Chapter 6 – Falling from the Sky into a New World – Did Something Go Wrong?
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Chapter 6 - Falling from the Sky into a New World - Did Something Go Wrong?

A thousand years ago, the gods grew tired of their monotonous lives in heaven.

Seeing the interesting lives of mortals in the lower world, they decided to descend and experience mortal life in the form of a game.

They chose to seal their divine powers, meaning that no matter how powerful or authoritative a god was in heaven, they would be no different from ordinary people in the lower world.

Their form of entertainment was to develop "Familia" by granting "Blessing/Falna" and recruiting so-called adventurers to undertake exploratory missions or something they like.

"Familia" — a faction-like relationship formed between gods and mortals of the lower world, varying in scale and nature.

Today, a surprise visitor from another world arrived at the residence of "Loki Familia."

Torajirou Shiro, who had just crossed into this world and was still recovering from dizziness, sensed something was wrong.

The gusting wind, the clouds within reach, his clothes flapping loudly, and the ground that seemed very far away all indicated his predicament.

"Why!!! Why did I appear in the sky!!!" He screamed as he fell down like a meteor.


To avoid becoming the first person to die from a fall after crossing worlds, Torajirou Shiro quickly mobilized his magical power to enhance his defense.


With a loud crash, Torajirou Shiro plunged headfirst into the ground.

Though fortunate not to die, falling from such a height left him dazed.

As Torajirou Shiro, holding his forehead, got up, he saw the surrounding crowd as the dust settled.

"Hey! Who sent you here to stir up trouble?"

Barked a squinty-eyed woman with a red ponytail, though her stance was hardly ladylike.

Torajirou Shiro initially ignored the red-haired woman's words, as his attention was caught by something more intriguing, prompting him to exclaim.

"Cat-eared? A catgirl?!"

"Hey! Are you even listening to me?" The red-haired woman exclaimed.

Honestly, it was seeing the cat-eared girl that made Torajirou Shiro truly feel he had traversed to another world, as such creatures didn't exist in either his past or current world.

'So, I really did cross to another world...' Torajirou Shiro thought silently.

In the meantime, the red-haired squinty-eyed woman, long ignored, finally erupted.

She marched up to the dazed Torajirou Shiro, forcibly turned his head to face her, and screamed into his ear.

"You really came looking for trouble, didn't you?! Tell me, which Familia did you come from!"

"Familia... What is that?" Torajirou finally responded with a question.

"What? Caught in the act and still playing dumb? Why don't you simply say you're a passerby who hasn't joined any Familia?"

"But I truly haven't joined any Familia you speak of."

Torajirou Shiro shrugged, feeling that this was not the time to lie, especially as his intuition told him that this woman seemed to have a way to detect lies.

"Lies... Huh, you're actually not lying?!" The woman's expression went from angry to shocked as she pointed at the crater caused by Torajirou Shiro's landing.

"How did you survive a fall from such a height without dying, and you even created such a huge crater in my place?! Do you know how much it costs to repair this?!"

"It was... an accident." Torajirou Shiro felt guilty; even if unintentional, he was indeed the one who caused the damage.

"So, how do you plan to compensate? The ground is overturned; such serious damage would cost at least a hundred thousand valis!" She shook Torajirou Shiro frantically.

"I have no money." While unsure of what valis was, he understood from her tone that it was probably the currency of this world.

"No money?!" She shook him even more vigorously, then had an idea and smacked her palm.

"I got it! Surviving a fall from such a height unscathed, you seem like a promising candidate. How about considering joining my Familia? I can then cancel this debt."

"Well, can you tell me, what exactly is a Familia?" Shirou needed information about this new world.

The red-haired woman then explained to him about Familias and adventurers.


Torajirou Shiro listened to the explanation and quickly activated the door on the gift card.

Only after confirming that he could leave this world anytime without actually opening the door did he relax and continue speaking.

"That's right, I am the famous 'Loki' in this world." The redhead with squinted eyes said, while patting the non-existent place in her chest.

"But you don't even know about gods? Are you really from this world?"

 Loki's eyes slightly widened as she realized something.

Torajirou Shiro suddenly felt a huge pressure; this was "Divinity."

But he also knew he couldn't lie in front of Loki; even vague answers might not deceive her but instead could provoke her anger.

Therefore, Torajirou Shiro chose to remain silent, ready to escape if she became hostile.

His silence, however, confirmed his origin to Loki, who reverted to her cheerful demeanor.

"Hehe, this is what they call the unknown, huh? The lower world is indeed a fun place! An otherworlder, huh? I'm even more interested to have you join my Familia."

"Why?" Torajirou Shiro inquired.

"Why? What do you mean?" Loki seemed surprised at his question but, having understood about Familias, Torajirou knew he needed to be cautious.

"The debt I owe can be worked off or repaid in other ways; there's no need to join your Familia. Since people from another world are rare here, other Familias must be the same, right? So why should I join yours?"

His reply might be seen as offensive by other gods, as if unappreciative of their invitation, but Loki, known even among gods for her playful nature, found his reaction more to her liking.

"Firstly, you don't think there is no competition among gods, do you? If you join another Familia, or even if you show no intention but other gods learn that you come from another world, they will harass you to death. My Loki Familia is known as one of the Twin Kings in Orario; not many dare to provoke us," Loki explained, seeing Torajirou nod.

"Secondly, I won't restrict your freedom. Meaning, as long as you don't intentionally cause trouble, I won't force you to do anything. This is a deal: you provide me with entertainment, and I offer you convenience."

Torajirou Shiro was taken aback by Loki's honesty; he was ready to flee if she insisted on detaining him. Yet, things turned out so differently.

"No problem, I agree. But I have one last request."

"Hey, don't overdo it."

"It's not a big deal; I just want to see how I measure up in this world by testing my strength against one of your capable Familia members," Torajirou Shiro said, looking towards the crowd that had been murmuring ever since they found out he was a visitor from another world.

"If that's the case, no problem. Hey, Raul, come here and have a match with him," Loki called someone from the crowd.

Regarding first impressions, Torajirou Shiro would describe this person as ordinary, plain, someone who would be difficult to spot in a crowd.

"Don't underestimate him; he's a genuine level 4 adventurer," Loki remarked lightly.

Level represents an adventurer's rank; level 1 is the low class, with about half in Orario at this level.

At level 2, you can be called a high-class or third-class adventurer, while level 4 is an even higher second-class adventurer. They are the elite of the elite in any Familia.



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