Chapter 05 – Shrines, Goddesses, and Mikos
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It was not far to the main shrine where Zaria and most mikos lived to take care of their Tama. The Shrine maidens in the kitchen found themselves kicked out and had to watch as several Zarias started to cook. Not that they complained, since they were all eager to eat something that an eager Zaria cooked.

The helpers found themselves herded off to the hot spring. The changing room was chaotic since several curious mikos joined them, playing fairies fluttered all over the place, pixies stole a few towels, and she came.

"Zaria." A voice that sounded so sleepy and fluffy that it made most of them sleepy called out almost silently yet heard by everyone.

She had come.

Divine power hit them, it was less oppressive than the presence of the Goddess of Justice. But it was far stronger. It was the power of an ancient goddess that could be counted amongst them, the power of the world. She wasn't since she did not care, naps and sleeping were far more important.

Olivia was ecstatic, she had met her second goddess.

Anne and Ciel were surprised and not surprised at the same time.

Risa however summed it up the best. "So fluffy!"

Tamamo no Mae was short, like them. But she had nine extremely fluffy tails. The hair, ears, and tails all started out deep green and they gradually turned dark purple towards the ends. The almost closed sleepy eyes were heterochromatic. One eye was golden and the other eye was claret, both pupils were sprinkled with stars like the night sky. She was wearing a pastel coloured pyjama like nobles did, only the material looked softer and warmer than what they had seen in the windows of boutiques.

The goddess entered the changing room, walked over to Zaria, and buried herself in the seven white tails. "We have guests, hello Noire, Mya, Levi, Anne, Ciel, Olivia, and Risa." The voice was warm, sleepy, gentle, and fluffy. She hugged two tails and looked towards Risa. "Thank you, Zaria takes great care of my tails."

"Un, I want tails like that." Risa exclaimed.

Noire stepped before the youngest girl before either floof spontaneously changed her race. "Why don't you try it for a few days? A fluffy tail needs a lot of care." She warned the girl since Zaria had explained proper tail care more than once.

"Scales are worse." Levi added.

"My tails are easier." Mya bragged and swished her two cat tails.

"You lick a lot in return." Noire reminded the nekomata. "Being a vampire is far easier, you just get a sting from the sun and like the taste of blood. Now let's enjoy the washing and hot spring." she decided to head off the racial discussion they had already made hundreds if not thousands of times.

"True." Levi was eager. She loved being in water. "Girls, are you familiar with washing in an onsen?"


Noire winced. She had managed to snuff the racial topic, but now a Levi lecture was coming.

"Kon" Yuki interjected.

"Right, teach as we do it." Levi agreed.

Noire wondered why the arctic fox was their voice of reason once again.

Zaria professionally stripped her Tama while the shrine maidens swarmed the four helpers enthusiastically. The helpers were confused at the warm welcome. Levi explained where to place the clothes, and where to find the towels, soaps, and started advising the four overwhelmed human girls with the help of the many mikos.

"Why are you inviting me?" A familiar voice came from the door to the changing room.

"You were overworking, a nice dip in the onsen will do you well." Zaria's voice came from the outside.

Helena, Goddess of Justice, found herself pushed into a changing room. She actually whimpered when the four human girls, thirteen shrine maidens, the ancient Goddess, and the four calamities all turned to her. "I summoned her, so I should take care she doesn't overwork." Zaria explained her presence. "That includes a nice bath, good dinner, and a blessed bed."

"I personally blessed all beds, mats, couches, patios, blankets, bedsheets, and nap spots." The Tama bragged. "Welcome Helena, how have you been?"

Helena bowed towards Tamamo no Mae. "Greetings Elder. I have been well. Has your sleep been comfortable?"

"Mhm~ I slept really well. It seems Zaria made you work?"

"I do not mind, since she summoned me I can act freely now." Sure she was overworking, but nobody would dare complain about her walking the mortal world since Zaria had called her down with the approval of three calamities. Pointing anyone who complained at them was a sure way to stop all complaints. And now the Primordial Goddess welcomed her as well. Meeting the oldest one was rare, she suspected that Zaria was older.

Olivia went wide eyed. The Goddess of Justice was bowing towards the fluffy Goddess. Helena was supposed to be one of the more powerful gods.

"Tama is the oldest Goddess still alive of a pantheon." One of the shrine maidens explained seeing the girl's confusion. "She is part of the first pantheon, since then most gods have been replaced. Should you wish we can tell you about the history of the divines?"

"Yes, I would love to hear it." Olivia was eager since it was something new, each priest spoke a different history and tale about their god. Tamamo was older, which meant that she had a different history to tell. It was definitely something she had not heard before.

"Where is the tasty blue haired kitsune?" Noir wondered. "I could do with a nice snack during the bath." She licked her lips.

"Kasumi?" One of the shrine maidens wondered. "Oh, you want to eat her again."

Helena and the four helpers all turned towards the vampiress.

Noir just shrugged. "I love the way her blood tastes, and a nice sip in the onsen tastes even better." She knew what, and who, she liked. And the pink kitsune had a nice refreshing taste. "So where is she? She told me that I am welcome to drink from her again."

"I'll go and fetch her." A miko giggled and ran off.


The four helpers found themselves oddly pampered by the older girls. Currently almost everyone was soaking in the nice natural hot spring and watching as Zaria lovingly washed the nine fluffy tails. It had a soporific effect.

Several shrine maidens were almost asleep. The overpowered trio was either drinking blood from a pink kitsune, wine, or sake. Helena was lying in the water with her head lying on a rock while a shrine maiden was massaging her head and her eyes were covered with a warm wet towel. The helpers were drinking fruit juice while fighting sleep. Yuki was floating in the water. Various fey and spirits had joined them in the hot water.

The girls in the hot spring started nodding off when the two fluffiest ones joined them. Tama was hugging Zaria and sleepily chewing on one of Zaria's white fluffy ears.

When everyone woke up again they were all laid out in a dining room with Zaria and several shrine maidens serving delicious smelling food buffet style. There were several roasts, geese, ducks, chickens, piles of various skewers, salads, potatoes, rice, sweet potatoes, noodles, ramen, sushi, udon, pizzas, pasta, lasagne, alfredo, risottos, soups, a moo, and much more.

It was a feast. Ironically it was a feast to celebrate Tama being awake.

"I love your food." Tamamo no Mae looked a bit more awake. "Skewers~" The floof peered at her favourite dish. "I want that bitter chocolate sauce and a dragon and honey skewer. "It is a nice bitter sweet~"

More than one person wondered about Tama's sense of taste.

Everyone ate a lot, a full Zaria level feast was always an experience. Yuki was working through her fifth bowl of ramen. Levi had a dozen empty bowls stacked beside her. Noire was working herself through a blood pudding. The helpers had tasted themselves though various dishes and were currently making a group effort to defeat a set of wyvern ribs larger than themselves. Mya was eating ducks filled with sweet chestnuts and apples. Zaria was eating what in another world was known as an irish burger. Helena was enjoying porcini mushroom soup.

Everyone was stuffing themselves, those in food comas floated away to their beds after a quick cleaning spell.

After a long dinner only eleven survivors were still going strong. Tamamo no Mae was eating her 153th skewer. Yuki was cleaning off a fruit salad. Noire was drinking her favourite rose haired kitsune shrine maiden. Levi had three stacks of ramen bowls higher than herself surrounding herself. Mya happily munching her way through another duck. Helena was currently enjoying a nice t-bone steak. The four helpers were stuffed but wanted to finish off the ribs, they one had to clean off one more. Zaria was eating a pizza topped with bacon, cheese, corn, tomato, egg, onion, and a garlic oil smeared crust.

Dessert was going to be breakfast instead since everyone ate themselves into a food coma.

The four helpers were the next ones to admit defeat. They finished off the huge wyvern ribs and floated off to a guest room.

Finally the last ones stopped eating and went to sleep.

After breakfast everyone was overdosed on sugar. It was all cakes, crepes, pancakes, tarts, fruit salads, and yoghourts. Cream was oddly popular with the four humans.

Watching the Tama cuddling Zaria and acting all spoiled was eye opening. Helena on the other hand was ignoring the two foxes. Logically Tama was Zaria's goddess, the reality however was more like the albino acting motherly and spoiling her daughter rotten and indulging her every whim. They were humans but they knew a bit about beast-kin and those two were acting like family with their openly affectionate ways. The pair was openly fluffing and grooming which made Helena extremely embarrassed. The other three powers simply ignored it since they were used to it.

When the adventurer party was ready for action and Tama was back asleep it was already past noon.

"We are late." Anne was worried.

"Time travel." Mya reminded them.

Ciel nodded. "Never going to be late."

"Now here we split up." Zaria explained. "You four return to the camp this morning. We four will go back to yesterday evening at the camp."

"So we’ll meet the yous that went to the camp yesterday?" Ciel managed to follow the logic.

"But they are the same." Risa was seeing things simpler, and in their case probably more correct considering whom she meant.

Two portals popped into existence.

"Girls, you belong in the left one." Mya announced.

The four helpers nodded, and stepped into their second portal.

When they stepped out, their four bosses were awaiting them.

The caravan was still packing.

"This is so interesting." Ciel was staring at the rising sun, and blinking at the bright light. "I am not going blind."

"I wonder which buff did that." Levi pondered the huge list.

"I suspect a few overlapped." Noire admitted.

Mya and Zaria did not care enough to bother trying to unravel that.

When the caravan started the lessons continued. A magician complained at the unstructured lessons, since the lessons worked he could only grumble and listen in. Normally structured magic was taught first. This was however a 'feel the magic and try it to convince it to do that' lesson.

"I use structured spells a lot, they are simple and far harder to overpower. That fireball I showed was free magic, I need to pay attention to how much magic I put into it." Zaria fired a normal fireball into the sky. "This one is weaker but it is consistent enough and still strong enough to burn most normal people."

"She means turn them to ashes." Mya corrected.

"Structured magic is exactly that. You get consistent results." Noire summed up.

"Naturally free magic is more powerful since you can do things that don't have spells." Levi made a swarm of water needles. "I think there is an ice needle spell, but I would have never managed to kill all those smelly things if I used the spell."

"There is a water needle spell too." Mya corrected Levi. "It was very popular with assassins for a while. It fell out of use since it isn't very strong unless you compress the water and magic. It is easy to dodge too."

"So hard to use since it is small and has lower power." Noir summed up. "That means that the spell was never optimised for aim or penetration. But small projectiles are like that, same as arrows."

What do you want to see crushed next?
  • A human army. Votes: 6 12.0%
  • A clan of dark elven slavers. Votes: 11 22.0%
  • A dumb dragon. Votes: 7 14.0%
  • A cult summoning a demon. Votes: 18 36.0%
  • A bunch of obstinate high elves. Votes: 13 26.0%
  • A monster stampede. Votes: 4 8.0%
  • A pub/inn fight while they were there. Votes: 9 18.0%
  • A local noble with a far too high opinion of himself. Votes: 32 64.0%
  • Doesn't matter, crush them all! Votes: 23 46.0%
Total voters: 50