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“Well, that was a good fight,” said Gareth

“Che, it’s just a farce” bantered Bete

While the Loki Familia is discussing their thoughts about the fight, Kisuke and the others are also having their own conversation.

“It seems that leader didn’t go serious,” said Kisuke

Hancock nodded and said, “ it’s just a sparring after all”

Kuroneko is just nodding while Voban seems to be thinking of something as he stared at the soaring tower, specifically on the top. He looked at Kisuke and said,

“You feel it, blonde brat?” he asked

Kisuke just nodded and said, “Ever since we arrived at the manor”

Kuroneko and Hancock joined the conversation, “you mean Freya?” said Kuroneko

Voban and Kisuke nodded at her question

While all this is happening, Ais, Tiona, and surprisingly Loki, has been pestering Ren for training.

“Ais and Tiona aside, why are you here, Loki?” he asked

“Leader, seeing that I already have a strong body, might as well learn a few tricks” Loki said

“What for? Peeking? That ability is a waste on you” he quipped

Ais and Tiona glared at Loki, they also recently experienced Loki’s changes, mainly her being impervious to attacks. They thought that it was just an artifact from a fellow god, but it seems that it’s connected to Ren and the others.

“C’mon, Leader, it’s a man’s romance” retorted Loki

Ren just deadpanned at her and said, “Loki, you’re a woman”

Loki was speechless against such statement; her mouth was agape. Ais and Tiona on the other hand was shivering, trying to hold back their laughter.

“All that aside, it seems we attracted a lot of attention. Not just from your Familia, but also from you-know-who,” said Ren.

Loki nodded at him, “that vixen, huh” she added.

Along with Ais and Tiona, they joined everyone. The Loki Familia members have their eyes on Ren, who can contend to their ‘Sword Princess’, even if it’s just a sparring.

“That was a splendid display, Ren,” said Finn

“Certainly, not many can contend with Ais. Are you sure you don’t have Falna?” asked Riveria

The others were shocked by what they heard, someone without a Falna can contend to a level 5 adventurer, that was more exaggerated that a bard’s songs. Even Bete has his mouth agape. He couldn’t just believe that someone that strong doesn’t have a Familia, much less a Falna.

“Oi, old hag. Are you serious?” said Bete to Riveria

Veins pulsated on the High Elf’s forehead; she was contemplating what magic to use.

“Oi, dumb dog, do you want to burn or freeze?” she said to the werewolf

Bete paled, looking at the cold eyes of the elf. He blamed his big mouth; he shouldn’t have said that taboo word. “Tsk” he just clicked his tongue, looking away.

Gareth and Lefiya was also quite shocked. While fighting without Falna is possible, but fighting on this level without it is next to impossible. They have heard of such circumstances, but that was on the legends that was passed on their respective tribes.

While the Loki Familia was contemplating their doubt, Ren and his group is also discussing about their mission.

“About the mission, I think we should make Kuroneko the core player,” said Ren

“M-me?!” said Kuroneko while pointing at herself

“I think it’s fine, no offense but, you’re currently the weakest here,” said Kisuke

“I have no qualms,” said Hancock

“So am I,” said Voban

Coming into agreement, they looked at Kuroneko.

“So that’s how it is, Kuroneko”- Ren

“Good luck”-Kisuke

Hancock and Voban just looked at her with expectant eyes.

Kuroneko just surrendered and look at her group, “I-I’ll do my best” she said with an earnest look

They then looked at Loki

“How are you going to participate, Loki?” asked Kisuke

“Well, I will just go to the 5th floor without fighting. I found an item in the shop that will help me hide my aura to the dungeon, but it’s only effective until I attack something” answered Loki

They agreed on this. A god going inside the dungeon is already a serious violation of the Guild Rules, much less fighting monsters, and even if she can’t get the additional reward which is a Random Gacha Draw, 10,000 points is already good.

Ren then raised his voice, attracting the group.

“I have something important to say, Loki”

They just looked at him, waiting

“Beware of the Mistress of Prosperity, especially Syr,” said Ren

“Hm? Why?” asked Loki

“Let’s just say that that pub is like an information gathering squad for the Freya Familia, and Syr, well Syr is Freya’s identity when she’s mingling with adventurers” answered Ren

“WHAT?!” shouted Loki

The others are also shocked. The memories they have seen only covers the part where Hestia was kidnapped by Ares’ spies. It didn’t have anything about Syr or Freya except their basic info and Freya’s collection fetish.

“I wasn’t able to say it earlier because there’s too many ears. And also, I didn’t include it on the memories as I was not sure of the timeline, you’re in,” said Ren

Loki was silent, digesting the info dump by Ren. She knows how heavy this information is, it could cause literal wars if leaked.

“Now that we’re through our plan, Let’s make our way to the dungeon. Oh, before that, Let’s get some equipment for Kuroneko, and also the Falna, she’s our main force for today after all,” said Ren  

Ren and the team went to Loki Familia’s Armory to get suitable equipment for Kuroneko while she gets her Falna from Loki. Ren picked a spear and a set of daggers for her. They met up on the reception room where they saw Loki with her mouth wide open while looking at her Falna. Kuroneko also sports a slight blush, occasionally glancing at Ren.

They came close and looked at Kuroneko’s stats

[Gokou Ruri]

Level 1

STR: I-0

END: I-0

DEX: I-0

AGI: I-0

MAG: I-0

MAGIC – Light, Dark, Lightning, Water, Earth, Wind, Fire

Developmental Ability:

Archmage - I


Angel Transformation – Allows the user to transform into an angel, the messenger of god, acquiring all their abilities. Can shoot out feathers from wings and also enables flight. Also provides two additional forms

Fallen Angel Form: Gives huge physical and magic boost.

Also provides Darkness damage to attacks and Skill           

Divine Angel Form: Provides healing and support magic

Attacks and skills are accompanied with bonus light damage

Pure Love’s Blessing – As long as the user has pure and unbending love to someone, drastic growth can be achieved. Growth scales based on the user’s love and devotion to his/her target

Target: Asamiya Ren

Spell Weaving: Enables the creation of spells based on the attributes of the user.  Magic slots are replaced with attributes. Spells created this way will be recorded and stored in this skill. If the user makes a spell without its necessary attribute, the effects are lowered. Attributes can be acquired through levelling or interaction to the said attribute. Gives the Archmage developmental Ability

 Broken, absolutely broken, that’s the first thing that entered everyone’s minds. Every one of Kuroneko’s skill is way too strong for someone who just received a Falna, especially the Spell Weaving. This skill practically provides infinite magic slots, and given Kuroneko’s years of Otaku knowledge, this will be abused to the max.

Pure Love’s Blessing is also very good, like Bell’s Realis Phrase, it is a growth multiplier skill that is based on yearnings and emotion. Though as awkward as it is, Ren thinks that this skill can be on par with Bell’s Skill. Last but not the least, is the Angel Transformation Skill. As the Falna’s interpretation of the Devil Fruit of Kuroneko, this skill gives Kuroneko the flexibility of both being an attacker and a support whenever needed.

“This, is absurd. Maybe more absurd than the protagonist” said Kisuke

“Yeah, just the Spell Weaving skill is enough for Kuroneko to be fought by all the Familias on Orario,” said Loki

Hancock and Voban also agrees with them. Spell creation is already a top-notch ability, much less its ability to record and store the created spell for later use. Thid skill basically nailed Kuroneko’s path as a Mage.

While everyone was discussing Kuroneko’s skill, Loki snickered, attracting their attention

“But, Pure Love, huh? Leader, you really are sinful. Seducing an innocent girl to the point of it becoming a skill” she said

Ren blushed and looked away, while Kuroneko was basically fuming. Everyone laughed at their reactions before making their way back to the training fields. Loki then called all her Familia members announced Kuroneko’s joining of their Familia. She then introduced Kuroneko to the key members of the Familia, especially Riveria as she is the most suitable teacher for Kuroneko. Loki also introduced Kuroneko to Lefiya, as they have similar skills.

After her introduction, Loki sent Lefiya and Ais to guide Kuroneko to the dungeon, they are also to serve as Kuroneko’s guards in case something happens. Ren also accompanied them because he’s curious of the dungeon’s structure, as well as Kisuke.

They, of course, attracted a lot of attention along the way. This can be blamed on their good looks, and also, Loki Familia’s influence in Orario.

They first went to the Guild to register Kuroneko on the Guild’s database as a member of the Loki Familia, as well as passes for Ren and Kisuke to enter the dungeon. Many were shocked at the announcement of a newcomer from the Loki Familia.

Being one of the top families in the city, Loki Familia’s standards are very high. Even Bete Loga were only able to join the Loki Familia because of his status as a level 3.

Ignoring the gossips in the guild, the group made their way to the dungeon to complete their quest. The first five floors mostly contain goblins and Kobold, with the remaining bit as Dungeon Lizard and stray Minotaur from the lower floors.

They entered the first floor and encountered their first monster, a small group of goblins. Kuroneko were hesitating at first, as someone who lives in the modern era, she isn’t really keen on fighting, especially these kinds of monsters.

But with the encouragements from Ren, as well as Lefiya and Ais, she managed to kill her first goblin. At this point, Kuroneko was getting used on the mechanics in the dungeon. She also familiarized herself with her abilities, shooting feathers to the monsters, as well as shooting light spears and such.

She also created a dark-attribute bind spell that binds the enemies with dark chains, as well as many staple spells from the lightning, fire and wind attributes. All in all, Kuroneko’s dungeoneering was going very smooth.

They went back to the surface to update Kuroneko’s status, they also want to trade their loot for some pocket money. While Loki can give them huge amount of Valis, they don’t really want to leech off Loki. After trading the magic cores and drop items off to the guild, they returned to the mansion and searched for to Loki. They saw Loki merrily talking with Kisuke and the bunch, they approached them and reported to them their progress.

//Mission Released//

//Quest: Dungeon Exploration//



Reach the 5th floor(3/5)


Kill 500 goblin(243/500)

Kill 500 Kobold(240/500)

Kill 100 Dungeon Lizard(23/100)