The Cat and Mouse
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“George, run, NOW!!” Arjun shouted, his voice shaking due to fear.

The two boys took off with a burst of adrenaline. They didn’t know where they were headed, they only knew they had to get away and get away fast.

They didn’t turn or look behind them as they ran, scared of what they might have saw chasing them down through the woods. Behind them, audible shouts were heard as they sprinted into the woods, plunging through the bushes and thick vegetation.

Branches and twigs scraped and cut skin, thorns that they would normally avoid pricked them as they dashed through patches of red roses.

Arjun was out of breath, his sides aching and sharp pain coursing each time he inhaled. He slowed to a jog, believing he had made enough distance. He turned around, facing the direction of what had been his home. There were no pursuers chasing after him through the oak woods. Although that had failed to completely calm his nerves.

Who’s blood was on that sword? Did he kill the other? Will they kill George too? Will they kill me next?!?

Questions raced through Arjuns mind, many of them only intensified by his anxiety

By then he had realized he had lost George. Arjun recalled George overtaking him and then running far, far ahead of him.

That oaf is probably still running right now 

Realizing he was now alone, Arjun began to feel a fear that had been dwelling within him grow stronger and his anxiety welling up like a balloon. 

However he had to ignore it. Currently, Arjun could only focus on running, they could catch up any minute, he told himself. With that thought in mind, fueling his adrenaline, he began to sprint deeper into the oak forest.

To survive, he would have to run....

And run.....


Ten minutes later, Arjun slowly and carefully slid down the edge of the hill-side down to the lake where they filled their pails, his body exhausted from being pushed to its limits. He was also incredibly thirsty, hinted by his audibly gulping as he stared at the stream. He had been running towards the river without rest, his knowledge of the terrains making this an easier trip.

He had also broken his cheap sandals along the forest path he haphazardly made while in a mad dash, forcing him to run barefoot on the crusted rough surface the rest of the journey. Arjun placed both his feet into the cool river water, attempting to somehow soothe them with its cold temperatures.

His adrenaline had already worn off and he could now feel the full effects of each and every cut and scrape that riddled his body. He carefully plucked thorns from his legs and washed the dried blood that had formed from the scrapes.

After cleaning himself, Arjun fell on his back, completely exhausted, his limbs sore and weak, he closed his eyelids with the intention of resting. They felt so heavy and the rocky floor beneath  him suddenly began to feel so comfortable.

Just a nap, he murmured, letting himself succumb to his drowsiness and fell asleep.


Arjuns eyes opened, dim moonlight flooding in as an unfamiliar face leered from above, directed to him a vulgar grin. The man gripped his cheek, squeezing them with his coarse hands and spoke to him.

“Don’t struggle boy and I won’t hurt ya” 

Arjuns gaze then shifted towards the mans exposed nether regions and he realized his motives.

“NO, GET OFF ME!!!!” He screamed as he tried to push the man.

 He began to kick and try to punch at the man, twisting his body to try to get him off, anyway he could. However, the adult man was too heavy and too strong for him.

His efforts were in vain, only earning him a blow to his head as it ricocheted off the floor with a dull thud. 

“Im warning you not to struggle, boy. I don’t need you alive to do it” The man threatened.

His ears began to ring and nausea assaulted his senses as the man began to strip him. 

Arjun’s hand probed the floor searching for something, anything to use. Then as the man was removing his undergarments, his hands clutched a good-sized rock with which he bashed on the mans face.


The rock opened a deep gash above his eyebrows as blood gushed out, just inches from his eye, unfortunately not blinding him. As Arjun began to lift himself from the ground, the man grabbed him, holding his arm with a iron grip.

“YOU BASTAARD!!!” He furiously shouted, blood still dripping from his gash.

Shoving the boy down, he began beating and pummeling him.

Arjun could do nothing but helplessly attempt to shield his head with his thin arms as the man wailed on him. His arms hurt and he began to feel dizzy, His consciousness began to wane as the man battered him with blows, when-


The man went limp and his body fell on top of his smaller figure, Arjun couldn’t move, too weak to even speak when he saw George standing above him, shivering and scared like him.A giant bloody rock in his arms as tears rolled down his pale cheeks as he cried.

Then he blacked out...