Chapter 04 – Escorting, Bandits, Monsters, and Assassins
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The next morning, a hotel employee woke them.

Levi had slept in the bathtub, Noire had hung off a lamp, and the last two had used their personal pillows on the larger, than last time, beds.

Breakfast was a buffet where they spread out and picked whatever interested them. Levi amusingly ate cereal sweetened with honey and yoghurt instead of milk, considering she was actually aquatic, cereal was a bit out of character. Mya was working her way through a pile of sausages. Noire was overdosing on coffee and eating a tomato and ham sandwich. Zaria was eating eggs with crispy bacon strips. They all finished it off with a fruit salad afterwards.

They went to the adventurer guild to pick up their four helper girls. Seeing the four girls huddled together as adventurers were trying to recruit them was weird since adventurers tended to ignore helpers until they needed them.

"What is going on here?" Noire asked the receptionist while they were confirming the quest and picking up the helpers.

"Since they are overbuffed and stronger than beginner adventurers and tankier than most tanks, they became extremely popular." The receptionist explained calmly. "Do you wish to make them your permanent helpers?"

"We will stay a bit longer and visit the dungeon. So until we leave is okay, I think?" Mya asked the other three.

"Mhm." "Sure." "I don't mind."

"Wonderful, until you decide to leave the city Anne, Ciel, Risa, and Olivia will be your permanent helpers." The guild receptionist pulled out several documents. "Please sign here."

"I wonder when the last time I wrote something was?" Levi mumbled.

"When I was Queen I had to sign things a lot, I am so glad a descendant finally took over." Noire had no regrets about having given up the position of the Vampire Queen.

"I have to write a lot, but I don't think I ever used a modern language." Mya was a paperwork victim as well.

"Same here, shrine expenses, Tama's snack menus, and naturally the charms." Zaria had to write a lot too.

"I don't know how to write." Risa mentioned.

"Why don't we teach you?" Noire offered. "Something like a name can be learnt even without learning the written language properly. But we can hold simple lessons."

"Do you think Noire adopted them as pets?" Mya sent telepathically to the others.

"You know, that makes sense." Levi replied. "Pity pets die so quickly."

"So true, then again, I sometimes have to remember that Tama is my Goddess and not a lazy pet." Zaria sent. "Anyone opposed to keeping pets for a while?"

"No, I don't care." "Doesn't matter."

"Then we can let Noire have her pets." Zaria switched to vocal communication. "Remember you need to pay them, feed them, protect them, and take care of necessities."

"That is natural." Noire was reading the contract. "This contract is terrible." She pulled out parchment and started writing. "A proper contract when hiring someone looks like this." In seconds the vampiress wrote out a two page contract that defined obligations and responsibilities for both sides, penalty clauses, and termination clauses. "Zaria, check it."

"You want me of all people to check a contract?" Zaria wondered what messed up blood Noire had drunk for breakfast.

"Yes, this time make sure both sides are properly screwed unless they terminate the contract properly first."

"Sure, I can do that."

The receptionist fought hard to keep her professional smile when the albino started rewording text, moving paragraphs and clauses around, and added several more.

"Don't worry, she is fey." Levi told the twitchy receptionist.

"Now, I am more worried." The receptionist admitted before she could stop herself.

"Did you girls eat breakfast?" Noire asked the four.

"Yes." "Mhm." "We ate." "I am good."

"Did you eat a proper healthy breakfast?"

"Healthy?" Anne asked, confused.

"I already see the issues." Noire waved her hand. "Now give us your baggage, we will store it, so you don't tire so quickly."


Meanwhile the guild receptionist was getting a headache from the contract. She knew something was off about it, but she couldn't put her finger on what the issue was. In the end she decided to do as the Guild Mistress ordered, that meant getting them out of the guild as quickly as possible.


When they arrived at the caravan meeting place, things were a mess.

A fully loaded carriage had a broken axle and another two carriages had never arrived so the cargo was still lying around.

"Merchants Guild issue?" Noire guessed.

One of the workers nearby nodded in agreement. "Yes, the Merchants Guild is in a mess and carriages are hard to get by."

"So delays?" Levi looked around. "Is that all that is meant to come along?"


The four overpowered lolis decided to push things along. The carriage, cargo, and supplies all faded away.

"There done, can we go now?" Noire asked.

She was met with confused silence.

"What just happened?" A merchant asked, wondering what was going on and where his wares had disappeared to.

"We stowed everything that is meant to come along." The vampiress explained. "We are adventurers who decided to take the escort mission."

"Would you be interested in a permanent position as a caravan member?"

"No, we are not interested in permanent positions." Noire declined. "Here is our documentation."

The merchants checked and had trouble believing that the quartet was composed of small SSS rank adventurers. "Why the four helpers?"

"To teach them and so they can dismantle and gather whatever we find on the way." Noire explained.

It took a little longer but the other hired adventurers had arrived. They were not impressed with the eight little girls that the merchants were fawning over.

The caravan finally moved out.

They were walking alongside the caravan, and not showing any issues with keeping up. Instead they were teaching the four helpers, who were paying rapt attention.

"We are being followed." Noire informed the caravan leader.

"Who?" The caravan leader knew better than to question someone who could store a whole carriage and was using an S rank adventurers guild card that was clearly marked as a SSS rank.

"I will check." Noire disappeared and reappeared moments later. "It looks like it was adventurers, they were staying out of sight on purpose. Or possibly assassins, they had poison on them."

"That sounds dangerous." The leader mumbled. "I wonder who they were following."

"Should I have left them alive?" Noire asked, remembering that normal people had something called interrogations.

"They are dead?"

"When I showed myself to them they attacked, so I killed them."

The leader wondered what to do about that. "Did they have anything suspicious or any documents?"

Noire waved her hand at the leader’s carriage. "I placed their items in your carriage, look through them yourself, do you want to interrogate their souls later?"

"Interrogate their souls? Do you mean necromancy?"

"Not that disgusting and useless magic. We have Mya with us, she can simply call their souls back to ask them."

The man imagined it and shook his head. "I will look through their things tonight."

Levi moved up to them. "Rain in the night." She warned.

"We will arrive in town tonight, so we will be fine." The leader explained. "It will be bad however if it rains during the day tomorrow."

"Is cloudy or sunny weather better for travelling for a caravan like this?" Levi asked curiously. "I will simply change the weather."

The man decided to humour the small girl. "Cloudy with a slight wind is the best."

"Done." Levi trotted back to the rest of the group who were currently behind since Zaria had seen a patch of blackberry bushes near the road and they were gathering them.

During lunch, Zaria baked a cake with the blackberries they had gathered. The lunch was simple with a tomato soup Noire found in her inventory, Levi brought out sushi, Mya offered a spinach and catnip salad, and Zaria made a quick goulash.

The helpers were very suspicious of the sushi and preferred the goulash, which was so soft that the meat practically melted in their mouths.

The quartet however ate a lot of sushi, salmon, tuna, butterfish, shrimp, crab, and eggrolls. With that went plenty of soy sauce and wasabi.

The merchants, adventurers, drivers, and servants were giving the four helpers jealous looks. To stop the looks, Zaria made skewers and had the helpers pass them around.

"Chicken with honey marinade?" Mya sniffed the air.

"Yes, I got sweet chilli pork next."

"How many types of skewers have you prepared?" Levi asked before she could stop herself.

"The meats are beef, pork, mutton, goat, turkey, chicken, deer, buffalo, elk, antilope, gazelle, bison, caribou, reindeer, moose, anaconda, wyvern, dragon, bear, marlin, barracuda, wahoo, salmon, tuna, and kraken. Then there is salt and pepper, sweet chilli, barbeque, soy, honey mustard, garlic, olive, honey, soy wasabi, and nothing."

"We definitely talked about this before." Mya said. "But you seriously have 250 types of skewers stashed away?"

"I also have some random experiments too. For example Tama wanted to try it with a bitter dark chocolate sauce a few years back."


In the evening, the group arrived at the town they were going to have a layover at after securing the carriages. They shared an inn, the girls took a double room where the helpers were prepared to sleep on the floor.

Dinner was eaten at the inn aside from the eight girls. They were not interested in the inn food, instead dinner became a honey roast with steamed vegetables and trout with potatoes.

They deboned the trout for the girls.

Dessert was fruit crepes.

Back in their shared room the helpers were very surprised that the two beds were meant for them. They understood when they saw how the quartet slept, they did not need beds. Levi slept in a tub with water, Noire hung from the ceiling, Mya and Zaria slept on pillows they pulled out. This was weird for the four helpers, but the small forms of the quartet were downright adorable.

It was very pleasant and the helpers slept really well even with sharing a bed in twos.

"More enemies." A tiny bat said.

A small sea snake that was actually the leviathan raised the head from the bowl. "Whose turn is it?"

"I think mine?" Mya looked towards Zaria.

"We are taking turns?" Zaria wondered why nobody told her.

"Okay. I guess I will take care of it." Mya simply ripped the souls of the assassins out. "Good night."

"Night." the others replied.

The town guard was very surprised and very worried when they found several black clad corpses without any identification and without any visible wounds.


In the morning, they made croissants and offered jams, marmalade, cheese, ham, eggs and bacon. There was also yoghurt muesli with nuts and fresh or dried fruits. Since they were in their room, there were no jealous gazes this time.

Preparing the caravan for departure went without issues.

The roads were wet from the nightly rain and the day had a gentle breeze and a cloudy sky. It was perfect for travel.

The caravan leader was suspicious, but he said nothing.

The adventurers were unhappy since to them, the eight girls were simply extra baggage and they felt that they were showing off their money without being able to back up a reason for being hired. Why should they get paid when they did nothing?

For the quartet the escort was relaxing, they continued teaching the four helper storage magic and how to write.

It was all calm until they split off the main street and turned to the mining village they were doing the cargo run for.

Only half an hour later Mya warned the caravan leader. "Bandits, about ten minutes ahead."

The man sighed. "Prepare for combat."

"Are you going to believe them?" The leader of the other adventurer party asked.

"Yes." The leader replied honestly. "Besides, we will see them in ten minutes. And your group should not remove them now. Wait until they appear." The leader told Mya.

"Okay." She returned to the others to tell them.

About ten minutes later, they found a tree across the street and found several people hiding in the forest.

"Bandits!" The leader of the adventurer group exclaimed when arrows started to fly and then got blown away by a gust of wind.

"Told you so." Mya was a smug kitty when she told the leader of the adventurer party.

The helpers were not worried, they had come out unscathed after being hit by a strike from a sword and an attack by a large snake. Instead they wondered if they were supposed to be getting the items of the bandits later? "Are we supposed to gather their items?" "I don't want to dismantle bandits."

"No need to dismantle them, it is Zaria's turn." Noire calmed them down.

"It is?" Zaria wondered, then she shrugged.

The arrows stopped.

"Statues?" Levi asked.

"Statues." Zaria confirmed.

The other adventurers charged the forest.

"What the fuck?" echoed from the forest.

The caravan leader looked towards the four girls. "Did you do something?"

Three of them pointed at the last one, the albino fox-kin.

Noire commented. "It was her turn, so we have a group of statues now. She tends to statue minor enemies when she doesn't want to cause an environmental disaster."

"When she gets really annoyed, countries freeze." Levi remembered fondly.

"Like the time she called a bunch of meteorites onto the vampire empire and reduced it to a kingdom." Noire shrugged. "They deserved it, they decided they were the most powerful race and needed to get a reality check."

"There are usually rewards for the bandits." The caravan leader decided to explain.

"Rotting heads are worth something?" Noire then remembered the right name. "You mean bounties."

"Who pays for it? The guards or the Adventurers Guild?"

"Either actually." The caravan leader informed them.

"I will teleport them back with a letter." Zaria decided. "The arena Noire fought in is a good place, I can just put them in the stands so they will be out of the way." She clapped. "Girls, get their stuff, then we teleport them over."

"Yes" "Sure" "Should we carry them here?" "I need my basket."

"Here are your baskets, and no need to carry them here, we will simply teleport them over." Noire told the four helpers. "Who gets the loot from them actually?"

"The adventurers share them." The caravan leader told them.

"Great." Zaria clapped her hands and all the statues appeared beside them. She clapped again to remove anything they had in their hands. "There, now you can properly gather their things."

Noire frowned at the things the bandits owned. "You can keep our share." She told the girls.

The other three of the quartet nodded at that, Noire was really spoiling her pets.

The girls started gathering weapons, money bags, single coins, potions, and random items.

The merchants bought most of the weapons and other random items. The adventurers took the potions. The coins from sales were split up with an equivalent of the potions worth directly going to the helpers.

The helpers were confused. They had more money than ever before. They, as a group, had earned a large gold coin, three small gold coins, and some silvers.

"Want us to keep the money for now?" Noire offered.

The four helpers nodded, so much money was scary.

"How much money do you have?" Olivia asked.

The four simply dumped their cash reserves in a pile.

A very large pile that was higher than all of them and most of the adults.

The adventurers and merchants could not believe their eyes.

"Actually." Noire decided to ask since these traders seemed more sensible than those are at the Merchants Guild. "How much are bars worth?"


A pile of silver, gold, and platinum bars appeared. One what was even higher than the coin pile.

"Uhm, that over there is a small bar, it is seventeen large coins, the large pars are forty-seven large coins."

"The money system makes no sense." The quartet decided once again.

"I will be back, I want to check if whoever invented it is burning in hell." Mya faded away.

The other three nodded in agreement.

Mya returned and looked like a smug kitty. "I extended their stay in hell."

Zaria nodded. "Tell me who it was, I will make sure the next life will be interesting."

"Sure, here." Mya sent it telepathically since the language was simply not made to explain such terms as soul identifiers.

The others watching and listening, not counting the helpers, felt the topic was very ominous.

The piles of riches faded away again.

"Why are you adventurers?" Risa, the smallest helper, asked what many of them thought.

"To try it out." Levi replied. "We were away from the world for a long time, so we decided to see what it is like at the moment."

"We haven't interacted properly with the world for centuries." Noire admitted casually.


"We are old, thousands of years old." Levi shrugged.

"So we want to see what the world is like now." Zaria continued.

"Bullshit." An adventurer interrupted. "I don't believe that."

"We don't care what you believe in." Mya and the others simply ignored the complaint.

Everyone was distracted when the tree on the street wriggled, stood up, and hopped towards a tree stump a little away and settled down on it, seemingly merging with it.

"What just happened?" A merchant asked not understanding how a tree just hopped out of the way.

"I made the tree go back and healed it." Zaria explained. "We had to remove it anyway to continue on."

"Yes, good idea, everyone back to the carriages, we are continuing on." The caravan leader decided to ignore the weirdness and continue on. They were on a schedule after all.

"Teleport the statues to the adventurers guild?" Mya poked one. "You were feeling vindictive, they are fully awake despite being stone, they hear, feel, smell, and see everything."

"How else are they supposed to learn their lesson?" Zaria wondered.

Noire spun her umbrella. "I guess it is true. Death is quick unless you piss Mya off, curses and humiliation last for a long time."

"Not true, Crushing Depth is technically a curse." Levi tried to explain why that spell was a curse instead of an attack spell.

"I still think that most higher healing spells have blood magic components." Noire decided to continue the magic discussion.

Zaria teleported the statues away with a letter to Helena. "There they are gone, and no teleportation is not a space spell, since teleporting across planes and realms makes no sense if it is just a space spell."

"I still think time magic is the weirdest." Noire complained. "The way you two use it like breathing makes no sense."

"You are not allowed to say that, you went back in time to give someone delicious two first bites at the same time." Levi reminded the bloodsucker.

"It was delicious." Noire licked her lips remembering.

"Good reason." "Delicious is justice." The other two agreed.

The quartet agreed to delicious things as usual. Their priorities had never changed before.

The helpers were the perfect way to pass the time. Noire's idea about keeping them as pets actually paid off. Levi was the most amused with Risa using Zaria's tails as a focus. Olivia and Risa were more indirect casters. Using someone else to cast, Olivia was a believer and would probably become a priestess. Risa was still innocent enough to use fey and spirits to cast, which somehow manifested in her using Zaria's tails.

The caravan continued on. Anne managed to do some basic body enhancement, and ran through a bush when the self buff and granted buffs stacked and she lost control of her speed. She suffered no wounds, but the bush was ripped out and she managed to dirty herself. Noire cleaned her, The cleaning spell was simply too useful.

Actually merchants and adventurers were listening to the free magic lessons as well. They had more trouble however, the children had less trouble understanding the way that the quartet was explaining magic. Already they felt their magic, already they were managing to use magic. It was not structured spells but it worked.

Ciel already had a darkness spell like effect, she liked it dark when sleeping. Anne managed to strengthen her body. Olivia managed to do a message spell equivalent, none of the quartet were going to inform her that she had messaged Goddesses on the good and evil side. Risa was using spirits and fey to do her magic, which had weird effects.

Time passed and they decided to prepare for the evening and night.

"Want to sleep over at my home?" Zaria offered to her friends and the girls.

"You are hired to watch over us." The caravan leader reminded them.

"How is that a problem?" Levi wondered.

Zaria nodded in agreement. "They are worried that we won't guard them."

Mya reminded the others. "Normal people are in not multiple places at once, or create copies of themselves."

"I don't copy myself, it is much more pleasant to go back in time and go forward again." Zaria corrected them.

"You don't count." Levi reminded Zaria. "Normal people don't go back and forth in time like nothing."

Mya looked puzzled as she looked from Levi to Noire and back. "But you two travel in time as well. So what is the issue?"

"Unlike you two we don't simply step back in time as if it were stepping through an open door." Noire corrected the two weirdos.

Levi nodded. "You two move through time like I swim through oceans, it is not normal."

"You can travel through time?" Ciel perked up.

"We all can." Zaria confirmed.

"Not like those two!" Levi and Noire denied adamantly. "Who goes back in time to be in several places at once." "Or who travels back several times to add people to make cooking easier." "Or who goes back to start sewing a dress sooner." "Or sleeps in and then has to travel back to be on time."

"Time travel sounds really useful, no risk of oversleeping and more time for naps." Ciel had found another use for it.

Mya and Zaria simply nodded in agreement.

"Why don't you girls stay over at my shrine today?" Zaria offered. "There is a hot spring, a large kitchen, soft beds, a very nice garden, and naturally my sweet fluffy Tama."

"Tama?" Olivia asked curiously. "You mean Tamamo no Mae, the Goddess of Fluff, Naps, Dreams, and Sleep?"

"Yes, she is my Goddess." Zaria explained.

"Fluffy?" Risa had her priorities right, at least in Zaria's opinion.

"She will probably be asleep." Noire told the girls. "Zaria is basically her caretaker."

"Maid, cook, bath attendant, cuddle pillow, chew toy, guard, defender, seamstress, enchanter, alchemist, mage, mofu mofu target, and more." Zaria admitted shamelessly.

"There she goes again." Levi slumped.

Mya facepalmed. "At least she managed to go three days without checking in on Tama."

"You still have that delicious kitsune at your shrine? The pink haired one?" Noire was already thinking about dinner.

"Aren't you going to watch with us at night?" An adventurer asked angrily.

"Time travel, don't worry."

"Actually I think most people will worry exactly because of that." Levi tried to reason.

"Why are you planning the evening already?" The caravan leader asked.

"No reason." Zaria replied.

Noire waved the helpers closer. "Ignore time magic for now, that one makes no sense and unless you are like those two it is complex."

"You are complicating it too much." Mya told the vampiress.

"Why don't we take a look at water magic, it is useful, everyone has at least some affinity for water." Levi offered and promptly summoned a waterball. "Here is a nice small water-ball."

The adventurers were looking in awe at the floating sphere of water that was about three metres in diameter.

"That is small?" Anne had trouble thinking about that as small. "I have seen water-balls before in the dungeon. They were the size of my fist."

"Maybe a compressed one?" Levi wondered and crushed the large ball into a small one.

"Compressed?" Ciel asked, wondering what the word meant.

"You know some things get smaller when you squeeze them?" Noire asked. "That is compression."

Everyone now stared at the now small projectile.

"Bullshit, I don't believe it, how is that meant to be the same as the large one from before." An adventurer ranted.

"Levi is the crushing depths, that means when it comes to strength she is the strongest of us."

"Shoot the orc on the left?"

Levi peered into the forest on the left. "So that is an orc, it's ugly." The water ball flew into the forest.

Mya and Noire quickly threw up a barrier. Then trees, bushes, earth, rocks, and water sprayed the barrier. The ground shook slightly too.

Zaria turned towards the four helpers. "A perfect example of modifying a spell, it needs more magic, but for Levi that was nothing." Zaria summoned a fireball, and started compressing it. "Fire when it is hotter is brighter, red is normal, orange is warmer, yellow is hot, and white fire is very hot." The floof explained. "Blue and invisible are complicated." The fireball was changing colour and radiating heat, on a level that even the helpers felt. The adventurers instead moved away as the area around the albino started drying out.

Zaria threw the fireball to Levi who crushed it.

"Fast Movement" "Deadly Strike" "Deadly Reflexes" "Scent of Predator" "Fey Blessing" "Bloody Strike" "Spirits Blessing" "Elementals Beloved" "Pets of the Ancients" "Fey Toys" "Stamina of the Depths" "Nature's Walk" "Fey Path" "Water Breathing" "Always Clean" "Iron Stomach" "Hearing of the Floof" "Nose of the Depths" "Taste of the Predator" "Sight of the Cat" "Deadly Weapons" "Bloodies Weapons" "Crushing Strike" "Nose of the Floof" "Sight of Death"

The four decided to add some offensive buffs and a few useful ones. Then they started to get creative and ridiculous.

"Nice Smell" "Pleasant Scent" "Beloved of Flowers" "Tasty Blood" "Learning Tongue" "Fluffy Resurrection" "Healing Blood" "Friend of Fish" "Lap for Cats" "The Lap Pillow" "Dancers Steps" "Death's Part Timer" "Pet of the Queen" "They are not my pets!" "Proper Digestion" "Yes they are." "Charm of the Beauty" "Offensive Transformation Resistance" "Fluffy Hair" "Dancing Ahoge" "Sparkly Eyes" "Natural Make-up" "Emergency Snek" "Mosquito Bane" "Natural Enemy of Slugs" "Random Bacon Emergency" "Trout Attack"

The four helpers were going to need time to get used to their improved bodies.


In the evening the camp was prepared quickly, barriers and wards were set, and a portal was opened.

Out of the portal stepped the overpowered quartet. They nodded at themselves and the not from the portal quartet ushered the confused helpers through the portal.

They found themselves at a shrine.

There were several shrine maidens who all waved at the group before continuing what they were doing. Which was rather chaotic in some cases like the moo miko who was being chased by several fairies.

There was a blur of white with a little black and Zaria was knocked over and then tail slapped by an arctic fox with black eartips and a black tail tip. "Kon kon! Kon kon!" and it was clearly berating Zaria while it was standing on top of her.

"Hello Yuki, I am back for a bit." Zaria greeted the fox.

"Greetings Yuki, have you been well?" Noir greeted the fox.

"Kon kon~"

"What did Zaria do this time?" Levi asked amused.

"Kon kon kon kon kon"

Mya laughed aloud. "Did you seriously leave five tons of skewers behind?"

"Tama likes them." Zaria explained as it made perfect sense to her.

Yuki facepawed and the trio sighed.

The shrine was large, a lake, a nice pier, a pond, a stream, several buildings, and a lot of shrine maidens. They did not see more since the buildings were in the way but they suspected that it continued behind the buildings. It was a large area, larger than the temples in the city.

Yuki tailslapped Zaria and circled the four helpers who were visibly nervous. Something that made Yuki glare at the quartet.

"We didn't scare them." Noir defended herself. "You did when you knocked over Zaria."

Seeing an "Are you serious?" look on a fox was very surprising for the helpers.

"This is Yuki, my other self, other half, psychotic murder side, my intelligence, and familiar companion." Zaria introduced the fox.

"Don't mind her, she is perfectly polite until you annoy her, then you die." Mya told them.

"This is my home, and home of Tamamo no Mae."

"Are we dead?" Olivia asked.

Everyone turned towards her.

"It is said that to visit the home of the gods you need to die or be their hero." she explained.

Mya shook her head in denial. "No, you are not dead, I'd know if you were." She waved at the shrine. "Tamamo no Mae lives here so Zaria can take care of her. She is the oldest Goddess."

"I learned that the Creator is the oldest." Olivia asked curiously.

"No, the current creator god is the ... I killed two of them, how many did you kill?" Mya asked the others.

"I think one or two." "At least three." "Not sure one counted since it was so weak, so two."

Olivia had trouble imagining creators getting killed off. "Two plus two plus three plus two is." She started using her fingers. "Twelve?"

"If you count the one who was weak, yes, if you don't it is eleven." Noire corrected.

"Wait, that means that the goddess only knew what we did during her pantheon." Mya realised.

"So we are far older." Levi was not surprised.

"Why don't we go inside? I have a hot spring." Zaria reminded everyone.

"Kon!" Yuki approved.

Pick your favourite:
  • Onsen Votes: 14 34.1%
  • Natural Onsen Votes: 25 61.0%
  • Sauna Votes: 5 12.2%
  • Swimming Pool Votes: 2 4.9%
  • Swimming Pond Votes: 4 9.8%
  • Jacuzzi / hot tub Votes: 12 29.3%
  • Lake Votes: 6 14.6%
  • Sea Votes: 2 4.9%
  • Ocean Votes: 3 7.3%
  • Bath tub Votes: 3 7.3%
  • I don't like being in water Votes: 1 2.4%
  • Soup? Votes: 16 39.0%
Total voters: 41