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Nobody exactly knew when or how these monster started popping up. Some scholars believed they were born from human malice during the times of great progress; some others claim that these monsters had always existed along side humans as a sort of culling for the weak. Wherever they came from, they all share one name. Fitting for the parasites that kill not for food, but for entertainment. They were known as Festers.

In this world with Festers, being hunted and being the hunter are one and the same. Those who chose to hurt others are swiftly brought justice. But at the same time those who try to enforce justice, are either killed, or end up becoming unrecognisable. This is a constant in our lives. So I wonder... How long will it take for a hero to rise, and fall?

[9 am, Rand residence]

The blare from the alarm clock, the sound of birds chirping, the yelling of a dear family member, all these loud sounds weren't enough to wake up a certain young man. He slept in a position some might call "roadkill" and his snores rivaled the alarm clock that was supposed to keep him punctual. The young man slept with a content look on his face, as if he was dreaming about the most pleasant of things. Suddenly, his bedroom door swung open violently; the force shaking some of his collectables and trinkets.

"Oliver Liam Rand, I've been yelling for ten minutes, and you're still in bed?! Wake up ya lil shit!" His aunt shouted, looking rather pissed.

Oliver finally woke up with a jolt. He looked around his room frantically before grabbing his alarm clock. He looked at it with horror.

"I'm going to be late!!" Oliver said, pure terror in his voice.

He then sat in bed for a couple of minutes, causing annoyance and confusion from his aunt.

"You literally were yelling about being late! Whatcha still doing in bed..." his aunt asked, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes.

"Hold on.... I'm still kinda sleepy... Huh maybe a quick nap would be fine..." Oliver said, groggily.

His aunt sighed before dragging him to the bathroom.

"Ouch ouch ouch! Let go of me! Ok I get it! I get it..." Oliver said with sigh.

He stood up, dusting his clothes off before walking to the bathroom himself. 

"Geez, I told you not to stay up late, but you never listen do ya?" His aunt said, shaking her head.

"It was my birthday! You can't blame me for staying up a bit late..." Oliver said, defensively.

"It was your sister's birthday too!" His aunt said angrily.

"W- well she's probably still sleeping! S- so I'm actually better than her for waking up." Oliver said with the tooth brush still in his mouth. His tone was boastful, as if he hadn't just woken up late and miss his only shot.

"She woke up at 7 and went straight to the hall..." his aunt said, disappointed and annoyed.

Grimacing, Oliver tried to save himself from his embarrassment.

"W- well you can't really compare us too right...?" Oliver said, a brazen look on his face.

"Just go and get ready!" His aunt said, smacking his back.

A few minutes went by and Oliver was finally ready. He put on his best outfit and styled his hair in a professional manner. Oliver looked in the mirror and gave himself a pep talk before leaving

"You can do this! You were made for this Oliver! You've always wanted to be an operator ever since you were a kid!" Oliver said.

Oliver was filled with determination, feeling as if he could take on the world! He went downstairs with a pep in his step. 

His aunt noticed his enthusiasm and smiled softly. He then proceeded to eat an energetic and healthy breakfast of toast and peanut butter.... which caused some concern for his aunt.

"Only that?!" His aunt asked in shock.

"I'm a very tenacious man, aunt Susan! This is just enough for me" Oliver said, rather assured in his decision.

His aunt signed and shrugged.

"Fine, do whatever I guess..." his aunt said, chuckling to herself.

He finished his meal then headed towards the front door. Before leaving, his aunt called out to him.

"Do your best, and whatever happens, I love you, okay?" She said, smiling.

Oliver gave a thumbs up and smiled.

"You got it!" Oliver said, a huge grin forming on his face.

He opened the door, ready to begin the test that would decide his future.