By Myself – Afternotes
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Hello everyone, Rachpilai here


Yup, that's more or less the ending I wanted to reach for this novel. To be honest, at first I wanted to end on a more epic note with explosions, fights and stuff, but as I was writing the final parts I thought of a different approach which would fit a bit more my style.

And also yes, this is the final chapter for "By Myself". I guess it's pretty short but it still conveyed everything I had in mind for it.

In the beginning, it was only a brief idea I had in mind, like "Hey, it'd be cool if... If a harpy wielding fire fought against a creature born from darkness." Something silly like this.

And as I was developping this idea, I found myself with a short plot encompassing the present chapters 1 and 2 of this novel. Then I fleshed out some side characters I needed to make the plot move forward, then a worldbuilding to serve as a foundation, etc. Then in the end, it became what "By Myself" is today.

A little mess of monsters, light and darkness, vengeance and inner struggle.

I hope the novel didn't seem too short and rushed. The format I chose seemed rather fitting for my writing, but maybe others would find a chapter 2000-words long a bit lazy.Well it can't really be helped, that's a format I'm fond of and most importantly a threshold which help me define a limit. Kinda like an exercise.

Anyway. I'm pretty satisfied with how the story turned despite how it all started from a silly picture I had in mind.

There wasn't supposed to be any lesson to learn from the story or the characters, it was just an... "everyday thingie", like "oh no, things happen" but anyway it's on a local scale so who cares. I just wanted this to be a story to fantasize about, something you read once, hopefully enjoy, and maybe remember for a while.

That's why despite everything said and done, my only hope is that you enjoyed reading it from beginning to end. That's all.

Now that's said, I wish you a good afternoon!