Sidestory 01 – What Others See
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This is just a recap from other POVs.
If you want to see how others see our adorable loli sized apocalypses then read it.
The Goddess of Justice is first, with her first meeting of them when Zaria summons her.
The Guild Mistress being all nice and trying to get them out of her guild follows afterwards.
Finally the four helpers.

Also a warning!
Do not eat suspicious things in real life! They are buffed!
Poison flavoured snakes, catnip salads, poisonous and unknown mushrooms are dangerous! Don't drink blood, you are not a vampire!
If you ate something suspicious, best visit the next pharmacy, doctor, or hospital. If you are not sure there are special helplines that feature poisoning.
Just because Zaria and her friends do something, don't emulate them, they are stupidly overpowered after all! They will survive a mountain dropping on them, you will go splat from a car.

------ Helena's Story - Goddess of Justice ------

She was a goddess, she was the Goddess of Justice, that meant that laws, rules, and contracts fell into her domain. It included self justice as well, the brutal revenge.

Since she was a Goddess she was powerful, special, and lived in the divine realm.

Nobody was supposed to be able to summon her, and summon her forcefully at that. She could not resist the call at all. She managed to call out to her angels "Someone is summoning me forcefully!"

Then she fully manifested on the world.

She wanted to tell her summoner off, no had to tell her summoner off! "Who dares summon eeep!"

She eeped. But who wouldn't. She was in a room with a just resurrected inquisitor but that was not the issue.

She was facing four of them. The absolute powers of the world. Not one of them but four. They were hiding their power, so the mortals did not simply die from their presences, but she could see them mostly for what they were.

The First Vampiress, vampire goddess, holder of the curse, and the living darkness. She could command all things living.

The Leviathan, the one who commanded water, weather, ice, pressure, and strength. She was the one who could break space, and possibly reality with strength alone.

The Nekomata, Death herself, the one who commanded death. She held the lives of everyone in her small hands and offered them death's embrace.

The Kitsune, only seven tails showed, but she was stronger than her goddess, the caretaker and protector of Tamamo no Mae. Fae and changer of reality.

"She eeped," The Leviathan called her out.

Her Inquisitor rolled over and knelt. "My Goddess."

"What do you want from me?" She hoped that her inquisitor had not pissed them off and they were going to take it out on her. Her inquisitor had just been resurrected, she could feel Death's touch on him, Tamamo's caretaker had revived him. That was bad, that was really bad. She couldn't even run since they could reach her no matter where she ran to.

"You, have you done anything?" She asked him, while wishing that there was someone that she could pray to. Maybe praying to Tamamo no Mae would work.

"I tried to erase the vampire, my Goddess." He told her.

They were all going to die. The city was going to be destroyed.

"You idiot." She wanted to cry, only pride kept her from crying and kneeling and begging for her life. "You are supposed to find out more about your targets first." She instructed him. The least she could do was tell him why they were all going to die.

"Say, do you know how old we are?" The Leviathan asked her.

"What?" She had no idea what was going on. Why would they be interested in their age?

"We wish to enter the city, that needs identification, and identification needs our ages," The Leviathan informed her.

They were asking her for their ages, so they could enter the city, enter it legally. "You are not here to erase the city?" It made no sense. They could do what they wanted and only one of them had a chance at stopping them. Usually a fight between them ended in destroyed countries. Why would they want to enter the city?

"No, we want to try that adventurer thing, you know monsters, dungeons, and figure out how the world changed when we weren't looking." The Vampiress explained.

She doubted her ears. This made no sense. They wanted to play adventurers? "This city is doomed." She lamented. "Give me a moment." She manifested the newest Tome of Injustice and started browsing for larger entries where civilisations ended. "Leviathan at least 13921 years. Noire 9845 years. Zaria 11842 years, Mya 7138 years since your first transgressions." It was not the right ages, there were probably far older entries since all four had already been alive and walking the world when she came into being over 23000 years ago. Not that it mattered, they wanted numbers, she gave them numbers, and she had told them that it was at least.

The four nodded at each other. "Let's use those numbers, you scribe, write them down."

The official obeyed and showed more brain than her inquisitor who had almost doomed them all. It seemed that the four were in a good and amused mood.

"Can I go now?" She asked, she was feeling the pressure from them. It was oppressive, it was probably how normal humans felt when facing her. The strain of her presence was showing on their faces.

The other city official spoke out. "Character witness Goddess of Justice. Occupation?"

"I never had a job."
"Death's Soul Reaper."
"Retired Vampire Queen."
"Shrine Maiden."

She disagreed. Primordial Sea and Water Goddess, Death, Primordial Blood Goddess, and Fae Goddess were far better descriptions. They were all stronger than the Creator, it was a fact, the Creator had tried to kill them all since they were too powerful, it was the reason why she was created, from the gods before only Tamamo no Mae was left and them, whatever they were.

"One moment, we will have your identification tokens ready in a moment." The official told them and made to leave the room with the other official, the soldier, and her inquisitor.

She decided to risk it and unsummoned herself. She returned to her plane. She saw her angels.

She had survived.

"Who called you my Goddess?" Her Archangel asked her.

"They did."


"The most powerful ones. Tamamo's caretaker summoned me. Death, Leviathan, and Vampire were with her." She plopped herself on the floor, she was exhausted. "One of my inquisitors attacked the Vampire."

The angels were all shocked.

"You are still alive?" The Archangel checked her over, deeply worried.

"I am, they were in a good mood."

------ Ghamish Adventurer Guild Mistress’ Headaches ------

When she received an alert that someone cast a spell in the guild she waited for a report, her staff and bow were both ready behind her desk.

She waited.

A knock came.

"Enter" She permitted the person.

A guard entered. "Guild Mistress, we have a weird situation."

"A weird situation?" The high elf replied.

"Yes, very weird. Four little girls are accusing two of our employees of malpractice."

"Lead the way. Who cast the spell?" She asked as she followed.

"One of the two employees cast it. The girls cast a barrier."

"Was she injured?" The Guild Mistress worried, breaking barriers could result in backlash.

"Not that I could see."

When they arrived at the room with the girls, employees, and the guards she took a deep breath. It was time for diplomacy.

A guard opened the door for her and she entered.

"Guild Master." One of her employees called out, he was a recent hire.

Then she saw her, the albino kitsune, the Favoured of Tamamo no Mae, and the Fey of the Eternal Forest.

"What? By the Goddess, what are you doing here?" It slipped out before she could stop herself. But the fey leaving the Eternal Forest to go further than the Last Village was something rare, and it had always ended badly.

She froze when the piercing looks of the four little girls landed on her. Little girls who were children were not capable of such piercing looks. Then they dismissed her as the fey continued looking at her with those red eyes that she could not look away from.

"I think she saw you in action." The cat-kin spoke to the fey as the two tails swished amused. Normal cat-kin did not have two tails. "She hasn't died before." That sounded ominous, and how did the cat-kin know that?

"She is alive and hasn't been changed into anything," The blue haired one with scales said as her eyes glowed. She had blue scales, maybe she was a dragon?

"I don't see any curses or blessings from you either." The pale one with longer fangs and blood red eyes told the fey. The ears seemed normal however with the black gothic lolita outfit she suspected that it was some noble demoness or vampiress.

The fey looked her all over and seemed thoughtful for a moment. "Have we met?"

"You are Zaria, the White Fey of the Eternal Forest. I saw you turn an army into stone over 600 years ago." She shuddered as the memory returned. "What are you doing here?"

The fey indicated her companions. "We want to register here, those two decided that our identification tokens are fake. Then those two" She pointed at her two employees "tried to drag us off without checking the facts. Then that one tried to break the barrier Mya made. That called the guild guards, who called you." She watched as the fey pulled out a teacup and filled it. "All we actually wanted to do is register at the guild."

"Tea?" She was a high elf, she had learned to avoid taking anything from fey from her childhood hundreds of years ago. It was something that could change you, or put you in their debt, or worse make them want to play with you. Not taking it without a good excuse or distraction was even worse, it could be a grave insult.

"This is given freely without any gifts." The fey told her, it made her relax a little. She accepted the teacup and smelled the gentle scent of a fruity and sweet tea. Her peace was quickly disrupted however. "How did you meet me?"

She shuddered again. The big question had finally arrived. How was she to explain without insulting the fey? "And sit down, you are about to spill." She quickly obeyed and sat down.

Before replying she had an important question. "Are ... are they like you?"

The fey smiled at her companions as she replied. "Yes, the Leviathan, the Death's Nekomata, and the Living Vampire Progenitor."

She dropped the cup, which then floated back up into her hands. The Cat of Death, the Apocalypse of the Seas, and Queen of Blood were in her guild together with the Fey of the Eternal Forest.

She was doomed.

Her guild was doomed.
The city was doomed.

"Why?" She needed to know why they were doomed.

"We wanted to check up on the world, all the changes that happened while we did not pay attention." The fey replied to her as she sounded relaxed and pleasant. That their doom sounded friendly and looked adorable when smiling was no reason to relax for her.

"Guild Master?" A guard asked, raising her from her shock. His confusion was obvious..

"Get me SSS registration forms, and the S Rank cards." She ordered. The faster she satisfied their demands the smaller their chance of dying, becoming statues, getting blessed, or changing was.

"S rank?" The Leviathan asked.

"Ranks go like this. H is like a preregistration, not real adventurers. F, is the lowest real guild rank, beginners are E and F, C and D are advanced adventurers, B are Veterans, A are Masters, and finally the S, SS and SSS ranks are the truly powerful." She explained quickly. It was obvious that her employees were negligent in their training, they should have checked, they should have explained, and they should have called her or a manager when in doubt.

The Vampiress interrupted her plans of making the life of the two employees hell. "That makes no sense. Why is S above A? Why not start at A or 1 and then go up instead, that makes it easier to continue advancing in case more powerful beings pop up." She had always wondered as well, that system had been in use when she had first started out as an adventurer some 700 or 800 years ago.

"And you didn't say how you met Zaria, and survived." The Leviathan continued speaking and reminded her of her meeting with the fey.

"I was in the village near the Eternal Forest." She was served a slice of cake by the Cat of Death, she had never been so afraid of a cake before. It was worse than the time she had known that the cake was poisoned. "An army came, and soldiers wanted to use the village as a defensive position and she was shopping there. The soldiers tried to confiscate everything and conscript the people." The army had been clad in metal armour, weapons shined, and blue and golden banners everywhere. "Statues, she turned everyone into statues." It had all turned into grey stone. All colours faded away and the noise had disappeared as people, armours, weapons, and even horses changed into grey statues. An army of thousand fell silent in moments.

"How many armies did you statue anyway?" The Cat of Death asked the Fey of the Eternal Forest. "We can never figure out if they should count as dead or alive. So we are stuck waiting until their minds shatter from being stuck before reaping them." As she had suspected, the cat was an agent of Death, maybe even Death's Representative.

"It is cleaner and better for the environment than reaping souls and leaving bodies, splattering them, or causing floods." The Fey of the Eternal Forest spoke casually, however what she said was scaring her. Historically, those things had happened, and now she knew personally who had done those. Four monsters of apocalypse class were in her guild, in the city she lived in. She needed a calming sip of tea, and once they were gone, she was going to lecture her employees and then she was going to get drunk.

"You forgot burning countries, swallowing them, slicing them to pieces, freezing them with eternal ice, and all of us having killed gods. Or how you and your fey randomly bless them and change them into random things when you feel playful." The Vampiress added to her horror. She wanted to leave the country, or rather the continent.

"The goat had it coming." The fey said something that made no sense.

"A divine goat." The Leviathan giggled like a little girl. "And yes, he definitely deserved that."

"Goat?" Now a guard interrupted and asked something that she did not want to know. It was going to be a story she would want to forget for sure.

"A god had a far too high opinion of himself, so she turned him into an immortal goat and sealed all powers aside from his immortality." The Leviathan told the guard.

"Riri had fun hunting him." The Cat of Death snickered at the terrifying thought.

"Stop making things up." One of her employees angrily accused them. She wanted to choke the life out of him. Those four were friendly right now, she knew what could happen when they got annoyed.

"Shut up." She tried to save the idiot and herself. "It is all true." She pointed at the Calamity of Blood. "That is actually the real vampire, the oldest one." She pointed at the Apocalypse of the Seas. "That is The Leviathan, that sinks fleets and floods islands." She pointed at the Cat of Death. "Meet Death's Cat, or maybe Death herself."

"Death is death, a concept, so I guess I am the highest Death aside from Zaria." The Cat of Death explained. "I am not Death but I am its administrator."

She wondered how that was not Death, she was the one who decided who died. She continued introducing them. "And that is Zaria, the Shrine Maiden of Tamamo no Mae and the most fae being in existence."

The Fey of the Eternal Forest spoke up. "Actually Mrr'am is worse, she is more peaceful than I am, however."

A being that was more fae than the Fey of the Eternal Forest sounded like someone who would make you wish you were dead or a statue. "So if a group of god slayers wants to join the guild, I will let them. Unless you want to test them?"

"So what are we supposed to do?" One of the two employees asked. She really needed to fire them for being idiots and not thinking things through and ignoring the rules they had.

"Go to the station, and tell the captain to visit me immediately." She explained, she was to make them copy the whole rule book ten times, no twenty was better.

"Did we just skip all the work?" The Leviathan wondered. She wasn't going to make them do the test duel, she wanted her adventurers and guild in one piece and alive.

The Fey of the Eternal Forest nodded at her, she wondered if that was a good or bad thing. "We can always do the lower quests for fun."

"Oh, does that mean that we can sell our stuff now?" The Cat of Death seemed eager. That was something that made her slightly curious, what would apocalypse class beings try to sell? Did she have enough money in the guild to pay them?

"Yes, what do you wish to sell?" She braced herself for the reply.
"Do you only buy monster materials?" The Vampiress asked and she wondered what sort of monsters they could sell.

"Monster materials, cores, and if needed, you can use our Adventurers Guild card to sell things at the Merchants Guild." She decided to share the pain.

"Do they take gold, silver, gems, and jewellery? Magical items too?" The fey asked her.

"Yes. You can sell materials directly as well, but usually, we give better prices for monster materials than the Merchants Guild." She explained calmly, it was the truth.

"I have tuna, whales, kraken, and other seafood like those."

She had eaten tuna before, that was actually rather normal. However she had seen kraken before, how was that seafood? Those were huge and strong, maybe not strong compared to those four, but were they even edible? "How large is that kraken?"

"The smallest one is bigger than this building." The Leviathan opened a water portal that she looked into. There had been no incantation and burst of mana. "The largest one probably covers half the city."

"Keep that one!" The Fey of the Eternal Forest demanded of her companion. "The older and bigger they are, the better they taste."

She shuddered as she imagined the size and power of such a kraken. A small part of her however wondered how it tasted. "And what do you have?" She asked Death's cat.

"I have wyverns, minor dragons, and all sorts of delicious monsters."

"We can take a wyvern or two. And what do you sell?" She asked about the fey.

"I got food, monster materials, enchanted items, crafted items, art, erotic art, and clothes." The list was large, however most of it had nothing to do with her.

"Seems that most of you are actually better off at the Merchants Guild, food items and such are primarily sold there." She was glad that she could push them off to the Merchants Guild. Now she just needed to finish the cake and the paperwork. The temporary S rank guild cards were easy to make. "These are the S rank guild cards, here are papers mentioning that you are actually SSS rank. The real SSS cards and rank need approval from the headquarters in another country." She was going to rush the message.

"We can always go there personally." The Leviathan offered something that made her back run cold.

She imagined the mess that could happen if the wrong person received them in the guild headquarters. There were a lot of nobles and entitled people in there as it was a capitol city. She did not want to risk scorching the capitol, she had friends there at the academy. "I will have them delivered here while you try out the various quests, the headquarters has mainly escort and guard quests." While she wanted them far away from herself, she could not send them to the capitol. "Your temporary cards will be ready in a moment. The permanent ones need etching, that will take until tomorrow."

"Anything special about them?" The Vampiress asked curiously.

"This is mine." She pulled out her A rank adventurers card and showed it to the vampiress.

"Several simple enchantments, is that a low-purity mithril for the card? The etchings are easily done too." The four checked the card. "It looks like a hardness enchantment, a security enchantment, a marking enchantment, and an information enchantment." "Does enchanting that really take that long?" "Sounds like you need better enchanters."

While their enchanters were insulted, she suspected that to those four it was easy. She hoped that they left soon and soon got bored of the guild and adventuring.

------ The Story of the Helpers ------

The girls in the Master Adventurer line were like me or just a little older. Yet they knew magic. That rude priest was a champion of a god, yet they ignored him despite him being a well known S rank adventurer.

Then he called one of them a vampire, which made no sense as it was day and the sun was out. The guild receptionist did not stop the one-sided quarrel.

Things escalated. They escalated to an honour duel to the death in the arena. We all followed to the arena to watch, despite how unfair it was.

The Guild Mistress was present and she even allowed it. What was she thinking? Small girls fighting against a S rank champion of a god. It was terrible.

Then she came.

A Goddess.

Everyone could feel it, her power, her holiness, and she was beautiful.

One of the four girls was dragging her. How could a small girl drag a Goddess? And the Goddess let her. Why did the Goddess let her?

The goddess was Helena, Goddess of Justice. For some reason she agreed to judge the duel. Where was the justice in that duel, a S rank champion of a god and a girl like me?

The Vampiress entered the arena while the other three girls made a barrier, one that the Guild Mistress approved of.

The duel started, and the strong and bright spells hit the vampiress.

They did nothing.

Then the vampiress cast a spell. It was a light spell, vampires were not supposed to be able to use light magic. It made no sense. And it was powerful, far more powerful than any spell we had seen. The rude priest was gone.

After everyone left the arena, we helpers waited for a job again. The receptionist approached us. "Anne, Ciel, Olivia, and Risa, you are hired. The job is hunting goblins, you get to keep all the rewards."

I am 12 years old, Olivia and Ciel are 10 years old and Risa is only 9 years old. We were probably hired together because we come from the same orphanage. The ones who hired us? The four girls from the Master line that dragged a Goddess and killed a Champion. It makes me worried. Why would such powerful adventurers go hunt goblins or use helpers?

It made no sense. I told Olivia and Ciel to prepare to run away in case, if they were really so powerful, escape would be impossible but I am the oldest. I need to protect them, I checked my dismantling dagger, it was sharp enough.

It quickly became obvious that those four had no idea how to be adventurers, but they became SSS rank adventurers without experience. Is power really everything? It made no sense, being strong was not everything about being an adventurer. Even we knew that as helpers.

There were a lot of things that made no sense.

The buffs that were too many and too powerful, some of the names were very weird. What was a buff named 'Death's Helper' supposed to do? How was 'Greater Nap' useful? I felt different, I felt stronger, the world sounded, smelled and looked differently. It was my first time receiving buffs, and especially so many. How did they cast so many without falling over? I watched others cast buffs, I am old and experienced enough to join dungeon parties. They cast all buffs on us and none on themselves, that makes no sense.

Hunting goblins was a beginner quest, but those SSS ranks did not even know what the subjugation proof was. I had to tell them. I made sure that we were ready to escape if we needed to.

We left the city, the four simply chatted about nothing, sometimes switching languages to many I had never heard before. The fox-kin and cat-kin even growled and hissed at each other at one point.

After we left the city, we teleported.

A legendary spell.

One moment we were leaving the city, the next moment we were next to a stream. We were all next to a stream in the forest.

We had really teleported. Eight people were teleported, and none of the four looked exhausted. Strong spells were tiring out mages, not one of them seemed to react to teleporting them.

Another surprise was: we were invited to lunch. It was a delicious lunch. Ciel even cried from happiness. It was so delicious. When we finished eating, they made us eat more. We had never eaten anything as delicious as this before. Risa ate so much she held her belly that hurt until she drank a tea made by fluffy fox-kin.

"I never ate so much." Olivia confessed as she felt full.
Risa made an incomprehensible noise.
Ciel yawned. "I ate too much, so this is what eating too much feels like."
"Don't forget, we need to work now and be prepared." I reminded them.

When we finally went to the goblin settlement, there were a lot of goblins there. It was more than a party that was meant to defeat. I think it is over thirty? I am bad at counting.

Seeing them all just die was weird. The blue scaled girl had killed all goblins on the continent? Was she a Goddess too? We did not even see her do anything, but the goblins had all fallen over.

The cat-kin started laughing. "Levi, you just imagined a needle over every goblin?"

"Yes?" The blue scaled girl replied.

"You just killed every goblin on the continent." The cat-kin, called Mya, informed her.

"Oh." Levi, the blue girl, seemed surprised.

"Nobody will miss them, I think." The girl in the pretty clothes was leaning against the white fluffy fox-kin.

The cat-kin glowed dark for a moment, it felt scary. "Alright, all souls sent to reincarnation."

"We can't dismantle all goblins on the continent." Risa seemed to panic. That set Olivia and Ciel off with worry. Even I was worried. This was impossible, even with teleporting, it was impossible. There were more goblins than I could count.

"Don't worry. Just do as many as you want, we need 20, any more you take the proof from are just bonuses and increase your rewards." The fox-kin calmed us down.

"The next quest is mine!" Mya declared while the prettily dressed girl was still laughing.

We went, carefully, and started gathering the ears, each goblin had a hole in the head.

"This goblin is different." Risa called out to me.

"That is a goblin shaman, it gives more rewards." I told Risa while everyone else was watching. I pulled out a different smaller bag. "Different goblins go into different bags."

The cat-kin frowned cutely. "How much is a goblin god worth?"

"God?" Olivia asked, I think she wants to become a priestess once she grows up.

"Levi killed the big gobo accidentally? This is gold, wait let me fetch him." The snickering fluffy fox-kin faded away, I think she teleported, and reappeared moments later with a huge stinking goblin corpse. "I don't think that their knives can cut that."

"Take it whole?" The blue girl stepped away from it with a grimace. It was far bigger, about as tall as me, Ciel and Olivia standing on top of each other, and it smelled far worse. The loincloth also failed to cover the smelly and ugly organ. It was missing the balls however.

"I could teleport it to a temple or the guild?" The fox-kin was grimacing.

"Why is he missing the testicles?" The prettily dressed girl asked while looking at that.

"He hit on Tama and was rude about it." The fox-kin replied, I wonder who Tama is.

"You knew him?" The prettily dressed girl seemed surprised.

"After I castrated him, Tama told me to kick him out, and since then whenever he saw me, he ran away screaming." The fluffy fox-kin said, she pulled the Goddess of Justice along, and the God of Goblins ran away screaming. I wonder what 'castrated' means.

"I guess you can teleport him to the temple. Did that Goddess of Justice do something to annoy you?" The prettily dressed one asked the fluffy fox-kin.

"Yes actually, there may have been a country that she was the Goddess of a few centuries or millennia ago that decided that all fluff must be brought to justice for being animals pretending to be humans. I took offence." The fluffy fox-kin suddenly seemed scary. I held my dagger tighter.

"I remember them, they annoyed every race that wasn't pure human." The cat-kin agreed with the fluffy fox-kin. I never heard of them. "They did not live long."

"She distanced herself from them, but she is still at fault for not watching them better." The fox-kin dropped a paper-slip onto the large goblin.

"That makes sense." The prettily dressed girl agreed.

"Finally, the big stink is gone." The cat-kin jumped around happily.

"Purification." The blue scaled girl did some magic, and the air smelled nice, like after a rainfall.

They took us to several places where goblins were killed, all with teleportation. We were in a cave, a ruin of a mansion or something, a forest, a mountain village, and more. We never ran out of goblins, they told us that we could keep all the rewards. We worked harder than we ever had before, yet we felt better and stronger than we ever had. They fed us again for dinner. The food they make is so good. We ate too much again. The fox-kin gave us skewers to make for breakfast, but I want to give those to the little ones.

When we finally returned to the city, we were really allowed to keep all the money. We had never earned so much at once! We got two small silver coins and five large copper coins each. I never held a small silver coin before.

With the small coppers and a large copper I bought food for the little ones. Olivia, Ciel, and Risa did the same. Now they will have meat from the skewers and vegetables, it is fresh pretty vegetables.

The buffs were actually all real as we found out on the way back to the orphanage.

Three adventurers had tried to rob us. Risa, the smallest of us, was attacked by a man that tried to hold a knife to her throat as he grabbed her. She somehow dodged out of the way. Ciel was almost caught by another adventurer and she pushed him away. He flew through the air and hit a wall.

As the oldest I decided to risk it and attacked the third man. He managed to hit me in the arm with his sword, I flinched but felt no pain. When I reached him I made a fist and aimed for his stomach, I hit him, I think my fist made a noise as I swung it. The man bent over my arm and vomited blood. We managed to capture the last one who tried to run away, I think the crunch was us breaking an arm when we held him down.

We won, we four helpers managed to defeat three adult adventurers. The arm where I was hit was unharmed, even my shirt did not have a cut. Actually the shirt looked cleaner and less frayed than before I think.

The guards did not believe us naturally, until Risa bent the sword of one of the adventurers. The buffs were real, the teleportations were real, and they were really SSS ranks.

The guards became very friendly when we told them that the four buffed us, if a goddess listened to them, it made sense that guards would listen even more.

We decided to try to join them again. They said that the buffs will last for years, enough time to earn a lot and make a good life. Good earnings and good food. Maybe we could even become adventurers ourselves.

When we arrived at the orphanage, we were less tired than normally, and we were not hungry. The little ones were happy when we gave them our unused food provisions and what we had bought. It made us feel bad when they were so happy about it. We were not guilty, the adventurers offered to feed us but unlike them, we ate delicious dishes that we have never tasted before. We also ate more than our fill.

We slept wonderfully and felt much better rested. Maybe it was that naps buff?

In the morning I hurried Ciel, Olivia, and Risa along. Risa was especially energetic today. We skipped breakfast since the oatmeal was satisfying but tasteless. Instead we decided to skip and hope that we could eat with them again. This caused us to rush to the guild to wait for them. Adventurers tried to recruit us but we declined. There was an accident when an adventurer tried to drag Ciel into their party. She broke his arm, the guild ruled it as his fault however.

When they finally returned, they did not mind taking us with them, this time we went to a herb gathering. It was a cheap quest, like the goblins, no it was probably even cheaper.

We were thinking that we were going to earn less, then the white one with the many fluffy tails grew herbs. She simply stood there and grew a whole field of herbs. Not just the easy to find ones, she grew some rare herbs like mana grass and even taught us a recipe for a simple healing tea.

They were really weird. They seemed to play around and the food was more important to them than the quests. Maybe being powerful changes your opinion, but so many powerful adventurers were rude to us helpers. They were weird enough that they ate mushrooms that were not supposed to be licked. Why you would lick a mushroom I don't understand, but this hacigenck sounded dangerous. The two-tailed cat-kin simply fell asleep, I wonder if she has the naps buff.

Ciel was attacked by a snake, a snake that bit into her arm but couldn't hurt her. She threw it into the ground, killing it. The four decided to cook it and offered some to us. We declined, they poisoned the snake, the poison was deadly even when eaten normally, according to the cat-kin that woke up when she smelled the snake.

They offered to teach us the item box and storage spell. Naturally we accepted, because just learning one spell made no sense, we were learning the basics too. Cleaning, repairing, and small useful spells like lighting a fire, drying, light, and other useful magics were on the list. They were teaching us different types of schools, they explained that it was a matter of affinity and understanding.

We had all agreed naturally, magic sounded complicated but it was a good skill. I am just a bit annoyed that Risa, the youngest and least schooled, was picking magic up the easiest.

"What kind of instruction is 'just ask it to do what you wish'?" I grumbled.

"It makes perfect sense." Risa explained. "Just focus on the fluffy and ask it to do the magic."

Everyone, including the fox-kin Zaria, turned to look at her tails.

The cat-kin started snickering. "She managed to pray to your tails."

The fox-kin looked thoughtful for a moment before speaking. "Well, it seems she has a knack for divine and natural magic. I should introduce a few fairies to her."

We finished gathering but the amount of herbs we gathered was more than fit our bags, so the four simply stored away the leaf bundles. Zaria simply regrew the herbal field whenever we plucked it empty. Some weird things grew as well, weirder than those mushrooms even. There was that weird bush that looked like a foxtail stuck in the earth, it wiggled when you petted it. The flower with rainbow coloured petals was untouchable, I couldn't touch it, my hands simply went through it, as did the hands of the others.

Returning by teleport after a delicious dinner was really useful, but that meant we were never going to find this place again. Which was a pity, this was a spot that would probably grow herbs for a long time.

They invited us to go with them on a longer quest. They were going on an escort quest to a city about three days away. Normally helpers were not supposed to leave the city for several days since we were too young. But we were allowed to go with them.

We even became their dedicated helpers. The fox-kin gave us a pile of skewers to take along.

They did not tell us what to pack, so we are going to prepare the normal things, and a spare outfit. Three days of good food sounded good, and maybe we will know the spell by the time we return. We might not understand why the adults were so worried, but it does not matter, they are nice to us and we are safe with them.

"Meat is so good." One of the boys at the orphanage sounded really happy as he bit into the skewer.

"You need to eat the veggies as well!" The director chided the children.

"We will eat with the adventurers." I told the director.

The director looked towards the remaining pile of skewers. "Fine, since they sent those skewers, I believe they can feed you. Anne, watch over them, normally I'd be against you going out for several days. But those adventurers sound special. Watch out for them and yourself." The director made a sad smile. "You are growing up Anne."

"Yes, director. I will watch out for us, I guess they will?" I replied to the director. "Ciel, Olivia, Risa, it is time to go."

"Yes." "Coming." "Let's go."

It was time for the next quest, and new food.

Did you like this POV change and do you want to see it again?
  • Yes, I liked it and want to see it again. Votes: 30 66.7%
  • Yes, I liked it, but the regular story is better. Votes: 14 31.1%
  • Yes, I liked it, give me more foodie adventures instead. Votes: 2 4.4%
  • No, I did not like it, but I want to see it again. Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I did not like it and don't want to see it again. Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, I did not like it and invested the time in foodie adventures instead. Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I did not care and don't care if it comes again. Votes: 2 4.4%
  • I did not care and wanted to stay with the main story. Votes: 1 2.2%
  • I did not care but spent the space on foodie adventures instead. Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Naptime! Give me that 'Greater Naps' Buff!!! (added by discord editors) Votes: 24 53.3%
Total voters: 45