Chapter 1
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Well, I never expected to be making a FNAF Security Breach fanfic... but here we are! This was supposed to be just a one-shot... but then the story kinda just grew from there. So maybe this'll be a two parter... Anyways, I hope that you like it! Be sure to consider leaving me a comment or review! Those really are just the perfect little pick-me-ups from time to time!


Security Breach: Extended Family






Elite Shade


"Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex has now closed. Initiating nighttime protocols." The announcement rang out throughout the pizzaplex as the shutters rolled down, sealing off the entrance. All around, S.T.A.F.F. bots began their usual nightly routines, collecting any and all trash to be found, sweeping and vacuuming and mopping, cleaning windows, all the while keeping a lookout for any and all unauthorized individuals. Elsewhere in the pizzaplex, the night guard was starting his own nightly routine, walking around to all the different sections and areas for his patrol. Everything was as it should be.


Rex walked around the atrium, shining his light under the tables as he did so. He was still a little on edge when he'd done that last week to find the daycare attendant hiding.


"I never did get a straight answer out of them," Rex muttered to himself, coughing a little as he looked from side to side, hoping no one had heard the pitch of his voice. Aside from some S.T.A.F.F. bots stacking chairs and wiping down tables, there was no one. Letting out a sigh of relief, Rex stiffened when he heard some clanking footsteps growing nearer. Shining his flashlight in the direction they were coming from, he saw Freddy Fazbear himself freeze.


"O-Officer Rex, good evening." Freddy started to absentmindedly rub the back of his head, looking awkward. Even after working here for a month, Rex still found it amazing how lifelike the animatronics were. More than just little quirks in their programming, he'd overheard the technician go on about how their personalities were not actually programmed in. Rather, they had developed over time all on their own.


"Hey there, Freddy. Checking out that new restaurant?" Rex asked, coughing a bit as his voice now sounded much more gravelly and slightly deeper. He fiddled with the completely real mustache under his nose while the bear cocked his head to the side a bit, seeming to study him. Rex tried not to panic and forced himself to relax.


"Yes. I was curious about it. Chinese restaurants are very popular, at least according to Fazbear Entertainment LLC. And I'm sure that The Fazdragon shall be no different." Freddy smiled, helping Rex to calm back down. Since the night that the former night guard had been arrested there had been a number of changes and upgrades not only to the pizza plex, but also to the animatronics. Their outer shells were now much more 'real' and life-like, while still maintaining that glamrock style. This also included proper facial expressions.


"Sounds great. Well then, I guess I'll be on my way, Freddy. Thanks for checking it out for me." Rex grunted and started to head off to the stairs for the next level up. Internally, he was grateful that thanks to the new protocols that allowed Freddy and the gang to wander the plex and immediately report strange occurrences, his job was largely automated. Leaving him to work on his own little... project.


Freddy watched the somewhat diminutive security guard head up and make a beeline straight for Bonnie Bowl. He let out his own sigh, just as a slightly muffled voice came from inside his chest compartment.


"Did he leave?" Gregory asked.


"Yup. He's gone, Superstar... though... that's the third night in a row I've seen Officer Rex go to... Bonnie's attraction. I am curious about what he's up to."


"Should we follow him?"


"No. That would be too risky, Superstar. Besides, I heard your stomach growling earlier and know that you need to eat. You have been here for five months now and are still underweight for a boy your age."


"Aww, come on, Freddy! I've gone longer without eating!"


Freddy's ears drooped a bit, and his face took on a more somber expression. "I know, Gregory. And that isn't right. But I've made my decision, Superstar, and it is final."


He heard Gregory let out a huff, but heard his Superstar chuckle. "I guess that the orange chicken does smell really good..."


That brought a smile back to the bear's face, and immediately he turned back around to reenter the kitchen he had just exited.


"Excellent. And afterwards, we can stop by the Fazlibrary and find you a fun movie to watch."


"What about--"


"No scary movies. They give you nightmares."


"Spoilsport." Freddy and Gregory chuckled. The animatronic bear found himself grateful for those books on child psychology. They were right about children craving structure. While happy that Gregory liked the little space he had made for him in one of the unused storage areas, Freddy still worried about his friends finding out and alerting Rex or Fazbear Entertainment. If that happened... then his Superstar would be taken away, and he wouldn't be able to make sure that he was being taken care of. He once more pondered on how he could possibly get the others' help. Freddy was so lost in thought, he was completely unaware of Roxy quickly walking by.


"Okay... not sure what Freddy is doing in the kitchen of The Fazdragon, but whatever it is, he was too distracted to see me," Roxy whispered, adjusting the extra large red, black, purple, and green backpack she'd taken from the gift shop. The backpack rustled a little and the top flap opened as Cassie poked her head out.


"You don't think Chica's in there, do you?" Cassie asked.


Roxanne smiled and reached back to tousle the girl's hair. "Nah. Cheek's got some little project going over in Mazercise."


"Oooh! What is it?"


"No idea." Roxy pondered for a moment. "She's never really kept a secret from me before... but, then again, I've never kept one from her before either." The animatronic wolf turned to smile and wink at the girl.


"And you're sure we won't run into Monty or the security guard?"


Roxy chuckled and shook her head. "Monty's constantly rearranging things over in Gator Golf. I'm glad he stopped wrecking his room, but now apparently he wants to change the layout of all the different holes. And that new guy, Rex, only really seems interested in something in the back staff area of Bonnie Bowl. The cameras in there are still not working right so I don't know what he's up to, but he doesn't come out for hours. Now, are you excited to try out all the new flavors at the ice cream parlor?"


"Yes please!"


Roxanne did her best to step lightly, looking around until she spotted the security guard. She saw his short and skinny figure going right up to the Staff Only door. She ducked a bit, forgetting that she was looking through a wall at him, while he looked around behind himself. Not spotting Roxy, he quickly opened and stepped through the door. Grinning as her tail began to swish back and forth happily. Roxanne quickly entered the ice cream parlor.


"Ok, Rockstar," Roxy said, reaching in and scooping up her number 1 fan in her arms, "I thought you might be interested in one of the new flavors that they added." Setting Cassie down on the counter, Roxanne's tail started to wag faster when she heard Cassie giggle. The wolf rested her chin on top of her Rockstar's head and started to hum their band's theme song.


"Blue Raspberry Sorbet sounds good! Minty Green Apple? Ew. Woah... Carrot Cake ice cream?!"


"I thought that that might get your attention." Roxy smirked, her eyes shooting open wide in surprise when Cassie whirled around from where she was sitting on the counter to give her a hug.


"Thank you, Roxy! You're the best!" Seeing Cassie's shining brown eyes as they gazed at her filled with pure admiration melted Roxy's digital heart. She returned the hug.


"And I've got the best number 1 fan."


Over in the dimly-lit staff area of Bonnie Bowl, Rex was stumbling around a bit, struggling to find the light switch. He was mumbling under his breath before he finally found the Freddy-shaped button and pressed it. Overhead the lights sputtered to life and Rex found himself having to blink a few times. When his vision cleared, he made a beeline straight for a corner where some old arcade cabinets were stored. He grunted as he started to shove them over, grateful that they'd been gutted, making them much lighter. He scooted over a pinball machine before he finally uncovered the door that had been obscured. Stepping through it, Rex smiled and removed the fake mustache that was partially hanging off his upper lip.


"I should just glue this on," Rex said without making his voice deeper and gravelly. To the wet floor sign bot watching him walk by, it sounded much more youthful, and oh so familiar. Kicking off the work boots with the lifts and rolling up his uniform pant legs, Rex made his way over to where a group of sign bots were gathered around, watching him.


"Hey guys." He smiled when the bots all jumped up and down to greet him back. "I assume that the patient is still in stable condition?"


They silently stood protectively around a white tarp laying over some kind of lumpy shape on the floor. Rex whipped it off to reveal the broken and still form of a certain blue bunny animatronic. He looked into the broken faceplate at the glowing yellow eyes.


"Yes! He's still in there! ... I think." He looked at the bots and waved them over. "Okay, guys. Now I checked down at Parts and Services, and not only do they still have plenty of spare Bonnie parts, but there's even the upgraded ones that the others received. Now, I don't know why he was locked in here, but I guess as far as someone in the company knows, Bonnie's been in storage or something. At least, that's what I figured. But none of that matters... because tonight, I'm getting him down there! And... uh... w-well, I could really use your guys' help."


The floor sign bots all scooted closer, and Rex could swear that for a moment, their yellow digital eyes were making a classic anime sparkle. But whatever it was, it was gone.


"As you can see," Rex said, pointing near the door where there was a metallic platform dolly, "Operation: 'Secretly-Borrow-a-Dolly-When-No-One-Was-Around-to-See-It' was a total success. But now I'm gunna have to carefully get Bonnie onto it... and he weighs... I know it's not an actual ton, but he's still really heavy. And you little guys seem a lot stronger than you look. Do you think that if we worked together, maybe with that piece of wood over there as a ramp, we could push him onto it?"


The sign bots all shared a look, then jumped once, which Rex took as an affirmative.


"Thanks guys... this really means a lot to me... Bonnie was always... well, he was always my favorite and... I just want to help him get better as soon as possible." It didn't take long for Rex to get the dolly set up right next to the big blue broken bunny bot, a sturdy plank of wood wedged under the body, leading up to the platform with a crate helping to prop it up. Counting to three, Rex and the bots started to push, Rex straining as he heard some kind of whirring noise coming from each of them, it being very audible. Slowly, Bonny started to shift and scoot up the ramp. With one great heave, they pushed his body right into the center of the dolly. Rex arranged Bonnie's arms and limbs so that they weren't going to hang off, and then tucked the white tarp back over the bunny.


"Phew! I think I coulda really hurt myself if I'd tried that alone." Rex rubbed his scrawny sore arms, looking down when he felt his leg get nudged. He smiled upon seeing one of the floor bots leaning up against him and looking up at him. Reaching down to pat the top of what he believed to be its head, Rex sighed.


"Now I just gotta put my adult disguise back on and then sneak him down to Parts and Services without being seen." Rex slapped the fake mustache back on and gave a head nod. "Okay, time to rock and roll." He made his voice gravelly to say that. Sighing, he went over to his shoes and put them back on. While he liked the extra few inches, it took a lot of practice to learn to walk normally in them. Rex then stuck the mustache back onto his upper lip, and walked back to the cart. It took a little bit of negotiating the platform through the door, as it only just barely fit, but once through, Rex confidently strode as he wheeled the covered dolly.


He stopped for a moment when he saw Roxanne standing just outside the ice cream parlor, her backpack now gone. The wolf's arms were crossed as she looked at him with narrowed eyes. Feeling a little nervous, Rex smiled and gave her a slight wave. Roxy's ears twitched, but she didn't wave back. Instead, she continued to stand there, leaning up against a photobooth.


"Weird... but nothing to be worried about. Those stories about the animatronics hunting security guards at night were just rumors that some game developer made into the story for their games," Rex muttered under his breath. He started to feel a little less confident when he made it to the elevator to see Chica by a trash can, nibbling on a slice of pizza. She tried not to show it, but as Rex was getting the dolly into the elevator, she was watching his every move. He was grateful that the glass doors had shut, until it began to descend, and he spotted Montgomery on the upper floor, staring right down at him. Rex gulped and wondered if maybe he should have tried to see if there was a staff elevator in the back areas first. Back over in front of the ice cream parlor, Roxy stood, her hands on her hips.


"What's wrong, Roxie?" Cassie asked, some of white and light brown carrot cake ice cream smudged on the corner of her mouth. Looking down, Roxanne chuckled and reached down to wipe it away.


"Remember when your Dad told you about the previous security guard going crazy and trying to attack some kid who got locked in after closing?"


"Yeah?" Cassie winced a little but nodded.


"Well, let's just say that this franchise has not had a whole lot of good luck when it comes to the night guards. And Rex was just wheeling something that looked like a body to the elevator."


Cassie gasped and looked worried. "D-d you think he's... dangerous?"


Roxy frowned at first, until she made herself smile while petting Cassie's head.


"Don't worry, Rockstar. I won't let anything happen to you. Now, let's get you back to my room, and then I'm gunna go and see what Officer Rex is up to."


It was bad enough when the last one scared that poor kid half to death to where he ran from all of us, but no one's going to mess with Cassie on my watch!


Roxanne helped Cassie back into the backpack, making sure she was comfortable before practically jogging back to Rockstar Row. She almost bowled over Freddy, who was standing right outside a restroom.


"Uh, hello, Roxy! I see that you are in a hurry--"


"No time, Fred!" Roxy snapped, making the bear quirk his eyebrows. "Look, the new security guard is up to something. We... I mean, I saw him pushing one of those dolly things with a tarp covering something that looked... wrong. I saw him get in the elevator to go down. I have to drop off Cass--, uh... Cassettes I got... from the library... for song inspiration." Roxy winced internally, hoping that Freddy would be more concerned with the security guard situation.


"I see... alright, I'll head downstairs and see if I can't find--" Freddy stopped talking at the same time Roxy's system informed her that she just got a message from Chica.


Chica: Officer Rex is pushing a cart or something with a body on it to the center stage. He turned on the display!


Monty: You think he's headin' on down to Parts and Service? With a body no less?


Freddy: Are you sure that it's a body? Maybe one of the S.T.A.F.F. bots malfunctioned and he's just dropping them off there for the technician in the morning?


Chica: He didn't see me, thanks to the trash can I was hiding behind, but I was close enough to hear him say something about children's bodies being stuffed inside animatronics!


Monty: What kind of sicko is this guy?!


Sun: What?! Where is he? Parts and Service you said? Well, I have half a mind...


Moon: To make sure he won't be hurting any more children ever!


Roxy: Alright, that's enough! Chica and Monty, you two get down to P&S. If you can't use the stage lift, then try the access tunnels. Freddy and I will come join you after... I take care of one little thing real quick. Sun... Moon... whichever! Stay out of sight near the stage area! If he tries to run by taking the lift back up, you can be there, ready and waiting! Got it?


Monty: Heh. Yes, ma'am! You got a fire lit under your tail tonight! Much better than you bein' all mopey.


Roxy: I was not mopey!


Chica: Ignore him, Rox! Ooooh! I just love it when you take charge and start barking orders!


Freddy: While I still feel that this might be just one big misunderstanding, it doesn't hurt to be cautious and to go in with a plan. We shall be down shortly.


Eclipse: You can count on the three of us to give you our full support!


Roxy logged off the chat they all shared, and ran the rest of the way to her room. She set the backpack on the ground and knelt to unzip it. Roxy scooped Cassie up again and hugged her close, nuzzling the top of her head.


"Roxy, what is happening?" Cassie asked, grabbing a Roxy plush off a nearby table and giving it a hug.


The animatronic wolf looked into her big brown eyes and gave her a reassuring smile.


"Don't worry, Rockstar. Just stay in here where it's safe, and I'll be back before you know it!"


"... That's what Dad said... before the accident..."


Roxy had to stifle a whine she almost involuntarily let out. Instead, she made sure to smile again while placing a hand on Cassie's shoulder.


"Cassie, honey, I promise I'll be careful. And I'm sure that your Dad will be just fine!"


Cassie stood there, hugging the little Roxie tight, and nodded, smiling a little at the reassurance. Roxanne's tail swished happily, and she leaned down to gently kiss Cassie's forehead.


"Good. Now, stay safe."


"You too!"


Roxie nodded before turning to exit her room. She saw Freddy coming out the door to his own room, very clearly trying to block the entrance from sight while it was open.


"Seriously, Fred?"


"Huh?" The bear asked, once more looking guilty to the wolf.


"If you keep swiping plushes of yourself from the gift shops, the company might decide that you need to have your programming re-wired."


Freddy looked relieved for a moment, before looking down at his feet.


"They're just so cute and huggable though. Plus... it's not just my own plushes I... sometimes acquire."


Roxie's features softened a bit as she reached over to clap the downcast bear on the back.


"I miss him too. But, with the new room they're making, it looks like they're finally bringing him back!"


"... Or maybe they're just bringing in a look-alike to replace him..." Freddy mumbled.


Shocked that the seemingly perpetually positive Freddy had this weighing heavily on his mind, Roxanne made a mental note to bring this up when there wasn't another lunatic night guard to catch. She grabbed one of Freddy's ears and yanked him along with her.


"With how unique each of us are, they'd never be able to replace him! Not convincingly, at least. His fans would know, and then the company'd have to deal with them. Remember how badly they reacted when it was announced that Bonnie was being 'retired'?"


"Well, yes. I never expected fans of ours to turn over a security car in the parking lot like that..."


"Yeah, it was awesome," Roxy smirked, noticing the furrowed brow from Freddy, and knowing she'd just initiated some kind of lecture in the near future. "But anyways, it proves my point. The company probably found wherever Bonnie went, sent him in for repairs and an upgrade, and before you know it, he'll be back."


"That... makes sense," Freddy said, his mood brightening significantly. "Thank you, Roxanne."


"Anytime. Now, c'mon, ya big lug, we got us another possible night guard who might need a smack down, and then another anonymous call to the cops."


"You're right!" Freddy's eyes glowed an even brighter yellow, and the two raced down the hall.


Hiding behind the big red curtain in Roxie's room, Cassie was deep in thought after what she'd overheard. She didn't have long to dwell on it, however, due to the vent near the ceiling suddenly sliding up. Cassie suddenly felt fear creeping up her spine, as she remembered all those strange tip-tap noises with some kind of music playing she'd heard scurrying about more than once, always coming from the vents. She let out a yelp when someone tumbled out of the vent, which snapped shut right after, and landed on the big red couch with an audible OOMPH!


"Stupid freshly cleaned and slick vents," Gregory grumbled as he sat up, freezing when he saw the girl looking right at him.


"GREGORY?!" Cassie shrieked in both shock and delight. She ran over and pulled her friend into a hug that took him by surprise and knocked the breath out of him.


"OOOF! Cassie?! Wh-what are you doing here?!"


Cassie let go and looked sad. "My Dad got into a car accident, and is in a coma at the hospital. I was supposed to be staying with my aunt Helen... but she kinda... forgot about me after she dropped me off here... and just never came back... so Roxie found me and has been taking care of me." Cassie sniffled and wiped away a tear. "But what are YOU doing here?"


Gregory winced and rubbed the back of his head, much like how he'd seen Freddy do when the animatronic had been put in an awkward situation.


"I kinda... ran away from the group home I was staying at... it was really bad there, worse than all the others! I didn't want to go back, so I came here hoping to find a safe and warm place to sleep and maybe get some food. Freddy's been taking care of me."


"Wait... so when you went missing... you were here this whole time?! And you never once tried to tell me?" Cassie huffed and puffed out her cheeks while putting her hands on her hips.


"I... well, I kinda try to hide from the day staff! Y'know? Just trying to blend in with the crowds of other kids in the daytime, so that it just looks like I'm another regular. And your Dad's one of the techs so..."


"So you assume that that means that I'd tell him you've been living here?" Cassie sounded pretty irritated to Gregory.


"Uh..." He couldn't react when Cassie's hand shot out and pinched his arm. "OW!"'


"That's for scaring me and making me think something really bad happened to you!"


"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!" Gregory started to rub where he'd been pinched. "So, I was going to check out Bonnie's new room, until I heard Freddy and Roxy talking about a new crazy night guard."


"Y-yeah... Roxy said for me not to worry though. After all, they caught the last one before she could do any real damage..."


"Yeah, with my help!" Gregory smirked and puffed out his chest, looking real proud of himself.


"Wait... were you the kid that Miss Vanessa was trying to attack?" Cassie was shocked.


"You! She was dressed in this creepy white rabbit costume too. Kept calling herself Vanny. Anyways, c'mon!" Gregory ran not towards the door leading to Rockstar Row, but instead to the other door to the room.


"Wait! Gregory! That's the door Roxie takes when she needs to get down to Parts and Service!"


"Duh!" Gregory said with a roll of his eyes. "That's where we need to go, just in case Freddy needs help... and I guess Roxie too, for that matter..."


"Hey! Don't you roll your eyes at me, Mister! Also... don't you think that that might be dangerous?"


"Nope, because I got these!" Gregory pulled out from his orange and blue Freddy-themed hoodie two Fazerblasters. "Ta-da!"


"... Gregory... those are toys..."


"Nu-uh!" Gregory sounded defensive. "They're basically just slightly more powerful laser pointers! Which can hurt and blind someone if you get them in the eyes! If nothing else, we can use them to help run away."


"Did they work on Vanny?"


"... Well, no... but she was wearing a bunny mask!"


"What?!" Cassie asked, incredulous.


"Anyways, let's go!"


"Gregory, wait up!" Cassie ran after the boy, both heading through the door leading to the special elevator for Roxanne.


Down below, in Parts and Service, Rex wheezed a little as he got Bonnie settled onto the large seat inside the ominous-looking cylinder. Internally grateful that the dolly had a button to push to raise the platform up, it had still been a bit of a struggle shoving the animatronic off it and onto the awaiting chair. Stepping outside it, and rubbing his sore back, Rex pushed the boxes of spare and upgraded Bonnie parts inside it. Rex froze when he heard a metallic hiss, and followed the sound over to the animatronics' personal elevators that were connected to their rooms. He saw that Roxie's was open, and grabbed a hold of the sides as he looked around. He missed seeing Gregory and Cassie crouched down and quietly ducking behind a table with tools on it.


"Huh... that was... weird..." Rex said, noticing red smudges and a red handprint on the wall right next to the sliding door. Looking down at his cut hand, Rex hissed when he saw that he'd cut his palm. It wasn't too bad or deep, but looking around, he saw that he had dripped blood in several spots, including leading from the operating cylinder to the elevator. Shrugging and resolving to clean it all up later, he walked back over and booted up the retro-looking computer just outside the cylinder.


“Welcome to Parts and Service. Uh-oh! It looks like Bonnie has had himself a bit of an accident! Shall we run a routine diagnostic and repair/upgrade procedure? Also, we shall begin charging the replacement power cell. This process is automated and will take a few minutes to complete and requires all personnel to be outside the cylinder for it. Please select Y or N.”


Rex smiled and pressed Y. The cylinder slid shut with the mechanical arms inside whirring and descending upon the unmoving blue rabbit animatronic. Rex sighed when he heard another mechanical hiss, turning to find Roxy leading Freddy, Monty, and Chica into the room.


"U-uh, h-hey, guys! What're you all doing here?" Rex stuttered, feeling nervous after how Roxy and Monty'd looked at him earlier... much like how they were looking at him now. Chica seemed worried, while Freddy was looking around.


"We could ask the same about you," Roxanne retorted, putting a hand on her hip. "See, the last security guard liked to mess about in here, so the company decided that only authorized personnel, i.e., the tech, and us animatronics should be the only ones to have access to it."


Rex started to sweat, forcing down a sudden urge to bolt as he gulped instead.


"Ah... w-well, you see... I f-found this t-technician's key card, a-and wanted t-to return it to him. S-since I c-couldn't find him up top, I f-figured he'd be down here!"


"Hmm... that does make sense," Freddy said with a smile. "See, Roxy? I told you that this was all a big misunderstand--"


"Is this... blood?!" Chica squawked, having moved away from the others and followed the trail, right to Roxy's elevator. Seeing it and where it was leading from, Roxy felt a coldness in her chest. She ran over to it and froze as she stared at the bloody handprint. She nervously gave it a sniff... and growled. She whirled around and snarled at the trembling security guard, whose mustache was now only half hanging on to his upper lip.


"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" Roxy growled and crouched down, fury evident on her face.


Uh-oh! Mama wolf is in angry mode! Things are not looking good for Rex there! Tune in next time for the exciting conclusion! And thanks for reading!