Chapter 03 – The First Quest and Proof of Overkill
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The guards at the gate were worryingly looking at the eight small girls leaving the city. Four of them were clearly helpers from the Adventurers Guild.

Then they were looking at a water bubble where the girls had been that popped and left an empty wet spot.

"Did they just pop?" One guard asked the other one.

"So I wasn't seeing things, some kind of spell?" The second guard peered into the moat. "I don't see them down there."

"Suspicious." The two guards at the outgoing line glared at each other before relaxing. Trying to explain this was too much of a hassle to bother. Not like anyone would believe them anyway, like that rumour that the Goddess of Justice was personally cleaning out the Merchants Guild. More merchants were leaving the city and they were busy.

They were less sure that it was a rumour when their guard captain was dragged off for bribery and corruption an hour later. Before he had bragged how good it was to be captain and to receive all those favours.

It was far more probable than eight small girls teleporting however.


The four helpers were shocked when a sphere of water enveloped the group and they were standing on a stream.

"The goblins are that way." Levi was eager to start the quest. "They were drinking down the stream before, and I feel them over there. There are a lot, I guess it is some kind of settlement."

Noire on the other hand looked up at the sun. "Actually it is time for lunch."

"Since we are in the forest at a stream, skewered fish over fire?" Mya looked down into the stream.

"I have salmon." Levi pulled a salmon out of nowhere. "The fish in this stream are tiny." Some were actually larger than her true form but that was not something she would admit to.

"I have bread, potatoes, sweet potatoes, rice, and soja sprouts." Zaria peered into her portal.

"How about a tomato salad?" Noire looked into her storage space.

"I have garlic, onions, and herbs." Mya seemed on board with the plans.

"Are you girls actually familiar with fish?" Zaria asked the four helpers.

"You are sharing your meal with us?" The helpers were surprised.

Noire found that surprise curious. "Is that unusual? What do you usually eat?"

The helpers hesitated but then showed their provisions. Dry bread, cold pre-cooked potatoes, and some dried meat. One had an apple.

"That won't do." Zaria was not impressed. "How are you supposed to grow?"

The helpers were doubtful about the growing part considering the heights of the four adventurers. However seeing the four preparing lunch and it was free was keeping them from making remarks. You did not talk back to adventurers.

"You can simply tell us if you need or want something." Mya mentioned.

Noire nodded as she sliced the tomatoes and garlic. "We became too powerful long before we grew up."

Zaria was arranging a fire. "In my case I am short because my Goddess is short."

"Size and power have actually no correlation at all." Levi explained calmly. "There are many ways to get power, but power changes you as you pay the price."

"If you don't like fish, how about skewers?" Zaria offered.

"Why are you always offering skewers?" Noire wondered.

"Tama loves them." Zaria replied. "I have tons of them saved away."

Noire remembered that she had asked that before. "I remember asking that before, guess I forgot."

"I think I asked as well." Levi suspected she had done so as well.

"It has been millenia." Mya decided not to care. Who could always remember everything that had happened over the millenia. Perfect memory was a pain and omniscience was boring which was why none of them used them. Or rather just used them for important moments.

Soon, the four helpers started squirming when the unfamiliar yet delicious smell of salmon with herbs and garlic reached them, accompanying it was the mix of chicken, bacon, onion, and bell peppers from the skewers with honey marinade.

They were really looking forward to eating now, and praying that it wasn't just a way to show off to them like it had happened before.

"Why should we just show off?" Mya wondered.

"Are you reading our minds?" The four felt scared now.

"Yes, since you don't speak up." Noire told them calmly.

"Helpers are not meant to be seen or heard." One of the four told them.

"But you help them, so why?" Levi wondered at the lack of logic.

"Don't forget that the priest was S rank?" Zaria reminded them.

"Suddenly it makes sense." Mya nodded as such people were terrible. "Those are souls that wonder why I send them off to hell before delivering them to reincarnation." She seemed to be listening to something. "I just found a nearby goblin cave. Someone just died there."

"Might as well get those goblins too." Noire waved at the helpers. "More free money for them, should be enough for them to buy new clothes."

"I smell orcs coming this way, do you four know what counts as subjugation proof for orcs?" Zaria asked the helpers.

"The fangs." One replied.

Noire pouted at her friends. "I'll find a group of goblins or orcs too." She created small bats out of blood and darkness and sent them off to search for targets and remove the orcs that were about to disturb them.

"Salmon is ready, sweet potatoes are done, who wants butter and who wants cream?" Levi announced.

"Skewers need a bit longer." Mya announced.

"Juice or wine?" Noire asked.

Zaria was making apple pie in a pan over the fire. "The pie is baking steadily."

"You are reaching into the fire with your hands?" the smallest helper asked.

The overpowered quartet smiled amused. "We gave you resistance. Or maybe it was immunity." They couldn't remember.

The tallest one held her hand closer to the fire, and it felt warm but not hot. "Wow."

"Practical, isn't it? Really helps with cooking," Zaria told them. "No more burns is really practical."

The amused overpowered quartet watched as the four normal girls approached the fire curiously and finally touched the fire and hot blaze with their bare hands.

"Food is ready. Clean." Zaria announced and cast cleaning spells on everyone.

The group started eating, the helpers needed help with the fishbones.


After eating they walked to the goblin village. Noire made them all invisible. Mya gave them true seeing so they could see each other, and Zaria removed their noise and scent.

Levi saw the goblin village, she was not impressed. Smelly, dirty, and there was a group eating some person who had been burnt over a fire. Levi simply raised a hand, and a water needle manifested above each goblin and then drilled into the heads, instantly killing them.

Mya facepalmed and laughed at the same time. "Levi, you just imagined a needle over every goblin?"

"Yes?" Levi wondered why Mya asked.

"You just killed every goblin on the continent." Mya told her.


Noire started laughing and braced herself against Zaria. Zaria snorted amused.

"Nobody will miss them, I think." Noire snorted.

Mya radiated darkness for a moment. "Alright, all souls sent to reincarnation."

The four helpers looked panicked. "We can't dismantle all goblins on the continent."

"Don't worry." Zaria waved them off. "Just do as many as you want, we need 20, any you take the proof from are just bonuses and increase your rewards."

"The next quest is mine!" Mya declared.

Noire was still laughing.

The four helpers decided to get to work and get their free money.


Gurk, God of goblins looked up when he felt something off.

He saw a water needle, then it pierced into his brain.

It would take a while until the goblins had a new god.


In the courthouse everyone watched as the Goddess of Justice dropped onto the podium, cracking it.

"Your Holiness?" A priest asked worriedly.

"The goblins are dead." She mumbled.

"That is good." A guard commented.

"No, I mean all the goblins are dead on this continent, there is not a single goblin left until the dungeons remake them." The Goddess corrected.


"I know who is responsible, but I am not going to ask why they did that." She raised her head and gave the Merchants Guild executive a sarcastic smile. "You tried to rip off the group that just killed every goblin on the continent along with their god, so I am honestly wondering how you are still alive."

"I know the laws, they can't kill me."

The Goddess sounded really wishful. "We really need a law to make stupidity punishable. If they wanted you dead, you would be, and nobody could stop them or punish them." The Goddess pulled out her Tome. "I will add more charges, like harming your predecessor so you could take his spot. Cheating on your wife and then making sure that their children couldn't be traced back to you. That makes you responsible for nine more deaths."

The Goddess continued reading out more.


"That is a goblin shaman, it gives more rewards." One of the dismantlers explained.

One of the carriers pulled a different bag out. "Different goblins go into different bags."

Mya frowned cutely. "How much is a goblin god worth?"

"God?" The other dismantler asked.

"Levi killed the big gobo accidentally?" Zaria asked snickering. "This is gold, wait let me fetch him." Zaria faded away and reappeared moments later with a huge goblin corpse. "I don't think that their knives can cut that."

"Take it whole?" Levi looked disgusted like all of them. It was far bigger, and smelled far worse. The loincloth also failed to cover the smelly and ugly organ. It was missing the balls however.

"I could teleport it to a temple or the guild?" Zaria offered.

"Why is he missing the testicles?" Noire wondered.

"He hit on Tama and was rude about it." Zaria explained.

"You knew him?" Noire asked, surprised.

"After I castrated him Tama told me to kick him out, and since then whenever he saw me he ran away screaming." Zaria explained.

The three overpowered entities nodded in perfect understanding, pissing one of them off was always a bad idea. Considering how overprotective Zaria was, that goblin god got away easily too. Though that was probably because Tamamo no Mae was the laziest goddess and didn't want to risk missing a nap or pampering.

"I guess you can teleport him to the temple." Noire looked thoughtful for a moment. "Did that Goddess of Justice do something to annoy you?" she asked Zaria.

"Yes actually, there may have been a country that was the Goddess of a few centuries or millennia ago that decided that all fluff must be brought to justice for being animals pretending to be humans. I took offence."

"I remember them, they annoyed every race that wasn't pure human." Mya nodded "They did not live long."

"She distanced herself from them, but she is still at fault for not watching them better." Zaria explained and dropped an ofuda onto the corpse of the god and teleported it away.

"That makes sense." Noire mentioned.

"Finally, the big stink is gone." Mya was happy.

"Purification." Levi cast, removing the stench.

The four helpers ignored all the weirdness and worked their way through the village.


In the city of Ghamish the Goddess of Justice received the message that the corpse of the God of goblins had appeared in her temple. And that any rewards were meant to be distributed to the four helpers that the four menaces had hired. In an act of petty revenge she sent a report about what they had done to the Guild Mistress of the Adventurers Guild. She had no intention of suffering alone.

At the Adventurers Guild the Guild Mistress was staring at the letter in disbelief. "How the hell does killing five goblins turn into killing all goblins on the continent including those in the dungeons and their god?" She did not drink normally, but because of that she owned a lot of bottled presents stashed away. Since those four had arrived she had started working through her large stash.


The many goblins were a lot of work but the helpers saw it as free money. Each goblin ear they cut was another two copper coins for them. Two goblins meant that they got a copper coin for each of them.

They actually asked them to switch to the next goblin corpse place.

They received a delicious dinner too before returning.

At the guild the Guild Mistress actually begged them not to cause more genocides.

The four helpers turned over 500 pairs of ears. That meant each of them received over 2 small silvers and 4 large coppers in addition to the hiring fee.

It was a great payout and the four girls all offered to join them again.

The overpowered quartet decided to try a normal inn, normal as in made by normal, or close to it people. It was, however, the most expensive one in the city.

The suite they received was very comfortable with two huge beds.

It was completely wasted on them.

Noire was sleeping as a tiny bat hanging off the lamp.

Levi was sleeping curled up in a basin filled with water in her leviathan form.

Mya was sleeping as a kitten on a pillow she pulled out from her storage on the bed.

Zaria was sleeping like Mya as a kit on a pillow on the other bed.

A total waste of space and money but naturally they did not care.

It was very comfortable anyway.

Being who they were, they slept in and took until noon to wake up.

They entered the guild and Mya was the next one to pick a quest. She picked a herb gathering quest. The four helpers had already been waiting for them. There had even been a robbery attempt at them. The attackers were still in the clinic with broken bones.

The four helpers were explaining healing herbs.

Noire actually had some knowledge about healing herbs, Zaria had a lot of knowledge since she was an alchemist, even if she wasn't certified by the current Alchemists Guild.

She was honestly confused since she knew a few more herbs that were growing in plain sight that were growing everywhere, they just needed a little more work to turn into a potion.

"That one needs to be boiled then settled overnight." Zaria explained to the helper quartet. "The nice part is you can't really botch the brewing enough to make it dangerous unlike many other plants. Too hot it will have little effect and taste bitter, too cold and it will have barely any effect and taste like grass." She pointed at another plant. "That is actually a plant for mana potions."

Mya changed the topic. "And that is an orc." Then she ripped the orc's soul out causing it to fall over dead.

The two dismantlers removed the tusks.

"Gathering herbs is surprisingly boring." Mya realised after a while. "It is much harder to find them than living beings."

"Yes it is." Zaria acknowledged. "Want to get it over with?"

"Sure." Noire was not impressed either.

Levi was comparing the taste of each plant to water plants. If she were anyone else, she would have already killed herself three times and been sick more times than they wanted to count.

"Grow." Zaria simply told the forest they were in and plants grew. Herbs grew on every bit of space. The fallen log nearby grew mushrooms and moss with healing properties.

The four helpers took to the greenery with delight.

"I know that mushroom." Noire peered at a small bright blue mushroom. "That one relaxes the mind."

Mya joined Noire and seemed to try to remember something. "No, I remember it, that is an extremely hallucinogenic mushroom. I remember it because I had a really dumb death because of it once."

"How dumb?" Levi wondered.

"Licked it and then ran off to defeat a dragon by himself, or herself, I don't remember. Ran into a cave that was actually a rock worm mouth." Mya explained.

"That is incredible." Noire picked the mushroom and bit down on it. "Yes, the taste is the same I remember. Made me feel more relaxed."

"I find it far more impressive that it managed to do anything to you at all." Zaria wriggled her fingers at the spot it had grown and grew three more. "Anyone else want to try Noire's wonder-schroom?"

The trio tasted the mushrooms. Zaria and Levi felt no effect at all while Mya yawned and suddenly felt like finding a nice mossy spot for a nap.

"That reminds me of the time you gave her your fairy grown catnip." Noire smirked at Mya.

"It is amusing that Death has a weakness to natural narcotics." Noire was very amused.

"Says the one getting drunk on blessed blood wine." Levi reminded Noire.

Zaria threw an arm around Levi. "Pity we need the really heavily blessed drinks to feel something."

"At least we can enjoy the taste anyway." Levi smiled. "Is it time for lunch?"

"Girls, you can gather however much you want while we cook, if you want more I can regrow them." Zaria told them while pulling out a pot.

Levi pulled out a tuna.

Noire found red wine, bloody steaks, and yet more tomatoes in her storage.

Mya remained curled up in a sunny spot for a quick nap, causing the others to watch amused.

Marinating the steaks in red wine and casting time dilation on them made them ready in no time. The tuna was cut into fillets and was cooking in something that normal people had no access to. The tuna slices were wrapped in metal foil made from mithril. That had needed immense pressure, magic, and enchanting on a level that normal people could not manage in this era. The best part was that it was perfectly reusable and nothing stuck to it. It was easy to clean even without magic. For dessert, Noire made raspberry, blackberry, blueberry, and strawberry mixed yoghurt with honey.

The group actually found it amusing that the one who picked the quest was sleeping through it. As the food was nearing completion Mya started waking, nose sniffed, ears and tail twitched.

She was waking up. It seemed the smells combined with her resistance to the mushroom poison allowed her to come back in time for food. Normal people probably would have died several times from a single mushroom.

Meanwhile the four helpers were bundling grasses, collecting leaves, and plucking flowers. They made sure to keep a safe distance from any mushrooms. They also found a snake, one that was venomous, they managed to stay away until it suddenly launched itself at them and bit one of them. Aside from scaring them all the snake managed to do was break its teeth.

"Is that edible?" Levi asked as she saw the bitten helper girl wave her arm in a panic and launched it into the ground, killing it.

Noire shrugged curiously and looked toward Zaria.

"Yes, it is. Want me to cook it?" Zaria pulled out honey, olive oil, and a herb mix which contained marjoram, basil, thyme and much more. Naturally salt and pepper were a must too. The human girls declined a taste which allowed Zaria to use the poison from the glands as an additional spice.

The sizzling snake finally managed to wake Mya complete. "Snake?"

"That is what completely woke you up?" Noire often wondered how weird they all were, this was just another thing to add to the pile.

"I haven't eaten a snake in a long time." Mya mumbled and rolled over so she could stare at the snake. "Smells poisonous, pretty sure that type kills dozens a year."

"I want coffee." Noire pulled out a coffee pot and several cups. "Who else wants coffee?"

"Make more, I want to make iced coffee later." Levi pulled out cream, cocoa syrup, and found out that she was out of vanilla ice cream and a few other flavours. "Zaria, I am out of ice cream for bitter chocolate, curd cheese, tiramisu, fiocco, yoghurt, and vanilla."

"You can have my tiramisu and fiocco." Noire checked her stash of ice cream. "I am out of high elf, succubus, and macha ice cream."

"I want catnip and rum." Mya added.

"I should have everything but high elf." Zaria did not even bother to check, she was such a hoarder. "Got spare high elf blood?"

"Naturally, it is a type of dark elf torture to drain a high elf and then tell her that her blood is being sold off to a vampire." Noire explained.

"That's evil." "Nasty" "How does blood taste?" "Blood doesn't taste the same?" "I'll make it later." "Can I have a sip?" "Milkshakes are better!" "What is ice cream?"

Lunch officially started. The helpers loved this party. A lot of easy money, great food, and they were kept safe and buffed. They made more money in a day than they usually earned in a week. The girls were happy, and it was probably going to be another day of easy work and a lot of money.

The steaks were more popular with the helpers while the tuna and snake was preferred by the four monsters in loli disguise. The fruit yoghurt was also popular with the helpers while the overpowered quartet enjoyed the iced coffees.

After lunch and approved naps, gathering herbs continued with minor interruptions. Seven orcs interrupted and died instantly, a pack of wolves high tailed it out of the country after getting a better sniff of the girls, a boar got a headshot and instantly butchered and marinated in a barrel that Levi stashed away.

"What do you do with orc corpses actually?" Mya wondered as she peered at the pile.

"Their testicles are used by alchemists." One of the gatherers explained.

There was a moment of silence, an intense flame reduced the corpses to ashes, and the stink of burnt pork spread.

"I did not need to know that." Noire groused.

Zaria looked disgusted. "I just remembered that I know that recipe."

"Eww" Mya decided to do her best to forget that.

Levi needed a little longer to connect orc testicles to male sexual erection and stamina potions. She simply spent too much time in the oceans compared to the others.

"Hey girls, do you want to learn storage, dimensional space, item box, or whatever you want to call it?"

The four helpers were very eager.

They were less eager when the four started teaching their versions of the storage space. It was more complicated since each of them knew at least two types and they tried to teach them all so they could learn the type that fit them the best.

Naturally some were out of their reach, like Levi's compressed space, Mya's dimensional rip, Noire's absorbing blood, and Zaria's alternate realm.


The guild receptionist watched in disbelief, once again, as the helpers unloaded more quest items then made sense. There were more healing herbs of various types and unknown herbs than the guild received in several days usually. "Did you find a large patch?" She asked curiously.

"She grew them." One of the gatherers pointed at Zaria.

Another put several grass stalks in a different pile. "Mana herbs. She simply stood there and they grew."

The receptionist felt she had to ask even if it was an insult due to their rank. "Were they tested for potency?"

The dismantler placed the orc tusks on the counter. "The mushroom was very effective."


"It made the kitty sleepy." "They called it hulozin."

"Hallucinogenic?" The receptionist tried to guess what the youngest girl meant.

"Yes, that." The girl confirmed.

"What does that mean?" Another girl asked.

The receptionist tried to find a way to explain without making the girls curious.

"Imagine that licking it causes dreams, nightmares and can make you sick." Noire explained.

"So you can eat it because you are immune." One of the girls understood it.

"Exactly, or almost immune, Mya fell asleep while normal people would die." Noire smiled as she remembered Mya curling up.

Mya decided to correct that. "One of the mushrooms would be enough to kill about a dozen people. Even making a single lick is dangerous."

The receptionist wondered if she should tell the quartet off or ignore it and file away as SSS Rank eccentricities. She decided to emulate her boss and act as if everything was fine.

"Girls." Noire called the helpers to attention. "If you want to join us on the next quest, it is an escort quest that will take three days to finish."

"Yes!" "Coming." "Will you cook?" "I want to learn." The four were happy to join.

"Remember to inform your parents, family, and friends." Zaria reminded them.

"Right, parents and family are something normal people can have." Levi once again faced a concept she did not really understand.

"I just see them cry or be happy someone died." Mya shared her experience.

"My descendants tried to kill me many times and died for it." Noire summed her vampiric family relationships up.

"Tama and Yuki." Zaria gave the obvious answer that explained her family relationships.

The receptionist decided not to care. "I will inform the trade caravan."

"We will come." The helper quartet was eager since it paid well, was safe, they ate great food, and they were learning a great skill and magic.


The quartet was lazing in their new room in the evening in humanoid shapes. They had switched from the inn to a hotel since the higher price for a restaurant and hotel room did not matter and they wanted to try it. It was for them a time of relaxation that would make no sense to most people.

Levi was underwater in the bathtub rereading a book about a hero escorting a princess.
Noire was sitting on the ceiling reading a romance novel.
Mya was floating through the air polishing her death scythe.
Zaria mixing ice cream.

The relaxing evening was interrupted by a knock on the door to their hotel room.

They ignored it.

There was another knock.

They ignored it as well.

The knocking continued.

"I am making ice cream." Zaria informed the others.

The knocking became more insistent.

"I am underwater." Levi sent mentally from the bathtub.

The two people outside knocked faster.

Mya hummed and floated away from the door.

The two started calling out aloud. "We know you are inside."

Noire did not look away from her novel but flicked a finger at the door which opened.


Doin and Foin were lawyers. They worked together. They were well known lawyers for nobles, large companies, and rich merchants.

They were representing several nobles and merchants that were making losses with the ongoing purge happening at the Merchants Guild. They wanted their money, they wanted compensation for their losses, and decided to sue the ones that triggered the whole purge.

This led to them standing before the most expensive suite in the most expensive hotel in the city. After waving their business licence at the hotel receptionist they were led to a manager who quickly caved and sent them to this room.

Four young and clearly rich girls playing adventurers and pretending to be merchants by selling directly were awaiting them in this room. They were going to pay compensation for disrupting the normal cash flow of the Merchants Guild. If possible they were going to draw their parents in too, after all parents rich enough to let their daughters play around were probably rich enough to matter in the long run.

So they knocked on the door and were ignored.

They knocked again.

They knocked some more.

They intensified their knocking since they knew that their victims, not victims, targets were present in the suite. The hotel receptionists had confirmed it.

They knocked harder.

The door remained closed.

Finally when they were both hammering on the door it opened.

However nobody let them in or awaited them.

They entered.

What they saw was weird. A two tailed catgirl with copper or maybe orange hair was floating through the room near the window polishing a large black scythe. She was dressed in black short pants, a black shirt, and had a black choker with a silver ankh. On the ceiling a blonde girl was sitting in a very nice gothic lolita outfit. She was reading a book and didn't bother looking their way. By the table a white haired many tailed beastkin was standing and mixing something. The three girls looked ten to eleven years old and they ignored them.

The two men entered and sat at the empty coffee table. They pulled out their paperwork and laid it out on the table.

An awkward silence ensued as they were ignored.

"I am lawyer Doin."
"I am lawyer Foin."

The white fox-kin called out "Zaria." She never stopped mixing whatever she was doing.
"Mya" The floating cat-kin said as she peered at the sinister scythe.
The human on the ceiling turned a page and informed the two men with a short "Noire."

The two men were annoyed as the three girls continued to ignore them.

"We are here to give you a chance to come to a settlement." Doin started.
Foin continued. "An out of court settlement will be far easier and cheaper."

"Settlement for what?" Noire wondered what kind of delusion had gotten to someone again. "I don't think we did anything needing settling."

The trio decided against reading minds. Levi completely ignored the situation.

The two men felt that it was now their turn to put the rude girl in their place.

"We represent multiple nobles and merchants. Your actions have disrupted the regular activity and transactions of the Ghamish Merchants Guild." Foin explained placing two documents on the table.

Doin checked another document. "For causing the disruption our clients intend to sue for damages and profit loss incurred."

The girl on the ceiling finally looked their way. The two men finally had their attention. Now they had to get the settlement signed.

"Zaria, that is legalese, that is your thing." The girl on the ceiling went back to her book. "At first glance one is the lawsuit and the other document is the settlement that looks very convoluted and one sided."

"Fine, your ice cream will be late." The white fox-kin stopped mixing and turned towards the two lawyers.

The girl on the ceiling started glaring at them with her blood red eyes.

The white fox-kin, who was actually an albino, sat at the coffee table and picked up the lawsuit. She looked up at the two lawyers. "This makes no sense." The albino reported. "It says how our actions disrupted the guild's daily activities and caused their clients to suffer financial and material losses." She placed the document down. "There are no details on how our actions caused the losses, how the disruption in guild activity caused losses, and how large the losses are."

Foin pointed at the document. "It clearly states that the losses are due to the disruption."

"There are no reports on the details. The disruption incurred losses for us as well." Zaria pointed at the settlement. "There are no details on the monetary and material damages. This document is so open-ended that only an idiot would sign it."

The two men bristled. "This is far better than a full trial."

"No it is not." The fox-kin smirked. "Any trial would quickly find out that the damages were all caused by the Merchants Guild since it did not take care of the legality of its own actions."

"Then we will meet in court." Foin threatened.

"Great, get out, you’re delaying my ice cream." The girl on the ceiling finally stopped glaring and went back to reading.

The cat-kin floated over and looked at the two papers.

"Additionally, there is no list of the parties involved and the damages for each party." Zaria pointed at the lawsuit. "Simply said, you should be suing the guild. The guild acted in bad faith, falsified reports, and broke contracts. Your clients are probably greedy for money and decided that they were going to try to get at our finances."

"This is actually for your parents. Little girls like you can't decide anything for themselves anyway." Doin was fed up with the three brats.

Suddenly they were having trouble breathing. They felt death coming. Danger was before them. They wanted to escape but they couldn't move.

"We don't have parents." The cat-kin explained.

"Should you wish to sue us, feel free. However, enjoy the judge who is present in this city and cleaning up the guild." She pushed both documents back towards the two men. "The lawsuit is incomplete and lacking. The settlement is lacking details. Actually, we should sue your clients and your office for wasting our time, spewing bullshit, and disrupting our rest time."

"You are delaying my ice cream." Noire had her priorities straight.

"Why don't I help you out." Zaria pulled two ofuda out.

"You can't threaten us." Doin blustered stuttering.

"We are not threatening." Mya waved her hand and the documents all packed themselves up.

"We are telling you that this lawsuit would be utterly stupid. Tell your clients that if they decide to disturb us, we will disturb them." Zaria threw the ofuda at the men and caused them to disappear and teleport to the hotel lobby.

Mya floated into a love seat and pulled a bottle of sake from a portal. "Disturbance gone."

"Now I want my ice cream." Noire told Zaria as she continued reading, books were far more interesting than dumb mortals.

"I am almost done." Zaria rose and returned to mixing the ice cream. Getting the milk, cream, sugar, and blood ratio just right was not easy.

Using alchemy to give the mixture the right creamy texture that ice cream should have was easy at least. She had never understood why so many alchemists were terrible cooks.

More Foodie Adventures?
  • Yes, more food is great, including the recipes. Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Yes, tell us how they enjoy it. Votes: 6 14.3%
  • No, it is fine as it is. Votes: 8 19.0%
  • No, there is too much food already, less food, more action! Votes: 4 9.5%
  • I don't care, it just makes me want to eat something. Votes: 4 9.5%
  • Now I am hungry. Votes: 16 38.1%
Total voters: 42