Chapter 3:Hidden thoughts
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Natalie's POV:

The immaculate mirror reflecting their ideal version of themselves shattered, the sound grating to the ears. The shards depicting her reputation had no where to descend, but lay afloat in the void of minds of the mass, where the seeds of malevolence lurked. The broken pieces could be gathered, glued together with profound effort, but would it ever be the same. The cracks still existed, and they irked hatred from the insecure. The remnants of a fallen, just a sustenance to the envoys of evil.

The converging pedestal holding up her glory, crumbled under the weight of an abyssal ocean depicting inhumane nature. An aura of twisted satisfaction emanated from the people she called friends. The maws of malice creeped out of their shells of falsity; showing her the error of her ways. They revered the chosen but hungered for the fallen in a depraved manner.

The distance between 'her' and 'them', were at a hands reach, but it became a chasm she could never reach. At the center of the maelstrom she despaired, she wanted to be swallowed by the mist of the forgotten, but how could she when the blood of the perpetrator wasn't spilled.


A beast caged in an inescapable prison always keeps its fangs and claws sharpened to the limit. Release it and you get what you asked for. Lucas lost himself to the bloodlust, or rather he let it consume him. Relinquishing his control brought the demons out to play, and unfortunately for their prey, they were relentless.

The jerking sound of knuckles impacting flesh and bone resounded melodically. Alfred had no time to defend himself from the unexpected attack. The pain of was faltering, his vision disoriented from the impact. Blood flowed down his chin staining his shirt. The taste of iron forced him to regain his composure. He found himself sprawled down the ground like a dog.

Lucas wasn't a a saint to give his opponent a chance to recover. Beating a dog while its down was in the tenets of retribution. He should have been apprehended by now, but it seems lady fate was in his side today. He took advantage of it by sending kicks targeting vital points, further crippling Alfred's chances of retaliation.

Before he could deliver the finishing blow, he was flung to the ground with extreme prejudice. The saviors of the day came a bit late, Alfred was already suffering the fate of his actions, but mildly.

The school officers handcuffed Lucas and gathered the involved parties to escort them to the principals office for further deliberation. The crowd dispersed afterwards.

Weirdly enough, no one paid attention to Deborah, the silent instigator of the whole incident. Like a spider watching its prey entangle itself on the encompassing web of deceit. She hid a smile that could captivate anyone, but its intent could bring chills to the observant.

She followed onwards with the escorting personnel. Her thoughts inscrutable, but her gaze never left Lucas.


Alfred winced in pain as he tried seeking comfort from the whirlpool of suffering he was in. Though his injuries weren't grievous. His swollen eyes gazed at Lucas indignantly.

Lucas sensed his gaze and returned a shit eating grinning. His current situation didn't lessen the triumph he felt after giving the asshole a beat down.

"If I could do that everyday how satisfying would life be." he thought. Though he was currently worried about Natalia's state. He was handcuffed to the chair, preventing him from keeping her in the plane of sanity.

Natalia sat with her hands hugging her knees. She stared blankly at the floor. The world was in a hue of gray, an enlightenment to the fake paradise she was in.

The principal sat at the throne of judgement, contemplating on the report and his subsequent decisions, but he heard a few words to quantify his thoughts. "Some folks don't deserve to be parent's."

Speaking of the devil, the progenitors of the troublesome children arrived promptly. The five adults scrutinized their children. After reading the atmosphere and their states, their angered gazes congregated on Lucas.

Lucas realized he was in deep shit, but he assured them while pointing at Alfred, "Don't look at me, he had it worse."