Chapter 4
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As Gunner Starts to feel his new powers and abilities he then  thinks to himself Does this mean I won't be able to swim anymore after all Gunner has been a natural swimmer ever since he was a little  boy Rose and old dog was very surprised on how good of a Swimmer he was but now  if the Stories his father told him are true now since he had a devil fruit he won't be able to swim Going to sits in sorrow for a little while Then he thinks what am I going to do with Leo after all Gunner seriously doubts that a lion will be able to run around the island and as he starts to think more on it he comes to the decision He will have to leave Leo on the island Tears begin to erupt from his eyes after all him and Leo was basically like brothers ever since he saved Leo all them years ago he kneels to Leo and tells him I'm sorry but I don't think I will be able to take you to the island with me him and Leo both cry for a while and as the sun starts to set Gunner wipe his face and get ready to leave the island He packed all his stuff which is not that many clothes since his parents wasn't that well off he then goes to the dock and get ready to set sail as Leo looks at him a teary eyes Gunner Waves by to his brother  it don't take that long to make it to the mainland  As Gunner's boat gently rocked with the waves, he couldn't shake the heaviness in his heart. Leaving Leo behind was one of the hardest decisions he'd ever made. He glanced back at the receding shoreline, where Leo stood, a silhouette against the setting sun. The memories of their adventures together flooded Gunner's mind—the times they'd spent exploring the island, playing together, and even the moments when Leo had saved him from danger.

But now, with his newfound powers from the Devil Fruit, Gunner couldn't risk bringing Leo along. He knew the dangers of the sea all too well, and he couldn't bear the thought of something happening to his beloved companion. Despite Leo's loyalty and trust, Gunner knew that leaving him behind was the only way to keep him safe.

As the boat sailed further away from the island, Gunner found himself lost in thoughts of what lay ahead. He was heading towards the mainland, hoping to find answers about his powers and perhaps a new purpose in life. But the ache of leaving Leo behind lingered, a constant reminder of the sacrifices he had to make.

In the quiet moments of the journey, Gunner found solace in the sound of the ocean and the gentle breeze brushing against his face. He knew that he couldn't dwell on the past forever and had to focus on the future and whatever challenges it might bring. But for now, he allowed himself to grieve for the loss of his companion and the innocence of his former life.

As night fell and the stars emerged in the sky, Gunner made a silent promise to himself and Leo that he would honor their bond and carry their memories with him wherever he went. And with that resolve in his heart, he set his sights on the horizon, ready to face whatever lay ahead on his journey. As Gunner's boat neared the shores of the mysterious island, a sense of foreboding settled over him like a heavy cloak. The Corsair King's return had been whispered about in hushed tones among the sailors he had encountered along his journey, but now, faced with the prospect of confronting the legendary pirate himself, Gunner couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear.

The island loomed before him, shrouded in mist and mystery, its jagged cliffs and dense jungles hiding secrets that even the bravest souls dared not uncover. But as Gunner steered his boat towards the nearest dock, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was walking into a trap.

His suspicions were confirmed when he overheard a group of locals speaking in hushed tones about the arrival of The Corsair King's subordinates. They spoke of dark rituals performed under the cover of night, of ominous symbols etched into the earth, and of whispered promises of power and glory.

Gunner's heart pounded in his chest as he realized the true extent of the danger that awaited him on the island. The Corsair King's minions were already here, laying the groundwork for their master's return and spreading fear and chaos in their wake.

But Gunner was not one to back down from a challenge. With determination burning in his veins, he stepped onto the dock and set foot on the island, ready to confront whatever trials lay ahead. The fate of the island—and perhaps even the fate of the seas themselves—rested on his shoulders, and he would not falter in his quest to bring justice to those who sought to sow darkness and despair.

As Gunner ventured further into the heart of the island, he knew that his greatest battle was yet to come. But with Leo's memory as his guiding light and the strength of his newfound powers coursing through his veins, he was ready to face whatever challenges awaited him and to stand against The Corsair King and his reign of terror once and for all.