A Goblins Tail
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In the heart of a dense forest, where sunlight struggled to penetrate the thick canopy of ancient trees, lived a humble creature named Gob. Gob was no ordinary forest goblin; he possessed a keen intellect that set him apart from his kin. While his fellow goblins were content with their simple way of life—drinking from streams, dwelling in caves, and ambushing unsuspecting humans—Gob harbored ambitions far beyond the confines of the forest.

One fateful day, Gob ventured into the lands of humans, driven by a desire to acquire more of their shiny treasures, which he later learned were called weapons. Sneaking into a village, he found himself in a blacksmith's workshop, surrounded by gleaming swords. But when the blacksmith returned, Gob's attempted theft turned deadly, and he was forced to defend himself, ultimately taking the life of the blacksmith in a moment of desperation.

The repercussions of Gob's actions were swift and brutal. The village convened a town hall meeting, deciding to exterminate the nearest goblin den in retaliation. While the humans plotted their assault, Gob seized the opportunity to raid the village bakery for sweets, a guilty pleasure he indulged in before retreating to his den.

To his horror, Gob returned to find his den decimated, his fellow goblins slaughtered in the humans' retribution. With nowhere else to turn, Gob journeyed to another goblin den, where he was reluctantly accepted into the tribe.

Determined to protect his newfound home, Gob embarked on a quest to learn the ways of the humans, particularly their art of swordsmanship. Through observation and practice, he honed his skills and returned to his tribe to train others.

As Gob's influence grew, so did his ambitions. He embarked on a campaign to unite goblin tribes under his rule, eventually establishing his own kingdom. With his newfound power, Gob expanded his territory, conquering nearby human villages and solidifying his rule.

But Gob's reign was not destined to last. His aggression attracted the attention of the Spartans, a fierce warrior society that declared war on the goblins. Despite his valiant efforts, Gob's kingdom fell to the relentless onslaught of the Spartans.

In his final moments, Gob faced his demise with dignity, bravely defending his throne room against the invading Spartans. Though his kingdom crumbled around him, Gob's legacy endured as the first and last goblin king, a testament to the enduring spirit of ambition and perseverance. And thus, the tale of Gob, the last goblin king, echoed through the annals of history, forever remembered as a symbol of determination in the face of adversity. Well that is what most believe at least