CH: 1
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Our first power is from SCP-682's ability to rapidly adapt to any situation, just changed to limited shapeshifting.

"Ugh... Where am I?"

Waking up from my lab accident, I looked around myself, a strand of red hair falling in front of my eye. I was startled, this wasn't my hair color, I had brown hair, not scarlet hair that looked like it would be on an anime character, did that experiment do something to my body? Looking for any changes, nothing but the clothes I wore and my hair and eye color changed. I had gone from your everyday scientist, to some red haired green eyed rebellious teen, I had graduated early so my age of 18 wasn't changed, as evidence by my Id which still had the same name and age, only I was listed as a metahuman instead of human. My eyes also seemed to be slitted like a cat so my night vision was better than normal. 

Standing up, I was greeted by a familiar sight, a man in a bat costume and a strange green haired psycho duking it out in the middle of the street. Raking my hyper-intelligent brain, I remember where I saw this scene from, DC comics, I had no plans on interacting with the closet furry and the jester today, so I ran the opposite direction from them.

My body felt light and feeling like I had more energy than before, I leaped just to see what might happen, only for two bat-like wings to sprout from my back and begin to flap, keeping me in the air. I wondered if this was what qualified me as Metahuman, but testing it further I tried to change my hands to claws and found that after a few seconds just trying to shift to what I wanted, I had two menacing claws replacing my hands.

They looked like the claws of a reptile, but I felt this was their default look and that further customization is possible, I'll have to experiment with this power later. my wing also shared some reptilian features like scales, but had a thin layer of red hairs covering them as well, my outfit seems to have shifted around my changes, with holes for my wings being placed in the back without any tears. I tried to rip the clothing but it just shifted around my claws, not allowing it to touch, meaning this was either a part of my body or made of something that could change shape.

Not much seemed to be different from my old world, since I lived in a DC comic with no heroes other than superman, and the other heroes were just comics. I had developed a Dimensional Teleporter and saw the reality of the world, eventually returning to my old world only to be killed in one of the main man's famously destructive battles. Now I am here, a mutant human with the power to shapeshift flying over gotham city like it's just another day in the world.

I landed on an abandoned orphanage, one of many thanks to Batman I mean Bruce Wayne's efforts to improve the city. Breaking in through a window, I climbed on one of the old cots and fell asleep, in both lives I'm an orphan, at least that's what my body tells me.


Waking up I looked at the orphanage I found myself in, I t was likely used as a villain lair for a while before being swiftly abandoned since al= lot of lab and chemistry equipment was left around, all in good condition. I decided to set up my base of operations here for now, maybe one day I'll change to a different city, but for now, Time to figure out how my power works.

I decided to do the best thing in this situation, try and cut off my hand. Taking a massive cleaver from the table of the orphanage's kitchen, I swung as hard as I could, only to have the blade break in contact with my skin.

"Note to self discover a metal that can pierce my skin."

Moving on to the next test, I grabbed some acid from the lab and poured it over my arm, only for my skin to not even react in the slightest, it just acted like water to a normal person. 

"Acids don't work, good to know."

My final test was one that was simple, I grabbed another vial of acid and drank it, only for nothing to happen, no not even a stomach ache.

"It seems I can digest normally inedible items, I have to try this on things that might kill another hero soon."

Holding a pistol that was left on the ground of the orphanage, I checked the mag for any ammo, and held it to my arm, Pulling the trigger I heard the familiar sound ring out before I looked at myself. On my arm was a hole directly through the middle, but one that was rapidly healing.

"So I'm a monster... well being human is boring, so monster it is!"

I got to work in the lab preparing a compound that I remember making before for police use, an expanding foam that would turn rock solid in seconds and be tougher than titanium when hard. I looked through each of the chemicals, and found each of them I needed. Mixing the compound into a vial, then making another 15 vials, I placed them in special little holders that I had found on the inside of my jacket.

I was going to bust some crooks and with how little I know about my body, some help is needed, I willed my clothes to form a black mask over my mouth before leaping out the window and flying around, willing my ears to be like that of a bats to better hear any crimes nearby. I came across a purse snatcher and decided that was the best first try.

I landed right behind the man and grabbed both his hands before quickly breaking a vial of the trapping compound over them, it hardening into nigh unbreakable handcuffs. I then hit the man on the neck, my hit knocking him unconscious, I had trained in some martial arts in my previous life so a simple knockout wasn't a problem.

Handing the purse back to the woman, I called the cops on the phone before flying off, my wings beating ever so softly as to not wake anyone up, Yes I did wait until night to do this. I knew for a fact that Batman dealt with all the major crimes while his sidekicks dealt with minor robberies and things like purse snatchers.

However even a full team of trained martial artists and expert detectives wouldn't be capable of taking care of everything in gotham, so I was a good help to the yearly crime rate drop.


"Hey Chief we got a new vigilante in town."

"Are they as tiresome and the bat?"

"So far no, but they seem to use a mix of personal powers and a special compound to capture people, the purse snatcher they stopped said that the woman had wings like that of a dragon, and used a strange foam that hardened into the cuffs he now wears."

"Look I don't care if the girl's a meta or if she's an alien, I just want to have a break for once, but contact her some way and see if we can't get that steel foam stuff she uses for police use."