Domesticated Girls.
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rode the train to work every morning. The car I rode in had forty seats and felt like it was made for thirty. My knees pressed against the seat infront of me. I could smell cigarette smoke do strongly I wondered if people were still smoking. 

  The large bland buildings dissapered. The bantering old men went silent. Large green hill covered in yellow flowers spread across the land. The sky was not grey but bright blue. The train made the strangest noise and lurched.

  I was more than a little raddled. Everyone was gone. I was on the train all alone. My bag was gone, my laptop gone, the next train car gone, the clothe on my ass gone. I was alone in a strange place without even a bottle of water. Not sure what else to do I left the train sure no one was coming for me. A long streatch of ground was torn up where the train drove. I walked the direction the train had come from and hoped for the best.

  It was only two hours before I found some king of farm. I say only because my walk was plesant. The grass soft benethe my feet, the air warm, the sun to my back, the stiff breezes and warm ligh on my naked skin had me feeling content. I was in such a daze I nearly didn't see the farm at all.

  A group of at least thirty nearly naked girls walked about on the other side of a low wooden fence. A large blue stable connected to the field. I easily jumped the fence and approached the girls.

  The girls wore fluffy coats like unrefined wool of white, black, grey and pink. They had curly ram like black and gold horns on the sides of their heads. Their skin came in more colors than their wool.

  "Hello," I said to two grils lying on the grass like cats. They gazed at me for a moment then closed their eyes.

  I noticed a few girls picking yellow flowers with their teeth and chewing them. I located a flower and picked it. The flower smelled failntly like wallnuts. It tasted like wallnuts. The stem tasted like onions. Not two flavors I would put together.

  I watched the grils graze, run around throwing and catching little red balls with their mouths and laying around. They didn't use their hands for much. They didn't talk at all. They were animals.

  I sat in the grass against a fence post. I didn't know if the flowers would be enough to keep me alive. Who ever owned the farm would hopefuly be able to talk and give me food and water.

  I sat beside an ant hill and dug with my hands. I sat under the sun and ate sweet ants for ten minutes. I was still hungry, but I was more bored.

  A girl with bright pink wool and light brown skin walked up to me. She got down on her knees and opened my mout with her hands. She looked at my tounge.

  I took an ant, squished it, and presented it to her.

  The girl licked my fingers with her long soft tounge. She squeezed her eyes shut. She walked away. After a moment she came back with a yellow flower in her mouth.

  I was eating ants because I didn't like the flowers. I took the flower with my mouth and ate it. She stared at me. I rubbed behind her long fluffy black ear. She made a noise more like a cat than a sheep and leaned into my hand.

  The sheep girl was realy cute. She smield at me and I just wanted to kiss her. I could not kiss her though because... .... ... I could kiss her. Who would stop me. As far as I knew she was a tride and true huam who just happened to be non-verbal. And grew wool and horn. It was very human of me to assume she was a farm animal just because she was a little different. I was better than my ancestors. I would treat the natives as I would any other human.

  I leaned in and kissed the human girl's human lips. Her thick slippery six inch long tounge pushed into my mouth. Her breath tasted like walnuts and milk.

  I took her hand and pressed it against my breast. She seemed unsure what to do and simply kept it there. I sid my hands under her wool tracing my fingers down her ches and tummy finding her smooth heavy breasts just above her crotch.

  I slowly rubbed her hot heavy breasts with my hands. They felt like a dog's tummy. She cought on and did the same to me. When I squeezed her nipple she squeezed mine. When I pinched her supple skin she returned the favor. Her noises got louder but no less cat like. She was purring and panting at the same time.

  She pulled away from our kiss, spun around and presented her little dripping pussy to me. She had a little patch of wool on her vulva but her most precious place was otherwise uncovered.

  I indulged my new definetly not an animal friend. I kissed up her plump left thigh, across her juicy ass cheeks and and down her plump right thigh. She purred louder with every kiss.

  Another girl walked over to us. My girl meowed. The other girl meowed. The two girls butted horns. My girl strained to push the larger girl away but failed. She was thrown to the ground.

  The other girl strutted up to me. She got to her hands and knees presenting her pussy.

  I scoffed. It looked like humans were the same no matter what form they took. I helped my girl off the ground and made sure she was not hurt. She let out a chirping noise like a lark. It was very pretty and cute.

  The other girl bowed her head. She made a chirping noise of her own and walked to the other side of the enclouser. Three girls followed her and another fight broke out.

  I kissed my girl's horns. She clearly didn't have any feeling in them but she blushed and purred. She brushed her warm soft cheek against mine. She licked my neck. I purred to let her know I loved her sweet embrace.

  My girl got back to her hands and knees. Her pussy throbbed with anticipation. 

  My desire burned in my entire body. I could not hold back if I wanted to. 

  I pressed my lips against her hot puffy labia. My kiss earned me the loudest purr yet. My lips were wet with thick slippery pussy juice. I licked her pussy with the lenght of my tounge.

  My girl sang like a cross between a kitten and a bird. She wiggled her ass taunting me to fuck her hard.

 I pressed my tounge to her clit squeezing her hot plusere button with my lips as I sucked. I grabbed her breasts and played with them. I gave specal attention to her nipples; she spazamed every time I pulled them. In minutes she she came all over my face.

  I held my girl close. We lied on the cool grass. Her slow breaths felt nice against my neck. That was the most content I felt in half a year.

  I woke when my girl stood up. The sun had moved a fair amount. I would say it had been close to three hours. She went around picking flowers with her mout. She dropped a bouqet on the ground next to me. It was no less sweet because she wanted me to eat them. Eat them we did. She smiled at me with a bit of petal between her teeth.

  My girl walked toward a group of girls who sat in the grass. She stopped and looked back to me. I got up and followed her. She churped as we got glose. The other girls churped. She picked up a red rubber ball in her mouth and ran. The other girls chased her and so did I. We played for hours. The game had more rules than I would have thought, but I figured them out quickly. We played until the sun started to set.

  Two ten foot tall cow like women walked up to the fence. They wore sun hats but nothing else. They spoke to eachother in Portuguese. I knew enough to understand them.

  "Looks like we have a new sheep."

  "That is not a sheep she has no wool and her brests are on her chest."

  "What should we do with her?"

  "She looks harmless and the sheep seem to like her. If she eats the feed she can stay."

  I could have talked to them. Told them I was human. But hearing how they refered to the other humans as sheep I didn't think it would help my situation. I decided to keep my mouth shut and continue living on the farm with my cute affectionate girlfriend.

  My girl and I made our way into the stable. Long windows lined the top of the wall filling the building with warm light. We lyed on a bed of soft straw. I wrapped my arms around her holding her close. Her fluffy wool made the cozyest pillow I have ever layed my head on.

  Author's note: Once a year they bred the sheep and the rams. Me, my girl and four other sheep sat by the fence and refused to so much as look at the males. I have no idea how I impregnated her but I am greatful my human wife and I are having a human baby.