Chapter 5: Possessed by a Ghost
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The deadline for rebuilding the Laojun Temple was tight. Seeing Chen Yang reciting the Tao Te Ching every day, Wang Dazhu assigned him a lot of work. He himself read the yellowed Tao Te Ching over and over again, but he couldn’t see anything special about it.

Chen Yang had endless work every day, so busy that he didn’t have a moment to rest, and was constantly urged by Wang Dazhu. However, the content of the Tao Te Ching would occasionally appear in his mind. At night, he was so tired that he collapsed. As soon as he lay down on the bed, he fell asleep with the Tao Te Ching still in his mind, which annoyed him. He wanted to find someone to ask about the content of the Tao Te Ching, but all the people working here were not very knowledgeable, and no one could explain the content of the Tao Te Ching to him.

Chen Yang wanted to see the red fox again, but the red fox never appeared again, which made Chen Yang very disappointed.

“Chen Yang, did that fox spirit come to you again?”

“Chen Yang, be careful, don’t let the fox spirit bewitch you.”

Some of the workers were joking, some were genuinely concerned. Chen Yang didn’t make any explanation to what he heard, just laughed it off. He had a premonition in his heart that he would definitely meet the red fox again in the future.

One night, Chen Yang felt a chill on his face. He thought it was one of the workers playing a prank on him. When he opened his eyes, he saw a woman with disheveled hair and a pale face in the pitch-black shed, blowing cold air on his face.

Chen Yang screamed and sat up suddenly. With a “bang”, his face collided with the woman’s pale face. The woman was knocked back a few steps by him, looking at Chen Yang with a face of horror.

Chen Yang touched his aching forehead and saw several shadows standing around the woman. He asked loudly, “Are you humans or ghosts?” Since he had received the soul-locking chain from Bai Wuchang, he was no longer afraid of ghosts.

The woman said gloomily, “We are fierce ghosts who have come to take your life. The ghost king wants you to die at the third watch of the night. Hurry up and hand over the treasure, so you can reincarnate sooner!”

The other few ghost shadows rushed up, stretching out their fingers more than a foot long, flashing with cold light and stabbing at Chen Yang.

Chen Yang quickly rolled over and threw the soul-locking chain in his hand at the few fierce ghosts. The soul-locking chain turned into the thickness of a wrist, making a “whoosh” sound of iron chains, and the few fierce ghosts who were hit in front instantly turned into several strands of black smoke and scattered, their souls scattered.

The female ghost saw that several fierce ghosts who had fought side by side with her for many years were instantly hit by Chen Yang and their souls were scattered. She was immediately angry and ashamed. She didn’t know what spell she was chanting in her mouth, and a long sword appeared in her hand. The blade of the sword was emitting a “zzz” red light, stabbing at Chen Yang lying on the ground.

The soul-locking chain fell on the ground after hitting a few fierce ghosts, and Chen Yang didn’t have time to pick it up. He saw the tip of the sword stabbed into his chest, and the pain was heart-wrenching. In a hurry, he quickly grabbed the blade with his left hand, and the long sword and the female ghost turned into a puff of red smoke at the same time, drilling into the red birthmark on his left wrist.

Chen Yang was stunned. He looked at the birthmark on his wrist with the pattern of a unicorn, and realized that it could absorb weapons. In the morning, he had absorbed Bai Wuchang’s soul-locking chain into his hand and made it his own weapon. But he didn’t expect that it could also absorb the soul of a ghost, which was really amazing.

Chen Yang stood up, touched the wound on his chest with his left hand, and the wound healed instantly, which surprised him again. Seeing the soul-locking chain as thick as a wrist flashing purple light on the ground, Chen Yang was worried. Where should he put such a heavy iron chain? He didn’t know if the two soul-hooking envoys, Hei and Bai Wuchang, were tired from carrying it around the world every day.

Chen Yang bent over and grabbed the soul-locking chain with his right hand, struggling to lift a section, sighed and threw it back on the ground. A flash of inspiration in his mind: That’s right, try with your left hand. Chen Yang stretched out his left hand, and saw the soul-locking chain instantly become thinner, drilling into his left hand like a black snake.

Eh! There’s such a big difference between his two hands, it’s really a wonder in the world.

After the surprise, Chen Yang remembered that something was wrong. Who did he provoke? Why was he struck by lightning, and he encountered ghosts in broad daylight and at night, and they all came to arrest him and take him to the Yama Palace.

Chen Yang looked at the workers who were still sleeping soundly after such a commotion. Chen Yang found it strange. He shook Wang Mudun, who was sleeping soundly next to him, and shook him for a long time without waking him up.

Could it be that they were bewitched by the ghost? What are these fierce ghosts looking for me for, I didn’t offend them, Chen Yang was puzzled. Looking at the birthmark on his hand, thinking about the female ghost inside, he felt a little creepy.

“Didn’t that female ghost say that the ghost king wants me to die at the third watch of the night, it’s almost dawn, I shouldn’t die again, right?” Chen Yang looked at the time on his phone and said to himself.

Thinking about it, he couldn’t figure it out, so he simply didn’t think about it. Anyway, the red unicorn birthmark on his left hand has a special function and can protect him, so what’s there to be afraid of. Sleep! Chen Yang put his left hand outside the quilt on his chest, and then started to sleep soundly.

Seeing the night sky in the east slowly light up, the ghost king squatting outside the shed took a look at Chen Yang who was sleeping soundly in the house, and had to disappear helplessly.

The task was not completed, and he lost four of his own fierce ghosts, which made the ghost king very angry and heartbroken. You know, these four powerful fierce ghosts are his left and right arms, how can he explain to his superiors when he goes back! (To be continued)