Day 0 – Evelyn and Lucas (1)
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A brisk cold wind swept through, causing branches to sway and leaves to scatter.

Beyond the forest, over the mountains, and across the rivers, a vast expanse of plains stretched out.

A sprawling compound loomed, encircled by weathered stone walls adorned with intricate lines of pulsating blue light.

Atop these walls, heavily armed and armored sentinels stood vigilant, scanning the perimeter.

Numerous towering watch posts stood tall before the walls, housing powerful illuminators to pierce the darkness and keep watch over the surroundings.

Beyond the walls rose immense black structures.

At the heart of them all, a solitary grand black palace stood, encircled by twelve towering buildings forming a protective ring around it.

Outside this inner circle sprawled numerous houses and ordinary city buildings, bustling with countless inhabitants going about their daily lives.

Among the throngs of people, Evelyn and Lucas found a quiet corner in a cozy café, seeking respite from the hustle and bustle of the city streets.

Evelyn stood just over five feet tall, with Lucas only slightly taller by a few inches.

Her hair was a striking gray, contrasting with Lucas's jet-black locks.

While Evelyn had an average build, Lucas appeared more robust and muscular in comparison.

Both were clad in training gear provided by the training center, comprising durable yet flexible brown leather.

The attire resembled a fusion of a shirt and armor, featuring multiple pockets and slots designed for sheathing or securely holding a gun.

Evelyn found an unoccupied table and settled into her seat with a relieved sigh, feeling the tension drain from her body.

Lucas followed suit, letting out a chuckle as he took his seat beside her. "Hey Eva, are you really that tired?"

Evelyn, appearing weary, and Lucas, wearing a concerned expression, sat facing each other.

Evelyn flinched, memories of the grueling test flooding back.

She sighed deeply. "Yeah, this time it was all about endurance. I barely scraped through. Honestly, it's a miracle I can even walk with you right now..."

Lucas's expression softened with sympathy.

He reached out to gently pat Evelyn's shoulder in an attempt to console her. "I guess your tests are worse than mine. Didn't I say to not take nursing? It might be alright outside the walls, but in this place? It's a whole different story."

Evelyn waved her hands wearily, brushing off Lucas's reminder. "Yeah, yeah, I know, no need to keep repeating it."

She gazed absently at the menu above the counter, then sighed. "But it's not like I have a lot of options if I want to make enough money, you know?"

Lucas nodded in agreement, a sympathetic grin on his face. "Yeah, it's a struggle."

He scanned the tables, spotting a waiter. "Hey, over here! We're ready to order."

Turning back to Evelyn, he nudged her playfully. "So, figured out what you want? My treat this time."

The word "free" clicked in Evelyn's mind as she woke up with a start. "Your treat? Good." she grinned at Lucas.

"Uh." Lucas paused for a moment, a bad feeling coming to him, but he smiled, helplessly. "Yeah, just think of it as an early gift."

Evelyn's grin widened as she perused the menu, her eyes lighting up at the sight of her favorite dish. "I think I'll go for the grilled salmon with roasted vegetables," she decided, her stomach rumbling in anticipation.

Lucas nodded, making a mental note of her order. "Excellent choice," he commented, flagging down the waiter to relay their selections.

He looked at Evelyn with a helpless smile. "You really took an expensive one huh?"

Evelyn flashed a mischievous grin at Lucas. "You're treating, so naturally, I'll take it seriously," she quipped, prompting Lucas to raise his hands in surrender, unable to argue with her logic.

Lucas lifted his head to address the waiter. "I'll have the egg fried rice and corn soup," he ordered, the waiter quickly jotting down his request.

Then, as an afterthought, Lucas added, "Oh, and two iced teas. That's all," to which the waiter silently nodded in acknowledgment.

As the waiter departed to place their order, Evelyn leaned back in her seat, a sense of contentment washing over her despite the fatigue lingering in her body. "Thanks, Lucas," she said sincerely, her earlier weariness temporarily forgotten. "I really appreciate you treating me."

Lucas waved off her gratitude with a casual shrug. "Hey, what are friends for?" he replied with a warm smile. "Besides, you deserve it after all those grueling tests."

Evelyn chuckled softly, a flicker of amusement flickering in her tired eyes. "Yeah, I suppose you're right," she admitted, grateful for Lucas' support. "And hey, at least we can enjoy a good meal together to celebrate surviving another round of exams."

Lucas smirked. "I suppose you've got a point," he conceded with a shake of his head, amused by the situation.

As they chatted away, time seemed to slip by unnoticed. After a few minutes, their order finally arrived.

The waiter arrived with a tray, carefully balancing their orders upon it.

Setting it down on the table, the waiter began to speak. "Here we have grilled salmon with roasted vegetables, one plate of fried rice, one corn soup, and two iced teas," he announced before bowing respectfully and departing.

"Enjoy," he added as he left the two diners to their meal.

Evelyn and Lucas thanked the waiter as they started eating.

As the two peacefully ate their food in silence, a seemingly strong wind blew inside, lightly moving things around for a split second.

Evelyn and Lucas looked outside for a moment, bewildered by the sudden wind, but they saw nothing.


Lucy woke up with a contented yawn, her eyes fluttering open to behold a gray ceiling adorned with twinkling stars.

"Good morning," she murmured sleepily, interrupted by a sudden yawn.

Stretching her limbs languidly, she rose from bed and proceeded to tidy up her bed.

After making her bed, Lucy shuffled over to the bathroom, still half asleep.

She turned on the faucet and waited for the water to warm up before stepping into the shower.

The warm water cascaded over her body, slowly waking her up as she washed away the remnants of sleep.

After her shower, Lucy quickly dried herself off with a soft pink towel before proceeding to brush her teeth and fix her hair.

Next, she swapped her sleepwear for something more comfortable, opting for a slightly oversized shirt and shorts to combat the rising heat.

Tossing her used towel into the laundry basket, she made her way downstairs with a sleepy yawn.