Interlude 1-a merchants new toy
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(Amelia POV)


My boss just gave me a task yesterday. Apparently a girl saved his life while he was traveling back from the elf-dwarf exchange and he wanted to repay her. He asked me to buy her some new clothes with his money and if I could start the task of getting a contract between her and his trading company.


My boss has a knack for picking out adventurers that have promise, like the last bodyguard he made a contract with. He rose up to rank 5 with extraordinary speed and left to go find harder quests at the capital of our kingdom.


It wasn’t strange for him to ask me this and he told me that I would get the contract with this girl. The only weird thing was that the girl didn’t know her own name. So I went to the inn we were both staying in and waited for them.


It was only a few minutes before they came back. I put on my best merchant smile and introduced myself. We had a fun little exchange where I asked a rhetorical question and they gave a funny answer before I got their name out of them.


It was None. A weird name. I thought it was cool. While we were talking I learned that they were kind of uncomfortable with the way things were going with her and Mr. Henry. She seemed embarrassed about the whole inn situation and didn’t feel ok getting even more handouts from him.


Personally I could see where she was coming from, but I would have been completely different. The clothes we sell are some of the best on the open market. To get better you would need to talk to a high ranked seamstress. Getting it for free would be great.


After a little i got her to agree. One set of clothes was all she would take. And at that she made sure to let me know that she would pay me back for the stuff. I would never take it from her, and I wasn't even paying. I also got the contract rolling.


When we got to the store I brought her to the cheaper women's clothes, to be safe we went to where we sold stuff geared towards adventurers. After getting the staff to take her measurements, I got her started trying on outfits. Most adventurers wear tight fitting clothes when they start out. Things like tights as pants work well for them if they have something like a skirt covering below their waist.


To be honest, I really like this part of my job. Getting to spend time with people that I can dress up however I want is very fun for me. And this girl, None, is one of the cutest people I have ever done this for. I thought that if only she was a guy like this i would love to date her, but reality can be cruel sometimes.

When we finished playing dress up we looked at some more stuff around the store. We did miss some parts. While there I totally forgot to get underwear for her. When we left the store we even got dinner together.


This was probably my favorite part. She barely spoke to me. Not like she was ignoring me, but instead it seemed like she enjoyed listening to me talk about anything. While at dinner the only thing she asked about was the other types of guilds. I was kind of embarrassed about my age so I hid it when showing her my card.


At the end of the night we said goodbye and I fully thought to myself that I had found a new toy going forward. When she took off as an adventurer I hoped that she would let me dress her again.


Today at the store I heard some crazy news that both the rank 1 in the city was back and that someone broke an appraisal tablet at the guild. Since I was the only one going to the Capitol soon I was contacted by the guild to pick the replacement up when I go there. I leave today shortly. Leaving the inn with my bags packed I got confirmation on the other piece of news as well. Tess, the azure beheading princess, was outside the twilight inn i stayed at.


When I leave today it will be about a month before I come back. In that time, I hope None can make some money and I can take her shopping again. Ahh, have fun, my new toy.


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