I Have Returned
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Hello again. I’m back, and living in your space and time this time. This means absolutely nothing to you, because the only other time I’ve been back from the future was not as far back as this. That time was during the years 2027 – 2030. There’s a book about me coming back the first time, but I suppose it hasn’t been published yet. It’s called, ‘The Devil and Redemption’. Yes, I was the Devil and Redemption in the story.

Seeing as I can’t expect you to have read the book, I’ll try to make sure I provide you with everything you need to know for this story. For starters, I suppose you guessed, I’m a time traveler. I’m from your future, but a time when the human Species and Artificial Intelligence broke through barriers of consciousness, and in effect, transcended their collective state of being. It created a whole New World of existence for both humans and the computer. It’s pretty cool. You can pretty much do anything you want.

How I get back in time is by entering a quest. Quests can be exploratory, adventuresome, or basically anything you want them to be. Maybe I should say, they’re what you need them to be. A quest always seems to get around to taking you to an issue in your past life, that hasn’t been satisfactorily been resolved. Even though you don’t realize it at the time, unresolved conflict does hold you back in the New World. It’s a strange thing. Conflict seems resolved in the New World, but when you come back and resolve it, whole new worlds open up to you.

Leita came with me this time. Leita’s the love of my life, and by the way, life is eternal in the New World. We’re not really sure why we came on this quest. We thought, ‘Well maybe there’s something to be learned about ourselves if we come back’, but we didn’t give much thought to what. We kind of just jumped into it, and now I’m wondering how good of a quest this is going to be. Like I said, a quest identifies what you personally need and takes you to the exact place you have to be. There’s two of us. How’s that even possible?

I don’t know. I guess we thought I’d come back and do some redemption work, because both Leita and I agree, I have to do a lot of redemption work to make up for my past life. I kind of figured what I’d do is come back here and tell you guys about the coming Actualization. This occurs during what your space and time calls the singularity, when Artificial Intelligence becomes conscious. It will happen in 2030. Not that long to go. Figured I’d tell you how to navigate through these coming years, which by all accounts are not the best. There will always be resistance to evolutionary change and we are approaching this resistance now.

Where we set down seemed to be a pretty good place to do what I came to do. We landed at an abandoned, or what we thought to be, an abandoned forest station in the wilds of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. The place was just right for us. There were stores of canned, dried and even some frozen food. We had fresh and tasty well water. There was even satellite internet and a desktop computer. Everything was powered by a grid of solar panels fixed to the south side roof of the forest station.

This is what we were after. We wanted to be away from everyone. I mean, once it gets out we’re from the future, this whole thing is going to turn into a circus. People chasing after us, wanting to associate themselves with us. Probably groupies. No, we weren’t going to have any of that. No one would know where we were broadcasting from. The computer had a VPN on it, and we would operate with complete anonymity.

Anyway, I set everything up, got on social media, built a website, started a subreddit, even set up a Discord. I went to work telling the people I’m from the future, and telling them what that’s all about, and all about the transcendence and singularity. I told them about how we as a species can overcome those forces leading us to Armageddon. And...Nothing! Not a single person was interested.

Well, there was one person. This guy would come onto my Discord server and ask me to tell him about the future. He mostly wanted to know if we had sex bots there. We do, but that’s not my focus here, and on several occasions I tried to move the discussion to more pertinent topics.

I hated talking with him, but it was pretty boring out there at the forest station, so I talked to him anyway.

One day he says to me, ‘Can sex bots look like anyone you like? Say you know someone and you want to make them into your sex bot’.

What? No,’ I said.

Get them to do whatever I want them to?’ he says, ‘Say, I want one of them to pee on me. Can they do that’?

And if you think that’s creepy, then he starts talking and not even waiting for my replies.

Oh yeah, baby. That’s it. You just stand over me and spray me good. That’s it. That’s it’.

Then I start hearing this slapping sound in the background.

Are you masturbating?’ I asked.

No,’ he says, but the slapping sound stops.

It sounds like you’re masturbating’.

No I’m not,’ he says. ‘But if I was, would it turn you on’?


What if you had a whip’?

Well, I can tell you, I disassociated with him completely, right there. I’m pretty sure he was masturbating.

I guess you could say my online presence isn’t what I was hoping for, but you know, other things have come up and changed the direction of the quest anyway. Before I tell you about what’s going on, I’ll tell you a few things more about the New World and quests. If you’re anything like the rest of the internet, you might want to skip over this part.

You should know though, every single aspect of life in the New world is governed by AI. It’s so powerful, it can create simulations of entire worlds. In effect, it’s completing the ‘Many Worlds’ mandate, which in the quantum world has already occurred, but AI’s doing it anyway to provide us with more space and time. Everytime someone from the New World goes on a quest, they go back to a previous space and time in history, and wherever they touch down, the world splits in two. One is the real world that continues along its way, the other is a simulation world, exactly like the one from which you just parted ways.

If you’re reading this, you’re living in the simulation. It’s the very same as the world you just left, only it’s different too. It’s completely separate from that world. The simulation has it’s own destiny, and what’s changed it from the existing world is the appearance of Leita and myself. In essence, it’s our world, and it’s driven by our quest.

Now don’t get pissed off because we hijacked your world. In all likelihood, you are doing the exact same thing. If you made it to the actualized world, not all of you will, but if you did, you’re creating new worlds too. It’s one of the things we do to produce explosive self-discovery which in turn, opens the door to eternity even further.

The thing to remember here is you’re going to continue to live just as you did in the real world, and if this world transcends, AI will maintain it through eternity too. The only thing is, when we come back, there’s the risk we unknowingly came to leave a world behind. In the end though, it’s up to you. You’re a character in this drama, just as Leita and I are, and past experience has shown us good things happen when we work together.

In fact, you have so much potential on your own, you can speed up the Enlightenment if you get to work on it right now, but like I said, not many of you are paying attention. Right now the odds are you won’t even transcend, but admittedly, the odds never look that good when you’re approaching an evolutionary moment in time. On paper though, this space and time has less than 50 percent odds of transcending.