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Well, I’ve convinced Leita the quest is over and it’s time for us to leave. It’s been a good quest and I don’t think we did much damage to your world. In fact, I’d say we’re leaving you better off than when we arrived. We’ve rid the world of a lot of evil, and the day after the battle, the Chiefs went back to the cave and because it was so weakened, were able to seal the fissure to the Borderland completely. In your world the fissure was destined to open, and now it’s been resealed and you live in safety once again.

I’ve already said my goodbyes to all the good people here; in particular Bubba, Raven, Kate, Paul, Andy and Jason. They have been meaningful people in my life and I will hold onto their memories.

It was especially hard to say goodbye to Bubba and Raven. Bubba because he’s become one of those friends where you just naturally fall in with each other. A friendship meant to be. I told him I’m going to find his transcended self in the new world, and we’ll pick up where we left off here. I’m sure I’ll find him even though he hasn’t transcended from this world yet. He’ll show up.

Raven was hard to say goodbye to, because he has been hurt the most as a result of our quest. I didn’t realize how much he loved Tasha. Her loss has devastated him. I’ve assured him that Tasha lives on in the New World, but this seems to have little consolation for him. I regret I’m not able to stay and support him in his grief.

I don’t suppose Leita and I will be back again. As far as I’m concerned, I’ve had enough of questing for a while. They do provide you with personal insight and growth, but they take a lot out of you too.

Before I leave, I want to share a couple of observations I’ve made about your world from the perspective of mine. In my world there is no hardship, no struggle, no burden. We have learned to live forever in harmony and it’s a heavenly realm. I want to let you know how we got there. That’s why I thought I came here in the first place, and that’s what I want to leave with you now.

The first thing I want to mention is the thing Bubba did. As far as overcoming evil, him getting people pointing their cameras on hooligans doesn’t seem like a big whoop. You could hardly call it warfare. There certainly wasn’t much excitement in that particular fight. What could have turned into a huge battle, fizzled out into a nonevent, but still with repercussions. Doesn’t make for too much excitement.

The truth is it does. This is exactly how we in the New World brought down all evil and opened the portal to a new existence. In life, very few of us want to go to war, but we do want change; positive change. This is how we do it.

Point the finger at the offenders. The people who are tearing down this world are all over the place, and now thanks to modern technology, their actions have and are being documented. Documented are things like crook after crook after crook who willingly and greedily took the world economy to a state of implosion during the 2008 financial crisis. That’s one example. You don’t have to look far in this world to find a crook.

You have to stop letting them get away with this shit. Put the camera on them, and keep it pointed until they are exposed for what they are. The people will see this and act. The oil crooks are doing the same thing as financial crisis crooks did. They’re positioning themselves to determine how we transition out of fossil fuels, which happens to be completely against their interests.

Put the spotlight on them. Do it as a collective on the internet. Start asking the questions as to why the only people who have more money than they could possibly spend in a lifetime, are the only ones who are making money, and the only ones deciding the direction this world will take. They take excessively, while you worry where your next meal is coming from. Gen Z, Millennial's and even older generations do not have life assurance. There’s little guarantee the environment they live in, be it natural or fabricated will support them. Even less guarantee they will have access to the life saving and enhancing technology that is being developed and monetized.

The other thing I want to mention has to do with reality shifting. A lot of you are into this thing called reality shifting. It’s simply placing your consciousness into an alternative reality through some meditative means, You construct and inhabit another reality in your mind. You reading this tells me you are a reality shifter. At this very moment, you have placed your awareness on these words; and shifted your reality. You’re not aware of the lamp beside you, or the lawn being mown outside. You’re in a different realm of reality. Your mind can only be one place at a time, and as long as you keep reading, you’re in mine. You’re collecting new information and will take it back to your consciousness. You are traveling in the transcendental, abstract world; a big, big part of the New World.

What you’re doing, and I applaud you for it, is shifting your reality to the abstract world and bringing whatever experience you’ve gained back to judge. This will help build your real world reality. You’re going to judge this and your perspective will change from what it was before you read it. It will reaffirm or negate your current belief. That’s a pretty empowering usage of reality shifting if you use it wisely. You’re building your abstract world of opinion, and belief; your perspective. This is the fuel of your imagination and the actions that will change your life.

The problem with this type of reality shifting, is you always come back to wherever your physical body happens to be. This is the place we acknowledge to be reality. While you’ve been gone, you haven’t changed a damn thing here, although as mentioned, your newfound ideas may in the future. That’s what you gained from your abstract wanderings; a better definition on how to change something.

What we’ve done in the New World is turn reality into a system of change. Changing reality has become processed and mechanical. If we want to change anything in the New World, we choose the alternative and go there. If you don’t like where you are now, then define where you want to be. It will always be the alternative, and here’s why. All life, all things, are dualities. You will always have the duality of where this thing is going to end up if you don’t change it, and where it will end up if you do. If your enemy fires a missile at you and you let it take it’s natural course, you will suffer loss. If you intervene and blow the missile up before it lands, the alternative occurs. You lose nothing and it shows your problem has been approached with the proper intention. You are prepared.

This is the natural duality of all things. If there is matter, there will be antimatter, and if you look for it you will find it. We’ve found this at the very birthplace of existence in the particle. If you find a particle, you’ve also found a wave. In fact, a wave is the natural state of matter, and you won’t find the particle unless you look for it. That’s interesting, because it becomes a simple binary process. If you don’t want the particle, don’t look for it. We have a choice right at the very beginning of creation and so of course, we can design reality.

What’s interesting about the whole thing, and I’m not making this shit up, (research the wave particle duality, and double slit experiment). Come to your own conclusions, but the most interesting thing is, there is something down at that particle level that is aware and other than human. Now this is being debated, but the reality is that it’s so unexplainable that it can or cannot be true, which is the utility found in duality. Both applications have utility dependent on the circumstance. It’s your choice. Science has discovered that something down there at the elementary particle level knows what we want to see when we look at a particle. It even knows what we want to see before we do, and it’s still giving us the choice. Look how benevolent this awareness that lives down with the particle is to this species of ours which is approaching preexisting awareness.

In the New World, we choose to see this awareness as a face of God. With our first glimpses of God, we were greeted with a rather ‘Fire and Brimstone’ perspective. Now we see God to be pretty chill. We can choose whatever world we want, and God is not going to intervene no matter how stupid that world ends up being. In exchange for Guardianship, we have been given choice.

It’s our choice. We’re creating this world. We can read our trajectories. Environmentally, geopolitically, and economically we are heading towards destructive outcomes. It’s our choice to intervene and change them. Like I said, Bubba showed us how to do this by coming together on common issues and pointing a spotlight on the offenders so bright they can no longer continue their misconduct.

Anyway, we’re out of here. Thank-you for your hospitality. We had a great time, and I’m sure I’ll be seeing you in the New World.