion behind her as Varhmiel slams his foot onto the back of her head, smashing her face into the ground.

Albuis jumps forward and grabs the elixir in his large hands, then brings his shield forward to block Varhmiel's sword, but he cuts it in half with the holy sword.

"Give it back to me!" Varhmiel shouts in anger.

Albuis grunts in surprise and swiftly throws the elixir at Paimon. "Catch!" He yells, before getting a large cut to the chest and kicked into the wall.

Paimon freaks out and swiftly flies forward and catches it. She looks ahead and sees Varhmiel charging towards her. Paimon screams and swiftly makes the elixir disappear into star particles. 

Paimon then gets kicked in the stomach, making her vomit blood, and slammed into a wall. She grunts as she slides down the wall as she holds onto her stomach in pain.

"YOU DUMB BITCH!" Varhmiel yells as Paimon as he points his sword at her. "Bring it back."

Paimon just gives him a smug look as blood drips out the corner of her mouth. "No."

Vein's bulge on Varhmiel's head as he charges towards Paimon, his sword held high. Paimon rolls out of the way as Varhmiel's sword slams into the wall, getting stuck.

"Stupid fucking sword!" Varhmiel shouts as he tugs on it.

Paimon and the rest of the party swiftly regroup as she makes Health Potions appear in her hands. Everyone grabs one and they all swiftly down them, their wounds disappearing.

Varhmiel tugs the sword out of the wall and turns to the party, they all point their weapons at him. Paimon points her pointer fingers at the strange man.

Varhmiel looks at the Spirits of the Fae, then he chuckles as he moves some of his hair back. "It seems like you insects don't know your place." His golden eyes shine.

"You're outnumbered!" Rein smirks as he points his spear at Varhmiel.

"Surrender now, and you won't be hurt." Julian orders as he readies his sword.

Varhmiel shakes his head. "You all know nothing of battle, of war. To fight in the name of your kingdom and your goddess. How to take a life and be judged in front of your goddess. You haven't seen the jaws of death, so you know of not how to beat me."

Two pairs of white fathered wings appear on Varhmiel's back as his golden eyes shine. 

The Party's eyes widen and they take a step back. 

"An angel?!" Rein questions. 

"This isn't good." Demai's ears fold back.

"We're going to have to fight him." Julian states as he narrows his eyes at the angel.

"You're kidding, right?!" Paimon shouts. "How are we gonna fight a divine being?!"

"With all our strength." Teina readies an arrow.

Albuis grips his club tightly.

Varhmiel cracks his neck. "You all may call me, Sathariel. That other name leaves a bad taste in my mouth, horrible mortal name. But let's make this fight more interesting shall we?"

Sathariel waves a hand and the sound of an organ and drums echo in the room, before someone starts singing in Latin.

Sathariel rolls his shoulders. "I've waited thousands of years for this moment." He swings the holy sword to the side and glares at the party. "I will not have some weak mortals stop me!"

"Multi-arrow!" Teina pulls back her bow string as two glowing arrows appear with her regular arrow.

Teina lets the arrows fly towards Sathariel, and as they reach him he swings the sword, cutting them all in half. Rein and Albuis charge at him from the sides, Rein with his spear ready and Albuis with his club held high.

Sathariel leans back as Albuis' club slams in the ground and the angel kicks the large man away. He then parries Rein's spear and grabs the handle, pulling the Lancer forward. The Angel then delivers a hard kick into Rein's side, sending him crashing into a pile of gold coins.

Albuis jumps back as several small beams of light slam into the ground where he was.

"Bind!" Demai shouts as she appears behind him with her curved short sword and dagger pointed at him.

Ropes appear around Sathariel, wrapping around him tightly. Demai thrusts her weapons forward towards the Angel's back, but he breaks his bides and turns around and parries the Cat-kin's blade weapons.

Demai gasps in shock, then grunts at Sathariel grabs her by the throat. He grows an unnerving smile as starts to choke Demai.

"Let her go!" Julian yells as he swings his sword at Sathariel.

Sathariel brings up his sword without looking and blocks the party leader's attack. He then pushes Julian back and throws Demai at him. Julian panics and catches Demai, only for the two to be kicked away.

Sathariel jumps into the air and flaps his wings as two golden crescent arcs, in the shape of an X, slammed into the ground where he was.

"This guy's pretty strong." Paimon fires off more small rays of light towards the angel.

"We need to stop him, who knows what his plan is." Teina fires several more arrows towards Sathariel, but he just blocks all their attacks with a delightful smile on his face. "That sword is dangerous in  the hands of a man like him."

Sathariel launches himself towards the two, they both gasp as they increase their attacks. The angel spins around each attack and as he reaches the two, he slams the flat side of the sword into Teina's stomach, sending her away.

Sathariel then grabs Paimon by the throat. "I didn't expect a Fae to be playing with some humans and demi-humans. I've delt with your kind before, so this should be easy."

Paimon grunts and gasps as Sathariel tightens the grip on her throat. "Let... go... of PAIMON!"

Paimon sinks her teeth into the Angel's hand, causing red-ish gold blood to spurt out. Sathariel yelps in pain as he swings his hand around, trying to throw Paimon off.

"Let go of me, you bitch!" Sathariel yells as he slams Paimon into a pillar, forcing her to let go as she gasps in pain.

Rein and Albuis appear at the side of Sathariel as he's distracted, and bring their weapons down onto him. Sathariel brings his sword up, blocking Rein's spear. He brings his other hand up and blocks Albuis' wooden club.

"Uh oh..." Rein mutters and the sword slashes him in the chest, cutting through his armor. Blood spews from his mouth as he stumbles back.

Albuis puts more pressure on his club, cracking the ground below the Angel. Sathariel pushes the club up and aims his sword at the massive man. Lighting travels around the sword, then shoots off of it and slams into Albuis' chest.

Albuis grunts in pain as he's sent sliding across the ground and slams into a large chest. He tries to get up, but the lighting paralyses him.

"Albuis!" Demai shouts as she goes to run over to him, but jumps back as the holy sword is swung down onto her.

Demai blocks another attack and grits her teeth as the angel smirks at her. She starts to slide backwards as Sathariel starts to push her. Julian yells as she runs up to him with his sword held high, and brings it down onto the angel.

Sathariel yells in pain as one of his wings flies through the air, blood staining it. He growls in anger and swiftly kicks Demai away and swings his sword at Julian.

Julian brings up his sword, but it does nothing as the force behind Sathariel's attack pushes him to the ground. All the air leave Julian's lung as he gasps in pain.

"You little prick!" Sathariel glowing golden eyes glare down at Julian. "You dare cut off a wing of an angel, I'll show you a thousand years of pain!"

Sathariel lunges his sword towards Julian, but a small ray of golden light slams into the side of the sword, making it barely miss Julian. Then several arrows fly towards the Angel and he flaps his three wings and flies into the air, nearly falling as he does.

Teina runs forward with her bow at the ready as Rein follows behind her, and Paimon throws a couple more crescent slashes a ways behind them.

"Multi-arrow!" Tein shoots several arrows at the Angel as she, and Rein stop next to Julian.

Sathariel cuts each arrow and half and aims his sword down at the three. Golden lighting travels around the blade, before launching towards the three.

Rein steps forward and holds a hand out, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. "Shield!"

A white magic shield appears in front of his and blocks the lighting, he grunts in strain.

"Come on, Julian, time to get up." Teina helps Julian off the ground.

"Thanks..." Julian mutters as he rubs his right arm. 

Paimon yells as she flies past the group with a fist cocked back. Sathariel's eyes widen as the Faerie punches him in the stomach and launches him across the room and into a wall, sending up a large cloud of dust.

"Don't underestimate, Paimon." She shouts at Sathariel, only for her eyes to widen as a sees Sathariel walks out of the cloud of smoke.

Sathariel only has a few scrapes and bruises, but his golden eyes burn with anger. He aims his sword forward and launches another lighting attack at Paimon.

Rein lunges forward and lands in front of Paimon as he holds his hand out again. "Shield!" A white magic shield appears in front of him.

The lightning slams into the shield and Rein grunts as his arm starts to shake. Several arrows fly past the shield and towards the Angel. He tilts his head to the side as one flies by and he catches the other one with his free hand.

The lighting attack ends and Rein's hand falls to the side as he gasps for air, sweat falls down his face.

"This guy is a monster." Rein mutters.

"But he can be hurt." Julian holds up his sword with Sathariel's blood dripping off it.

Demai regroups with them as Sathariel walks towards them.

"How's Albuis?" Rein asks the Cat-kin.

"He's fine, but that lighting is something else, he can't get up." Demai informs.

"Shit..." Julian mutters.

"What's the plan, Leader." Paimon asks as she wipes some blood off her mouth.

Julian rolls his right shoulder. "We have to keep fighting, and just hope the Duke brings reinforcements."

"And if he doesn't?" Rein asks.

"Well, we keep fighting the Angel, until he kill us or we kill him."

Paimon cracks her small knuckles. "Paimon doesn't plan on dying today."

Demai spins her sword and dagger once. "Yeah, I agree with Paimon, I don't think any of us plan on dying today."

Julian smirks. "I know, which is why we are killing him."

"Let's go!" Teina shouts as she and the other four follow her as they charge at Sathariel.

Sathariel smirks. "And the lambs come for the slaughter."

Sathariel ducks as several arrows fly above him, then he parries Julain's sword and launches him away with a lightning attack from the sword. Paralyzing the leader as he slams into a pillar. Rein thrusts his spear towards the Angel, but he blocks it and kicks Rein in the chest, where his wound is.

Sathariel blocks a dagger from Teina, but as he does several small golden beams slam into the side of him, making the angel grunt in pain. He forces Teina away by slamming his sword into her cut, and she spits up blood.

Demai appears above Sathariel and brings her two weapons down onto him. Sathariel brings up his sword and parries Demai, causing her to jump back, but as she lands on the ground she immediately launches back towards the Angel.

Demai and Sathariel parry each others attacks, until Sathariel's holy sword charges up with lightning and he cuts Demai in the side with it, making her fall to the ground paralyzed. 

Demai coughs as blood seeps out of her side, and Sathariel kicks her away and into a pile of gold.

Rein yells in anger as he stabs his spear in Sathariel's back, making him yell out in pain. Sathariel back hands the Lancer away, while shooting him with lightning. Rein crashes into a pillar, nearly making it crumble, as he falls to the ground, paralyzed. 

Paimon yells and throws a punch at the Angel, but he catches it. The two glare at each other.

"You and your friends are strong, I'll admit that." Sathariel starts. "But you are no match for a Templar turned Angel!"

Sathariel brings his sword down onto Paimon, but she catches it with the palm of her hand, making scarlet red blood pour from her hand. The Angel's eyes widen a little.

"Don't under estimate us!" Paimon spits some blood onto the Angel's suit. "We may be low ranked adventurers, but we have strong hearts and minds!"

Paimon pushes the sword up and swings her bleeding hand. A golden crescent arc slams into Sathariel, sending him flying back, but he flaps his wings and stops himself mid air.

Paimon drops to the ground, landing on her feet, as she gasps a few times. Teina slides up next to her, with her dagger ready.

"Looks like it's just us two." Paimon mutters as she looks down at her bleeding hand in pain.

Teina spits some blood on the ground. "This asshole just doesn't know when to quit."

Sathariel coughs up some blood, and he wipes his mouth as he drops to his feet. "If you two give up now, I promise to give you a quick and painless death."

Paimon points a finger gun at Sathariel. "We won't abandon our friends like that!"

"If you give us the sword and crawl back to your god or goddess, we'll let you live." Teina gets in a CQC stance, with her dagger at the ready.

Sathariel laughs loudly as he sleeks some of his white hair back. "You think Mongrels like you can stand against me! I am Sathariel! The Angel of Deceit, I used to be a retainer of another goddess! You have no chance of winning against me, as I have-" He holds up the holy sword. "-I have one of six holy artifacts. And once I kill that damn Faerie, I'll have that elixir, then I'll be able to fight against the gods that abuse Angels!"

Paimon and Teina just glance at each other.

Sathariel continues to yell. "I will not give up, after I spent thousands of years waiting for this moment!"

Sathariel yells in anger as he charges at the two, they both duck down as the sword flies above their heads. Teina thrusts her dagger at the Angel, but he grabs her by the back of the head and slams her into the ground, and kicks her away and hits her with a lightning attack with the sword.

Paimon swings both her hands in an arc and sends out two crescent attacks. Sathariel brings up the sword and blocks the two attacks, before swinging his sword at the Faerie.

Paimon jumps up over the sword attack, then floats back to avoid a second. She shouts out a couple beams of light from her pointer finger at the Angel, but he dodges them by flying up.

Paimon grits her teeth as sweat falls from her brow. 'Even injured, he's fast.'

Paimon twists her body to the side as the sword slices through the air beside her. She then brings up her foot and axe kicks Sathariel to the ground.

The Angel grunts in pain as he gets up, and brings up his hand to grab Paimon's leg as she tries to kick him again. Sathariel smirks  in delight as slams Paimon into the ground, cracking in below her. 

Scarlet blood flies out from Paimon's mouth, before she's thrown into the air. Sathariel aims his sword at her and launches lighting at her, which slams into her chest and sends her flying.

Paimon slams into the ground and slides a few meters away from Teina. The party all grunt in pain as they try to stand up, but golden lighting discharges off them, keeping them on the ground.

Sathariel wipes some blood from his mouth as his severed wing bleeds heavily. He coughs a couple times and rolls his shoulders. The Angel starts walking towards Paimon.

"I told you Fae, nothing will stop me from achieving my goal." Sathariel stops several meters away and points the holy sword at the Faerie, who's trying to get up. "Now, give me the elixir, and you'll die painlessly, or refuse and get tortured to death!"

Paimon turns to Sathariel and gives him a smug look, as blood falls from a wound on her head. "Heck, no!"

Sathariel's face burns red as his anger shows

Sathariel's face burns red as his anger shows. "Then face death!"

Sathariel aims his sword at Paimon as golden lighting charges up on it. Teina climbs onto her knees and sees Sathariel about to shoot Paimon. She spits some blood on the ground and starts standing up as lighting travels around her, nearly sending her back to the ground.

Teina slams a foot into the ground as Sathariel fires off his attack. The hidden elf lunches herself towards Paimon. Paimon just glares at Sathariel as the attack nearly reaches her, but suddenly Teina jumps in the way, taking the attack.

Teina screams in pain as the lightning attack shocks her, burning her cloak away revealing her true self.

"Teina!" Paimon yells in worry.

Teina continues to yell in pain for a few more seconds, then the attack stops and she stands there wobbling back and forth. Her skin is all blackened, her eyes white and some smoke leaves her mouth. Teina falls face first onto the ground and remains unmoving. 

"Oh, heh." Sathariel chuckles. "What a dumb bitch."

Julian slams his hand into the ground as he tries to stand up. "You bastard!" He falls back down.

"Teina!" Demai shouts as she tries to move.

"We'll kill you!" Rein screams in anger as he props himself up with his elbow.

Albuis grunts in anger as he slams his hand into the ground and slowly starts to pick himself up.

Sathariel just smirks as he looks around at the party, then towards Paimon. "Well, it seems like its your end."

Sathariel aims his sword at Paimon and golden lighting starts to charge up.

Everything seems to slow down for Paimon. A shadowy hand rests on Paimon's shoulder.

"Are you really gonna let him just kill you and your party? He's so weak, yet your all long to him." A feminine voice echoes behind her, and Paimon's mouth starts to twitch as she frowns. "Are you really gonna let him get away with all of this. Show him, show him what we do to traitors!"

Paimon's brings up a hand, which slowly turns back with scarlet red lines moving within. She then yells in anger and brings her hand down in an arc and a crescent slash, made of red cubes, flies from her hand.

"Good." The shadow disappears with a chuckle.

Sathariel's eyes widen in horror as the cubes reach him and an explosion goes off. A severed arm flies out from the smoke with the holy sword in its hand.

Sathariel yells in pain as the smoke clears, revealing him holding onto a bleeding stump of his right arm. He has his right eye closed as blood falls from it. His two ring wings fall to the ground.

Paimon slowly starts to get up as the golden lighting dissipates off her body. Her hand returns to normal and everyone else starts to stand up.

Sathariel stumbles back as he stares at Paimon in horror, his one remaining wing flaps wildly. "What are you?!" He keeps walking back.

Paimon starts walking towards him as her cosmic eyes bare into him. Everyone, but Teina, regroups in the middle of the room as Sathariel keeps backing up.

"What are all of you?!" Sathariel yells in fear. "This... You're a faker!" He yells at Paimon. "This... is impossible! That attack! She's dead!" 

Sathariel turns around and runs towards the statue, nearly tripping over as he goes. Julian goes to charge after him, but Demai stops him.

"Wait." Demai says.

Everyone watches as Sathariel falls to his knees in front of the statue and looks up to the painting.

"Goddess, I'm sorry, please take me back!" Sathariel begs. "I'll right everything I did wrong, I promise not to do it again! Please, save me!"

Sathariel takes a few deep breaths as a golden light shines down onto him, making him smile, but it soon turns to horror as he stares at the painting.

The eight winged angel in the painting starts crying blood as the dark figure behind her has a sadistic smile. Suddenly Sathariel's world goes spinning as he soon sees his own body without a head.

There is a woman with, pale skin, bluish purple hair that forms a long braid, and bangs above her eyes. Her clothing consists of a purple kimono resembling a yukata, held by an obi around her waist, while mitsudomeo symbols are around it.

The kimono forms a miniskirt after her waist, with long purple stockings covering her legs and thighs, while black sleeves extend to her fingers. On the right side of her head are several blue violet flowers with a fan above her ear, while additional flowers and a garter are strapped to her left leg and thigh respectively.

The woman holds a purple glowing katana in her hand that drips red-ish gold blood.


"Wha..." Sathariel whispers as his eyes swiftly lose light.

Everyone readies for a fight, but Paimon. Julian swiftly grabs the holy sword from Sathariel's severed arm, and points it at the girl.

'That's Raiden Shogun from Genshin Impact!' Paimon yells in thought. 'How many characters from that game are in this world?!'

Raiden glances back at the party, and looks at Julian holding the holy sword in his hands, then she looks at Paimon. Raiden's stare makes the party shiver.

Raiden looks over to Sathariel's severed head and walks over to it. Then grabs the head by the hair and lifts it up, she glares at Sathariel's head.

Then Raiden suddenly disappears when purple lightning strikes her. Everyone sighs in relief and nearly fall to the ground.

Paimon coughs a couple times as she wipes sweat from her head. Then she remembers something. "Teina!"

Paimon swiftly zooms over to the charred Elf. She kneels down to her as everyone else runs over.

"Teina, can you hear me?!" Julian shouts.

"Dudes, she's a girl..." Rein then mutters. "This explains so much."

Julian puts a hand on the side of Teina's neck, and sighs in relief. "She's just knocked out."

"But why did she hide herself?" Demai mutters.

Albuis shrugs and picks up the unconscious Teina, lightly. Rein falls to the ground and puts a hand over his chest plate, as some blood falls from it.

"Oh, that was a pretty scary fight." Rein falls onto his back.

Julian looks around and spots Sathariel's body which as the scabbard for the sword in his hand. Julian walks over to Angel's body and takes the scabbard off and sheathes the sword.

Paimon floats over to her party leader. "Are you gonna keep the sword?"

Julian looks at the pure white with gold embroidered into it. "It'd be a shame not to keep such a powerful sword for emergencies."

Julian attaches the sword to his back, next to his old one. He looks back over to the rest of the party, watching Demai help Rein to his feet as he keeps a hand over his chest. Albuis gently holds Teina in his hands.

Julian glances back over to Paimon. "Do we have anymore Health Potions?"

Paimon shakes her head. "Maybe we shouldn't have used them at the beginning of the fight."

Julian just sighs. "What happened, happened, we should all just be glad we're alive."

Paimon nods in agreement, and looks down at the body. A slightly large amber glass marble rolls out from a pocket in Sathariel's suit.

Paimon slightly gasps. 'Another one of these? Will I have another vision?'

Paimon reaches down and grabs the marble.


I look at the scabbard, with a sword in it, in my hands as I sit on my throne.

"Mistress, are you sure this is a good idea?" Kriltris' asks from beside my throne.

"Amare is my most loyal soldier, I think she deserves a reward." I smile as I rub the gold on the scabbard. "Besides, I plan to give each of my Retainers a present."

My eyes get drawn to the large doors at the other end of the room, as they open. A woman of average height wearing a white robe, long green hair and a white bandage over her eyes.

The woman has a soft smile on her face as she has her hands together. She walks towards my throne and then kneels down a few meters away from me.

"My Goddess, I have answered your call." The girl, Amare, smiles up at me. "What needs do you have of me?"

I hold out the scabbard to Amare. "This sword is made from my blood and flesh. I need you to keep it safe and sound."

Amare stands up and walks over to me, then takes the sword in her hands. She then gives a deep bow. "I am delighted that you gave me such an important task. I shall treasure this and keep it safe, even if it means my death."

I smirk. "Just what I expected from you, my dear. Now you may leave."

Amare nods with a bright smile and swiftly leaves the room.

"Why are you creating these items for your Retainers?" Kiltres asks.

I can feel a sadistic smirk form on my face, as i rest my head on my hand. "War, my love, war."


"The gods are starting to grow uneasy, I shall teach them why I'm the strongest."


Paimon gasps and drops the marble on the ground, shattering it. Sweat falls from her brow.

Julian glances at Paimon. "You okay, Miss Paimon?"

Paimon slowly nods. "Yeah, just... tired."

"Just hold on for a little long, we're heading back to town." Julian coughs a couple times, he turns to everyone else. "Everyone! Let's head out."

"Finally." Rein complains. "Can we take some of this gold with us?!"

Julian shakes his head. "I don't like the feeling of any of this, I don't even want to take this sword. But it'd be good for emergencies." 

"Oh, come on!"

The party leaves the vault and heads out of the cathedral. Then they head out of the cave with Demai leading them.

As they walk outside, moonlight shines down onto them. A soft breeze blows as some birds chirp in the distance.

"Oh that breeze feels good." Rein smiles as Demai sets him down.

The party then hears footsteps approach them and they look ahead to see the Duke, with mud on his shirt, along with a large group of knights, with Vinfel leading them.

"Are you all okay?" The Duke jogs over.

Julian steps forward. "Yeah, mostly."

"And of that man?"


The Duke sighs. "I never wanted any of this to happen."

"You all look like shit." Vinfel chuckles.

"Well that's what happened when you fight an Angel." Rein chukcles.

Everyone's eyes widen. "You all fought an Angel?!"

Julian nods. "That man was an Angel, looking to cause chaos or something."

The Duke wipes some sweat from his head. "I am dearly sorry for all this. I hope you can forgive me." 

Julian waves his hand. "I'll forgive you if you can get some healers for us all."

The Duke swiftly nods. "Of course.'

Paimon weakly floats forward and the elixir appears in her hand. "Paimon thinks you want this."

The Duke grabs the elixir. "I hope he wasn't lying about this."

Paimon's eyes start to droop as she wobbles slightly.

"Paimon, are you okay?" Demai calls out.

"Yeah... just... a little tired." Paimon falls onto the ground, face first.

"Paimon!" The party yells in worry.

A feminine chuckle echoes in the Faerie’s head.




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