Prologue: Story Part 2/2
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Beep.. Beep.. Beep.. Beep mnnn wh-what..

God my head.. It's really bright here.. Beep

"He's waking up.." Mnn.. James?.. I-is that my James?.. Where am i?..

Beep Beep Beep

"You damn idiot.. Why didn't you go into the bunker like I said!?.. " I must be in the hospital.. Did it hit the building?.. I remember it going dark and then?..

"I thought I lost you.. I-I didn't want to be left alone.. I watched, got to see the thing that has been looming over our lives for the last few years, it was.. Like a god watching over ants. It was horrible and something to worship at the same time.."


Opening my eyes, James holds my hands close, so gentle, those lovely smooth hands that I need so badly. Now the most! They slip away and all I can feel is cold metal.


"His heart rate has elevated! Get him to trauma!" 

The data pad in my hand shows the trajectory that 2030FK followed when it hit our magnetic field, it's.. frankly impossible trajectory.. Although it's not like it could appear out of nowhere in the first place, completely throwing off our estimates that had been calculated continuously to the minute by nearly 8 hours.

It curved, and aligned with our magnetic field and followed the earth fully around until it shot off once it had completed its full tour. Something that can teleport after traveling so long to us, slow down to a crawl like a monster stalking its prey, and then align itself with us, only to leave once it hit its own entry point. It should have taken minutes for it to pass by us, instead it took 2 hours and 8 minutes before it left us, destruction in its wake.

128 minutes.. Like some kind of computer program.. Something automated, evading notice? Evading our years of preparation, to reduce our population? Maybe it noticed our observation and decided to fuck with us, maybe its just a fucking rock full of crazy fucking blue metal that did weird shit just because!!

All I know is that because of it.. James was gone..

The Tv is Blaring, riots, anger, hatred, littered with small stories of hope, communities banding together in this tragedy.. People trying to steal, kill and fight for the 'pretty blue crystals'. The government has been confiscating it all, denoting it as 'hazardous materials' to be taken for proper disposal. Reports of youtube videos with any and all mention of it keep being taken down, something is going on.. But I can't work myself up enough to care.. The world shouldn't exist at this point.. Janus should have wiped us all out, give the next race a shot.. Maybe some fish people would do a better job..

I sit up in my elevated bed, staring at the muted TV, only the beeping of the monitoring system fills the room.

It's been 2 months since I was admitted to the hospital. I've only had co-workers visit me, but it's not like I had much apart from work and James, Jane visits the most, but mostly I just sit here in silence.

Sci-Axium hasn't pressured me to go back to work but I know they need all hands on deck, I just lay here rotting everyday, losing weight and sanity for each passing moment.

"Raj?.. Raj?" I've zoned out again.. for a second.. Or was it the day? I didn't even realize anyone was here honestly, time has blurred for me.

"Sorry.. Jane, what were you saying?"

"Have you seen the news? It's.. everywhere, news about secret government findings that are being released publicly by one of the scientists working on the new crystals and minerals found across the earth because of Janus."

That's.. Definitely something.. The Asteroid that has left such a mark on earth, on my life, on so many is still causing issues?.. I just want it to end at this point..

"Here.. I'll put it on the TV" Jane gets up and connects her phone to the tv and turns the sound up.

"I-is this thing on? Oh we're live?.." The woman in horn rimmed glasses and lab coat with a turtleneck under it clears her throat. 

"Hello, my name is Doctor Dorothy Caster, lots of you may know me in the scientific community, for others, I am a mineral engineer and materials expert that helped oversee many of the UN special projects that helped protect Earth during WW3 and the most recent disaster.. 2 Months ago I was recruited by a combined effort of allied governments under a secret project called "Doorway", I believe this was in reference to the popular name for asteroid 2030 FK, although I was not able to get anyone to comment on it exactly. This project Doorway's goal was to hoard, analyze and figure out new uses of the mineral that has become abundant and its subsequent crystal that has embedded itself into our earth." She breathes and composes herself.

"When asked when the findings of 'project doorway' were to be released, we were told that they would be sealed and that all of our findings destroyed, as well that our safety would not be guaranteed if anything were to be made public. We were threatened, because the world would be able to advance without them, that countries would be able to be self-sustainable with our research, that they would lose power because of the advent that Janus has brought humanity!" Her passionate gaze strikes me at my core, the possibilities of such a thing, I lean up in my seat my gaze stuck to the screen.

"Oscium, as it has been designated, is an Infinitely complex crystalline mineral that is stronger than Diamonds, softer than clay, can produce heat, electricity… We are still finding out more and more of what it can do.. and it can growI It grows like a plant does, all it needs is UV rays or a similar source of energy and it can be farmed like a crop! Combined with other minerals, it changes the composition of itself and the other mineral into something completely new!" They look very tired and catch themself on the stand in front of them, a man in a Sci-Axium uniform steps from behind her and gives her a cup of water, they are wearing full military garb without any facial features showing, their designation symbol is unfamiliar to me, although there are lots of Sci-Axium Divisions.

"Thank you.. And in all the mess of the world, they want to keep such a miracle hidden.. My comrades and I were able to be extracted from the facility by Sci-Axium under the pretense of rescuing hostages as we were all originally contracted from them. Although we are safe, my colleagues and I are to go into hiding for our own safety. All our research data has been made public through the Sci-Axium global network, scrutinize it, analyze it, and help the world grow through it. Please come together as one people. We now, more than ever, need to treat each other with the respect and love we all deserve, please.``

The stream ends, fully glued, I've pushed myself into a sitting position to get closer to the prospects, are my eyes and ears lying to me?! I lean back in my bed and close my eyes, thankfully Jane sits quietly letting me think, she always could read the room perfectly..

Such a monstrous event now means that the world might prosper! Or inversely collapse in on itself.. There needs to be change.. Sci-Axium was already in a good place to usurp power.. From everything I know of the company they have spared no expense at making sure humanity has survived, but they have had constraints because of the countries holding them back.. 

Like with the bunkers.. One of the proposals was to have smaller reinforced surface bunkers scattered around smaller towns in case people couldn't evacuate in time to larger, safer bunkers, one of them was proposed to be in James's hometown.. They could have survived if it wasn't for them! Sci-Axium was even ready to foot the bill but was not allowed enough power to actually build said bases, only improving on existing surface layer bunkers that were approved..

They are holding humanity back with their greed and want of power, we are nothing to them!

Making up my mind I turn to Jane.

"I'm ready to go back in.. I want to make a change in this fucked world" She smiles brightly and nods.

"That's the Raj I know, they've been waiting for you to get better. You've been assigned to Internal command, Gorgon Division.

I've heard the stories, I've always known Jane was special, even if it means my identity being erased, I will make this a better place.. For what we could have been.

"Commander, we have received new information in regards to breakouts of combat in several areas, it's growing, but not exceeding the level that we anticipated" Jane is instructing me as the new developments come, I'm able to access said information but a direct flow has always made it easier for me to concentrate.

"Lead, instruct the Alpha and Sigma teams to follow Designation Taurus Protocols, here, here and here, the rest are naturally occurring from the data we have received and should not be touched, the others are clearly pushed scenarios".

Touching various locations on my data pad I send out instructions. In the last year that I've been here we have managed to stem the tide of many pushes from government figures, damning their own people for the progress of their agendas. We are pushing slowly towards our final goal. The removal of governments entirely, their regimes will end and the people will be safe.

My team was chosen carefully, those that had lost all their loved ones, that were willing to become ghosts for the betterment of mankind. Our work was scrutinized daily and all actions overseen but even with that, our immediate actions were ours to control, the knives we wielded were swift and without emotion, ghosts themselves.

I had never met the Ophidia, the military subsection of designation Gorgon, they were our hands, our.. Lifeline for the people.. Operating only in the dark, never speaking, never moving without command, they spoke in a sign language I've never seen, their faces always covered, they belonged to no country and no people, only Internal Command was their family, and only through generated voices were they addressed.

When I was assigned commander I was allowed to see their effect in the field. They moved like cheetahs, as strong as bulls and could take anything thrown at them. I had to be assured they were not robots with all the AI technology that was being researched at the time.

To the outside world I was considered dead, and I might as well have, I was only the commander now, I slept and breathed my work, and I would die knowing that this fucked up world is for the better.

Gorgon was assigned a singular role, reduction of casualties, if it led to that, then we were doing our job right.. 14% of the world's population was wiped out from 2030FK and its subsequent damages, 2 years later another 18% of the world's population was killed due to war and famine caused by failure from governments. In relation, during World War 3, 24% of the world's people were killed, due to the effects of nuclear bombs and damages caused, our population had nearly halved in the last 8 years.. We couldn't lose anymore, not to those monsters.

Plans within plans were laid out, every conceivable situation leading to the freeing of the people. My teams had taken down more and more people at the tops of food chains, at least, of those that had not evacuated to their moon palace, and from the reports up there, it should all be bombed to hell, if only to save the suffering of the common people.

The last to hold out were the instigators of the 3th world war. The countries with the most to lose, the most in power, but we came prepared, with everything we had gathered they would have been strung up like the common thieves they are. Some of them vanished, maybe trying to make new places of power for themselves with their hardcore followers. Others just upped and got in their space shuttles, when you had money only one place really welcomed you, the fucked villa for the rich and famous.

When all was said and done, an official world announcement was hosted at the UN Site. Those that remained had to sign our treaty, a dissolution of world borders, the protection of all people regardless of sex, race, orientation, religion etc. People were allowed to be who they were as long as it wasn't to hurt others. The introduction of AI as a people of their own and bills surrounding the crime of forceful creation of AI and of course, the overseeing of the world under the advisement of the UN for Sci-Axium. Governments would no longer have their power.

The Axium Accord was signed on August 3rd 2034, finally, change was coming.

In the next 9 years our efforts changed from military to residential relocation. Food production facilities, management of remaining animal life, the creation of central and regional mega-cities and their locations, as well as managing the people that would be in charge of them. 

For a majority of the projects AI were brought in to help, one of the first of the natural generated AI developed from a Cad program. They called themselves Bob, I had the pleasure of meeting them. When asked about their name they said that as a joke they took on the name Bob due to a children's cartoon and it stuck. In the past they were crucial in the control of numerous automated machines and the building of housing to help people survive. Their army of machines were given full control over the building facilities and through them, the mega-cities were able to be built and born. Human hands helped with the delicates but were also guided by Bob, their designs were calculated to perfection, perfect habitation facilities.

Once the central mega-cities were constructed, the underground rails between all continents were established. It was found that flying had become less stable due to extreme weather conditions the higher you traveled. Our glowing blue atmosphere possibly had something to do with that, it messed with the comms occasionally.

Once the passages were built, came the 6 year mag-rail installation plan. Able to travel at speeds of over 1000 km/h due to no wind resistance, the tunnels were likened to a void. The tunnel walls themselves, a combination of Oscium metal composite, as hard as diamonds. No expense wasted for the cost of human lives.

By 2042 Sci-Axium had created an abundance of housing and food, allowing humanity to live without working. Basic housing for those that just needed a break from life, or those that just didn't want to do anything with their lives, amenities were provided for all. Humanity was given a choice in how they lived, the vast majority decided to work, to better themselves or at least have something to do, find their dream job instead of being pushed into something you hate, having a place to fall back on if you needed a break was a blessing and a comfort.

"Commander.." Jane stood next to me with a data pad in her hands, the final motion for Gorgon Command.

I was looking at the command screen, it showed videos from around the world. Today is August 3rd 2043 the 9th anniversary of the 'Axium Accord', a day considered to many the day we became one people, that humanity was allowed to be that, human. The start of the good things to come.

I look over at her and smile. I'm so tired, but I'm at peace with everything we've accomplished. I take the data pad out of her hand.

"What are your plans after this, Lead?.." She fusses a little with her uniform, "I'm.. getting married sir.." She pulls a white perfectly folded hard paper letter with a golden embossed lettering. 

"I'd be honored if you could be there.. If you could.. walk me down the aisle?.." There's worry in her voice and tears forming in her eyes. I'd always considered her as the daughter James and I never had, and it seems to her I was the father that she'd always wanted. I smile, tears building in mine as well.

"I would be honored to walk you down the aisle Jane, I would be honored.. I would say this is the perfect start to my retirement" The data pad in front of me has the words 'Final Motion, Dissolution of Gorgon Command, relocation of personnel, retirement of command structure', I hit the big green button and the video on the big screen is replaced with the Gorgon Symbol, 3 sets of closed eyes rotating around a single curled up snake, we were the watchers, and now we could rest.

2045, the start of a new year.

Christmas lights spin through colors hung up on the tree, a few unopened presents lay under it for one of Jane's aunts that couldn't make it. The couch is warm, my whole body nested under a plethora of blankets. The holo-tv on with the sound low, above the simmering fireplace lay old fashion photo frames, ones of my wedding with James, of Jane's wedding, of her adopted child, she calls me grandpa.. I'm not that old yet but I'm really feeling it now.

In the end they let me keep my name, the one that lets me have that connection to my husband. I have a new life now, but there's still a spot in my heart missing. I still feel him sometimes and it hurts. Without work I can think again, reading and watching movies takes up the majority of my retirement. I have no need for anything but the comfort of my new family. I have anything I desire, but all I desire is respite, sometimes just from myself.

I get a message from Jane telling me to turn the holo-tv to the news. Of course she expects me to be awake, she knows me like the back of her hand, even after a good day drinking for celebrations.

"World Asunder Reality, the newest in leisure products from Sci-Axium will be coming out of beta in the coming weeks. The perfect xmas gift for your loved ones, allowing seamless control over an Avatar in this fantasy world setting. World Asunder Reality is being released alongside new capsule technology to make your dreams come true. Become anything you want to be in this new world, take a holiday from yourself, I know I am! Every wave of releases will allow another 100 million users to join, I'm at wave 3, where are you my lucky viewers?" The newscaster passes it off to her cohort, I ask for the volume to be lowered again, another message comes through from Jane.

< Check your mail for once old man, you're in wave 1, special request from above to enjoy your retirement, Merry Christmas.. Dad >

I chuckle and tear up.. Take a holiday from myself.. As usual Jane knows exactly what I need. Checking my Axi-Mail I see that my capsule will arrive in the next few weeks, being installed a month before the game releases 1.0, time to get used to it.. Technology has changed so much since I was a gamer in my prime, and I was never into the virtual reality that had become so much of our world, much preferring sleek screens than something plastered to my face.

A new me huh.. Looking at the wedding photo of James in their black suit looking so beautiful.. It can't hurt.

An end to one story and a start to another.