2-1 A Person With No Name
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I was in pure shock. I had no name. I had no clue what this meant but I knew it couldn’t be good.


Jacob snapped me out of my daze. "What happened there Rebeca?”


“I never thought i would ever see something like this” she said, no longer in her fake happy tone but a new one of amazement.


“Huh” I said, confused by her words.


“Oh yes most people would know but something like this has apparently happened in the past. Twice actually,”


“So you know what is happening?” Jacob asked, really curious now.


“Yes, or at least on idea, '' Rebeca responded. “ You see the magic that runs these tablets works in a weird way so that it can display info pulled from a high level appraisal skill embedded in the tablet. If too much info is on a person's status it breaks one of the processing crystals. Who ever this girl is Jacob she might be very strong”


“Ok so i don’t know what that too much info thing means but that sounds cool”


Still wanting to correct them about my gender Jacob asked another question. “So this has happened before. When?”


“Rumors say it happened twice. The first time was when the tablets were first made. The King of some empire known as the Ruler of Titles put his hand on the first one and it broke. Everyone believed it was because the tablet could not handle the amount of titles the king had”


One thing was brought up I had no idea about. “What is a title?” I asked. But no one heard me.


“The second time was a hero about 100 years ago. He held the title “Usurper Hero”. It allowed him to copy other people's skills and make them his own. By the end of his reign as Hero he has so many skills that the same thing happened. Broke the tablet itself.”


This story brought up more things I wondered about but knowing that I would probably be spoken over I didn't bother to ask about these so called heroes.


“What does this mean about her registration?” Jacob asked.


“Well this is a special circumstance but luckily we are prepared for such a thing. After the idea of a tablet breaking became commonplace we prepared a test for newbies who actually break the tablet. You would be the first." For the first time since the tablet broke, both of them looked at me.


“OK” I answered shortly.


“Cool, now just a few questions about yourself for our records and I will get the test request put in. First What is your name?”


“I don’t have one”


“”What do you mean you said you forgot it yesterday” Jacob interjected.


“I saw part of my status before the tablet broke. It said none in the name category so I think that means I don't have a name right?”


“Huh well if you don’t have a name why not just pick one?” Rebeca asked


“It can be anything?” I asked.


“Yep it can be anything, there is a chance that it will not show up on your status but that’s not really an issues right now so anything would work”


“Ok” I thought for a little and came up with only one thing. “None, my name will be None”.


“Ok then None, what about gender, not that i really need to ask” The second part was said under her breath again but once again i still heard it.




“Ok Male …” Rebeca said then pausing and looking up.


"YOU'RE A GUY” they both yelled at once.


602 words