Chapter 1
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The stadium was a supernova. Every blast of light, every ripple of magical energy, whipped the crowd into a frenzy, mirroring the intensity on the battlefield.


Mei Lin's avatar shimmered, her twin daggers less like weapons and more like extensions of her own shadow. Each flicker of darkness around her wasn't just stealth- It was the audience's collective gasp, their unspoken question hanging in the air.


"That ultimate from Bai Ling is a death sentence!" 


The play-by-play caster, voice tight with tension, voiced the fear in everyone's minds.


The mage's spell ignited the air, not a single bolt but a twisting storm of arcane energy. There was no finesse, no elegance, only the raw, crackling desperation of one final gamble.


The storm surged forward, a dozen homing missiles of pure destructive magic. There was no dodging, no single point to parry. It was designed to overwhelm and annihilate.


"MEI LIN'S CHARGING IT – SHE'S GOING STRAIGHT THROUGH!" The color commentator's shout cut through the crowd's roar as Mei Lin dashed forward.


She burst forward with a speed that defied all expectations in a series of impossible moves, weaving her skills to dodge each hit. Her blades didn't cut through the spell, but rather the tension woven into the air. The crowd didn't see a blur but a visual manifestation of defiance – a streak of darkness that split the blinding light.




The casters mirrored the audience's explosion of disbelief. Mei Lin materialized behind the mage, already in motion, a flicker of steel hamstringing her opponent before the spell even fizzled.




For a heart-pounding moment, the spotlight was all on her. The roar of victory still echoed, a ghost trapped in her too-quiet apartment.




The stadium imploded into a flat, grainy image. Not Mei Lin's face reflected in the TV screen, but that of her former teammate, reading Mei Lin’s retirement statement, the words echoing with a hollowness the newscasters struggled to fill.


The apartment was less a living space and more like a battlefield in the aftermath. Dirty dishes teetered on a table beside meticulously arranged training manuals. Trophies, once shining, were draped in a film of dust. Even the air seemed heavy and stale.


Mei Lin knelt on the worn carpet, her back a stark silhouette against the TV's sickly glow.


"...sudden end for one of the most respected players in Astral Road..." The newscaster's voice faded into the background with the harsh rasp of plastic against leather as she picked up the VR headset.


Beside her was a stack of unopened mail – bills, a fan letter, something official-looking – rested the VR headset, a sleek serpent coiled in wait.


Her fingers hovered over the headset, the cool plastic starkly contrasting the taut tendons beneath her skin.


The sudden trill of a ringtone broke the silence. Mei Lin stared at the screen. For a heartbeat, time seemed to warp. The caller ID was a blur, and in her mind's eye, it flickered, transforming into [Chen Lu].


A familiar warmth, a memory of playful banter they shared…and then it was gone. The screen, with painful clarity, now read [Mom]. Mei Lin blinked, the memory replaced by a wave of bittersweet disappointment.


Swallowing hard, she forced a smile as she answered. It was her mother, the usual cheerful inquiries tinged with a newfound wariness they both tried to ignore.


"…I know, Mom…it's important… Love you too…" Her usual practiced brightness cracked around the edges. The call ended, leaving a silence far heavier than before.


The notification light on her phone blinked insistently: [TRYOUTS - 18 HOURS]. Chen Lu's final words crashed over her with crushing weight...


"That smile of yours..." Her voice softened, nearly a whisper. "It was never brighter than when you were playing. Don't let that light go out, Mei Lin."


Chen Lu's gentle plea echoed, a painful contrast to the cheerful tone of the newscaster booming from the TV in the background:


"...dominating the VRMMO scene for years now, Astral Crusade's meta continues to evolve, but one thing remains constant – the cutthroat competition. Can a new generation of players rise to rival the legendary veterans?..."


With a wry smile, she picked up the headset. The cutesy writing clashed with the news report's hype. "You better not lose!" it proclaimed in Chen Lu's unmistakable handwriting, a playful taunt below a little rabbit doodle.


"Jeez Chen Lu…why'd you have to leave me with that?" she muttered. A wry smile at the distraction crossed her face, then faded.


As she fumbled with the headset straps, the newscaster's voice shifted focus: "... The new season is about to begin… teams are recruiting for… "


The headset had settled into place. Mei Lin had braced herself for the overwhelming rush of a new game world... but instead, there had been darkness. Then, a pinprick of light had grown into a soft, celestial glow.


Overhead, a nebula swirled into existence, not harsh pixels, but with ethereal beauty that took her breath away. A gentle voice broke the silence:


"Welcome to Astral Crusade! Let's get you started, brave adventurer!"


The nebula resolved into a fluffy sheep, floating serenely in the air. Its oversized eyes blinked with cheerful concern. "Whoops! Looks like you materialized a bit... sideways!" It giggled, righting her with a gentle nudge.


The world stabilized, but it wasn't the generic tutorial zone she expected. She stood among rolling hills dotted with wildflowers, a vibrant sunset painting the sky.


No threats, just peaceful beauty.


"Character creation first!" The sheep chirped, a holographic menu shimmering into view. Mei Lin hesitated. It had been years since she designed an avatar, and this one carried extra weight.


"Remember," the sheep prompted with surprising warmth, "in Astral Crusade, your character isn't just a mask, it reflects your true essence. This journey is about rediscovering yourself!"


Mei Lin frowned. The usual array of customization options was absent. Instead, a shimmering mirror appeared, her own reflection gazing back at her.


"Hmm..." The sheep sounded thoughtful. "It seems your avatar is already taking shape! A few tweaks perhaps..." It gestured, and only then could Mei Lin change her hair and eye colors.


A bittersweet pang hit her. No hiding behind a fantastical persona this time. She chose white hair, echoing her old Astral Road character, then paused. For eyes, she had selected a vibrant purple – Chen Lu's favorite color.


"A beautiful choice!" The sheep approved. "Now, the most important part: your class. This is where your true potential shines!"


The class list scrolled by - classic archetypes alongside distinctly Astral Crusade oddities. Her finger hovered over 'Astral Maestro,' a wave of warmth mingled with trepidation washing over her.


This was Chen Lu's class... could I ever live up to that?


A soft smile had touched Mei Lin's lips. "I'll give it my best shot," she had murmured, choosing both a tribute and a challenge to herself.


"Wonderful!" The sheep had bounced with excitement.  "A Maestro in the making! Now, hit confirm, and your journey truly begins!"


Mei Lin had hit 'confirm,' a surge of anticipation and nerves crackling through her. Light had exploded, then receded, revealing...a quaint, sunlit room. She had blinked, momentarily confused, before spotting the bed beneath her.


"Huh? Did I fall asleep?" With a jolt, she had remembered: Astral Crusade! She had scrambled upright, looking down at herself. Her avatar's form had shimmered slightly, confirming its nature, but the familiarity of her white hair and purple eyes had offered a strange sense of grounding.


Then, the panic had set in. "My hands!" She had stared at them, flexing and clenching her fingers with childlike wonder and a touch of absurdity. "Whoa, the detail is crazy... but, how do I..."


A glowing arrow had materialized, insistently pointing towards the door.  "Oh, great. Tutorial time." Mei Lin had groaned, already feeling the echo of countless mandatory introductions in other games.


"Man, I hate tutorials."


The tutorial quest had popped up, the objectives had flashed obnoxiously bright. "Ugh, seriously? Fetch quests?" she had grumbled, but curiosity had won out. With exaggerated caution, she had reached for the doorknob, her first interaction with the game world having felt thrilling and hilariously awkward.



Thanks for reading! I'll be publishing a few more chapters over the few days. This is just a small side project I'll be writing while working on my main series: Mistakenly Yours. The updates will most likely be weekly until I finish the other series.