Bloody Rear Attack
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A.N Hello guys, I'm here again to recommend two new fanfics by Reverend Insanity, both for now only have one chapter but if that number doesn't increase I'll beat up the authors personally

The first is Reverend Insanity: Phantom Spirit by Kamule well firstly the phantom path is cool secondly I created the cover art so it's even cooler

The second Reverend insanity: The Rule Path's inheritance by redlotusvenerable well this one has to be cool because Rule path is my favorite so if they take this one away I'll be personally sad

And I also hope you enjoy today's chapter since I spent a lot of time writing it.


While Chen Wei keeps his gaze towards the stronghold relentlessly without diverting his attention even for a mere moment, several earth path Gu Masters behind him put their hands on the ground in formation simultaneously with impressive coordination for those watching the whole process.

Quickly, the ground beneath the Feng Zhi clan's stronghold begins to form large cracks at a breathtaking speed. If these fissures were to continue forming at this speed, it wouldn't take long for the structure of the fortress to collapse on itself.

But that wouldn't happen, in fact, it wouldn't even come close to happening, since in less than a moment after the cracks on the ground began, they were swiftly stopped by the efforts of several earth path Gu Masters from the Feng Zhi clan who are now also in formation while keeping their hands on the ground.

"Ah... this war has truly become static," Chen Wei remarks, looking at the method that was quickly countered by the enemy, but this doesn't surprise this.

This method they just used may seem impressive and innovative to those outside of Longhua Shan Mountain, and Chen Wei even bets that it was when they first started using it, but now after years of war, this is a completely known method both by them and the enemy.

But despite becoming a known tactic that inevitably makes it quickly countered when used on the battlefield, it is still extremely necessary as it keeps the Earth Path Gu Masters of the enemy occupied while invading the fortress, well, of course, the same goes for the allied Earth Path Gu Masters, but as the main advantage of the Earth Path is in defense, this is a trade-off worth it for those who attack strongholds.

"Wind Path Gu Masters, stand by at full readiness!" Chen Wei orders with a serious tone while looking at Piercer of the Heavens.

Of course, Chen Wei himself believes he has the strength to win against him in a fair fight, but there is no reason to proceed with the mindset of making it a fair fight since from the beginning of this war, the cries of honor and justice were quickly suppressed by those who shouted in disgust after being forced to fight against various enemies at the same time or killed by sneak attacks from behind.

"Men, be prepared! For today you shall work tirelessly like butchers!" Chen Wei speaks.

Meanwhile, inside the fortress, several Gu Masters are around the body belonging to the Gu Master who was killed by Chen Wei while trying to figure out what caused him to die so quickly while screaming in pain.

"Is this some kind of poison he put on this lance?" a healing Gu Master beside the corpse speaks to his companion.

"Probably, but it could also be a particular effect of this blood lance," he is now holding the lance while trying to use investigative methods to find out which poison was used on it so they can seek an antidote quickly.

"These blood methods that the He An clan recently started using are really troublesome... I even think the elder who is attacking us now is the cre-!" But before he could finish his words, he is interrupted by the blood lance exploding into a puddle of blood that did nothing more than stain everything around it with blood without causing any damage.

"Hmm... this lance seems to have a longer time to stay solid compared to water lances but still breaks down over time unlike ice lances-!" But before he could finish, he is interrupted again as if the universe were conspiring to prevent him from finishing his sentences.

"Arhg...uhhh....arr.." But unfortunately for him, what interrupted him at this moment is not the blood lance becoming an innocuous puddle of blood but rather a piercing pain he feels in his abdomen that grows stronger with each passing moment as if a beast were attacking him.

"Argh...." He grits his teeth as he looks at his stomach only to see a creature made of blood biting and tearing at his stomach as if it were nothing, easily breaking through the defenses of his rank 1 Copper Skin Gu, which is his defensive Gu.

"Shit!!..." The Gu Master screams in pain as he tries to punch the blood creature that is gnawing at his belly, but before his blow could land, the creature had already made a hole large enough in his belly and entered his body.

"What the hell is this! Mo Ri!!" The healing Gu Master next to him shouts in panic when he sees his teammate lying on the ground screaming in pain for a few moments before stopping completely.

"Damn it! What creature was that!" He quickly activates his offensive Gu in preparation as he looks at his teammate's body, which is as white as paper and completely drained as if all his blood had been sucked from his body.

For him, these few moments that were the most tense of his life passed as if they were hours as he and several Gu Masters around him looked at the corpse before unleashing their attacks with full force, with no concern for the integrity of the corpse of one of their teammates.

But as if they sensed the imminent danger, five small blood creatures quickly jump out of the dead Gu Master's body and advance towards the various Gu Masters surrounding the body and trying to kill the blood creatures.

In just a few moments, the small creatures reach the Gu Masters, most of them with no serious injuries, with only one having died due to a lucky strike from one of the Feng Zhi clan's Gu Masters.

Of course, don't look at this as if all members of the Feng Zhi clan were incompetent or as if they had weak attack power, but rather because the place where they are now is the medical area located in the rear of the fortress, so none of the Gu Masters here are skilled in attack, with most of them still at rank 1.

"Shit! Shit! Someone call for more reinforcements from the frontline fighters!!" A Gu Master shouts in desperation while fighting off two bloody creatures at the same time, which by this point have filled his body with serious wounds and cuts.

So far, only a few moments have passed since these creatures appeared in the infirmary, but in this short moment, their numbers have grown from just one to now be just over two dozen of them, and worst of all for those fighting them is that these beasts seem to have the ability to become stronger by taking blood, with some of them now demonstrating the strength of a rank 2 beast.

"Sir, they said that these few reinforcements they sent us were all they could... if not, the frontline may end up collapsing and argh!!!...." A young Gu Master who went to fetch reinforcements quickly responds but in the midst of his sentence, a rank two-strength blood creature jumps and bites his jugular, killing him instantly.

"Help, someone help me!!" The Gu Master who previously saw himself fighting against two bloody creatures now finds himself surrounded and not only by three of these creatures but seven now, as the death of the young man gave life to four more of these beasts who quickly attack him all at once, giving him a quick and cruel death.


Chen Wei stands quietly in the rear of his troops, someone looking at him could question his dedication to this attack, but this is a common conduct of elders who remain still during the initial period of combat while hindering the movement of the enemy elder who also does the same as him.

"My attack on the enemy rear was incredibly successful, I imagine they are now in great despair," Chen Wei looks at the Gu Masters attacking the fortification walls constantly while advancing non-stop, taking advantage of a large number of Gu Masters having to retreat to deal with the problem in the rear, greatly weakening the defense of the Feng Zhi Clan.

"This is the power of a new method... with just one attack, I, a single person, caused damage that not even that bunch of Earth Path Gu Masters could come close to achieving," he looks at the Feng Zhi clan's frontline, which is becoming weaker and weaker against the constant attack of the He An clan, mainly because a large part of their healers are either dead or fighting for their lives, which is a great disadvantage.

"Well, there's not much they can do against the Rank 3 Blood Creature Horde Gu... even now that they know of its existence," Exactly the chaos and death created in the rear of the He An clan was caused by the attack of a Rank 3 Gu.

"Ah... I wonder what they'll do when a Rank 3 creature appears!" Chen Wei has a firm look on his face as he imagines that at this moment it will be a bloodbath that could take the lives of all the Gu Masters in that fortress.

And this bloodbath could be even greater since for now Chen Wei's soul is limited with one Rank 3 creature being the limit he can effectively control, so he still doesn't have the capacity to use the full strength of this Gu, but to their misfortune, the same limit does not apply to Rank 1 and Rank 2 creatures since they will all be commanded by the Rank 3 creature so it won't even cause the slightest pressure on Chen Wei's soul.

Amidst these thoughts, Chen Wei's gaze is focused on Piercer of the Heavens, who has a complicated expression on his face while sweat drips from his forehead. He is also looking at Chen Wei, but his eyes now holds a hatred that burns like an endless fire, much greater than before.

Chen Wei guesses that this is because of the attack in the rear, which he imagines must be causing a huge number of deaths due to the number of bloody creatures under his control, which now number in the hundreds and continue to increase rapidly.

But Piercer of the Heavens cannot withdraw from his position to go help them because that would leave the fortress's frontline exposed to be attacked by Chen Wei with full force, but he also cannot transfer Gu Masters from the fortress's frontline to go to the rear because the frontline is on the brink of collapse, so even the slightest change could determine the end of this battle.

Chen Wei imagines that now he is encouraging his men to fight using an Information Path Gu while waiting for reinforcements, but even that is not feasible since the He An clan just now started a large-scale attack primarily focused on the areas near Chen Wei, so he won't have large numbers of reinforcements available.

And even these reinforcement numbers will be largely ambushed along the way by nothing less than bloody creatures that can easily detect them because of their blood, besides being controlled by Gu Masters of the He An clan who are loyal subordinates of Chen family.

"Well, aside from all that, this battle alone must be a precarious situation for him since this attack of mine is like a Compound Killer move in a way," Of course, this is just a comparison because Chen Wei's attack was neither a killer move nor a Compound type.

But even so, the logic was similar because it started with Chen Wei using Blood Drop Gu to create blood and amidst this blood he hid the Rank 3 Blood Creature Horde Gu and when he created the blood spear using the Rank 2 Soldier Blood Spear Gu he mixed with the blood with the Rank 3 Gu in the spear.

Thus, the spear after being attacked quickly killed the enemy Gu Master using the Rank 1 Poisoned blood, which allows any blood attack to poison someone if it comes into contact with the person's bloodstream.

Before soon dissolving while leaving a pool of blood perfectly for the blood creature to be born after Chen Wei activates the Gu.

Of course, in this process, he was also lucky that the spear was taken along with the corpse to the fortress's medical area since in his original plan where this didn't happen he would simply make so that  the blood creature went to the infirmary which would risk it being killed on the way but because of his luck this didn't even need to be done and this all led to the current situation.

"Hmm... it seems he realized he won't be receiving reinforcements so he'll come with everything he has," Chen Wei thinks calmly as he sees Piercer of the Heavens raising his hand and pointing it in his direction, which not long ago would make him quickly activate a movement Gu and quickly move from his place but now he stands calmly still without moving at all.

Mortal Killer Move - Wind that Pierces the Heavens

Chen Wei quickly sees a strong wind coming piercing through everything in its path towards him with an unimaginable force and speed that would make any normal Gu Master tremble in fear even though it was constantly weakened by air funnels made by He An clan Gu Masters.

Mortal Killer Move - Blood Beast Armor

In less than a moment, an armor made of dark red blood forms around Chen Wei's body, this armor has a wild shape with its surface appearing like the fur of an animal which gives Chen Wei a barbaric appearance, especially with the wolf-headed helmet.

But without leaving time for everyone to appreciate how cool this armor looks, the killer move coming towards him hits Chen Wei head-on.

*boom* A loud pounding sound rings in everyone's ears as if choreographed they all turn their heads at the same time to see Chen Wei's situation which to the surprise of the vast majority did not even flinch while standing with his body and armor intact.

"Well, here begins your last battle..." Chen Wei murmurs while looking with a serious and stern look towards Piercer of the Heavens.