CHAPTER 11: Gacha
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Ren woke up at the first shine of the sun on his face, he went to the bathroom and washed his face before going to the living room. He sat there and then said, “Sign-In”

[Ding, Sign-In success. Host got 80 points]

Ren looked at his points in the Groupchat

[POINT: 41,140]

He wanted to try the Gacha function, testing how is its rates. Since he got the [Traveler] title, maybe he can get an SSR in one draw, if he’s lucky. He opened the [GACHA] tab and looked at the cost of the draw. It is 1,000 points for a standard Gacha, which offers guaranteed R per ten draws and a 0.008% chance of winning SR and above. While the Premium banner cost 2,500 points per draw, offering a rate of 5% SR and above, with guaranteed SR per ten draws.

Ren picked the Premium Gacha, drawing ten times to test the waters.

[DING, received 1,000 points]

[DING, received Music Mastery]

[DING, received 1,000 points]

[DING, received 1,000 points]

[DING, received 1,000 points]

[DING, received 1,000 points]

[DING, received 1x Senzu bean]

[DING, received Titanium Alloy Cooking Knife]

[DING, received House Husband(EX)]  

Ren’s eyes twitched, because of the prize he got. He wasn’t sure what to feel. They weren’t bad, but they weren’t good either. But Gacha is Gacha, so he decided to claim his prizes .All of the sudden countless bundles of knowledge poured into Ren. Due to Music Mastery, his singing and instrumental skills git elevated at Pro Level, and thanks to House Husband(EX) He now has impeccable about household chores, no matter what it is. From cooking, cleaning, even grooming and hairstyling(A/n: I don’t that’s a chore tho, but, meh). He then proceeded to inspect his prizes

[Music Mastery

Rank: Rare

Description: Provides the user advanced skills in anything regarded as music. It also makes the user appear charismatic when performing on stage]

[House Husband(EX)

Rank: SSR

Description: The user will achieve the pinnacle in the Dao of House Husbands. You are the perfect House husband, achieving perfect skills in cleaning, cooking, grooming, and other home skills there is.]

[Senzu Bean

Rank: SR

Description: A mystical bean that can heal any injury, even near-death ones]

[Titanium Alloy Cooking Knife

Rank: Rare

Description: A cooking knife with sharpness as the main idea. This knife can cut through any ingredient while maintaining their freshness. Requires extreme skills to handle]

Ren was pretty shocked. Even though the things that he got are not combat oriented, except for the bean, it still useful for his daily life, especially the House Husband(EX). Not only does he now have the best skills in chores, it also provided him with cooking skills at the level of a master chef, with recipes to boot(A/n: Don’t ask why). He then remembered a certain White-haired Archer, thinking that this skill came from him(A/n: Emiya, the Chaldea Mama)

Ren went outside of his room, and headed to the dining room to get something to it. While walking, he came across with Loki, who seemed to have just woken up.

Loki: *Yawn* “Good morning, Leader”

Ren just came in front of her and fixed her hair while saying,

Ren: “You really should try to fix yourself up before going out of your room, Loki? You’re supposed to be a goddess, right? That aside, I’m going to eat, wanna go together?”

Loki was flabbergasted by his intimate gesture, her cheeks reddened. She just looked at Ren, who looked confused and nodded at his question. They made their way there, and  by some kind of luck, got across with the group members. Together, they arrived at the table where they saw the main group of the Loki Familia

They greeted each other and ate. Ren, now a master in the art of cooking, felt unsatisfied with the breakfast. It isn’t to say that the cooking is bad, but maybe because of his skill, House Husband(EX), he feels that it could be better. So, he walked to the kitchen after asking Loki if he can use their stock ingredients, which agreed in exchange for a good meal.

So, Ren, having access to multitudes of high-quality ingredients, whipped out many dishes. He made many dishes from different cuisines. While he was cooking, the smell attracted the rest of the Familia to the kitchen. The supposed, simple breakfast became a mini-feast. Ren was cooking a lot of food at the same time, but he didn’t find it a bother. He instead felt pride seeing that people are enjoying his food, even a certain tsundere wolf.

After their merrymaking, Ren was approached by Riveria, wanting to talk to him.

Riveria: Ren, can you do me a favor and include Lefiya to your training sessions?

Ren: Lefiya? Do you want her to learn melee combat?

Riveria:  Yes. It is a requirement for high-level Adventurers to learn melee, at least at the level that they can use it for self-defense. She's already LV. 3, I think it's time for her to learn.

Ren: But can't you teach her? Seeing that the both of you are mages, can't you just teach her your fighting style?

Riveria: I also thought the same, but I decided that you would be better. I wanted to ask Finn, but he's already dealing with a lot as the captain of the Familia. Gareth is simply incompatible with Lefiya, and Bete is... well, Bete.

Ren thought for a second. It wouldn't really make any difference if he were to add Lefiya in the bunch, but the problem is that their mission is already halfway through. They can't also just delay it for the sake of one person. Ultimately, he decided to agree.

Ren: Okay, I agree, but I have to tell you that, in a few days, we will have to leave for our hometowns. So I can't really guarantee how much I can teach Lefiya.

Riveria: That's fine, or rather, that's a welcome outcome 

Later that day, they went back to training. Kuroneko was already adept in using the rapier, maybe because of her skills or maybe she is just talented, maybe both. She can already fight with the level 2s of the Familia albeit being level 1. Also, she can now mix magic and sword skills in battle, making her more versatile. Ren, in addition for training Kuroneko, was also in charge of training Ais and Tiona, as they agreed before, with the addition of Lefiya Virdis.

Ren: Right, so today, Lefiya will now join us in our training sessions

Lefiya: A-ano! P-please take care of me!

Ren already have a suitable traning method for her for her. As Ren know a lot of people that uses magic and melee at the same(mostly from anime and stuff) It wasn't really hard to devise a routine for her. But before he can start, Ren needs to know what weapon would be Lefiya use.

Ren: Lefiya, do you have any weapon you're interested in?

Lefiya:U-uhm... h-how about the sword? The same as Ais-san.

Ren: The sword, huh...

Lefiya: I-is there a problem? A-asamiya-san

Ren: The same as Ais, a rapier huh... Good choice. Also, just call me Ren, or sensei, whatever suits you.

Lefiya: H-hai, Sensei! 

Ren can envision Lefiya going to the frontlines, brandishing her sword while slinging magic. He decided to follow his plan for Ais, but with some adjustments. Because of Lefiya's skill, Elf Ring, she can use any elf magic that she knows, as long as she knows the chant and its effect. He wondered if she can enchant the magic to the sword rather than outright fire it. 

He taught Lefiya basic skills like the others, as well as standard stances and footwork. After that, Ren made Lefiya run around the field to build up stamina. She told her to do it every morning, except when going to an expedition, for maximum results. Ren also made Lefiya spar with the girls to give her experience in fighting in melee. This happenings continued for a few days. Ren also made sure that they get their Falna updated regularly, so that the new skills, if there is, can be activated immediately . 

Due to the training Ren provided, Ais and the others gained a lot after their Falna update. Ais got the Developmental Ability [Wind Sword], making it easier to combine her wind magic, Aerial, to her sword techniques, much like Arturia’s Wind King Hammer, Tiona gained the [Enhanced Reflex] and [ Dual Sword] skills, while Lefiya gained the [Magic Swordsman] Developmental Ability, which is a fusion of the [Mage] and [Swordsman].

Kuroneko, on the other hand, had the most progress wout of every one. She acquired three Developmental Ability, namely [Magic Swordsman], the same as Lefiya, [Magic Scholar], which made it easier for her to make and alter magic, and [Favored Student], which increased her learning speed if thought by someone she considers her teacher which, in this case, is Ren.

Tiona and the others complained to Ren about his supposed favoritism, and how it’s not fair. Ren, wanting to escape, promised to teach them more next time. Tiona and the girls acquiesced, satisfied with Ren’s promise. 

And after two days, Kuroneko rechallenged the dungeon.