Chapter 13: Of Blooming Feelings
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Their growth was so shocking that Loki wanted Ren to teach her entire Familia, but of course, Ren refused. He is already stumped with a lot of things to do back to his world(the Honkai one), so having more things to worry is a no go. Nevertheless, Ren promised that he will at least give Loki a basic training program the Familia can use before he and the others go back. This is already a good deal for Loki, so she did not pester Ren any longer.

Upon seeing this growth, Ren also announced the end of their training. At first, Ais and the others were hesitant about the training's end. But Ren said to them that training after achieving this kind of growth will be second to useless and will provide little to no improvement. So Ren encouraged them to dive to the dungeon, as this is this worlds way of getting stronger. Ais, Tiona, and Lefiya couldn't retort Ren's statement, and deep down, they also know that their training is also over. 

Its just, they just don't want to part with Ren yet. In the few days that they started to learn from Ren, they developed each of their own feelings for him. Tiona, who was just playing at first, genuinely fell in love to Ren. She did feel that her feelings for Ren were changing, but she just shrugged it off and thought it was just her imagination. Now that the training is over, she finally acknowledged she couldn't help but be said on the thought of Ren leaving. Before, she even asked her sister if what she's feeling is love or not, which answered her her with a teasing smile. And just her sister, she consulted many girls. Riveria, Lefiya, Loki, she even consulted girls outside of the Familia like the waitresses of the Hostess of Fertility. But all of them said the same thing. that its love.

Tiona became shy when she finally learned about her feelings. She would avoid Ren on their free time, and she would avoid locking eyes with him in their training sessions. Later, Ren approached her, asking her what's bothering her. She can see genuine concern in Ren's eyes, which just made her fall for him more. She finally calmed down, telling Ren that she was just feeling confused but was now cleared of the confusion. What followed was Tiona's usual antics of clinging to Ren, but this time, more Intense 

Ais also changed by the time she was with Ren. She would always follow Ren wherever he goes. it arrived to the point that Loki was always complaining about it to Ren.  Loki always goes in outburst saying 'My Ais-tan got stolen!' or 'I've been NTR'ed!' like it's a normal thing. Ren was even shocked on how Loki learned some words the she shouldn't(A/n: It was Kisuke, I swear). But despite Loki's... incessant grumblings, Ais would still go with Ren. She would sit beside Ren on the dining, the couch. Even when they're resting after their training, she would rest near Ren.

One time, some of the girls in the Familia asked her if she and Ren are dating. She did not understand at first, so she did not answer. Afterwards, she asked Riveria, who was reading in the library, about what is dating. Riveria was silent at first, but she explained the premises of dating. She explained how someone dating will always together, like when eating or resting. Ais got more confused as she's already doing that with other people, but she was dawned when Riveria said that people who are dating can get married and be couples. Ais blushed at the thought of her and Ren getting married. She then walked out of the library, leaving Riveria sighing before sporting a smile.

Lefiya also came to love Ren in the few days she was taught by him. She was one of those girls that thought that men always have lecherous things inside their mind, that they only want to play. That's why even though she didn't openly reject befriending the men in her Familia, she still only saw them, at best, a 'friend' material. The same also goes for Ren. At first, she thought that Ren was just after Ais, and that he's just playing nice. But after interacting with him, she realized that Ren was different. Ren would offer her serious advices when training, but would often joke with her after that. Ren would also prepare snacks for them whenever he can. But the biggest reason she thinks Ren is different is because of his eyes.

While other men would look at them with lust in their eyes, Ren don't. He looks at them with pure admiration, devoid of any malice, and is also considerate of them. There was one time when she tripped while practicing the routines that Ren gave them, and Ren quickly rushed at her side. Ren also carried her to the bench, and not only that, he took a look of she had wounds in fear of her getting scars. When she asked Ren why he's worried of scars, he said, 'Ah, well, I just thought that you might not like it' while scratching his face. Lefiya couldn't help but laugh at Ren while reminding her that scars are a normal thing for adventurers. And also, wounds typically don't scar because of the potions and healing magic. It was one of the many days she could see Ren flustered, worrying about them. But she also realized that those days were also the reason why she also changed. 

There was a time when Tiona asked Lefiya confirmation of what she's really feeling for Ren. When Tiona asked such a question, Lefiya's chest squeezed a bit, but she thought that she was just tired, so she answered Tiona genuinely that it was indeed love. Following that, she would see Tiona clinging to Ren , and everytime her heart will tighten. Intially, she thought that she was just tired, that she was just out of breath from all the training. It only changed the next day, she was still feeling the same the same squeeze in her heart even though she's already rested, and it also became more apparent. If before in only happened when Tiona was there. Now, it would occur when Ren is together with some girl that is not Ais. It happened when Ren was walking with Kuroneko, it happened with Ren was talking with the tall girl in purple. It happened when Ren was helping Riveria carry some books. It even happened when she saw Ren talk with Loki.

It didn't take her too long to realize what she was feeling. Even if she didn't want to admit it, she was in love with Ren. This fact made her both jittery and guilty because she knows that Tiona feels the same. She also know that Kuroneko is also in love with Ren, even earlier than them. But most of all, she also feel the same feeling coming from Ais. She don't know if Ais really fell in love with Ren but she knows that Ais is pretty attached to Ren. She was torn between her supposed love for Ais and her feelings for Ren. Ultimately, she consulted with Riveria about it. Riveria just asked her if she was okay with Ren marrying someone other than her. Lefiya immediately thought of it, thinking what if Ais was to get married with Ren, and had tears flowing from her eyes. Those tears was not tears of joy, but of sadness and envy. and it was not directed to Ren, much to her surprise, but was pointed to Ais. Yes, she was jealous of Ais. It was at that point that Lefiya embraced the fact that she love Ren.

The following day, the trio of Lefiya, Ais, and Tiona can be seen accompanying Ren on his walks around Orario. While men cried with tears of blood, the women was also jealous of the three girls. However, this glares from the crowd did not reach the group of four. they just walked, while having a happy talk. But unbeknownst to Ren, Lefiya, Ais, and Tiona shows a faint blush on their cheeks. But that is a story for another chapter