Chapter 9: Madness
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Next chapter on Friday, most likely Saturday though tbh, got too much going on. Hope you guys liked the chapter. OH, some extra info. When I first thought of this story I was pretty young and obsessed with bad endings, meaning it should have ended right here but don't worry lol, That was just one possible ending

As Kate howled, collapsing in his embrace, John attempted to guide her out of the room and into his, but her legs had given out at some point. She clung to him, suspended only by her arms around his neck.

John attempted to console her with cliched assurances that everything would be alright, but to no avail. With a sigh, he lifted Kate and carried her out of the room and into the corridor.

He swung open his door with his foot, which he had left ajar, and made his way to his bed. He tossed Kate onto it, eliciting a shrill scream from her as she bounced twice before coming to a stop. She looked at John questioningly, tears in her eyes, appearing pitiful yet beautiful at once… if not for the snot running down her mouth. John turned to his fridge, bending to retrieve two bottles of water.

“Here, you smell of booze. I bet you haven’t had any water all this time,” John said. He suspected that the reason she couldn’t walk wasn’t solely because her knees had given out.

Kate took the bottle and uncorked it, greedily swallowing the water like parched land after a drought. Her throat moved quickly, and her dried lips moistened. Suddenly, John reached out and took the bottle from her hands. Only about five seconds had passed, yet half the bottle of water was already gone.

Kate shot him a questioning look as he said, “Take it easy. Drinking too much water all of a sudden can lead to water intoxication. Chill out.” John ignored Kate’s glaring eyes as he drank his water, giving a satisfied sigh.

John was no doctor, however, he did consider himself a fitness expert of sorts, so he knew a thing or two about the human body. He recalled seeing somewhere that if you drink a large amount of water after being dehydrated for several days, it could lead to a condition called Hyponatremia.

He recalled it having to do with electrolytes or sodium or something, either way, it wouldn’t hurt to be on the safe side.

“….” An awkward silence filled the room, neither of them spoke. John leaned against the wall beside his bed with his phone in hand, while Kate just sat on the bed staring directly at him. I can't just pretend not to see her I guess. Despite how much he wished he could, it was like she was trying to peer into his soul.

With a sigh, John stowed his phone and said, “Alright, we need to talk.” He turned to look at Kate head-on. Kate flinched, her hands began to fidget as beads of sweat covered her head. She turned to John wanting to John, opening her mouth to speak as both their voices overlapped.

““I’m sorry.”” Silence yet again. Kate looked at John, questioningly.

John stood silent for a while, sighed, and then said, “Look, I’m sorry for what I did. Now wasn’t the best time to do that, not that there’s ever a good time to stick your tongue down your mother's throat, ha.” Kate looked to John unsure what to say, deep in her eyes though, conflict was present.

“I’ll be leaving early. It’s been roughly a week since I came here, and nothing good has come of it,” John spoke somberly. Kate’s eyes widened in panic, her expression questioning.

Ignoring her, John continued, “Don’t worry too much though. I’ll call Aunt Rachel to look after you. I know you two don’t have the best relationship, but I don’t think she’d ignore her sister, especially when her husband ju—.”

John’s words were abruptly cut short as Kate got up. A sudden memory flooded his mind causing John to instinctively back away from the approaching Kate as he asked, “Mom, what happened?”

He didn’t forget the state Kate was in just a while ago. In truth, he had been trying to act as nonchalantly as possible to restore a sense of ‘normalcy.’ Knowing Kate, he assumed that even if she didn’t pick up on this, she’d cling to it regardless. She was the type to avoid confrontation and preferred the path of least resistance.

But did he truly understand? When he had revealed all of his mother’s deepest secrets, secrets she never intended for him to know, it had shattered something inside her. She had lost her mind temporarily. However, once broken, it would never be the same.

‘Time heals all wounds’ was a phrase that was lightly passed around. But was it truly accurate? John had left home for college, putting distance between himself and the targets of his hatred and affection. Yet, had the flames of either emotion truly been extinguished? The resounding answer was no.

Roughly two years had passed, yet nothing had changed—except for John’s composure. He had learned to conceal his emotions tightly, putting on a front of normalcy. That’s why, of all people, he should have known that despite Kate having reverted to her meek and demure demeanor, things couldn’t have been normal.

In his defense, Kate had always been unpredictable. Just when he thought he had a good grasp on her and her limits, she’d surprise him by being completely fine with something or becoming angry at seemingly meaningless things.

As John backed away, he checked his back pocket to confirm that the knife was still where it should be, out of her reach. Feeling a bit more assured, he stood his ground and looked at the approaching Kate. Just as he was about to ask her once again what was wrong, he noticed something was wrong with the way she moved as well as the look in her eyes and smile.

Kate slowly approached John, moving with the grace and agility of a cat, her every movement oozing with sensuality. As she drew closer, John felt a surge of desire mingled with unease.

Gulp. John swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry. Seeing his reaction, Kate flashed him a pleased, enticing smile, her emerald green eyes tinged with passion and madness seeming to penetrate his soul with an irresistible intensity. Each glance she cast his way pulled him in deeper, like a moth drawn to a flame.

With slow, deliberate steps, Kate continued her approach, her hips swaying seductively with each movement. Her fair, luscious thighs contrasted against the green fabric of her panties as they pressed against her most intimate places. John couldn’t help but notice how they looked moist.

I didn’t notice before but…goddamn her lingerie is sexy as hell!

Yes, it wasn’t just her eyes and smile that captivated him; it was the way she was dressed. Kate’s outfit was unlike anything he had ever seen before—a stunning emerald four-piece lace bra and panty set with a matching garter belt.

The delicate lace, adorned with intricate floral patterns, hugged her curves in all the right places, leaving little to the imagination. John couldn’t help but notice how the emerald color of the lingerie perfectly complemented her piercing eyes.

The fabric hugged her curves in all the right places, accentuating every dip and curve of her body. Her breasts threatened to spill out of the bra with each step she took at any given moment. It was hypnotizing, daring, provocative, and utterly alluring. And her eyes—her chilling green eyes—never left his, as if honing in on its prey. They glimmered with a dangerous allure, beckoning him closer even as shivers ran down his spine.

Her smile was both inviting and unsettling, a mix of desire and something darker lurking beneath the surface. John found himself unable to tear his gaze away from her, captivated by the raw power emanating from her very being.

The room seemed to shrink as she continued to close the distance between them, every movement she made felt like they were designed specifically to ensnare men in a dance of temptation and madness. In this moment his mother was like raw sex appeal in motion, an embodiment of desire and sin.

As she reached him, Kate lifted a hand to gently trace a finger along his stubble-covered jawline, sending a jolt of electricity through him. The air around them crackled with tension, the scent of her unwashed skin adding to the intoxicating allure.

At that moment, there was no one else in the world but the two of them, lost in a trance, John stood there as Kate wrapped her hands around his neck, pulling his head down to face her. She pressed her body against his as she gazed into his eyes intensely, “Who said you could leave, sweety? You think you get to return to ‘normal’ after what you’ve done to me?” Her voice, more like the whisper of a devil, sent chills down John’s spine, sobering him. She continued, “Well, I don’t think this guy wants to go, hehe,” Kate giggled, looking down slightly.

“W-What d’you mean, Mom?” John stuttered apprehensively, it took all his self-control to not repeat what had gotten him into their current situation, to begin with. He had never seen his mother like this before. Under normal circumstances, Kate exuded a maternal warmth that was accompanied by a sensual nonchalance. But in this moment, she emanated a seductive allure that could tempt even the most devout holy men to forsake their vows.

Kate stared at John, her smile fading, and his heart turned cold. Yet, in an instant, her smile returned, though now tinged with a hint of madness she attempted to conceal. Strangely, instead of deterring his passion, the madness lurking behind her eyes only seemed to add to her allure, pulling him in like a moth to a flame.

“I mean this,” as her left hand caressed his face, she reached down with her right hand and gently fondled the weighty bulge in John’s pants, eliciting a groan from him.

“Why are you doing this?!” John seized his mother’s shoulders, his grip tight as he shook her, her head swaying like a broken doll. Amidst all of Kate’s eccentricities, this behavior baffled him the most. “You said I took advantage of you last time, let go!”

He attempted to push Kate away, but she wrapped her arm, which had been caressing his face, around his neck, holding him close instead as she grinned with ecstasy.

John furrowed his brows in frustration, exerting more effort to pry the mad temptress off of him. Yet, as he struggled, Kate licked her pink lips and whispered in his ear, “Hehe, are you angry? It’s ok…I won’t stop you this time…no matter what you do.” Her giggle carried a strange allure as she gazed into John’s eyes as if extending an invitation.

John paused, uncertain if he had heard correctly. Locking gazes with Kate, he searched for any sign of trickery or jest in her eyes. Yet, all he found was a glazed-over look of lust, tinged by madness.

Kate encircled her other hand around his neck, fully embracing him as she licked her lips seductively. Her movements were slow and deliberate, leaving John shaken to his core. Uncertainty and reason fought against his lust in the depth of his eyes, but only for a moment.