CHAPTER 10: Training Kuroneko
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All in all, this was a great progress. Everything except the War Shadow is almost on 50%, the mission is expected to be completed after a day or two, if they take their time.

“By the way, Leader, after we finish the quest, Can I stay here?” asked Kisuke

“Hm? Wait, let me inquire to the system” answered Ren

He then asked the system if Kisuke is allowed. While the system generally doesn’t talk, it provides answers to their questions about the Groupchat features, like a customer service hotline. Now, according to the system, Kisuke can stay but time will resume in his world. Ren conveyed this to Kisuke, which decided to go back after hearing that time will continue in his home world.  

Afterwards, the group just decided to chill as they would continue the grind tomorrow. They also want to admire the city more, as they wouldn’t really be back here for a while. Kuroneko went to Loki for her Falna update and then went back to the group together with Loki, bringing her transcript.

[Gokou Ruri]

Level 1

STR: I-0 → H - 134

END: I-0 → I - 33

DEX: I-0 → G - 211

AGI: I-0 → F - 336

MAG: I-0 → B - 789

MAGIC – Light, Dark, Lightning, Water, Earth, Wind, Fire

Developmental Ability:

Archmage - I


Angel Transformation

Pure Love’s Blessing

Spell Weaving

This growth was expected as Kuroneko’s attack style relies on her magic and Angel forms. While she may sometimes use physical attacks, it is seldom and is only a last resort. That’s why Ren is thinking of finding Kuroneko a teacher for Martial arts or swordsmanship.

He doesn’t really think he can teach as he just got his skills from the system and not his own efforts. Thinking of this, Ren wondered if there is a kind of skill that will let him become a great teacher. This might also become useful when he plans on teaching Kiana how to control her powers.

He browsed the shop and quickly found the skill he was looking for,


Rank: Uncommon

Makes the user good at teaching

Cost – 1000 points

He decided to search for more advanced skills and this is what he found

[The Guide]

Rank: Unique

The possessor will gain the ability to effectively guide someone to their most suited path

Cost – 15000 points

[Hero Maker]

Rank: Legendary

The user becomes a teacher on par with the greatest mentors in history like Chiron the Wise and Scathach, the Queen of the Land of Shadows. Gives the user unparalleled insight when teaching someone they recognize as student, guiding them to become worthy of being called heroes

Cost – 75000 points

This three was what Ren thought to be the suited skills for his plan. He immediately picked Hero Maker as this was the most reliable skill for him. The Guide comes as a vague skill because it will only guide his students to the path suited to them, while Hero Maker allows him to shape his disciples as he desires.

After buying the skill, Ren concentrated and digested the knowledge the skill provided for him. How to assess someone’s potential, how  to determine the most efficient training plan, Ren learned all of it in a matter of  seconds.

Now, he could be said one of the greatest mentors in human history. Ren think that, with his current teaching abilities, he can make someone like Kuroneko a proficient fighter in a matter of hours. So, without delay, he looked for Kuroneko.

He found Kuroneko talking with the Loki Familia girls, namely, Ais, Lefiya, the Hiryute Twins, and Riveria. He approached the group of girls and greeted them; he then stated his plan to Kuroneko. Kuroneko was happy about the fact that Ren would coach her, and not someone else.

Hearing this, Riveria asked if he can watch together with the rest of the girls. Ais and Tiona are also interested with Ren’s teaching. As someone who actually fought Ren, they are aware of how strong he is, knowing the fact that he can also teach makes them more interested on him.

They went to the training fields where Ren asked Kuroneko what weapon would she want to use. Kuroneko looked at the weapons in front of her before he landed her eyes on the same katana that Ren used on the exhibition match. She took it and went back to Ren

“The katana, huh. Okay, let’s go to the field,” said Ren

They went to the centerfield and Ren demonstrated a few basic sets of thrust and stances for the katana. He was proficient on all weapons that is considered as a sword because of the skill that he got from Mei’s Interaction Reward.

“Remember Kuroneko,  the katana relies on skill rather than power. As the sword isn't really that great at versatility, people who uses this sword isn't really a lot. Even on wars, most would prefer to use a spear or bow, while keeping the katana as a back up weapon. Now, I will demonstrate a few sword skills and try to learn it,” said Ren

Ren demonstrated downward  that make use of the weight of the sword and gravity for generating strong force, as well as thrusts that is more effective if one has long arms. He then showed them basic stances that made use of all the basic skills of a katana. He did this with in an elegant but sharp flow, almost like he's performing for the gods.

He then turned to Kuroneko that was just staring at him.

“Kuroneko? Oi, Kuroneko~,” said Ren

Kuroneko was awakened from her zoned-out state by Ren’s call, then she blushed. She was entranced by Ren’s elegant yet gallant performance.

Ren then proceeded to teach Kuroneko with utmost efficiency. He also explained to her the principles behind every move. Later on, Ais, and even Tiona joined the training session. Seeing that Ais was using a slender saber, he agreed.

But because of Tiona’s choice of weapon, he suggested to Tiona if she can commission a blacksmith to make her double sabers, the Urga, to be detachable into twin sabers. After hearing Ren suggestions, Tiona immediately thought of it and agreed. She then made Ren teach her Twin Sword skills.

Ren taught Ais the sword skills, Diagonal Sting, Folium, and Crucifixion, while he taught Tiona Cross Block, Double Circular, and Starburst Stream. For Kuroneko, he taught her many katana sword skills including Gengetsu , Zekkū, Hiōgi, and Tsujikaze, which he used on the sparring match earlier.


He said to Kuroneko to find a novel titled {Sword Art Online} in a whisper. He said that all sword skills that he taught Kuroneko came from them. The sun was already setting when they finished training

Meanwhile, Riveria and Lefiya were once again amazed of how skillful Ren is. Riveria also thanked Ren for teaching Ais and Tiona

After the training, Ren, alongside the group, went inside the mansion and spent the rest of the day talking with the Loki Familia and partying.