Chapter 4: Obstacles – 1
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So I'd like to say that, in this chapter, there was a mix-up and I missed part of the chapter. I've corrected it, I hope it doesn't change your impressions of the novel.

Five minutes had passed since he decided to go to the place after all. During this time, he was looking at the laptop screen in front of him. A world map opened on it, and in a special window he entered the information he had received.

The map suddenly started expanding, gradually zooming in. Finally, after a few seconds, a map of the area appeared - this place was located near the city they lived in.

Aidan looked at the address and was convinced that the message sent was truthful. He got up from his seat, left the room and entered his aunt's room. Following the instructions in the message, he found money there, took a bag and put it inside, preparing to leave.

However, halfway out, he stopped and entered the kitchen. His gaze fell on several knives neatly inserted into a special place.

"Although it's not necessary, I should be prepared just in case."

Taking a few knives, he hid them on his body, from his sleeves to the sides of his legs. The preparations were complete, he took the bag and left the house. At the same time, he replied to the messages that he would arrive shortly.

He had to take a taxi, showing the destination the driver seemed reluctant to go there in such weather. However, Aidan persuaded him with money, the ride lasted almost half an hour during which the driver's mouth did not close.

He kept talking about rumors of scary and strange events. Someone was killed while someone else disappeared without a trace, but this did not bother Aidan at all.

He kept looking outside, from time to time his gaze fell on the phone in his hand where a dot on the map was shown.

"It seems the phone is not moving, although it may be a false alarm. But extra caution would not hurt. Judging by the fact that the danger sense skill is not reacting so far, everything is fine."

In Aidan's opinion, although all skills are quite powerful, this skill stands out very well among them. He got it on the very first day of getting into this world. Out of interest, he wanted to take a walk, but when he observed others with the observation skill.

He also got this skill, which seemed to vaguely let him know who was dangerous and who was not. He also felt Eric in the company because of this skill in the first place. Although this skill is very similar to the third eye, there are still things that cause doubt.

He still trusted the skill, as the other skills were clearly good. And now that he was heading to this place, he felt a slight malaise. It reminded him of the feeling when a fly was flying around him.

"Unlike this, those books caused a feeling of extreme horror, although I did not try to use them in any way when I got the skills."

Observing the rain outside, the driver finally arrived at the destination. This place resembled a country mansion, surrounded by a high brick wall.

Behind it was a mansion that seemed quite large, this is where he had to come according to the message.

Getting out of the taxi, the driver was about to leave but Aidan stopped him by giving him some more money to wait. He did not want to wait for the car to get back.

Even if it was light, the rain had soaked Aidan a little during this time. Stepping forward, he approached the gate of this area. They were closed, and on the inside of the gate there was a small guard building.

Seeing him approach, the guard in a raincoat came out of the little building. He looked at Aidan and spoke.

"What are you doing here?"

"I was asked to come here."

The guard looked at him narrowing his eyes for a few seconds, after which he said to wait and went inside.


At the same time, inside the mansion.

The interior seemed quite luxurious at first glance. At this time, in the hall located in the center of the mansion, there were people. They sat on a large round sofa, looking to be 17-18 years old. There were both men and women, but the main attention was drawn to the young man sitting separately in an armchair.

He was looking at another sofa where Lillian was sitting, at this time her face was pale. She was looking down, and her hands were clenched, shaking slightly. She was clearly afraid at the moment.

Next to him was another person, Lillian's aunt. However, she had fallen to her side lying on the sofa, seeming to have lost consciousness.

At this point, the main teenager who was talking and laughing with others glanced at Lillian from time to time. Amidst the general laughter and conversation, a tall man in a black suit walked in.

This made everyone fall silent, the man came to the young man and whispered something in his ear. Upon hearing what the man told him, the young man showed a bright smile with a hint of malice.

"Ha-ha, I told you this would work."

When he said this, all these teenagers immediately showed grinning faces.

"So what do you want to do, Karadus? You still haven't told us your plans."

One of the teenagers with a menacing look spoke up, and the others were also curious.

"Bring him inside."

The young man named Karadus did not answer right away, but ordered his man to bring Aidan inside. After that, Karadus leaned back in his chair and grinned.

"Morgul, do you remember that brother and sister? I won't continue since you already know what I want to do... Oh, I remember how at that time this girl was in despair."

Speaking, Karadus looked at Lillian, and his gaze made her cower even more and the trembling in her body intensified.

"Ha, ha I remember, at that time this guy didn't do anything."

All these teenagers looked at Lillian, they grinned showing a contemptuous gaze.

"Oh it's so sad, she still thought you became friends with them, Master Karadus."

At this point, one of the girls spoke up, also looking at her without hiding the sarcasm in her eyes.

"Well, it's okay, what I didn't expect was that she has such a beautiful aunt, it seems our guest will get a double blow if he sees this scene. By the way, the blow was not that strong, she should wake up soon right?"

Speaking, Karadus looked to the side, where a plain-looking man was busy with something on his phone. Hearing Karadus's words, he did not raise his eyes but simply replied.


Karadus did not pay attention to this as this man was one of his father's best bodyguards, despite his appearance he was quite dangerous.

When they were still condemning and talking, the sound of footsteps was heard. The guard who had just left returned, bringing with him the slightly wet young man.

Entering inside, Aidan looked around, the observation skill worked a little allowing him to see the structure, emotions, and various things. For a second, his gaze stopped on the man playing on the phone.

At this point, Aidan identified the weak malaise shown to him by the danger sense skill. He also saw his sister and aunt just lying there. In turn, the breathing was slightly accelerated, and one hand was hidden. Others did not detect it, but this woman was already conscious and clearly ready to resist if necessary.

All these conclusions were made at the very moment he took a step into this hall.

Entering unhurriedly and with a normal gait, he looked at the main mastermind.

Everyone else also saw him enter, there were more mocking looks. The man playing on his phone glanced at Aidan. Seeing nothing special, he returned to the game.

Lillian also looked at him, there was a faint feeling in her eyes. However, she seemed to have come to a conclusion on her own, lowering her head again and awaiting her fate.

Aidan approached Karadus and looked at him.

"Here is the money, according to the message this should be a two-handed job."

Speaking, he raised the bag and handed it to Karadus, his first plan was to get out of here without any problems. But if plan A didn't work, he would use plan B.

Karadus's face became rather curious at this point, and then showed some interest. He had not imagined Aidan's actions like this, he thought the other party might show a frightened look or dare not speak.

Getting up from his seat, he looked at his friends and then grinned and approached Aidan. In his guess, Aidan was just trying to pretend to be calm in order to have an advantage.

"Oh! It seems the older brother of our friend has changed a little and gained some courage."

Speaking, he began to walk around Aidan, making it seem as if his words were the law here. Meanwhile, watching him, Aidan had already realized that the success of plan A was very low.

"So you won't take the money."

Ignoring his observation, he tried again.

Listening to these words, Karadus's face went from a grin to more serious. He was clearly unhappy with how Aidan reacted.

"How do you think I need this pitiful amount of money?"

Hearing his words, Aidan simply closed his eyes. Without any hesitation he moved forward. These actions also made the others not understand what he wanted to do.

Aidan, ignoring it, simply approached his sister and the lying aunt. She clearly saw how the aunt's body tensed slightly, it seemed she did not know who was approaching.

To avoid an accident, Aidan stood close to them and spoke.

"Aunt let's go, I know you're not sleeping, there is no need to waste time here."

At his words, the aunt's body clearly shuddered, it seemed she had made up her mind and suddenly got up pulling out her hand holding a knife. Looking at her, Aidan saw that she was fine. Moreover, she held the knife quite tightly.

"Let's go."

As Aiden spoke, he turned and headed towards the exit. The others simply observed these actions, and Karadus's face grew darker and more ominous. No one could ignore him in this house, but it was an ordinary person who had dared to speak up in front of him.

Due to his anger, he stood in Aiden's way to the exit.

Aiden approached him, and just as he was about to tell him to get out of his way, Aiden's observation skill suddenly kicked in. He noticed a slight twitch in Karadus's body. The inference was that Karadus intended to attack, while Aiden, who had intended to take a step forward, refrained.

As a result, Karadus tensed his body and swung his fist. According to his predictions, Aiden should have been close enough for his fist to reach its target. However, instead of a hit, Karadus lost his balance from his own swing and fell directly in front of Aiden, who just stood and watched.

The scene was quite awkward, but no one dared to laugh. Karadus's friends looked at him with a slightly suspicious glance. Aiden's aunt and sister also watched with the same look, still standing by the couch without taking a step.

At the sound of the fall, the guard who was playing games looked up. He saw Karadus lying on the floor and assumed that Aiden had done something while getting up from his seat.

"You rascal, do you know who you're attacking?"

Looking at Aiden with a slightly unpleasant look, he walked towards him.

"I didn't do anything; he fell from his own actions."


In response, the guard just snorted while approaching.

"I assume you won't let us leave just like that?" Aiden said, looking at the guard who was approaching, and then let Karadus stand up with a embarrassed look, asking him.

"You guessed right. You'll witness a mesmerizing scene. I'll see what your face looks like then."

He spoke in a malicious tone, as the preceding actions had clearly made him lose face in front of his friends and subordinates.

Aiden didn't say anything, just watched the guard approaching him.

Although he wasn't as physically fit as the guards in this place, intelligence and skill were much more important than simple physical strength.

"It's time to use the 'hand-to-hand combat' skill."

The guard stood in front of him, ready to act. However, Aiden, with the help of observation, could see the movements of the opponent's body – muscle contractions, a focused gaze on the striking area.

The guard in front of him was like an open book.

Judging by observation, the guard wanted to execute a simple boxing punch. And judging by his movements, he was quite experienced in boxing, as muscle memory was clearly present.

However, before the opponent could strike, Aiden had already lowered his torso and shifted it to the side. At that moment, the opponent started his strike, but due to Aiden's foresight, his punch was simply thrown into the air.

Aiden, on the other hand, didn't waste time. His clenched fist went straight towards the guard's jaw while he was still in the middle of the strike.

The precise angle landed squarely on the guard's jaw.

From the perspective of others, when the guard was about to strike Aiden, Aiden predicted the movements and swiftly struck the guard. As a result, moments later, the guard's body slackened, and he fell to the side. Upon closer inspection, Aiden saw that the guard had lost consciousness.

Everyone watched this scene in astonishment, not understanding what had happened, including Karadus and the other guard.

Aiden looked at him and saw that he was still in shock. He turned and looked at his sister and aunt, who were watching the scene with obvious shock, and said,

"Let's go."

The words spoken this time seemed to have an effect, hesitating for a few seconds they followed him carefully bypassing the guard.

No one stopped Aidan from moving forward, the guard by the door seemed to stand as if rooted. Without any effort, they left the mansion and headed for the taxi that was waiting.

It was quiet all the time until they got into the taxi.

The sister and aunt sat in the back, while Aidan sat in front handing the bag to his aunt. He looked straight ahead thinking what to do next. When they pulled out onto the highway, the silence was still there. The taxi driver also did not say anything.

Finally Aidan spoke.

"What's his name?"

There was silence in the taxi for some time, after a few seconds of silence it was broken by the voice of his aunt.

"It's Karadus, son of the owner of Skotobor firm. The father's name is Leonard, he is quite an influential man."

Speaking, the aunt looked at Aidan, but he paid no attention and looked ahead.

"I see."
Speaking, he began to think to himself.

"It seems this is just the beginning of endless problems... unless I do something about it first."