Chapter 4: Shocking News
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I request all the readers to wait for 9-10 chapters before judging this story. I know by reading the first few chapters, the FMC seems to be creepy, and I (the author) seem to be an insane maniac to write a love story with a "murderer". 

But it's only been 4 chapters. There is going to be a lot of twists and turns in this mystery. It would make no sense for me (the author) to reveal everything so quickly. So, as I said, bear with the author for some more chapters, until we find the real truth about FMC.

Get ready for one hell of a ride. 

Kimura Seiji:

After I left my apartment, I went ahead while trying to be as calm as possible. I also saw the two policemen I met last night. I intentionally walked on as if I didn't see them, otherwise they might look at me with suspicion. 

I breathed a sigh of relief after I left the policeman behind. I didn't know what was going to happen now. The whole situation was looking messed up. There must be some mystery regarding Tsukino, which she was hesitant to reveal. 

I would clearly ask her after coming home from school. 

It would take 20 minutes for me to reach my school - 10 minutes of walking and 10 minutes by bus. 

After I reached my school, my friend Kenji instantly grabbed my shoulders as usual.

"Seijiiii....You are 5 minutes late."

"Not really? I'm at time as usual."

"Seiji, you promised me to help me solve this math problem."

"Oh I see. Don't worry, we still have time. Let me explain you."

I was quite strong in mathematics, thus Kenji always came to me for help. While I was explaining him the math, suddenly there arrived someone who was quite special to Kenji.

"Kenji-kun, what are you doing?" 

"Oh Mio! What a pleasant surprise! Suddenly in our class? Do you miss me?"

Nanase Mio was the girlfriend of Kenji. It was love at first sight for Kenji. He met her in the very first day of high school. She also seemed to have taken an interest in him simultaneously. In the end, Kenji confessed to her and she accepted gladly. 

"Fufu... it will be a lie if I say no."

Ugh... there begins their usual flirting, so annoying!

Meanwhile, Nanase looked at me and said,

"Good morning, Kimura-san. It seems you're helping Kenji-kun as always."

"Yeah, Kenji's useless without me."

"Oi! It's not true!", Kenji protested. "I can solve the problems if I try enough. But I didn't have time right now. Anyway, do you need anything Mio?"

"Yes. I actually need a Chemistry book. Do you have it, Kenji-kun?", Nanase replied.

"Chemistry book? I probably have. But why? Did you forget yours?"

"No. Actually I gave mine to someone last day. Unfortunately she didn't come to school today."

"Oh I see."

While Kenji went to search his bag, I decided to open the newspaper I had with me. After turning some pages, suddenly a short paragraph caught my attention. 

"Husband and Wife Murdered, Daughter Missing."

Apparently, an old couple named Mr. and Mrs. Mitsuba have been murdered last night. The daughter has been missing. And one neighbour of the family said he saw the daughter had killed her parents and then escaped.

"F*cking hell!" (Kimura)

"What are you reading, Seiji?" (Kenji)

"Let me read it too." (Nanase)

Both of them also read the news. 

"What the hell! Man, isn't this in our town?" (Kenji)

"Our town? Really?" (Kimura)

I didn't read it clearly at first. I read it again and noticed the incident indeed took place in our town. 

Suddenly, I noticed Nanase's face got turned pale. She wasn't smiling anymore. What happened?

"Man, our town is not safe it seems." (Kenji)

"Yeah... anyway I need to leave for my class. Thank you Kenji-kun for your book." (Nanase)

Nanase quickly left which looked kind of suspicious to me. 

Also it seemed like I was forgetting something important. 

Wait a minute........


It can't be...... can it?

"What happened, Seiji? You seemed to be in some trouble?" (Kenji)

Sweat popped up on my forehead. My legs were trembling. 

"Seiji... you're sweating like a sinner in church." (Kenji)

I'm in big trouble, Kenji. And by big, I mean, very very big.


From the POV of Tsukino Rie:

In my life, except for my grandfather, nobody cared for me as much Kimura-kun. 

Sure, I met this person only last night. In pure desperation, I begged to him for taking me in his home for sometime.

I didn't expect him to accept my request. Nobody would have accepted my request. But he did...

He not only let me stay for one whole night, but also gave me food, a comfortable futon to sleep, and most importantly... saved me from the Police. 

But it doesn't end here...

He even stopped me from leaving in the morning because the Police was outside. In fact, the Police was still active outside. 

Only due to Kimura-kun, I was still safe. No matter what happens after this, I will forever be grateful to Kimura-kun. 

Kimura-kun was in school right now. I decided to do something for Kimura-kun. I stood up and went to the kitchen. I opened the fridge, and there were some meat and vegetables.

I knew cooking a bit. I decided to cook some good snacks for Kimura-kun.

However, I needed to say sorry to Kimura-kun before I leave this place. I lied to him when I said I was a thief. I wasn't a thief.

Sorry Kimura-kun for lying, but I had no other choice. 


From the POV of the Policemen:

Officer 1: "Did you find any clue?"

Officer 2: "I and some other officers looked for many places nearby, including the park, the temple. But we didn't find any clue of the girl."

Officer 1: "Keep searching. If she didn't go to the station, she must be here. By the way, you got any news, Officer 3?"

Officer 3: "Sir, the guy Hitoshi, who is the neighbour of the Mitsuba family, doesn't look reliable at all. He looks suspicious. And I often see him surrounding the house."

Officer 1: "I see. We need to keep an eye on him as well. Anyway, the most important thing is to find that girl now. She must be hiding at somewhere. She must be."

Officer 2: "Can I suggest something?"

Officer 1: "Yes."

Officer 3: "Should we check everyone's house?"

Officer 1: "Hmm.... Not now. But we might have to...."

[To be continued]