Epilogue: Lilian (Part 2/3)
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Jessie was incredibly nervous.


She had been hunting in the mountains, something she did often. Each time, it took several days, and she had been on her third day.


She managed to shoot a small deer, but it was so small that there wasn't much meat on it and it wasn't worth much. She used it to lay a trap for something bigger.


It had worked, at first.


The deer's corpse had attracted a black bear, perfect for what she was looking for. Its pelt and meat were worth decent money, enough to get a better bow.


What she hadn't expected was a girl in a t-shirt and jeans to appear out of nowhere and kill the bear in seconds. Jessie hadn't been able to see much of what happened because of clouds blocking the moonlight.


When they moved, though, she caught a glimpse of the girl's face. She was beautiful, with long silver hair that blew around in the wind. Her eyes were blood red and there was a scarlet smear around her mouth.


Something about that was way, way, way too hot.


Jessie had tried to turn and slowly walk away, but of course, she had stepped on a stick. Then the girl had leaped at her, pinning her to a tree.


The girl, whose name Jessie still didn't know, was a vampire who lived nearby. She had drunk a small bit of Jessie's blood so she could explain. It turned out that vampires needed to drink someone's blood before they could tell said someone about vampires.


Now the two were descending the mountain. And Jessie still didn't even know this girl's name! Maybe she could ask.


"What's your name?" She asked.


"Lilian," The girl replied. Then more awkward silence as we continued on their walk. It was slow progress, with all the plants and uneven ground.


Eventually, they reached the base of the mountain.


"Where's your house?" Jessie asked.


"This way," Lilian answered, turning onto a small paved road. Her pace increased and it looked almost like she was running. Jessie had to run after her.


When Lilian stopped, Jessie had to catch her breath before she could look at the house.


It was two stories tall, with a smooth yet rustic design. Lilian leaped up the steps and knocked lightly on the door. When it opened, a woman with long silver hair and red eyes looked out at them.


"Lilian," She said. "Who's this?"


"Her name is Jessie," Lilian said, her voice sounding almost guilty. For some reason, Jessie found that really attractive at that moment. "And she, uh. . . found out."


"Lilian. . ." The woman said, putting her hand on her forehead.


"It wasn't my fault!" Lilian said. "I saw a bear and then she saw me!"


"You didn't even look around you?" The woman asked.


"Mom, it was the middle of the night," Lilian said, making Jessie confused. The woman looked only a few years older than Lilian. "Why would someone be out on a mountain in the middle of the night?" Then she turned to Jessie. "Why were you out on a mountain in the middle of the night?"


"I was hunting," Jessie said. "It takes several days."


"Oh," Lilian said.


"Alright, come in," Lilian's mom said. The two younger girls went inside the house and Jessie looked around.


The front room was spacious. Along the back wall was a large window that showed a spacious backyard. To the left, Jessie could see the edge of what looked like a kitchen. To the right was a hallway that led to other rooms.


"Honey?" Lilian's mother asked. "Can you come here?"


"What is it?" Another woman said, poking her head out of the kitchen. She had shorter, black hair but the same red eyes. She saw Lilian and Jessie and stopped. "Oh dear."


"It's not entirely my fault," Lilian said, crossing her arms.


"Did you drink from her?" The second woman asked. Lilian nodded.


"Well, time to call Haden," Lilian's mother said.


"Aunt Haden?" Lilian cried. "Why her?"


"You do know she's the vampire doctor, right?" The second woman asked.


"She is?" Lilian asked.


"Yes," Lilian's mother said with a sigh. She walked down the hall, grabbing a phone from the coffee table. Jessie heard her talking to someone else on the phone.


The other woman pulled Lilian into a hug. She huffed at first, but eventually let herself be hugged.


"Have a seat," The woman said to Jessie, who nervously did.


"Alright, you should be fine," Lilian's mother said to Jessie as she walked back into the room. "Although you should let us know if you start to notice anything different."


"Okay," Jessie said. "Can I go home now?"


"Yes, of course," The other woman said. "Lilian, go with her."


"Okay," Lilian said. She and Jessie left the house and began walking. "Can you get to your home from the gas station?" She asked.


"Yes," Jessie said. Then the two walked on in silence for several minutes.


"Do you like me?" Lilian asked suddenly, making Jessie freeze up and turn bright red.


"Uh. . ." She said, not knowing what to say.


"If you do, that's fine," Lilian said, her cheeks turning a little red. "I, um. . . kinda like you. Even though we only met a few hours ago."


"I do," Jessie said. "Um, can I have your phone number? So we can maybe meet up again?"


"Sure," Lilian said. She wrote hers down on a small slip of paper and gave it to Jessie, who pocketed it. They spent the rest of the walk in awkward silence.


From their house, Rose and Kira were watching over their daughter and the girl she met using magic.


"So sweet," Kira said.


"Just like you," Rose said giving her wife a kiss.


Then Lilian waved goodbye to Jessie and the two separated. Rose closed out the magic and waited for her daughter. She couldn't wait to tease her.