Chapter 1
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"Why was I reborn a Sea Bunny!"

<Ding! It was the creature that most suited your soul.>

"Hmp! Well System show me my status."


Name: Bea
Race: Jorunna Parva
Species: Dorid Nudibranch
Family: Discodorididae

Class: N/A
Level: 2/5
HP: 10/10
MP: 10/10

STR: 5
DEX: 3
AGI: 4
WIS: 10

Racial Skills:
Toxic Body
Sensory Rhinophores
Water Breathing

Passive Skills:
Lesser Strength
Lesser Wisdom

Active Skills:
Toxic Spikes

Crawling towards my next prey, I slowly but surely moved towards the eel that had tried to kill me earlier. It had happened when I first awoke after my rebirth and the monster eel tried to eat me, even though I'm toxic to eat. As my purple body reached the little cave with the eel inside, I watched as the eel lunged forward only to be impaled on one large poison spike I created.

<Ding! You have killed Lesser Moray Lv. 4. You have leveled up! Please choose two new Skills.>

Choose 2 Skills:
Lesser Agility
Lesser Dexterity
Poison Aura
Lesser Poison Magic
Lesser Eldritch Maw

"Lesser Agility, I'm tired of moving so slowly, and Lesser Eldritch Maw, it sounds powerful."

<Ding! Displaying new Status!>

Name: Bea
Race: Jorunna Parva
Species: Dorid Nudibranch
Family: Discodorididae

Class: N/A
Level: 3/5
HP: 15/15
MP: 15/15

STR: 6
DEX: 4
AGI: 7
WIS: 13

Racial Skills:
Toxic Body
Sensory Rhinophores
Water Breathing

Passive Skills:
Lesser Strength
Lesser Wisdom
Lesser Agility

Active Skills:
Toxic Spikes
Lesser Eldritch Maw

Closing my status, I looked around to make sure nothing was coming to attack me and began moving on to the next enemy on my list, the Pufferfish that tried to get me killed. Crawling slightly faster to my destination, I found my target, and swimming up to it I decided to use my new skill on it.

"Eldritch Maw!"

Suddenly, one of my external gills transformed into a mouth the size of the puffer fish swallowing it whole before returning to normal. Still shocked at the power of this skill, I didn't notice the system message that I had received.

<Ding! You have killed a Greater Puffer Lv. 7! You have reached Level 5! Evolution available!>

"Huh? Evolution? Wait I can evolve!?"

<Yes shall I open the evolution menu?>


Evolution Options:
Jorunna Toxi
Greater Jorunna Parva
Jorunna Mystica
Unique Evolution Option:
Jorunna Astra

Thinking about my options, I knew that unique usually meant good, but I decided to appraise them first.

"System show me the descriptions of each option."


Jorunna Toxi: Highly toxic sea bunny variant that are capable of growing toxic spikes all over their bodies.

Greater Jorunna Parva: A much larger variant of the normal Jorunna Parva, they are mainly peaceful and rarely try to harm anyone making great familiars for novice water mages.

Jorunna Mystica: A Magically inclined variant of the normal Jorunna Parva that can use weak spells to attack.

Jorunna Astra: A variant of the normal Jorunna Parva that obtained Eldritch knowledge, allowing them to take a human form, they are typically non-aggressive but hate being called cute.

"Jorunna Astra!"

<You have chosen Jorunna Astra. Commencing Evolution...>

Falling asleep, a bright white cocoon wrapped around me as one last system notification rang out.

<Active Skill Lesser Eldritch Maw has evolved to Eldritch Maw, Active Skill Eldritch Magic has been unsealed.>